title: Unreliable Transmission Extension for HTTP/2 over QUIC abbrev: Unreliable HTTP/2 over QUIC docname: draft-tiesel-quic-unreliable-http-latest date: 2017-09-05 category: info
ipr: trust200902 area: Transport workgroup: QUIC Working Group keyword: Internet-Draft
stand_alone: yes pi: [toc, sortrefs, symrefs]
ins: P. S. Tiesel
name: Philipp S. Tiesel
organization: Berlin Institute of Technology
street: Marchstr. 23
city: Berlin
country: Germany
email: [email protected]
normative: RFC7231: RFC7540:
informative: RFC2119: I-D.ietf-quic-transport: I-D.tiesel-quic-unreliable-streams: I-D.ietf-quic-http:
--- abstract
This draft outlines methods for requesting unreliable delivery of HTTP response bodies over QUIC with unreliable streams specified in {{I-D.tiesel-quic-unreliable-streams}}.
--- middle
The words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", and "MAY" are used in this document. It's not shouting; when these words are capitalized, they have a special meaning as defined in {{RFC2119}}.
HTTP has become part of application protocols used for time sensitive applications such as video streaming and back-office ad auctions. These applications might have time constraints that can make retransmissions of lost frames useless. Some of these applications can operate on partially delivered messages, but waiting for retransmissions blocks the delivery of data after a gap in the stream by design.
This draft enables applications to request partial delivery of HTTP objects by allowing to disable retransmissions for HTTP response bodies.
This draft specifies a new HTTP header for requesting unreliable delivery of the HTTP request body. For answering requests including this header, the server uses unreliable QUIC streams as specified in {{I-D.tiesel-quic-unreliable-streams}} to transfer HTTP request bodies in a (partially) unreliable way. To use the regular HTTP client logic, headers are always transferred reliably.
By adding the following header, an HTTP client can request unreliable transmission of the response body
Transport-Response-Reliability: unreliable
In case unreliable transmission should only be used to prevent retransmissions after a certain deadline, the client hat add the following header
Transport-Response-Reliability: unreliable-after DATE
Where DATE is either a relative offset in milliseconds or a date as specified in [RFC7231] with optionally extending time-of-day to:
time-of-day = hour ":" minute ":" second
| hour ":" minute ":" second "." msec
In case of having requested unreliable delivery with
the unreliable-after
verb, retransmissions on that stream should be stopped after the time specified.
For unreliable deliver with using the unreliable
verb, the server may use domain knowledge about the data transmitted to decide whether to retransmit parts of the data.
The stream mapping scheme changes between versions -04 and -05 of {{I-D.ietf-quic-http}}. While version -04 separates HTTP header and body into different QUIC streams, version -05 transports multiple HTTP/2 frames of different types within one stream. We present different stream mapping for these versions.
Note that draft-ietf-quic-http-04 allows a simpler implementation as it does not require partial retransmission within an unreliable stream.
The control stream MUST alway use a reliable stream to ease state keeping.
When indicated by the Transport-Response-Reliability
HTTP header,
the server SHOULD open the data stream as unreliable stream.
As a prerequisite to requesting unreliable delivery of HTTP objects, the client MUST open a stream used for the request as an unreliable stream.
The Transport-Response-Reliability
HTTP header sent over reliable streams SHOULD be ignored.
Despite opening the stream as an unreliable stream, all HTTP/QUIC frame headers, as well as the payload of HEADERS
frames, MUST be transmitted reliably to re-use normal HTTP/2 application logic.
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