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-COUNTRYN -COVID -CRCL -CRCLBL -CREAT -CREATBL -CRO -CWG -Celine -ChatGPT -Cmd -Coretta -Coursera -Cytel -Céline -DAIDS -DALL -DCUTDT -DEMOADY -DEMOEDY -DIARRHOEA -DSJSON -diffdf -dir -dirs -Divya -Divyasneelam -djnavarro -dn -dockerfile -Dockerfile -doesn -doi -Dony -dplyr -dropdown -dS -dt -DT -DTC -DTHDT -DTHFL -DTM -Datetime -De -Demin -DfReader -Dhivya -Divya -Divyasneelam -Dockerfile -Dony -Dror -DVOST -dy -EBGM -EGFRBL -EOSDT -EPI -EVNTDESC -EXDOSE -EXDOSFRM -EXROUTE -EXSEQ -EXTRT -Edoardo -Ege -Encyclopædia -FDA's -FORMN -Farrugia -Franciszek -GBR -GSK -Genentech -Genentech's -Github -Golem -Gottfried -Grasselly -Gregor -GxP -GyuTYh -HICC -HTBL -HWcL -Hackathon -Hk -IBMRounding -IJ -IMWG -iml -Ingelheim -init -initializer -insightsengineering -introR -io -IOT -ISCR -Ingelheim -IoT -Isabela -JSON's -Jagadish -Janssen -Javascript -Kalappurakal -Kamil -Kanagaraj -Kangjie -Kar -Katam -KeepCalm -Khatri -Knoph -Kumari -LBBLFL -LBSTRESN -LBTESTCD -LBTESTCDB -LSTALVDT -Laxamana -Leena -LinkedIn -Lipase -MHSTDTC -MWI -Mahendran -MainConf -Makowski -Mascary -Metacore -Mishra -Moderna -Mosteller -Mächler -NUMCYC -Navitas -Neitmann -Nordisk -NotUsed -Novo -Novotel -ORobErYX -Olo -OPM -nqJsLSLd -nrow -NUMCYC -onboarding -optimised -organisations -organised -orgs -ouR -packageVersion -pageID -pak -param -PARAM -PARAMCD -PARCAT -PDD -PHUSE -PHUSE’s -POSIXct -POSIXt -PPT -PRE -PRSEQ -PRURITUS -Parashar -Patil -Pavel -Pawel -Paweł -Pharma -Piraux -Piraux's -PoC -Podman -Pooja -Pre -PredictiveEcology -ProgRRR -QHuA -QKz -QOlIU -RACEN -RANDDTC -RConsortium -rconsortiumpilot -rconsortiumxappsilon -rds -reactable -Reactiveness -readLines -README -RFICDTC -ROUTEN -RStudio -RStudioTableContest -Rbasel -Reactiveness -Representable -Retinopathy -Rhinoverse -RightTool -Rimler -Rlogo -Rodziewicz -Roundings -Rprofile -Rproj -Rscript -Rubalingam -Rucki -SCSUBTH -SDRSSR -SDS -SDTM -SDTMs -SEXN -SITEIDN -SRCDOM -SRCSEQ -SRCVAR -STUDYID -STUDYIDN -SUBJID -SUBJIDN -SUBJTYP -SUBJTYPC -Sadchla -Salzburg -Sanofi -Sanofi's -Shen -ShinyConf -Shinylive -Shinytest -Siggaard -Soumitra -StackOverflow -Stackhouse -Stagg -StefanThoma -Stoilova -Straub -Subfield -Sumesh -Survivorship -Syon -TBC -TBILBL -TDF -TLF -TLFs -TLG -TLGs -TOTDOSE -TRTD -TRTE -TRTEDT -TRTEDTM -TRTEMFL -TRTSDT -TRTSDTM -TTAE -Tatiana -TatianaPXL -Taşlıçukur -TcADhWosA -TestDataFactory -Thoma -TidyCDISC -TLDR -Tplyr -Travese -Tymoteusz -UI -USUBJID -USUBJIDN -Ul -Unardi -VISITDY -VSBLFL -VSDTC -VSDY -VSORRES -VSORRESU -VSSEQ -VSSTRESN -VSTESTCD -VSTPT -Vedha -Velásquez's -Venkatachalam -Venkatesan -Veríssimo -ViiV -Visualisation -Viyash -WAWA -WG -WTBL -Walkowiak -WebAssembly -WebR -Welwyn -WnpvVgmyE -XANO -XPORT -XPORT -Xanomeline -Xiao -YAML -ZZHPh -Zelos -Zhang -Zhao -Zhu -a -aa -adadas -adae -adam -adex -adlbc -admiralci -admiraldev -admiraldisc -admiraldiscovery -admiralmetabolic -admiralonco -admiralophtha -admiraloptha -admiralpeds -admiralroche -admiraltemplate -admiralvaccine -adnca -adoe -adrian -adsl -adtte -advs -ae -aes -agegr -ahilofl -ahsev -ahsevfl -amazonaws -amd -amongst -analysing -analytics -anderson -andre -anrind -anthropometric -apache -appsilon -args -ari -ari -arjun -asis -aspx -atkr -atorus -atorusresearch -atoxgr -auth -barchart -basel -bayer -bb -bc -bdat -behaviour -ben -bindCache -bindEvent -biogen -biomarker -blogpost -bmi -britannica -bs -bsa -btn -caa -callout -cdc -cder -cdisc -ceil -cfc -changelog -cheatsheet -checkin -ci -cicd -cli -codebase -codelist -colcounts -collapseExample -comms -comparators -compatibilities -config -cosa -coursera -covar -cowplot -cpp -cran -creat -creatu -csp -css -csv -ctcv -ctd -customizable -dEo -dS -da -daemonless -daids -dataname -datanames -datasetjson -datetime -dcf -de -deaad -deepdive -defaultPageSize -deliverables -deps -desc -dev -devtools -df -dfs -dhivya -diffdf -difftime -dir -dirs -djnavarro -dn -dockerfile -doesn -doi -dplyr -drodziewicz -dt -dtc -dtf -dtm -dy -eCTD -eSubmission -eWSIK -ec -eclinical -eco -edoardo -edu -ee -ef -egfr -ek -enablement -encyclopaedic -env -envsetup -eos -eps -ethz -eu -eval -eventID -exprs -fac -familiarise -farrugia -farrugia -favicon -fda -feedbacks -firstsecondthird -fluidRow -formatters -fosstodon -fpCompare -frac -frontend -frontimage -frontrunner -fs -ga -gb -genart -genentech -getOption -getwd -ggplot -ggtitle -ghcr -github -gitlab -golem -googledrive -googlesheets -gowerc -gp -growthcharts -gsk -gsub -hNC -hackathon -hc -hm -hms -href -htm -http -https -httpuv -ic -ico -ide -img -iml -init -initializer -insightsengineering -introR -io -iscr -iso -jagadishkatam -ji -jlaxamana -jpeg -jpg -js -json -kalappurakal -kalappurakal -kanagaraj -kar -khatri -klee -klmr -kmplot -knitr -knoph -knoph -kumari -labsbl -lang -lapply -learnings -leena -lexjansen -lgth -lhdjung -li -licence -lifecycle -linkedin -linodeobjects -linters -lockfile -logrx -lrcon -lubridate -magrittr -mahendran -mailto -mancini -mascary -mb -md -merck -metacore -metatools -mh -michael -michael -michaelrimler -michaelrimler -mmThh -mmaechler -modelling -modles -modularity -modularization -modularize -msrc -na -nas -natively -ncol -ne -netlify -niaid -nih -nolint -now’ -nqJsLSLd -nrow -nyone -onboarding -ophtha -opifex -optimised -organisations -organised -orgs -ouR -ov -overreliance -pKobZqjlXChj -packageVersion -pageID -pak -param -params -pc -phar -pharma -pharmaR -pharmaRTF -pharmacokinetic -pharmacovigilance -pharmar -pharmaverse -pharmaverseadam -pharmaverseblog -pharmaversesdtm -phriends -phuse -pkgdown -pkglite -pkgs -png -podman -pooja -poppk -pre -preconfigured -preprocess -proc -prog -psiaims -purrr -px -py -qmd -qp -rStudio -rcell -rconsortium -rconsortiumxappsilon -rds -reactable -readLines -readme -readr -readxl -registrationData -renderUI -renv -repo -repos -representable -reproducibility -requireNamespace -resizable -rhinosubmission -rinpharma -riskassessment -riskmetric -riskscore -rlistings -rmarkdown -rnorm -roche -ropensci -ross -ross -roundSAS -rounde -rsc -rstudio -rsubmission -rtable -rtables -rtf -runiverse -rw -sa -sadchla -sapply -sas -scalable -scm -scss -sd -sdtm -sep -sessioninfo -sfirke -shinyApp -shinyapps -shinyconf -shinylive -shinytest -si -siggaard -siggaard -signif -siloed -skillsets -soumitra -sourceme -sparkline -src -ss -stackhouse -stackhouse -stackoverflow -standardised -stdy -stefan -stefanthoma -str -straub -stringr -strived -strsplit -submisisons -sumesh -sumesh -summarise -survivorship -svg -tagList -tamor -targetdatatype -teamspoRt -tempdir -tempfile -testthat -textInput -tf -th -thecoatlessprofessor -thinkr -thm -thoma -thomasneitmann -thome -tibble -tidyCDISC -tidycdisc -tidycdiscapp -tidytlg -tidyverse -tinyurl -tlg -tm -tmc -tmf -toolset -trainStats -tplyr -traceRedir -trainings -transformative -traversable -tribble -trt -trtemfl -trunc -ttae -tte -ubuntu -ucla -ug -ui -un -ungroup -unlist -unv -upskilled -upskilling -useNA -useR -ut -utm -valuelevel -vehIoJgdA -venkatachalam -vslb -waddella -wasm -wayback -webR -webassembly -webm -webp -webr -wfk -wg -wikimedia -wikipedia -writeLines -writeup -www -xWEGJx -xejEvfwk -xlab -xlsx -xportr -xpt -yaml -yay -ylab -ylim -ymd -yml -youtu -youtube -ytJ -yv -yyyy -zMachine -zelos -zhu -zt -ztamazonaws -zxqguo -Żyła -adrg -amazonaws -encyclopaedic - -zt -Khatri -Leena -tm -tmc -css -AJu -xWEGJx -andre -drodziewicz -eWSIK -ORobErYX -pharmar -riskmetric -Rodziewicz -sa -Sanofi's -shinyconf -ShinyConf -xejEvfwk -eco -cfc -deaad -img -src -svg -wikimedia -de -RightTool -Rlogo -sessioninfo -valuelevel -writeup -asis -Pawel -py -ropensci -Rucki -runiverse -thecoatlessprofessor -strsplit -yaml -YAML -PARCAT -SRCDOM -SRCSEQ -SRCVAR -trt -TRTEDTM -trtemfl -TTAE -ttae -tte -ug -admiralmetabolic -admiralpeds -AEN -BMS -cdc -growthcharts -frontrunner -hc -lgth -TBC -ek -tinyurl -anthropometric -SDS -CRO -deps -learnings -pkgdown -upskilled -admiralci -Patil -pkgs -Cytel -ADRS -ADOE -ADBCVA -ADVFQ -IMWG -strived -admiralonco -admiralophtha -difftime -POSIXct -POSIXt -adrian -Alonso -Amor -Coursera -Genentech -Genentech's -jlaxamana -khatri -Laxamana -leena -ne -Stoilova -tamor -Tatiana -TLF -trainings -upskilling -coursera -ADT -a -Céline -cpp -DALL -DfReader -DSJSON -jpeg -Piraux -targetdatatype -TDF -TestDataFactory -ACTARM -AETERM -barchart -Berel -dataname -datanames -Demin -Dror -initializer -nolint -pak -Pavel -shinyApp -sparkline -strived -accountabilities -curation -requestor -pageId -viewpage -Astrazeneca -Astrazeneca’s -autistics -biometrics -Cytel's -groupthink -Needleman -neurodivergent -Neurodiversity -NK -PharmaSUG -astrazeneca -laura -MeetLaura -needleman -Alexandros -clusterSetRNGStream -CMRG -doFuture -elbersb -filelock -HPC -Kouretsis -L'Ecuyer -mirai -nanonext -opre -parallelization -Parallelization -parallelizes -parallelMap -pubsonline -reprovision -shikokuchuo -tensio -tidylog -tidyr -wlandau -zzz -axecute -readRDS -saveRDS -WEL -Parmar -RMarkdown -roxy -roxygen -Voilà -examplesShinyLive -iframe -lzstring -mypackage -parmsam -shinyl -zzz -EG -interpretability -AMBUL -chr -Dura -ECGINT -eg -EGBLFL -egdtc -EGDTC -EGDY -EGELTM -EGLOC -EGORRES -EGORRESU -EGSEQ -EGSTAT -EGSTRESC -EGSTRESN -EGSTRESU -EGTEST -EGTESTCD -EGTPT -EGTPTNUM -EGTPTREF -reb -Shuliar -stringsAsFactors -VISITNUM -Vladyslav -dataset's -BEFORE’ -CDASH -CMSTRTPT -CMTRT -CRF -DM -eCRF -EDC -eDT -FLUIDS’ -hardcode -hardcoded -MDPRIOR -MHOCCUR -MHPRESP -MHTERM -NonCRF -oak -Pressure -RELREC -Roadmap -SV -TEMP -VSMETHOD -VSPOS -VSTEST -VSLAT -tgt -Y -oakgarden -stringsAsFactors -Rammprasad -mmHg -MDRAW -kable -Ganapathy -FASCAT -DOSU -dat -CORTISPORIN -CMSTTPT -CMMODIFY -CMDOSU -CMDOSE -clst -br -Varialble -sdtmoak +ABLFL +ACOVFL +ACTARM +ADADAS +ADAE +ADBCVA +ADEX +ADLBC +ADLBH +ADLBHY +ADOE +ADPCYMG +ADPPK +adrg +ADRG +ADRS +ADSL +ADT +ADTM +ADTTE +ADURN +ADVFQ +ADVS +ADY +ADaM +ADaMs +AE +AEDECOD +AEENDTC +AEENDTM +AEGRPID +AEN +AENDT +AENDTM +AENDY +AESEQ +AESEV +AESEVN +AEST +AESTDT +AESTDTC +AESTDY +AETERM +AETHNIC +AETHNICN +AETOXGR +AEs +AGEGR +AGEU +AHIFL +AHSEV +AHSEVFL +AJu +ALOFL +ANOSMIA +ANRHI +APMDOS +APPSILON +ARMCD +AST +ASTDT +ASTDTM +ASTDY +AUT +AVAL +AVALU +AVISITN +Abhishek +AdaMTeamIndia +Alonso +Amor +Analytics +André +Appsilon +Appsilon's +Ari +Arjun +Atorus +Balu +barchart +basel +bayer +bb +bc +bdat +BDS +BILI +BILIBL +BMI +BMIBL +BMRKR +BMS +BSABL +Balu +Berel +Biomarker +Biostatisticians +Biostatistics +Biostats +Biotechs +Boehringer +CAMIS +CANCTRFL +CDER +CDISC +CICD +CKD +CMCAT +CMSEQ +COHORTC +CoP +COUNTRYL +COUNTRYN +COVID +CRCL +CRCLBL +CREAT +CREATBL +CRO +CWG +Celine +ChatGPT +Cmd +Coretta +Coursera +Cytel +Céline +DAIDS +DALL +DCUTDT +DEMOADY +DEMOEDY +DIARRHOEA +DSJSON +diffdf +dir +dirs +Divya +Divyasneelam +djnavarro +dn +dockerfile +Dockerfile +doesn +doi +Dony +dplyr +dropdown +dS +dt +DT +DTC +DTHDT +DTHFL +DTM +Datetime +De +Demin +DfReader +Dhivya +Divya +Divyasneelam +Dockerfile +Dony +Dror +DVOST +dy +EBGM +EGFRBL +EOSDT +EPI +EVNTDESC +EXDOSE +EXDOSFRM +EXROUTE +EXSEQ +EXTRT +Edoardo +Ege +Encyclopædia +FDA's +FORMN +Farrugia +Franciszek +GBR +GSK +Genentech +Genentech's +Github +Golem +Gottfried +Grasselly +Gregor +GxP +GyuTYh +HICC +HTBL +HWcL +Hackathon +Hk +IBMRounding +IJ +IMWG +iml +Ingelheim +init +initializer +insightsengineering +introR +io +IOT +ISCR +Ingelheim +IoT +Isabela +JSON's +Jagadish +Janssen +Javascript +Kalappurakal +Kamil +Kanagaraj +Kangjie +Kar +Katam +KeepCalm +Khatri +Knoph +Kumari +LBBLFL +LBSTRESN +LBTESTCD +LBTESTCDB +LSTALVDT +Laxamana +Leena +LinkedIn +Lipase +MHSTDTC +MWI +Mahendran +MainConf +Makowski +Mascary +Metacore +Mishra +Moderna +Mosteller +Mächler +NUMCYC +Navitas +Neitmann +Nordisk +NotUsed +Novo +Novotel +ORobErYX +Olo +OPM +nqJsLSLd +nrow +NUMCYC +onboarding +optimised +organisations +organised +orgs +ouR +packageVersion +pageID +pak +param +PARAM +PARAMCD +PARCAT +PDD +PHUSE +PHUSE’s +POSIXct +POSIXt +PPT +PRE +PRSEQ +PRURITUS +Parashar +Patil +Pavel +Pawel +Paweł +Pharma +Piraux +Piraux's +PoC +Podman +Pooja +Pre +PredictiveEcology +ProgRRR +QHuA +QKz +QOlIU +RACEN +RANDDTC +RConsortium +rconsortiumpilot +rconsortiumxappsilon +rds +reactable +Reactiveness +readLines +README +RFICDTC +ROUTEN +RStudio +RStudioTableContest +Rbasel +Reactiveness +Representable +Retinopathy +Rhinoverse +RightTool +Rimler +Rlogo +Rodziewicz +Roundings +Rprofile +Rproj +Rscript +Rubalingam +Rucki +SCSUBTH +SDRSSR +SDS +SDTM +SDTMs +SEXN +SITEIDN +SRCDOM +SRCSEQ +SRCVAR +STUDYID +STUDYIDN +SUBJID +SUBJIDN +SUBJTYP +SUBJTYPC +Sadchla +Salzburg +Sanofi +Sanofi's +Shen +ShinyConf +Shinylive +Shinytest +Siggaard +Soumitra +StackOverflow +Stackhouse +Stagg +StefanThoma +Stoilova +Straub +Subfield +Sumesh +Survivorship +Syon +TBC +TBILBL +TDF +TLF +TLFs +TLG +TLGs +TOTDOSE +TRTD +TRTE +TRTEDT +TRTEDTM +TRTEMFL +TRTSDT +TRTSDTM +TTAE +Tatiana +TatianaPXL +Taşlıçukur +TcADhWosA +TestDataFactory +Thoma +TidyCDISC +TLDR +Tplyr +Travese +Tymoteusz +UI +USUBJID +USUBJIDN +Ul +Unardi +VISITDY +VSBLFL +VSDTC +VSDY +VSORRES +VSORRESU +VSSEQ +VSSTRESN +VSTESTCD +VSTPT +Vedha +Velásquez's +Venkatachalam +Venkatesan +Veríssimo +ViiV +Visualisation +Viyash +WAWA +WG +WTBL +Walkowiak +WebAssembly +WebR +Welwyn +WnpvVgmyE +XANO +XPORT +XPORT +Xanomeline +Xiao +YAML +ZZHPh +Zelos +Zhang +Zhao +Zhu +a +aa +adadas +adae +adam +adex +adlbc +admiralci +admiraldev +admiraldisc +admiraldiscovery +admiralmetabolic +admiralonco +admiralophtha +admiraloptha +admiralpeds +admiralroche +admiraltemplate +admiralvaccine +adnca +adoe +adrian +adsl +adtte +advs +ae +aes +agegr +ahilofl +ahsev +ahsevfl +amazonaws +amd +amongst +analysing +analytics +anderson +andre +anrind +anthropometric +apache +appsilon +args +ari +ari +arjun +asis +aspx +atkr +atorus +atorusresearch +atoxgr +auth +barchart +basel +bayer +bb +bc +bdat +behaviour +ben +bindCache +bindEvent +biogen +biomarker +blogpost +bmi +britannica +bs +bsa +btn +caa +callout +cdc +cder +cdisc +ceil +cfc +changelog +cheatsheet +checkin +ci +cicd +cli +codebase +codelist +colcounts +collapseExample +comms +comparators +compatibilities +config +cosa +coursera +covar +cowplot +cpp +cran +creat +creatu +csp +css +csv +ctcv +ctd +customizable +dEo +dS +da +daemonless +daids +dataname +datanames +datasetjson +datetime +dcf +de +deaad +deepdive +defaultPageSize +deliverables +deps +desc +dev +devtools +df +dfs +dhivya +diffdf +difftime +dir +dirs +djnavarro +dn +dockerfile +doesn +doi +dplyr +drodziewicz +dt +dtc +dtf +dtm +dy +eCTD +eSubmission +eWSIK +ec +eclinical +eco +edoardo +edu +ee +ef +egfr +ek +enablement +encyclopaedic +env +envsetup +eos +eps +ethz +eu +eval +eventID +exprs +fac +familiarise +farrugia +farrugia +favicon +fda +feedbacks +firstsecondthird +fluidRow +formatters +fosstodon +fpCompare +frac +frontend +frontimage +frontrunner +fs +ga +gb +genart +genentech +getOption +getwd +ggplot +ggtitle +ghcr +github +gitlab +golem +googledrive +googlesheets +gowerc +gp +growthcharts +gsk +gsub +hNC +hackathon +hc +hm +hms +href +htm +http +https +httpuv +ic +ico +ide +img +iml +init +initializer +insightsengineering +introR +io +iscr +iso +jagadishkatam +ji +jlaxamana +jpeg +jpg +js +json +kalappurakal +kalappurakal +kanagaraj +kar +khatri +klee +klmr +kmplot +knitr +knoph +knoph +kumari +labsbl +lang +lapply +learnings +leena +lexjansen +lgth +lhdjung +li +licence +lifecycle +linkedin +linodeobjects +linters +lockfile +logrx +lrcon +lubridate +magrittr +mahendran +mailto +mancini +mascary +mb +md +merck +metacore +metatools +mh +michael +michael +michaelrimler +michaelrimler +mmThh +mmaechler +modelling +modles +modularity +modularization +modularize +msrc +na +nas +natively +ncol +ne +netlify +niaid +nih +nolint +now’ +nqJsLSLd +nrow +nyone +onboarding +ophtha +opifex +optimised +organisations +organised +orgs +ouR +ov +overreliance +pKobZqjlXChj +packageVersion +pageID +pak +param +params +pc +phar +pharma +pharmaR +pharmaRTF +pharmacokinetic +pharmacovigilance +pharmar +pharmaverse +pharmaverseadam +pharmaverseblog +pharmaversesdtm +phriends +phuse +pkgdown +pkglite +pkgs +png +podman +pooja +poppk +pre +preconfigured +preprocess +proc +prog +psiaims +purrr +px +py +qmd +qp +rStudio +rcell +rconsortium +rconsortiumxappsilon +rds +reactable +readLines +readme +readr +readxl +registrationData +renderUI +renv +repo +repos +representable +reproducibility +requireNamespace +resizable +rhinosubmission +rinpharma +riskassessment +riskmetric +riskscore +rlistings +rmarkdown +rnorm +roche +ropensci +ross +ross +roundSAS +rounde +rsc +rstudio +rsubmission +rtable +rtables +rtf +runiverse +rw +sa +sadchla +sapply +sas +scalable +scm +scss +sd +sdtm +sep +sessioninfo +sfirke +shinyApp +shinyapps +shinyconf +shinylive +shinytest +si +siggaard +siggaard +signif +siloed +skillsets +soumitra +sourceme +sparkline +src +ss +stackhouse +stackhouse +stackoverflow +standardised +stdy +stefan +stefanthoma +str +straub +stringr +strived +strsplit +submisisons +sumesh +sumesh +summarise +survivorship +svg +tagList +tamor +targetdatatype +teamspoRt +tempdir +tempfile +testthat +textInput +tf +th +thecoatlessprofessor +thinkr +thm +thoma +thomasneitmann +thome +tibble +tidyCDISC +tidycdisc +tidycdiscapp +tidytlg +tidyverse +tinyurl +tlg +tm +tmc +tmf +toolset +trainStats +tplyr +traceRedir +trainings +transformative +traversable +tribble +trt +trtemfl +trunc +ttae +tte +ubuntu +ucla +ug +ui +un +ungroup +unlist +unv +upskilled +upskilling +useNA +useR +ut +utm +valuelevel +vehIoJgdA +venkatachalam +vslb +waddella +wasm +wayback +webR +webassembly +webm +webp +webr +wfk +wg +wikimedia +wikipedia +writeLines +writeup +www +xWEGJx +xejEvfwk +xlab +xlsx +xportr +xpt +yaml +yay +ylab +ylim +ymd +yml +youtu +youtube +ytJ +yv +yyyy +zMachine +zelos +zhu +zt +ztamazonaws +zxqguo +Żyła +adrg +amazonaws +encyclopaedic + +zt +Khatri +Leena +tm +tmc +css +AJu +xWEGJx +andre +drodziewicz +eWSIK +ORobErYX +pharmar +riskmetric +Rodziewicz +sa +Sanofi's +shinyconf +ShinyConf +xejEvfwk +eco +cfc +deaad +img +src +svg +wikimedia +de +RightTool +Rlogo +sessioninfo +valuelevel +writeup +asis +Pawel +py +ropensci +Rucki +runiverse +thecoatlessprofessor +strsplit +yaml +YAML +PARCAT +SRCDOM +SRCSEQ +SRCVAR +trt +TRTEDTM +trtemfl +TTAE +ttae +tte +ug +admiralmetabolic +admiralpeds +AEN +BMS +cdc +growthcharts +frontrunner +hc +lgth +TBC +ek +tinyurl +anthropometric +SDS +CRO +deps +learnings +pkgdown +upskilled +admiralci +Patil +pkgs +Cytel +ADRS +ADOE +ADBCVA +ADVFQ +IMWG +strived +admiralonco +admiralophtha +difftime +POSIXct +POSIXt +adrian +Alonso +Amor +Coursera +Genentech +Genentech's +jlaxamana +khatri +Laxamana +leena +ne +Stoilova +tamor +Tatiana +TLF +trainings +upskilling +coursera +ADT +a +Céline +cpp +DALL +DfReader +DSJSON +jpeg +Piraux +targetdatatype +TDF +TestDataFactory +ACTARM +AETERM +barchart +Berel +dataname +datanames +Demin +Dror +initializer +nolint +pak +Pavel +shinyApp +sparkline +strived +accountabilities +curation +requestor +pageId +viewpage +Astrazeneca +Astrazeneca’s +autistics +biometrics +Cytel's +groupthink +Needleman +neurodivergent +Neurodiversity +NK +PharmaSUG +astrazeneca +laura +MeetLaura +needleman +Alexandros +clusterSetRNGStream +CMRG +doFuture +elbersb +filelock +HPC +Kouretsis +L'Ecuyer +mirai +nanonext +opre +parallelization +Parallelization +parallelizes +parallelMap +pubsonline +reprovision +shikokuchuo +tensio +tidylog +tidyr +wlandau +zzz +axecute +readRDS +saveRDS +WEL +Parmar +RMarkdown +roxy +roxygen +Voilà +examplesShinyLive +iframe +lzstring +mypackage +parmsam +shinyl +zzz +EG +interpretability +AMBUL +chr +Dura +ECGINT +eg +EGBLFL +egdtc +EGDTC +EGDY +EGELTM +EGLOC +EGORRES +EGORRESU +EGSEQ +EGSTAT +EGSTRESC +EGSTRESN +EGSTRESU +EGTEST +EGTESTCD +EGTPT +EGTPTNUM +EGTPTREF +reb +Shuliar +stringsAsFactors +VISITNUM +Vladyslav +dataset's +BEFORE’ +CDASH +CMSTRTPT +CMTRT +CRF +DM +eCRF +EDC +eDT +FLUIDS’ +hardcode +hardcoded +MDPRIOR +MHOCCUR +MHPRESP +MHTERM +NonCRF +oak +Pressure +RELREC +Roadmap +SV +TEMP +VSMETHOD +VSPOS +VSTEST +VSLAT +tgt +Y +oakgarden +stringsAsFactors +Rammprasad +mmHg +MDRAW +kable +Ganapathy +FASCAT +DOSU +dat +CORTISPORIN +CMSTTPT +CMMODIFY +CMDOSU +CMDOSE +clst +br +Varialble +sdtmoak +Ercan +Suekuer +aNCA +NCA +nca diff --git a/posts/zzz_DO_NOT_EDIT_a_nca/aNCA_logo.png b/posts/zzz_DO_NOT_EDIT_a_nca/aNCA_logo.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a401f58b Binary files /dev/null and b/posts/zzz_DO_NOT_EDIT_a_nca/aNCA_logo.png differ diff --git a/posts/zzz_DO_NOT_EDIT_a_nca/aNCA_presentation.gif b/posts/zzz_DO_NOT_EDIT_a_nca/aNCA_presentation.gif new file mode 100644 index 00000000..de7ba124 Binary files /dev/null and b/posts/zzz_DO_NOT_EDIT_a_nca/aNCA_presentation.gif differ diff --git a/posts/zzz_DO_NOT_EDIT_a_nca/a_nca.qmd b/posts/zzz_DO_NOT_EDIT_a_nca/a_nca.qmd new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6768649e --- /dev/null +++ b/posts/zzz_DO_NOT_EDIT_a_nca/a_nca.qmd @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +--- +title: "Introducing the aNCA Package for Automated Non-Compartmental Analysis" +author: + - name: Ercan Suekuer, Jana Spinner, Gerardo R +description: "(A Roche x Appsilon x Human Predictions Collaboration)" +# Note that the date below will be auto-updated when the post is merged. +date: "2024-11-20" +# Please do not use any non-default categories. +# You can find the default categories in the repository README.md +categories: [Shiny, ADaM, TLG, Submissions] +# Feel free to change the image +image: "aNCA_logo.png" +--- + + + +```{r setup, include=FALSE} +long_slug <- "zzz_DO_NOT_EDIT_a_nca" +# renv::use(lockfile = "renv.lock") +``` + + + + + +### What is [aNCA](https://github.com/pharmaverse/aNCA)? + +The [aNCA](https://github.com/pharmaverse/aNCA) package is an open source tool developed in collaboration between Roche, Appsilon, and Human Predictions. This new addition to the [pharmaverse](https://pharmaverse.org/) is designed to simplify Non-Compartmental Analysis (NCA), making it more accessible for all scientists across industries. + +### **The aNCA package empowers users to:** + +- Perform NCA on both non-clinical and clinical data +- Automatically calculate PK parameters for various dosing regimens +- Conduct manual selections and exclusions for lambda-z regression +- Visualize results dynamically with editable plots and summary tables +- Export PK parameters into a comprehensive, ready-to-use reports + +This tool is built using `shiny` with user-friendliness in mind, allowing both novice and experienced users to seamlessly integrate it into their workflows. + + + +### **Get Started!** + +To try out the package, head to the [GitHub](https://github.com/pharmaverse/aNCA) repository and follow the installation steps. There you can also find how to contribute or share feedback with us (don't forget to star the project if you like it!). Let’s keep pushing the boundaries of open-source tools! + + + +```{r, echo=FALSE} +source("appendix.R") +insert_appendix( + repo_spec = "pharmaverse/blog", + name = long_slug, + # file_name should be the name of your file + file_name = list.files() %>% stringr::str_subset(".qmd") %>% first() +) +``` diff --git a/posts/zzz_DO_NOT_EDIT_a_nca/appendix.R b/posts/zzz_DO_NOT_EDIT_a_nca/appendix.R new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1438595d --- /dev/null +++ b/posts/zzz_DO_NOT_EDIT_a_nca/appendix.R @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +suppressMessages(library(dplyr)) +# markdown helpers -------------------------------------------------------- + +markdown_appendix <- function(name, content) { + paste(paste("##", name, "{.appendix}"), " ", content, sep = "\n") +} +markdown_link <- function(text, path) { + paste0("[", text, "](", path, ")") +} + + + +# worker functions -------------------------------------------------------- + +insert_source <- function(repo_spec, name, + collection = "posts", + branch = "main", + host = "https://github.com", + text = "Source", + file_name) { + path <- paste( + host, + repo_spec, + "tree", + branch, + collection, + name, + file_name, + sep = "/" + ) + return(markdown_link(text, path)) +} + +insert_timestamp <- function(tzone = Sys.timezone()) { + time <- lubridate::now(tzone = tzone) + stamp <- as.character(time, tz = tzone, usetz = TRUE) + return(stamp) +} + +insert_lockfile <- function(repo_spec, name, + collection = "posts", + branch = "main", + host = "https://github.com", + text = "Session info") { + path <- path <- "https://pharmaverse.github.io/blog/session_info.html" + + return(markdown_link(text, path)) +} + + + +# top level function ------------------------------------------------------ + +insert_appendix <- function(repo_spec, name, collection = "posts", file_name) { + appendices <- paste( + markdown_appendix( + name = "Last updated", + content = insert_timestamp() + ), + " ", + markdown_appendix( + name = "Details", + content = paste( + insert_source(repo_spec, name, collection, file_name = file_name), + # get renv information, + insert_lockfile(repo_spec, name, collection), + sep = ", " + ) + ), + sep = "\n" + ) + knitr::asis_output(appendices) +} diff --git a/posts/zzz_DO_NOT_EDIT_a_nca/pharmaverse.png b/posts/zzz_DO_NOT_EDIT_a_nca/pharmaverse.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7ee40c66 Binary files /dev/null and b/posts/zzz_DO_NOT_EDIT_a_nca/pharmaverse.png differ