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54 lines (30 loc) · 1.69 KB

File metadata and controls

54 lines (30 loc) · 1.69 KB
function GetTabRectWidth(APlusBtn: boolean): Integer;

Returns width of normal or "plus" tab.

function GetTabRect(AIndex: Integer): TRect;

Returns coords of usual tabs.

function GetTabRect_Plus: TRect;

Returns coords of "plus" tab.

function GetTabRect_X(const ARect: TRect): TRect;

Returns coords of "x" button for given tab coords.

procedure GetArrowRect(var RLeft, RRight, RDown: TRect);

Returns coords of arrow buttons. Currently only "down" arrow is used (last param).

function GetTabAt(X, Y: Integer): Integer;

Returns index of tab at given coords. Negative values mean special tabs: "plus", "arrow".

function GetTabData(AIndex: Integer): TATTabData;

Returns object with tab information. (nil for wrong index).

function TabCount: Integer;

Number of tabs.

procedure AddTab(AIndex: Integer;
  const ACaption: string;
  AObject: TObject = nil;
  AModified: boolean = false;
  AColor: TColor = clNone);

Adds new tab. AIndex is index of tab or -1 to append to end. AObject, AModified are not used by control (use these if needed). AColor (if not clNone) sets tab hilite color.

function DeleteTab(AIndex: Integer; AAllowEvent, AWithCancelBtn: boolean): boolean;

Deletes tab (passed AObject is not freed). AAllowEvent allows to call OnTabClose after this. AWithCancelBtn specifies, what value will be passed to OnTabClose parameter ACanContinue (if you delete only one tab, pass False, if you're in a loop which deletes many tabs at once, pass True).

procedure ShowTabMenu;

Shows tabs menu (at position of "down arrow" button).

procedure SwitchTab(ANext: boolean);

Activates next or previous tab. (After last one the first activates).