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Commit bf4f881

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Fix typo (#978)
2 parents 6d02874 + 5d5e514 commit bf4f881

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  • blog/content/edition-2/posts/12-async-await

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@@ -1025,7 +1025,7 @@ We already have some kind of asynchronicity in our system that we can use for th

[_Interrupts_]: @/edition-2/posts/07-hardware-interrupts/

In the following, we will create an asynchronous task based on the keyboard interrupt. The keyboard interrupt is a good candidate for this because it is both non-deterministic and latency-critical. Non-deteministic means that there is no way to predict when the next key press will occur because it is entirely dependent on the user. Latency-critical means that we want to handle the keyboard input in a timely manner, otherwise the user will feel a lag. To support such a task in an efficient way, it will be essential that the executor has proper support for `Waker` notifications.
In the following, we will create an asynchronous task based on the keyboard interrupt. The keyboard interrupt is a good candidate for this because it is both non-deterministic and latency-critical. Non-deterministic means that there is no way to predict when the next key press will occur because it is entirely dependent on the user. Latency-critical means that we want to handle the keyboard input in a timely manner, otherwise the user will feel a lag. To support such a task in an efficient way, it will be essential that the executor has proper support for `Waker` notifications.

#### Scancode Queue

@@ -1789,7 +1789,7 @@ Now our executor properly puts the CPU to sleep when there is nothing to do. We

Our executor is now able to run tasks in an efficient way. It utilizes waker notifications to avoid polling waiting tasks and puts the CPU to sleep when there is currently no work to do. However, our executor is still quite basic and there are many possible ways to extend its functionality:

- **Scheduling:** We currently use the [`VecDeque`] type to implement a _first in first out_ (FIFO) strategy for our `task_queue`, which is often also called _round robin_ scheduling. This strategy might not be the most efficient for all workloads. For example, it might make sense to prioritize latency-critical tasks or tasks that do a lot of I/O. See the [scheduling chapter] of the [_Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces_] book or the [Wikipedia article on scheduling][scheduling-wiki] for more information.
- **Scheduling**: We currently use the [`VecDeque`] type to implement a _first in first out_ (FIFO) strategy for our `task_queue`, which is often also called _round robin_ scheduling. This strategy might not be the most efficient for all workloads. For example, it might make sense to prioritize latency-critical tasks or tasks that do a lot of I/O. See the [scheduling chapter] of the [_Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces_] book or the [Wikipedia article on scheduling][scheduling-wiki] for more information.
- **Task Spawning**: Our `Executor::spawn` method currently requires a `&mut self` reference and is thus no longer available after starting the `run` method. To fix this, we could create an additional `Spawner` type that shares some kind of queue with the executor and allows task creation from within tasks themselves. The queue could be for example the `task_queue` directly or a separate queue that the executor checks in its run loop.
- **Utilizing Threads**: We don't have support for threads yet, but we will add it in the next post. This will make it possible to launch multiple instances of the executor in different threads. The advantage of this approach is that the delay imposed by long running tasks can be reduced because other tasks can run concurrently. This approach also allows it to utilize multiple CPU cores.
- **Load Balancing**: When adding threading support, it becomes important how to distribute the tasks between the executors to ensure that all CPU cores are utilized. A common technique for this is [_work stealing_].

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