String of few chars, one char is one button at left or right side. Comma separates buttons for left/right, e.g. "<>,v+"
is 2 buttons <
, >
on left and 2 buttons v
, +
on right. If value is empty, buttons not painted at all, this gives more space for tabs for left/right OptPosition.
- scroll tabs left>
- scroll tabs rightv
- show dropdown menu of all tabs+
- plus button, does the same as plus pseudo-tabx
- close button, does the same as x icon on active tab0
- user buttons; they are owner drawn and handled in event OnTabClickUserButton
Width of one button, from OptButtonLayout. Height of buttons is OptTabHeight.
One of view styles: top/bottom/left/right. If top - control should have Align=alTop; if bottom - Align=alBottom; etc. In left/right styles, tab text is painted horizontally anyway.
Position of icon (from ImageList) relative to caption of tab. You can set icon above text, icon below text, etc.
Allow variable width tabs. Only for top/bottom OptPosition.
Allow auto-sizing of control's height and multi-line mode. Only for top/bottom OptPosition. In this mode, OptSpacer is indent from top, OptSpacer2 is indent from bottom. Note: after you turn off this prop, you need to restore control's height.
Height of tab-rect area. Usually smaller than control height to show indents above/below tabs.
Normal width of a tab, when small count of tabs is created. Only for fixed width tabs.
Smallest width of a tab, used when lot of tabs is created (so some tabs don't fit).
For OptVarWidth mode, it is maximal width of tabs.
When current tab width (for top/bottom OptPosition) becomes smaller than option, X mark hides on all tabs.
Indent (pixels) between nearest tabs.
For multi-line mode, indent between horizontal tab lines.
Indent (pixels) between icon (from ImageList) and caption. For all icon positions.
Indent before first tab. For left/right OptPosition, it's used only if OptButtonLayout is empty.
Indent between tab caption edge and tab rect. When caption is long, indent is smaller.
Indent between tab rects and edge of control (one of edges, depends on OptPosition).
Only for left/right OptPosition. Indent between tab rects and another side of control. For top/bottom OptPosition, such indent is auto-calculated.
Indent between X icon edge and right side of tab rect.
Indent between X icon edge and X lines.
Size of X icon lines.
Width of colored band, which is shown on edge (edge depends on OptPosition) of colored tab. Color is set via TATTabData field.
Size of left/right/dropdown arrows.
Length of scroll mark. Mark is shown when lot of tabs created, and some tabs don't fit.
Width of scroll mark.
Width of drag-drop mark. It is shown when you drag a tab to another pos, in the same control.
Show angled sides for tabs. Only for top/bottom OptPosition. For angled tabs, you should set OptSpaceInitial to bigger value. And should set OptSpaceBetweenTabs too.
Tangent of angle for OptShowAngled. Value 1.0 means 45 degrees. Good value here is about 2..5. For bigger values don't use OptShowAngled.
Activates flat look: in this mode tab edges and bottom lines are not painted, and tabs have the same BG color as control's BG color.
Allow to show scroll mark. If lot of tabs created.
Allow to show drop mark. When drag-drop is active.
How to show X icons on tabs. Several variants: show all, don't show, show for active tab, show for mouse-over tab.
Allow to show "plus" pseudo-tab. It generates event on click.
Show left/right scroll arrows near to each other. Usually they are shown in the center of buttons, not near.
String to show before tab caption, for modified tab. E.g. "*". Modified: bool TATTabData field.
Allow to show horiz line, below active tab (top/bottom OptPosition). Usually not needed.
Allow to colorize full tab rect, for colored tabs. Color of tab: field in the TATTabData.
String with %d
, which makes numbered prefix for all tabs. Eg, '%d) '
makes prefix with number and bracket. If empty, no prefix used.
Font style, e.g. [fsUnderline]
, which is used for caption of active tab.
Enable to use OptActiveFontStyle.
Font style, e.g. [fsUnderline]
, which is used for caption of passive mouse-over tab.
Enable to use OptHotFontStyle.
Allow to close tabs by middle mouse click.
Allow to close tabs by double click.
Allow to call OnTabPlusClick by double click on empty area.
Enable drag-drop of tabs.
Also enable drag-drop to/from another ATTabs control.