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File metadata and controls

148 lines (104 loc) · 7.18 KB
  1. add support for mp4/tagging support
  1. provide json output of the data from feeding a list of ed2k hashes to anidb and/or files
  2. look into some sort of local caching
  3. look into a simple console interface in which i type in request and it return with replies for testing

Design: 1. plain library, no need to do event based for most parts, only the reciever 2. general api can be:

connect send (message) recieve (message) - blocking processTimeouts - for processing timeouts on the state table disconnect
  1. When you send a packet, generate a tag, enroll the tag, sending information, timestamp into a state table
  2. when you recieve a packet, parse and consult the state table
  3. deal with timeouts via checking the statetable and expiring/calling back stuff to deal with timeouts

In general can probably do most of this without threading, however, it depends on how i deal with the state table, may be worth it to thread the send/recieve so that it can properly lock/block the mvar for state table.

Anyway the recieving will be blocking. so might want to like look into a simple "chain spawn" or hook for hooking the reciever into a event loop.

by thread chain, i mean it spawns a thread, blocks till it recieves something, spawn a new thread, which then blocks, and proceed to deal with the data that it has recieved.

  • Client library design.
    • compression - enabled by default
    • encoding - utf8 enabled by default
    • encryption - optional (user)
    • session - Enabled by default
    • Tag<->thread/send/reciever
    • These above is what the client library is responsible for
    • The underlaying udp layer is resposible for regulating the sending rate of the packets
  • Now how do we deal with recieving udp packets and assigning it to the proper thread to wake up and proceed?

    • Each thread will "add its tag + send data" to a table which is protected by a mvar then it will send the data over the pipe, then poll the send table for updates, it will check if its its own, if not it will then block again
    • We have a master thread/loop for recieving udp packets, it will recieve, parse, then look up the tag (if any) in the send table and then update it which then wake up the waiting threads, in which they poll it to see if its their data.
    • Now for data without tags, we can special handle these data, because they will need special handling

-- Better solution is. a table with thread id, tag, data, then i recieve the data and then select the right thread to wake up in which it fetches the data and proceed on

for example:

mvar [ (tag, mvar ParsedData) ]

Then a thread basially generates a tag, and a mvar and put it into the list, then it sends the message and takes from the mvar parseddata and blocks till the reciever thread gets the data and parse + match it to the tag and put it into the mvar table


Implement a hashing service (request file to hash, poll for status, retrieve hash)

Implement a client/server arch with hasher/network/anidb in the daemon then a git alike cli interface for interacting with the service

eventually implement a file move/rename service for cleaning up the files/etc

make sure to do this in a secure manner, such as dropping privs to the lowest, restrict to trusted ip, etc...

READONLY IO: 19:53:07 < JoeyA> You don't even need to define a type. 19:53:20 < JoeyA> class MonadRIO m where readFile :: ... 19:53:21 < pharaun> is this a good thing to do or? I'm just thinking that it would be nice from a type pov to prove/define a read only io 19:53:36 < JoeyA> then instance MonadRIO IO where readFile = Prelude.readFile; ... 19:54:05 < JoeyA> err, class Monad m => MonadRIO m 19:54:34 < JoeyA> Then: foo :: MonadRIO m => FilePath -> m String; foo = ... 9:55:07 < JoeyA> Even though foo is instantiated with IO, its type guarantees that it will only perform the actions listed in the MonadRIO class. 19:55:46 < johnw> neat try, JoeyA 19:55:48 < johnw> trick 19:55:48 < JoeyA> pharaun: Well, hGetLine, for example, is not read-only, since it modifies the state of the Handle. 19:56:08 < pharaun> JoeyA: ByteString hGet? 19:56:24 < JoeyA> If it advances the stream position, it's a modification. 19:56:24 < ddarius> Reading memory is, in general, not read-only. 19:56:35 < pharaun> i'm just trying to define/figure out how to limit the scope of IO action 19:56:50 < JoeyA> pharaun: What's the bigger picture? 19:57:14 < pharaun> a file hasher, i give it a list of paths 19:57:25 < nu11ptr> anybody want to answer a quick q on state monad? 19:57:27 < ddarius> Really this is just a naming thing. JoeyA's approach will work with a variety of restrictions and their combinations. 19:57:27 < JoeyA> Though I suppose "What's the bigger picture" is a warning sign that modularity is about to be broken. 19:57:29 < pharaun> and it hashes the file and go into the directory's children and hash those file 19:57:54 < pharaun> and it seems to make sense to restrict that part of the code base to a read only io of some form 19:58:04 < pharaun> beacuse it shouldn't be like opening a file and writing something for ex 19:58:17 < pharaun> the fact that its in IO gives it the ability to do just that 19:58:35 < JoeyA> pharaun: You could just define a monad class like I described, so you can list exactly what actions the code is allowed to perform. 19:58:42 < JoeyA> You could even use this for mocking, for example. 19:58:57 < pharaun> JoeyA: yeah i was starting to wonder how i was going to test some of these IO related submodules 19:59:00 < ddarius> Yes, this would be convenient/useful for more than just restricting the code. 19:59:15 < pharaun> so if i can do this then mock out the IO part and use that for testing, even better 19:59:25 < ddarius> It would also allow you to seamlessly generalize to monad transformer stacks or other non-IO monads. 20:00:59 < ddarius> It would be extremely useful to factor various IO operations into various classes and have many functions written in terms of these methods rather than directly against their archetypical IO instantiations. 20:01:28 < pharaun> ddarius: i was hoping to eventually do that, like haveing NIO (network io), (rio) read only io, etc 20:01:53 < pharaun> so i can better isolate parts of the code and take better advantage of monad stack/transformers 20:01:53 < cmccann> an approach I am somewhat fond of is to have no class constraint other than Monad itself, and instead pass in arguments (or use ReaderT) to provide appropriate operations. 20:02:19 < cmccann> that restricts such code to the operations you hand it at run time, as well as making it easier to swap out the choice of monad for e.g. testing purposes. 20:02:40 * ddarius would be perfectly happy with that too. 20:02:54 < ddarius> The real issue we have is recreating all the IO-only libraries.

import Prelude hiding (readFile) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L

data Entry = Entry SHA1 FilePath

data FileType = File | Directory

class Monad m => MonadHash m where
getFileType :: FilePath -> m FileType readFile :: FilePath -> m L.ByteString getDirectoryContents :: FilePath -> m [FilePath] yield :: Entry -> m ()

traverseDirectory :: MonadHash m => m ()