From ff4adc9c0141740d17e28f2fefcd1d1b97429afb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Philip Waritschlager Tutorial Contents
# Installation
IfInString, StringGetPos, StringLeft, StringRight, StringTrimLeft, StringTrimRight, StringLen, StringLower, StringUpper, StringReplace
Source = Hello this is a test.
StringMid, the_word_this, Source, 7, 4
PixelGetColor, color, 1000, 500
StringMid, red, color, 5, 2
StringMid, green, color, 3, 2
StringMid, blue, color, 0, 2
MsgBox, color is %red% %green% %blue%
PixelSearch, CoordMode, MouseGetPos
MouseGetPos, MouseX, MouseY
PixelGetColor, color, %MouseX%, %MouseY%
MsgBox, The color at the current cursor position is %color%.
PixelGetColor, color, 1000, 500
StringMid, red, color, 5, 2
StringMid, green, color, 3, 2
StringMid, blue, color, 0, 2
MsgBox, color is %red% %green% %blue%
IfInString, StringGetPos, StringLeft, StringRight, StringTrimLeft, StringTrimRight, StringLen, StringLower, StringUpper, StringReplace
Source = Hello this is a test.
StringMid, the_word_this, Source, 7, 4
PixelGetColor, color, 1000, 500
StringMid, red, color, 5, 2
StringMid, green, color, 3, 2
StringMid, blue, color, 0, 2
MsgBox, color is %red% %green% %blue%