$ yarn add @scaleway/use-query-params react-router-dom
import React from 'react'
import { render } from 'react-dom'
import { BrowserRouter as Router } from "react-router-dom";
import useQueryParams from '@scaleway/use-query-params'
const App = () => {
const { queryParams, setQueryParams } = useQueryParams()
const { user } = queryParams
const setUser = () => setQueryParams({ user: 'John' })
// ?user=John
return (
<h1>User: {user}</h1>
<button onClick={setUser}>Set User John</button>
<App />
Merge current query params with the new ones passed in parameters.
// In this exemple we assume that we have an URL that include : `?company=Scaleway".
import React from 'react'
import useQueryParams from '@scaleway/use-query-params'
const Component = () => {
const { queryParams, setQueryParams } = useQueryParams()
const { user, company } = queryParams // user will be undefined and company will be "Scaleway"
const setUser = () => setQueryParams({ user: 'John' }) // user will be "John" and company will be "Scaleway"
// ?company=Scaleway&user=John
return (
<h1>User: {user}</h1>
<h1>Company: {company}</h1>
<button onClick={setUser}>Set User John</button>
Erase current query params and replace by the new ones passed in parameters.
// In this exemple we assume that we have an URL that include : `?company=Scaleway".
import React from 'react'
import useQueryParams from '@scaleway/use-query-params'
const Component = () => {
const { queryParams, setQueryParams } = useQueryParams()
const { user, company } = queryParams // user will be undefined and company will be "Scaleway"
const setUser = () => replaceQueryParams({ user: 'John' }) // user will be "John" and company will be undefined
// ?user=John
return (
<h1>User: {user}</h1>
<h1>Company: {company}</h1>
<button onClick={setUser}>Set User John</button>
To avoid mutating history
// In this exemple we assume that we have an URL that include : `?company=Scaleway".
import React from 'react'
import useQueryParams from '@scaleway/use-query-params'
const Component = () => {
const { queryParams, replaceQueryParams } = useQueryParams()
const { user, company } = queryParams // user will be undefined and company will be "Scaleway"
const setUser = () => replaceQueryParams({ user: 'John' }, { push: true }) // user will be "John" and company will be undefined
// ?user=John
return (
<h1>User: {user}</h1>
<h1>Company: {company}</h1>
<button onClick={setUser}>Set User John</button>