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Design Design

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Design Design Scales

Notice: Design Design Space soon starts a new initiative. Under the name of Design Design Scales, a series of small design assignment + how to solve them, will be published, each fitting in a single tweet. Check them out, and there is a range of others going on this year still, all online. Or we create something personal.

If you don't manage to finalize the assignment in the given amount of time, then either your experience with the topic, your skill-set or the scale of details is not at the right level. Try to adapt either of them to finish the assignment, without increasing the time or the amount of pages of the Thesis.

The specific focus of Scales assignment can be derived from their number range of 100. Note, however, that most assignment will have multiple aspects combined:

  • 0 Preparing and Projects
  • 100 Sketching
  • 200 Research
  • 400 Algorithms and coding
  • 500 Optics and esthetics
  • 600 Process
  • 700 Design edudation
  • 800 Testing, selection and feedback
  • 900 Target, requirements and customers
  • 1000 Type and typography
  • 1100 Graphic design
  • 1200 Design of identities
  • 1300 Publication design
  • 1400 Web design
  • 1500 3D Design
  • 1600 Product design
  • 1700 Environmental design

Preparing and projects

10 Study Thesis

Write a 2-page Thesis about your expected study. Include title, images, summary, literature references and footnotes. Sketch the layout and content in multiple scales, before anything else. Make many short cycles. Final presentation in 3 hours.


105 Paint a 5-step gray scale

Paint (guache) a 5-step gray scale (white, light, middle, dark, black) in 60x30 rectangles, that are visually equal apart. Make multiple iterations, pick the best. Show others and ask if they see visual breaks. 1 day

105.1 Paint a 7-gray scale

Do #105 first. Then extend the scale to a 7-step gray scale in 60x30 rectangles, that are visually equal apart. Make multiple iterations, pick the best. Show others and ask if they see visual breaks. 1 day

105.2 Paint a 9-gray scale

Do #105.1 and #105.2 first. Then extend the scale to a 9-step gray scale in 60x30 rectangles, that are visually equal apart. Make multiple iterations, pick the best. Show others and ask if they see visual breaks. 1 day

161 Sketch in volume

Buy an empty new Moleskin. Select a event from the newspaper. Research the topic and collect data. Sketch an info-graphic that explains the event. Repeat for all pages of the sketch book in 1 week. Evaluate with others to pick the 3 best.

161.1 Planning and evaluation

Do #161. Write a 2-page Thesis about the process, answering questions that address planning (all pages filled?) in relation to the management and level of details. Why did they pick the best?


208 Bertin and design

Study the connection between Bertin and design. Sketch info-graphics that show his 7 parameters. Write a 3-page Thesis with the result. Design a method to validate your work. 3 days

208.1 Bertin and time

Do #208. Now add “time”, not as an 8th parameter, but as 2nd dimension: Research and name the characteristic of each parameter when changing in time. Write a 3-page Thesis with the result. Design a method to validate your work. 3 days

209 Research recursion

Research the role of recursion in design. Aim for the widest ranges of examples and relate them by this principle. Write a 2-page Thesis with the result. Design an evaluation method for feedback and apply it. 1 day

240 Integers

Research number sequences at Write a 2-page Thesis about a sequence of your choice. Include images of sketches how it could be used in graphic design. Make multiple short cycles. Final presentation in 5 hours.

240.1 Thesis process

Do #240. Write a 2-page Thesis about the process you went through. What were the cycles like? And based on what did you select from options? Did you manage in 5 hours? Add a graph of the planning.

260 Analyze a designs

Select a design you made before. Make a list of all typograhic parameters: as values and how they relate. Wtite a 2-page Thesis. Get feedback. 2 days.

260.1 Improve by numbers

Do #260. Decide what aspects of the design could be improved and express them as numbers and algorithmic relations. Make new versions in multiple fast cycles. Design a method for feedback. 2 days

271 Grids

Do #730 and #730 and relate the result to the use of grids in history. Write a 5-page Thesis with the result. Make multiple short cycles. Design a method for feedback by others. 5 days.

400 Algorithms and coding

420 Automate optical size

Do #1002.1 Take the measured values and write an algorithm that generates optical circles and squares for sizes of squares. Is the result linear to the size? 1 day

450 Generative identities

Do #1208. Write PageBot elements that generate corporate identities, using the pricple of coherency and diveresity. Make multiple short complete cycles. Design methods to evaluate the results. 1 week

460 Analyze and generate a design

Do #260. Take the list of parameters with their bandwidth of values Write a DrawBot/PageBot script that re-creates your design. Or comes close. 3 days

460.1 UI on your generated design

Do #460. Write the code for a UI-app that allows users to generate alternative versions of your design in a controlled set of options. 2 days.

700 Design education

730 Educating grids for print

Write a script (DrawBot/PageBot) that generates variations of grids for print. Use them in an educational context. Design a method to validate the result with a group. 1 day

731 Educating grids for web

Write a script (DrawBot/PageBot) that generates variations of grids for CSS. Use them in an educational context. Design a method to validate the result with a group. 1 day

740 Educate exhibition design

Do #1320. Write a 5-page Theses about the process to be used for teaching purposes. Design a method to evaluate the result with students. Make multiple iterations. 1 day

1000 Type and typography

1002 Optical circle size

Draw a filled black square on white background of 6x6 centimeter. Draw a filled circle and A-triangle on the same baseline, that appear to have the same size. 1 hour

1002.1 Optical circle sizes

Do #1002. Validate the result with a group who did the same, viewing them from a distance. Reject the circles and triangles that are unanimous too small or too large. Measure the remains and conclude the range of optical sizes. 1 hour.

1002.2 Optical size for outlines

Do #1002 and #1002.1, but now all shapes with an outline of 5mm, white inside. Is the result of measures still the same? Discuss and explain the result with the group. 1 hour.

1200 Design of identities

1208 Design models

Design models for the design process of corporate identities Use the balance between coherency and diversity and basic principle. Design the best method for presentation and evaluation. Make short cycles. 1 day

1240 TypeCooker identity

Select a fictional company or product. Open Erik van Blokland’s Select a random recipe and use it to draw a logo. Design an evaluation method for the results others and apply it. Make multiple short cycles. 1 day

1300 Publication design

1320 Design a book exhibition

Choose a book. Design an exhibition about the content. Make models 1:10. Make movies as presentation. Design a method to validate the result with a group. 5 hours

1321 Design a new exhibition

Choose a topic from the news. Research and collect data. Design an exhibition about the result. Make models 1:10. Make movies as presentation. Design a method to validate the result with a group. 1 day.