diff --git a/docs/index.html b/docs/index.html index 8020441..ae43b18 100644 --- a/docs/index.html +++ b/docs/index.html @@ -939,8 +939,7 @@

Tutorial Contents

# Installation

  1. Download the program from here
  2. -
  3. Extract it
  4. +
  5. Download the latest program in portable AppImage format from here.
  6. Run it, for example by double clicking. If this does not work, then you also need to mark it as executable. This usually works via right click / file properties.
  7. Now the installer should open. Click install and your setup is complete.
  8. Please be aware that so far, there is *no* auto-update function. New features are being added all the time right now, so you should probably repeat the above steps then and again. The documentation (this very site) will always be up to date.
  9. @@ -10019,8 +10018,9 @@

    The "Last Found" Window


    PixelSearch, CoordMode, MouseGetPos






    MouseGetPos, MouseX, MouseY
    PixelGetColor, color, %MouseX%, %MouseY%
    MsgBox, The color at the current cursor position is %color%.


    PixelGetColor, color, 1000, 500
    StringMid, red, color, 5, 2
    StringMid, green, color, 3, 2
    StringMid, blue, color, 0, 2
    MsgBox, color is %red% %green% %blue%

    @@ -12448,7 +12448,6 @@




    Source = Hello this is a test.
    StringMid, the_word_this, Source, 7, 4