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pezinek edited this page Nov 2, 2018 · 39 revisions

This is an attempt to reverse engineer the protocol that is used by the Jablotron 6x alarm to communicate over the JA-80T serial cable with the ComLink software.

Serial connection details

baud rate 9600
data bits 8
stop bits 1
parity None
flow control None

Common format for all packets

offset size description
00 1 byte Record type
.. variable payload
-2 1 byte some kind of checksu
-1 1 byte 0xFF - indicates end of message

Record Types

List of known record types

Record type description
80 - 8f key pressed
a0 - af Audio/Beeps
b0 - bf Internal commands
e0 - e2 General status (send periodically)
e3 Service event
e4 User event
e5 Alarm settings/time ???
e6 Alarm settings (individual checkboxes)
e7 Some other event (send periodically)
e8 Some different event
e9 Sensor seen motion in service mode
ec Settings from GSM communicator
fe ???


record types 80 are being send by the switchboard to echo the pressed keys, as well these codes could be send over serial line to switchboard to emulate the key presses (in the input mode the 0xFF terminator is omitted)

offset size description
00 1 byte Key being pressed
01 1 byte 0xFF - indicates end of message


this is the mapping of the keypad keys to their serial codes, special keys like with the pictograms are emulated as e.g. F1, F2 ... etc. (see the manual) The serial codes 0x8A - 0x8D do get accepted by the switchboard and are confirmed by beeps but do not do anything.

Code Key
0x80 0
0x81 1
0x82 2
0x83 3
0x84 4
0x85 5
0x86 6
0x87 7
0x88 8
0x89 9
0x8E N
0x8F F


record types a0 - aa are likely requests for peripherials to emit various kinds of beeps.

offset size description
00 1 byte Beep type
01 1 byte 0xFF - indicates end of message


there are following types of audio beeps spotted so far:

Code Description
0xa0 single short beep - (e.g. when key gets pressed)
0xa1 single long beep - (e.g. when entering service mode)
0xa2 two long beeps - (e.g. when disarmed)
0xa4 4 short beeps (e.g. when N gets pressed)
0xa8 infinite beeping (e.g. after being armed)
0xaa seen when arming/disarming


b0 - bf seems to be internal commands that various periferials use to request data from other periferials. You may send these codes without the trailing 0xff to dispatch the request yourself and the command will be echoed back (with trailing 0xff)

offset size description
00 1 byte Comman
01 1 byte 0xFF - indicates end of message


commands seen so far:

Mode Description
0xb1 responds with e3 and e7 events 4d 1b
0xb2 responds with e3 and e7 ... 05 b1 and fires tamper alarm :-(
0xb3 responds with e3 and e7 16 b1
0xb4 ??? - end of response / confirmation ?
0xb5 list of e4 events from switch board
0xb6 ??? - (does nothing when send)
0xb7 ??? - seen when switching to service mode (does nothing when send)
0xb8 ??? - seen when switching to user mode (does nothing when send)
0xb9 responds with e8 10
0xba responds with e7 event 48 1b (last message in the log ?)
0xbb responds with e3 and e7 .. 53 1b
0xbc responds with e3 and e7 .. 54 1b
0xbd ??? - (does nothing when send)
0xbe ??? - (does nothing when send)
0xbf responds with e4 17 04 19 56 46 1b 5f ff


Record type e0 is general status, it is send periodically every second or so by the alarm. When the arming is delayed the e0 events get replaced by e1 events and when the delay is about to expire with e2 events. Once fully armed they go back to e0.

offset size description
00 1 byte e0 - general status
01 1 byte mode
02 1 byte binary status of leds ???
03 1 byte content of display ???
04 1 byte strength of GSM signal ???
05 1 byte always zero in my case
06 1 byte checksum
07 1 byte 0xFF - indicates end of message


Value Mode
0x00 service mode
0x20 user mode
0x40 disarmed
0x70 armed B ?

Led status:

Value Activates LED
0x01 Power
0x02 Alarm
0x04 Tamper
0x08 Malfunction ?
0x10 Battery ?
0x20 Armed
0x40 Wireless communication
0x80 ???


Value Content of display
0x01 1
0x02 2
0x03 3
0x04 4
0x05 5
0x06 6
0x07 7
0x08 8
0x09 9
0x0A 10
0x0B 11
0x0C 12
0x0D 13
0x0E 14
0x0F 15
0x10 16
0x11 A
0x13 C
0x17 U
0x1a P
0x1d J
0x21 c1
0x22 c2
0x23 c3
0x24 c4
0x25 c5
0x26 c6
0x27 c7
0x28 c8
0x59 Empty display
0x5b symbol "-"
0x5f two vertical bars

Examples of e0 messages:

message description
e0 40 01 59 75 00 3d ff in normal mode nothing on display
e0 40 01 5b 75 00 06 ff after pressin F on keypad
e0 40 01 5b 75 00 06 ff after pressing 5 on keypad, display shows symbol '-'
e0 20 01 09 75 00 38 ff user mode
e0 20 01 17 75 00 07 ff user mode
e0 20 03 02 75 00 34 ff user mode, sensor 1 seen motion
e0 20 03 01 75 00 43 ff user mode, sensor 2 seen motion
e0 00 01 1a 75 00 57 ff service mode
e0 00 03 02 75 00 11 ff service mode, sensor 2 seen motion
e0 00 01 1a 7f 00 15 ff service mode, happens sometimes
e0 73 21 5f 76 00 53 ff arming B mode (display shows 2 vertical bars)
e0 73 21 5f 75 00 2d ff arming B mode
e0 73 21 5f 72 00 58 ff arming B mode
e0 73 21 5f 75 00 2d ff arming B mode
e0 41 11 59 75 00 76 ff fully armed A + B
e1 51 21 59 75 00 37 ff delayed leave
e2 51 21 59 75 00 26 ff delay is about to expire
e2 44 05 14 75 02 1f ff tamper alarm, digital bus ;-)


Record type e3 is probably some time stamped service event from the alarm. It often happens that the same event is send as e3 and as well as e7 right away.

offset size description
00 1 byte e3 - service event
01 1 byte day (BCD encoded)
02 1 byte month (BCD encoded)
03 1 byte hour (BCD encoded)
04 1 byte minute (BCD encoded)
05 1 byte Event type
06 1 byte Event source
07 1 byte checksum
08 1 byte 0xFF - indicates end of message

Event type:

Examples of event types / event source

Event type Message
0x05 Tamper alarm
0x08 system armed
0x09 system disarmed
0x0e Exited programming mode ?
0x16 ???
0x1a ???
0x41 service mode started
0x42 service mode ended
0x44 message send to number 1
0x46 message send to number 2
0x48 message send to number 3
0x4d ???
0x4e ???
0x50 all tamper sensors OK
0x53 ???
0x54 ???

Event source:

code Event source
0x00 Switchboard, control pane
0x1c Digital bus / Serial Port
0x1b Phone line
0x21 Wired sensor 1
0x22 Wired sensor 2


User event stored in memmory. Same format as e3. List of all user events stored in system could be requested by b5


Unknown event. Example: e5 04 11 17 07 71 ff (received on 12.10.2018 0:12)


Configuration of the switchboard.


e6 03 01 01 4d ff  - 1 chkbx
e6 03 02 01 33 ff  - 2 chkbx
e6 03 03 01 19 ff  - etc
e6 03 04 00 2a ff
e6 03 05 01 46 ff
e6 03 09 00 1d ff
e6 02 05 00 4c ff
e6 02 06 00 32 ff
e6 02 07 00 18 ff
e6 02 08 01 3d ff


Some other timestamped event often exactly repeats the content of previous e3 event. e7 event could be requested by ba.


some simple timeless status event.


e8 0c 64 ff
e8 0b 53 ff - when switched to user mode
e8 0d 22 ff - when setting time
e8 0e 4b ff - when disarming section B
e8 0e 4b ff - when armed + delay
e8 0e 4b ff - when switched to service mode


these events are seen when in service mode and testing sensors.

offset size description
00 1 byte e9 - service event ?
01 1 byte Event type
02 1 byte Event source
03 1 byte RF signal ? (all zeros for me)
04 1 byte checksum
05 1 byte 0xFF - indicates end of message

Event type

(these are in fact the codes being send to PCO, so chances are they will match the internal event types)

code Event
0x01 alarm in immediate zone
0x02 alarm in delayed zone
0x03 fire alarm
0x04 silent alarm
0x05 alarm - num attempts exceeded
0x06 alarm after power on
0x07 tamper alarm
0x08 tamper recovered
0x09 alarm timed out
0x0A alarm canceled by user
0x0B armed
0x0C disarmed
0x0D armed partially (home)
0x0E armed without code
0x0F external communication failure
0x10 external communication recovered
0x11 malfunction
0x12 malfunction recovered
0x13 AC disconnected for longer than 30 min
0x14 AC disconnected
0x15 AC recovered
0x16 Battery depleted
0x17 Battery OK
0x18 Service mode started
0x19 Service mode ended
0x1A Remote access started
0x1B Remote access ended
0x1C VF receiver jamming
0x1D internal communication failure
0x1E internal communication recovery
0x1F test transmission


these events are used by the GSM communicator to dump / set it's configuration. If you are in service mode you may send these messages (need to contain valid checksum and trailing 0xFF) and talk to the GSM communicator.

offset size description
00 1 byte ec - GSM configuration/text
01 1 byte GSM message type ?
02 1 byte settings/message ID ?
03 variable variable payload
-2 1 byte checksum
-1 1 byte 0xFF - indicates end of message

GSM message type:

seen ID's

id description
0x00 terminates the list of GSM configuration (ec 00 00 12 ff)
0x01 configuration containing zero terminated strings (e.g. phone numbers)
0x02 seen when dumping GSM config (single value)
0x03 binary ? configuration for 40 checkboxes ?
0x2X configurable texts starting from ID X*100
0x40 used to request configuration dumps

Format of the 0x2X text message type

offset size description
00 1 byte ec - GSM message
01 4 bits 0x2 - GSM text
01 4 bits base ID
02 1 byte message ID (+ base ID * 100)
03 3 bytes string lenght
X 3 bytes Character (e.g. 20 00 00 = space)
-5 1 byte 0x00
-4 1 byte 0x00
-2 1 byte checksum
-1 1 byte 0xFF - indicates end of message

Known commands you may send to GSM communicatior:

(you have to be in programming mode)

command description
ec 40 05 19 ff Dump customizable texts from GSM communicator
ec 40 07 36 ff Dump configuration of the GSM communicator


unknown, seen when exiting user mode in format fe ff

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