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# Scales:design education
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template = doc.getTemplate('home')
page = page.next
page.name = 'Design education'
page.url = 'Scales/design_education_700.html'
content = page.select('Content')
box = content.newBanner()
Scales: Design education
box = content.newIntroduction()
Teaching design students? Educating customers? Planning ahead for research? Preparing a presentation?
section = content.newSection()
box = mainBox = section.newMain()
section = content.newSection()
box = mainBox = section.newMain()
section = content.newSection()
box = mainBox = section.newMain()
What medium would you choose? What iterations would you go through? What would the students present at then end of the day? And how could the results be verified to some extend? Who did best of the group? 1 day
section = content.newSection()
box = mainBox = section.newMain()
Sketch a 5-day workshop addressing the profession of Graphic Design. What skills and knowledge should students get to be a designer for the rest of their professional lives? Also design a method for feedback: how good is your workshop? 3 hours