- Authors: Brent Zundel, Ken Ebert
- Status: PROPOSED
- Since: 2020-02-20
- Status Note: Part of proposed Rich Schema capabilities for credentials
- Supersedes:
- Start Date: 2020-02-19
- Tags: feature, rich-schemas
Describes the prerequisites an issuer must ensure are in place before issuing a rich credential.
To inform issuers of the steps they should take in order to make sure they have the necessary rich schema objects in place before they use them to issue credentials.
- The issuer checks the ledger to see if the credential definition he wants to
use is already present.
- If not, the issuer checks the ledger to see if the mapping he wants to use
is already present.
- If not, the issuer checks the ledger to see if the schemas he wants to
use are already present.
- If not, anchor the context used by each schema to the ledger.
- Anchor the schemas on the ledger. Schema objects may refer to one or more context objects.
- Anchor to the ledger the mapping object that associates each claim with one or more encoding objects and a corresponding attribute. (The issuer selects schema properties and associated encodings to be included as claims in the credential. Encoding objects refer to transformation algorithms, documentation, and code which implements the transformation. The claim is the data; the attribute is the transformed data represented as a 256 bit integer that is signed. The mapping object refers to the schema objects and encoding objects.)
- If not, the issuer checks the ledger to see if the schemas he wants to
use are already present.
- Anchor a credential definition that refers to a single mapping object. The credential definition contains public keys for each attribute. The credential definition refers to the issuer DID.
- If not, the issuer checks the ledger to see if the mapping he wants to use
is already present.
- Using the credential definition, mapping, and schema(s) issue to the holder a credential based on the credential definition and the supplied claim data. The Issue Credential Protocol 1.0 will be the model for another RFC containing minor modifications to issue a credential using the new rich schema objects.
Subsequent credentials may be issued by repeating only the last step.
- RFC 0250: Rich Schema Objects
- RFC 0420: Rich Schema Objects Common
- RFC 0249: Aries Rich Schema Contexts
- RFC 0281: Aries Rich Schemas
- RFC XXXX: Aries Rich Schema Mappings
- RFC XXXX: Aries Rich Schema Credential Definitions
- RFC 0036: Issue Credential Protocol 1.0
RFCs for Rich Schema Mappings and Rich Schema Credential Definitions are incomplete.
The following lists the implementations (if any) of this RFC. Please do a pull request to add your implementation. If the implementation is open source, include a link to the repo or to the implementation within the repo. Please be consistent in the "Name" field so that a mechanical processing of the RFCs can generate a list of all RFCs supported by an Aries implementation.
Name / Link | Implementation Notes |