Name | Type | Description | Notes |
check_item_states | list[ERRORUNKNOWN] | [optional] | |
closed | bool | Whether the card is closed (archived). Note: Archived lists and boards do not cascade archives to cards. A card can have closed: false but be on an archived board. | [optional] |
desc | str | The description for the card. Up to 16384 chars. | [optional] |
due_complete | bool | Whether the due date has been marked complete | [optional] |
id | str | The ID of the card | [optional] |
id_attachment_cover | str | The id of the attachment selected as the cover image, if one exists | [optional] |
id_board | str | The ID of the board the card is on | [optional] |
id_checklists | list[ERRORUNKNOWN] | An array of checklist IDs that are on this card | [optional] |
id_labels | list[ERRORUNKNOWN] | An array of label IDs that are on this card | [optional] |
id_list | str | The ID of the list the card is in | [optional] |
id_members | list[ERRORUNKNOWN] | An array of member IDs that are on this card | [optional] |
id_members_voted | list[ERRORUNKNOWN] | An array of member IDs who have voted on this card | [optional] |
id_short | int | Numeric ID for the card on this board. Only unique to the board, and subject to change as the card moves | [optional] |
labels | list[ERRORUNKNOWN] | Array of label objects on this card | [optional] |
manual_cover_attachment | bool | Whether the card cover image was selected automatically by Trello, or manually by the user | [optional] |
name | str | Name of the card | [optional] |
short_link | str | The 8 character shortened ID for the card | [optional] |
short_url | str | URL to the card without the name slug | [optional] |
subscribed | bool | Whether this member is subscribed to the card | [optional] |
url | str | Full URL to the card, with the name slug | [optional] |