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249 lines (155 loc) · 5.99 KB

File metadata and controls

249 lines (155 loc) · 5.99 KB

OptButtonLayout: string

String of few chars, one char is one button at left or right side. Comma separates buttons for left/right, e.g. "<>,v+" is 2 buttons <, > on left and 2 buttons v, + on right. If value is empty, buttons not painted at all, this gives more space for tabs for left/right OptPosition.

  • < - scroll tabs left
  • > - scroll tabs right
  • v - show dropdown menu of all tabs
  • + - plus button, does the same as plus pseudo-tab
  • x - close button, does the same as x icon on active tab
  • 0..4 - user buttons; they are owner drawn and handled in event OnTabClickUserButton

OptButtonSize: integer

Width of one button, from OptButtonLayout. Height of buttons is OptTabHeight.

OptPosition: enum

One of view styles: top/bottom/left/right. If top - control should have Align=alTop; if bottom - Align=alBottom; etc. In left/right styles, tab text is painted horizontally anyway.

OptIconPosition: enum

Position of icon (from ImageList) relative to caption of tab. You can set icon above text, icon below text, etc.

OptVarWidth: boolean

Allow variable width tabs. Only for top/bottom OptPosition.

OptMultiline: boolean

Allow auto-sizing of control's height and multi-line mode. Only for top/bottom OptPosition. In this mode, OptSpacer is indent from top, OptSpacer2 is indent from bottom. Note: after you turn off this prop, you need to restore control's height.

OptTabHeight: integer

Height of tab-rect area. Usually smaller than control height to show indents above/below tabs.

OptTabWidthNormal: integer

Normal width of a tab, when small count of tabs is created. Only for fixed width tabs.

OptTabWidthMinimal: integer

Smallest width of a tab, used when lot of tabs is created (so some tabs don't fit).

OptTabWidthMaximal: integer

For OptVarWidth mode, it is maximal width of tabs.

OptTabWidthMinimalHidesX: integer

When current tab width (for top/bottom OptPosition) becomes smaller than option, X mark hides on all tabs.

OptSpaceBetweenTabs: integer

Indent (pixels) between nearest tabs.

OptSpaceBetweenLines: integer

For multi-line mode, indent between horizontal tab lines.

OptSpaceBetweenIconCaption: integer

Indent (pixels) between icon (from ImageList) and caption. For all icon positions.

OptSpaceInitial: integer

Indent before first tab. For left/right OptPosition, it's used only if OptButtonLayout is empty.

OptSpaceBeforeText: integer

Indent between tab caption edge and tab rect. When caption is long, indent is smaller.

OptSpacer: integer

Indent between tab rects and edge of control (one of edges, depends on OptPosition).

OptSpacer2: integer

Only for left/right OptPosition. Indent between tab rects and another side of control. For top/bottom OptPosition, such indent is auto-calculated.

OptSpaceXRight: integer

Indent between X icon edge and right side of tab rect.

OptSpaceXInner: integer

Indent between X icon edge and X lines.

OptSpaceXSize: integer

Size of X icon lines.

OptColoredBandSize: integer

Width of colored band, which is shown on edge (edge depends on OptPosition) of colored tab. Color is set via TATTabData field.

OptArrowSize: integer

Size of left/right/dropdown arrows.

OptScrollMarkSizeX: integer

Length of scroll mark. Mark is shown when lot of tabs created, and some tabs don't fit.

OptScrollMarkSizeY: integer

Width of scroll mark.

OptDropMarkSize: integer

Width of drag-drop mark. It is shown when you drag a tab to another pos, in the same control.

OptShowAngled: boolean

Show angled sides for tabs. Only for top/bottom OptPosition. For angled tabs, you should set OptSpaceInitial to bigger value. And should set OptSpaceBetweenTabs too.

OptShowAngleTangent: single

Tangent of angle for OptShowAngled. Value 1.0 means 45 degrees. Good value here is about 2..5. For bigger values don't use OptShowAngled.

OptShowFlat: boolean

Activates flat look: in this mode tab edges and bottom lines are not painted, and tabs have the same BG color as control's BG color.

OptShowScrollMark: boolean

Allow to show scroll mark. If lot of tabs created.

OptShowDropMark: boolean

Allow to show drop mark. When drag-drop is active.

OptShowXButtons: enum

How to show X icons on tabs. Several variants: show all, don't show, show for active tab, show for mouse-over tab.

OptShowPlusTab: boolean

Allow to show "plus" pseudo-tab. It generates event on click.

OptShowArrowsNear: boolean

Show left/right scroll arrows near to each other. Usually they are shown in the center of buttons, not near.

OptShowModifiedText: string

String to show before tab caption, for modified tab. E.g. "*". Modified: bool TATTabData field.

OptShowBorderActiveLow: boolean

Allow to show horiz line, below active tab (top/bottom OptPosition). Usually not needed.

OptShowEntireColor: boolean

Allow to colorize full tab rect, for colored tabs. Color of tab: field in the TATTabData.

OptShowNumberPrefix: TATTabString

String with %d, which makes numbered prefix for all tabs. Eg, '%d) ' makes prefix with number and bracket. If empty, no prefix used.

OptActiveFontStyle: TFontStyles

Font style, e.g. [fsUnderline], which is used for caption of active tab.

OptActiveFontStyleUsed: boolean

Enable to use OptActiveFontStyle.

OptHotFontStyle: TFontStyles

Font style, e.g. [fsUnderline], which is used for caption of passive mouse-over tab.

OptHotFontStyleUsed: boolean

Enable to use OptHotFontStyle.

OptMouseMiddleClickClose: boolean

Allow to close tabs by middle mouse click.

OptMouseDoubleClickClose: boolean

Allow to close tabs by double click.

OptMouseDoubleClickPlus: boolean

Allow to call OnTabPlusClick by double click on empty area.

OptMouseDragEnabled: boolean

Enable drag-drop of tabs.

OptMouseDragOutEnabled: boolean

Also enable drag-drop to/from another ATTabs control.