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File metadata and controls

216 lines (129 loc) · 6.19 KB



If the -V flag is used to transfer ExIF tags to the output file, ExifTool must be installed.


Use your package manager to install ExifTool. This will ensure that the ExifTool Perl modules are correctly installed


Use brew package manager to install ExifTool. This will ensure that the ExifTool Perl modules are correctly installed


-V is not supported on Windows. To transfer tags, simply run $ exiftool -TagsFromFile $SOURCE_FILE "-all:all>all:all" $DEST_FILE after running Grok.

Install from Package Manager

  1. Debian Grok .deb packages can be found here

  2. Archlinux Grok Archlinux packages can be found here

  3. Homebrew Grok can be installed using the grokj2k brew formula

Install from Release

Grok releases can be found here

Install from Source

Grok uses cmake to configure builds across multiple platforms. It requires version 3.16 or higher.


Supported compilers:

  1. g++ : version 10 or higher
  2. clang : version 12 or higher
  3. MSVC : 2019 or higher
  4. Binaryen for WebAssembly


To ensure that g++ 10 is the default compiler after installation, execute:

$ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-10 100 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-10


To ensure that clang-12 is the default compiler after installation, execute:

$ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/c++ c++ /usr/bin/clang++-12 60
$ sudo update-alternatives --config c++

The second line brings up a menu allowing a user to configure the default c++ compiler, which is what is used by cmake to configure the project compiler.


The Emscripten SDK can installed by following these instructions The SDK includes a helper script, emcmake, to configure cmake.

emcmake command:


Now the core example that decompresses from a buffer can be runs as follows:

$ node --experimental-wasm-threads bin/core_decompress_from_buf.js

Note: WebAssembly by default is sand-boxed and not allowed to access the file system, so only the core_decompress_from_buf example will run.


To configure a build using the defaults:

   $ mkdir /PATH/TO/BUILD
   $ cd /PATH/TO/BUILD
   $ cmake /PATH/TO/SOURCE

The cmake GUI is recommended, in order to view all cmake options. On Linux distributions, cmake-gui will launch the cmake GUI. On headless systems, ccmake (an ncurses application) may be used to configure the build.


Shared vs. Static

The BUILD_SHARED_LIBS cmake flag determines if the grk_compress and grk_decompress binaries are linked dynamically or statically.

A static build on most systems will still link dynamically to glibc. For a purely static build, the library can be built on Alpine Linux. Alpine uses musl libc, which can be linked to statically.

Note: cmake must also be configured with -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS="-static".


  1. if the Grok library has been installed and you would still like to run the binaries from the build folder, then export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/PATH/TO/BUILD/bin:/usr/local/lib64 must be added to the .bashrc file. Note that the build binary folder is entered before the system binary folder, so that build shared libraries are given priority when loading at run time.
  2. for a static build, the following library must be installed: sudo dnf install libstdc++-static


Default build type is Release. For a Debug build, configure cmake with -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug


$ make -j8

for a machine with 8 logical cores.

Binaries are located in the bin directory.


Root users may run:

$ make install

those with sudo powers can run:

$ sudo make install

and everyone else can run:

$ DESTDIR=$HOME/local make install

Note: On Linux, after a shared library build, run

$ sudo ldconfig

to update the shared library cache.


To build the Doxygen documentation (Doxygen needs to be found on the system):

$ make doc

A HTML directory is generated in the doc directory

CMake Flags

Important cmake flags:

  • To specify the install path: use -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path, or use DESTDIR env variable (see above)
  • To build the shared libraries and link the executables against it:

-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS:bool=on (default: ON)

Note: when using this option, static libraries are not built and executables are dynamically linked.

  • To build the core codec : -DGRK_BUILD_CODEC:bool=ON (default: ON)

  • To build the documentation: -GRK_BUILD_DOC=ON (default: OFF)

  • To enable testing :

    $  make -j8
    $  ctest -D NightlyMemCheck

Note : JPEG 2000 test files can be cloned here If the -DGRK_DATA_ROOT:PATH option is omitted, test files will be automatically searched for in ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../grok-test-data


macOS builds are configured similar to *NIX builds. The Xcode project files can be generated using:

$ cmake -G Xcode ....


Shared vs. Static

The BUILD_SHARED_LIBS cmake flag determines if the grk_compress and grk_decompress binaries are linked to dynamic or static builds of the codec library libgrokj2k, and also if a static or dynamic version of libgrokj2k is built on the system.


cmake can generate project files for various IDEs: Visual Studio, Eclipse CDT, NMake, etc.

Type cmake --help for available generators on your platform.

Third Party Libraries

Third party libraries such as libtiff are built by default. To disable libtiff library build and use the version installed on your system, set :