section = content.newSection()
box = section.newMain()
#box = box.newInfo() # No popup-arrow for running and upcoming workshops
After finishing Basic coding in Python #1, you have made a program that is doing one specific task. Great as that may be, it is hard to reuse that code for other projects. How nice would it be, to create a “library” with knowledge, that can be called for similar designs, without writing everything from scratch again?
The focus of this workshop is in making code more sustainable, using functions, methods and classes. Existing Open Source libraries are used, such as DrawBot and PageBotNano. Exercises take you step by step through the process of coding your graphic design. Instead of manually building a metaforical car, it may be more profitable to build a factory for cars.
- Make a selection of different publications and analyze the variety of (typographic) proportions that they share;
- Sketch the relations between the extracted values and write them as coded rules;
- Store these rules as a library of Python classes;
- Learn to use this library in future design projects.
The use of DrawBot in this workshop requires a MacOS computer.
Completion of workshop Basic coding in Python #1 is recommended.
box = section.newCropped()
#box = section.newSide() # Full visible image, not as cropped background