some miscellaneous scripts
To backup the data of some of my SmartHome tools to Google Drive.
As sometimes my sensors measure unrealistic values, I'd like to remove these measures from influxdb. So I look in my influx 'db' for probes with 'temperature' that have measurements > '50'
A patch for homebrew installed bash-completion 1.3 so ssh completion from .ssh/config hosts will work more reliable.
some of my functions I use with zsh
- cmdfu searches the database for a specific pattern
- man2pdf to translate a manpage to a PDF file on MacOS
- biggest shows the biggest file/folder sorted by size
- showtree draws a directory tree
- hasip Enter an IP and discover via Bonjour on your local network the bonjour name
- getCert gets a SSL certificate from a website
- kolacoins translates current bitcoin price to Kola Mate price of 0.66c per bottle
- bitcoins shows current bitcoin - EUR rate
- btc_sell shows best markets to sell bitcoins
- btc_buy shows bets markets to buy bitcoins
- btc_markets shows market avg. bitcoin price
This script was meant to run on a MacOS X Server with an iChat Server. It would create automatic roster for all the accounts from OpenDirectory Groups.
The scripts gets login names and their ObjectGUID from an Active Directory server to print out SQL statements to update a specific user table.