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tournament project

This project uses Quarkus, the Supersonic Subatomic Java Framework.

If you want to learn more about Quarkus, please visit its website: .

Running the application in dev mode

You can run your application in dev mode that enables live coding using:

mvn quarkus:dev

Integration Testing

Run the integration tests via maven and Test Containers

mvn verify -Pintegration


Browse to tournament


Using helm and OpenShift


  • oc login to OCP4 cluster with cluster-admin user


To deploy pet battle dependant infrastructure we need cluster admin privilege for things like operators and CRD's. The TournamentService application by itself only requires normal project-namespace admin privilege.

The infrastructure that requires privilege to install has been separated into a sub chart and is deployed via the Chart.yaml dependency

  - name: pet-battle-infra
    version: "1.0.0"
    repository: ""

You can change whether the infrastructure is deployed or not by using the tag (default: true)

helm template dabook chart/ --set tags.infra=false

To deploy a pre-packaged version of the chart including infrastructure into a new namespace

helm repo add petbattle
helm repo update
helm install petbattle/pet-battle-tournament --set pet-battle-infra.operatorgroup.enabled=true --set pet-battle-infra.operatorgroup.targetNamespaces={petbattle} --namespace petbattle --create-namespace --generate-name

Deploy the cert-util operator (deploy this only once for the whole cluster)

oc new-project "${CERTUTILS_NAMESPACE}"
helm repo add cert-utils-operator
helm repo update
cert_utils_chart_version=$(helm search repo cert-utils-operator/cert-utils-operator | grep cert-utils-operator/cert-utils-operator | awk '{print $2}')
helm fetch cert-utils-operator/cert-utils-operator --version ${cert_utils_chart_version}
helm template cert-utils-operator-${cert_utils_chart_version}.tgz --namespace cert-utils-operator | oc apply -f- -n cert-utils-operator
rm -f cert-utils-operator-${cert_utils_chart_version}.tgz
oc -n ${CERTUTILS_NAMESPACE} wait --for condition=available --timeout=120s deployment/cert-utils-operator

Deploy the tournament service application and dependant infrastructure apps (datagrid,keycloak,mongodb) from this codebase

oc new-project pet-battle-tournament
helm template dabook chart/ | oc apply -f- -n pet-battle-tournament

Deploy grafana dashboard

oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-monitoring-view -z grafana-serviceaccount

helm template dabook chart/ --set grafana.BEARER_TOKEN=`oc serviceaccounts get-token grafana-serviceaccount`| oc apply -f- -n pet-battle-tournament

Enable User Workload Monitoring if not enabled

helm template dabook chart/ --set serviceMonitor.enableUserWorkloadMonitoring=true --set grafana.BEARER_TOKEN=`oc serviceaccounts get-token grafana-serviceaccount`| oc apply -f- -n pet-battle-tournament

Change a default helm value

helm template dabook chart/ --set image_version=gha-noc-git-info | oc apply -f- -n pet-battle-tournament 


deploy applications straight from the chart repository

oc new-project pet-battle-tournament
helm repo add petbattle
helm repo update
chart_version=$(helm search repo petbattle/pet-battle-tournament | grep petbattle/pet-battle-tournament | awk '{print $2}')
helm fetch petbattle/pet-battle-tournament --version ${chart_version}
helm template my pet-battle-tournament-${chart_version}.tgz | oc apply -f- -n pet-battle-tournament
rm -f pet-battle-tournament-${chart_version}.tgz
oc -n pet-battle-tournament  wait --for condition=available --timeout=120s deploymentconfig/my-pet-battle-tournament

And to delete

helm template my chart/ | oc delete -f- -n pet-battle-tournament
oc delete csv datagrid-operator.v8.1.1 keycloak-operator.v11.0.0

Useful Links
