0 : 0
Copyright 2018 Pierre-Edouard Portier
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- Homepage: peportier.me
- Github: https://github.com/peportier/jGMM
This is a derivation of Gaussian Mixture Model in the J programming language. It follows the work of Leonid Perlovsky on Dynamic Logic.
load 'plot trig numeric'
NB. if y is an empty array, return an empty list, otherwise, return y
as_z_=: ]`(($0)"_)@.(0:e.$)
B1_z_=: <"1 NB. rank-1 box
CP_z_=:{@(,&<) NB. cartesian product
id_z_=: =@i. NB. identity matrix of size y
MP_z_=: +/ . * NB. matrix product
det_z_=: -/ . * NB. determinant
QF_z_=: ] MP"1 [ MP"2 1 ] NB. quadratic form
We provide some code to draw data from a multivariate normal distribution.
From the uniform random number generator of J
, we build a 1-dimensional normal random number generator. The verb randn
comes from the addon math/mt/rand.ijs
We follow a "widely used method" (Wikipedia dixit), to draw random values from a multivariate normal distribution (see verb randmultin
). The J/Lapack interface is used to compute the Cholesky decomposition of the covariance matrix.
Finally, we compute the coordinates of the 2-sigma concentration ellipse for a 2d normal distribution (see verb cellipse
). We only compute the points for the positive quadrant and then proceed by symmetry.
An ellipse is a set of points in a plane whose distances from two fixed points (viz. foci) add to a constant. We first consider the equation of an ellipse in standard form (i.e., centred on origin and aligned with the axis of the orthonormal basis).
The verb el
implements this last equation to compute the ordinate of an ellipse in standard form.
The standard form equation of an ellipse can be written in matrix notation: \[1=\frac{x^2}{a^2}+\frac{y^2}{b^2} = \begin{bmatrix}x & y\end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \frac{1}{a^2} & 0 \ 0 & \frac{1}{b^2} \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix}x \ y\end{bmatrix} = X^T \Lambda , X\]
To model a generic 2d ellipse, we can start from a standard form one to which we apply a linear transformation combining translation, scaling and rotation. For convenience of notation, we will note the scaling factor
\[ \begin{equation*} \begin{split} \tilde{X} & = M + \sqrt{k} RX \ X & = \sqrt{k}^{-1} R^T (\tilde{X}-M) \end{split} \end{equation*} \]
Thus, applying the linear transformation to the equation of the ellipse, we have:
\[ \begin{equation*} \begin{split} X^T \Lambda , X & = 1 \ \sqrt{k}^{-2} (\tilde{X}-M)^T R \Lambda R^T (\tilde{X}-M) & = 1 \ (\tilde{X}-M)^T R \Lambda R^T (\tilde{X}-M) & = k ;(Eq.1)\ \end{split} \end{equation*} \]
Let us introduce the probability density function of a 2d normal distribution with covariance
The equation for the set of points of equal density is the one of an ellipse:
\[ \begin{equation*} \begin{split} & ;;;;; \left{ X: G(X) = k_1 \right} \ &= \left{ X: D^T C^{-1} D = k \right} ; with ; k=-2ln\left(2\pi k_1 \sqrt{det C}\right) ;(Eq.2) \end{split} \end{equation*} \]
Given a vector
Therefore, citing the aforementioned article:
[...]the largest eigenvector of the covariance matrix always points into the direction of the largest variance of the data, and the magnitude of this vector equals the corresponding eigenvalue. The second largest eigenvector is always orthogonal to the largest eigenvector, and points into the direction of the second largest spread of the data.
From cellipse
), computes the
NB. draw values from a multivariate normal distribution
NB. with mean vector M and covariance matrix C
NB. find coordinates of the 2-sigma concentration ellipse
coclass 'RandN'
randu=: (?@$&0) :((p.~ -~/\)~ $:) NB. Uniform distribution U(a,b) with support (a,b)
rande=: -@^.@randu : (* $:) NB. Exponential distribution E(μ) with mean μ
randn=: (($,) +.@:(%:@(2&rande) r. 0 2p1&randu)@>.@-:@(*/)) : (p. $:) NB. Normal distribution N(μ,σ^2) of real numbers
require 'math/lapack'
require 'math/lapack/potrf'
chol=: potrf_jlapack_
require 'math/lapack/geev'
eig=: geev_jlapack_
create=: monad define
destroy=: codestroy
update=: monad define
IC=: %. C NB. inverse of the covariance matrix
CC=: chol C NB. cholesky decomposition of the covariance matrix
t=. eig IC
L=: (>1{t) * id #C NB. eigen values on a diag matrix
R=: >0{t NB. rotation matrix (eigen vectors) IC -: R mp L mp |:R
NB. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multivariate_normal_distribution#Drawing_values_from_the_distribution
NB. y random vectors of a #M-dimensional multivariate normal distribution
randmultin=: 3 : 'M +"1 CC MP"(_ 1) randn y , #M'
el=: dyad define NB. ordinate of an ellipse in std form
'a b'=. x
%: (*:b) * 1 - (*:y) % *:a
cellipse=: monad define NB. concentration ellipse at (%:k)-sigma
'u v'=. L MP 1#~#C NB. std form ellipse (u -: %*:a) *. (v -: %*:b)
NB. 1 -: (u**:x) + v**:y
k=. 4
'a b'=. %: % u,v NB. ellipse with axis a and b
elab=. (a,b)&el
n=. 10 NB. half the number of points in the positive quadrant
absc0x=. }. steps 0 , a , +:n NB. abscisses of the points in the positive quadrant
ordi0x=. elab absc0x NB. ordinate of the points in the positive quadrant
absc=. (|. - absc0x) , 0 , absc0x
orditop=. (|. ordi0x) , (elab 0) , ordi0x
ordiall=. orditop , - |. orditop
coord=. (absc , |. absc) ,"0 ordiall
ncoord=. M +"1 (%:k) * R MP"(2 1) coord NB. transform the std form ellipse into the new basis defined by M and IC
<"1 |: ncoord
cocurrent 'base'
Follows some simple code to make a dataset where each point comes from one of many Gaussian distributions. The Gaussian distributions are organised into disjoint classes. The Gaussian distributions forming a class are called its modes. We also generate a "teacher", i.e. a given number of points for which the class is known a priori. This knowledge can be used by the mixture model algorithm that will be derived in the following sections.
NB. make a multivariate normal distribution with mean 1{y and covariance 2{y
NB. draw 0{y objects from this distribution
mkobj=: dyad define
('n',":x)=: conew 'RandN'
n=. ". 'n',":x
create__n }.y
('x',":x)=: randmultin__n >{.y
mkdataset=: monad define
isomode=. i.#y
isomode mkobj"0 1 y
X=: ". }: , ([: ,&',' [: 'x'&, ":)"(0) isomode
perm=: ?~ #X
X=: perm { X NB. random permutation of the dataset
truth=: perm { isomode #~ ". }: , ([: ,&'),' [: '(#x'&, ":)"(0) isomode
initdataset=: monad define
mode=: ;class
iclass=: (mode&-.)each class NB. modes not in a class ("Inverse" of class)
K=: #mode
NB. y is a boxed list of the number of examples known a priori for each class
initteacher=: monad define
rsel=. [ {~ ] ? #@[ NB. random selection of y elements of x
teacher=: (truth&([: I. [: +./ ="1 0)each class) rsel each y
dataset1=: 3 : 0
mkdataset (50;(0 2);2 2$0.5 0 0 0.5),:(50;(_2 4);2 2$1 0.5 0.5 1)
nbclass=: 2
trueclass=: class=: (,0);(,1)
initteacher (0;0)
dataset2=: 3 : 0
mkdataset (50;(0 2);2 2$0.5 0 0 0.5),:(1000;(_0.5 2);2 2$3 0.6 0.6 1)
nbclass=: 2
trueclass=: class=: (,0);(,1)
initteacher (10;0)
dataset3=: 3 : 0
mkdataset (25;( 3 9);2 2$0.5 0 0 1),(20;(10 6);2 2$0.5 0 0 1),(5;(17 16);2 2$0.5 0 0 1),(20;( 3 12);2 2$1 0 0 0.5),(20;(12 6);2 2$1 0 0 0.5),:(10;(17 13);2 2$1 0 0 0.5)
nbclass=: 2
trueclass=: class=: (0 1 2);(3 4 5)
initteacher (25;25)
end0=: monad define
n=. ". 'n',":y
end=: monad define
end0"0 ;trueclass
class_style=:'markersize 0.1';'markersize 0.1'
plot_class=: monad define
color=: >y{class_color
style=: >y{class_style
plot_mode"0 >y{trueclass
plot_mode=: monad define
obj=. ". 'n',":y
dat=. ". 'x',":y
pd 'color ',color
pd 'type line ; pensize 3'
pd cellipse__obj''
pd 'type marker ; markers circle'
pd style
pd <"1 |: dat
plot_dataset=: monad define
pd 'reset'
plot_class"0 i.#trueclass
pd 'show'
For example, here is an image of the dataset generated by the verb dataset1
And an image of the dataset generated by the verb dataset2
(where the marker size for the first class has been increased to make this highly imbalanced dataset more visible):
And an image of the dataset generated by the verb dataset3
(this dataset is made of two classes, each class being made of three modes):
We assume that the data
Correct values of the parameters are found by reaching a local maximum of
\[ \begin{equation*} \begin{split} & ;;;;; \partial / \partial S_k \sum_n ll(n) &= 0 \ &= \sum_n \partial / \partial S_k ln(l(n)) &= 0 \ &= \sum_n \left[ 1/l(n) \right] \partial / \partial S_k \left[ \sum_{k'} l(n|k') \right] &= 0 \ &= \left{ \partial / \partial S_k \left[ \sum_{k'} l(n|k') \right]= \partial / \partial S_k l(n|k) ; and ; \partial y = y \partial ln(y)\right} \ & ;;;;; \sum_n \left[ l(n|k) / l(n) \right] \partial ll(n|k) / \partial S_k &= 0 \ &= \left{ f(k|n) = l(n|k) / l(n) \right} \ & ;;;;; \sum_n f(k|n) ; \partial ll(n|k) / \partial S_k &= 0 \end{split} \end{equation*} \]
Remark that
By modelling the similarity
In this derivation,
We now consider the case of
\[ \begin{equation*} \begin{split} pdf(X_n|H_k) &= G \left[ X_n | M_k, C_k \right] \ G \left[ X_n | M_k, C_k \right] &= (2\pi)^{-d/2} (det C_k)^{-1/2} exp \left( -0.5 D^{T}{nk} C^{-1}k D{nk} \right) \ D{nk} &= X_n - M_k \end{split} \end{equation*} \]
In this context, the likelihood of an individual observation is:
And the total likelihood is:
The Lagrange multiplier method is used to take into account the normalisation constraint on the class rates
At its maximum,
\[ \begin{equation*} \begin{split} & ;& \partial \tilde{LL} / \partial r_k &= 0 \ &= ;& \sum_n \left[ 1 / l(n) \right] \partial / \partial r_k \left[ \sum_k r_k G \left[ X_n | M_k, C_k \right]\right] + \lambda &= 0 \ &= ;& \sum_n f(k|n) / r_k + \lambda &= 0 \ &= ;& r_k = - \sum_n f(k|n) / \lambda \end{split} \end{equation*} \]
Using the normalisation constraint over the class rates, we can solve for
\[ \begin{equation*} \begin{split} & ;& \sum_k r_k = 1 \ &= ;& \sum_k - \sum_n f(k|n) / \lambda = 1 \ &= ;& \left{ \sum_k f(k|n) = 1 \right} \ & & \lambda = -N \end{split} \end{equation*} \]
And thus,
& ;& r_k = \sum_n f(k|n) / N \
&= ;& \left{ N_k = \sum_n f(k|n) ;,; \text{the "number" of observations on object
We can now solve for
\[ \begin{equation*} \begin{split} & ;& \partial LL / \partial M_k = 0 \ &= ;& \sum_n f(k|n) \partial \left[ -0.5 D_{nk}^T C_k^{-1}D_{nk} \right] / \partial M_k = 0 \ &= ;& \sum_n f(k|n) C_k^{-1}D_{nk} = 0 \ &= ;& \left{ D_{nk} = X_n - M_k \text{, and eliminate } C_k \right} \ & & \sum_n f(k|n) M_k = \sum_n f(k|n) X_n \ &= ;& M_k = \sum_n f(k|n) X_n / N_k \end{split} \end{equation*} \]
Finally, we solve for
\[ \begin{equation*} \begin{split} & ;& \partial LL / \partial C_k^{-1} = 0 \ &= ;& \sum_n f(k|n) ; \partial ll(n|k) / \partial C_k^{-1} = 0 \ &= ;& \left{ \partial log(det X) / \partial X = X^{-1T} \text{ see for example matrixcalculus.org} \right} \ & &\left{ \partial a^TXa / \partial X = a a^T\right} \ & &\left{ det(A^n) = det(A)^n \right} \ & &\sum_n f(k|n) \left[ 0.5 C_k - 0.5D_{nk}D_{nk}^T \right] = 0 \ &= ;& \sum_n f(k|n) C_k = \sum_n f(k|n) D_{nk}D_{nk}^T \ &= ;& Ck = \sum_n f(k|n) D_{nk} D_{nk}^T ; / ; N_k \end{split} \end{equation*} \]
Given this derivation, the code below for one iteration of the algorithm should be quite straightforward:
iter=: monad define
N=: +/"1 F
R=: N % #X
D=: (K#,:X) -"1 M
MLC=: N %~ +/"3 F * */~"1 D NB. max likelihood estimate of the covariances
PC=: C
C=: CSensor sinned} MLC
detC=: det C
sin=: I. (<&detmin +. >&detmax) detC
sinned=: sinned , sin
MSinned=: sinned { M
C=: CSensor sin} C
invC=: %.C
detC=: (det ` (detC"_) @. (0=#sin)) C
exp=: ^ --:1 * invC QF D
PDF=: exp * ((o.2)^--:dim) * %%:detC
F=: (%"1 +/) R*PDF
PM=: M
M=: MSinned sinned} N %~ +/"2 (K#,:X) *"(3 2) F
tconv=: [: *./@, [ > |@-/@] NB. test convergence
conv=: (1e_1 tconv M,:PM) *. 1e_2 tconv C,:PC
t=: >:t
The only new aspect of this code is how it deals with a covariance matrix
Also, we compute how much the parameters changed between two iterations (see noun conv
) to determine when the maximum likelihood estimation has converged.
The initialisation is also quite simple, apart from the initialisation of the means where we employ the same algorithm used for kmeans++
. This is a variation on the code available on rosettacode.org
. One should notice the elegant wghtprob
due to Roger Hui (see http://j.mp/lj5Pnt
NB. Compute Initial Means à la kmeans++
CIM=: (],rndcenter)^:(]`(<:@:[)`(,:@:seed@:]))
seed=: {~ ?@#
NB. generate x rnd integers in i.#y with probability proportional to list of weights y
wghtprob=: 1&$: :((% {:)@:(+/\)@:] I. [ ?@$ 0:)"0 1
dist=: +/&.:*:@:-"1
rndcenter=: [ {~ [: wghtprob [: <./ dist/~
init=: monad define
t=:0 NB. time
C0=: (+/%#) */~"1 (] -"1 +/%#) X
('detmin';'detmax')=: (1e_4&* ; 1e4&*) det C0
CSensor=: C0%25 NB. covariance corresponding to the sensor precision
C=: K#,:C0
F=: K#,:(#X)#%K NB. initial Fuzzyness
NB.F=: (="1 0 /:~@~.) truth NB. perfect teacher
sinned=: $0
conv=:0 NB. convergence, boolean
At each iteration, we update the fuzzy to crisp association between data and models
NB. Update F, the Fuzzy to crisp association between data and models,
NB. given the prior knowledge of a teacher
UF=: monad define
if. #,>teacher do.
toprob=. [: (%"1+/)@as {
merge=. (<@;)"1 @: |:
tocp=. 1 : '([: ((,@:u) ; (<@,)) CP)"1' NB. apply u to the cartesian product of x and y
m0=. merge > class (toprob&F) tocp each teacher
m1=. merge > iclass (0:"0) tocp each teacher
F=: F ((>@{.@])`(>@{:@])`([))} merge m0,:m1
Once the algorithm converged, we compute the area under the precision recall curve. This article is very informative on the difference between the traditional Operating Characteristic curve and the PR curve: The Relationship Between Precision-Recall and ROC Curves.
Moreover, since our maximisation of the likelihood by gradient ascent can attain a local maximum, we do multiple runs and we keep the one with minimum Classification Entropy (
run=: monad define
while. (-.conv) *. t<100 do. iter'' end.
CE=: - +/^:2 > ([: (* ^.) [: +/ {&F) each class NB. classification entropy
PRAUC=: monad define NB. area under the precision-recall curve
LR=:(%"1 +/)PDF NB. likelihood ratios
mask=: 0 (;teacher)} 1 #~ #truth NB. to remove the data points known to the teacher
LR=: mask #"1 LR
class0=: +./ (mask#truth) ="1 0 >{.trueclass
TP=: 3 : '+/(+./ (>0{class) { LR>y) *. class0'
FP=: 3 : '+/(+./ (>0{class) { LR>y) *. -.class0'
FN=: 3 : '(+/class0)-TP y'
precision=: TP % TP + FP
recall=: TP % TP + FN
clean=. (([: ~. {."1) |:@,: {."1 >.//. {:"1) NB. for equal values of recall keep the greater precision
NB. data for the parametric precision-recall curve. For recall 0 the precision is 1.
AUCData=: clean 0 1 ,~ }: (recall,precision)"0 steps 0 1 100
AUC=: +/ 2 (|@-/ (-:@*/@[ + {.@[ * ]) {:@{.)\ AUCData NB. area under the PR curve
NB.'stick,line' plot <"1|:AUCData
metarun0=: monad define
('LM';'LC';'LCE';'LAUC')=: (LM,M);(LC,C);(LCE,CE);(LAUC,AUC)
metarun1=: monad define
('LM';'LC';'LCE';'LAUC')=: (,: M);(,: C);(,: CE);(,: AUC)
NB. keep the results of the run with minimum classification entropy
('M';'C';'CE';'AUC')=: ((i. <./) LCE)&{ each LM;LC;LCE;LAUC
plot_estimate=: monad define
n=. conew 'RandN'
create__n (y{M);(y{C)
pd 'color green'
pd 'type line ; pensize 3'
pd cellipse__n''
plot_all=: monad define
pd 'reset'
plot_class"0 i.#trueclass
plot_estimate"0 i.#mode
pd 'show'
Finally, we automatically find the optimal number of modes within a class by minimising the
metarun2=: monad define
mkclass=: ([: i. each ;/) +each ([: ;/ 0: , [: }: +/\)
classmask=: 0: = ; @: (i.each) @ ;
modeinc=: nbmode=: nbclass # 1
PCE=: _ [ CE=: 1e6
('BM';'BC';'BCE';'BAUC';'BClass';'BMode')=: 6$a:
nbiter=: 0
while. (0 < +/modeinc) *. (PCE>CE) *. nbiter<10 do.
class=: mkclass nbmode
('BM';'BC';'BCE';'BAUC';'BClass';'BMode')=: (BM,<M);(BC,<C);(BCE,<CE);(BAUC,<AUC);(BClass,<class);<(BMode,<mode)
modeinc=: > *./each (classmask nbmode) (<;.1) N>3 NB. ISO classes whose # of modes can increase
nbmode=: nbmode + modeinc
nbiter=: >: nbiter
('M';'C';'CE';'AUC';'class';'mode')=: >@(((i. <./) >BCE)&{) each BM;BC;BCE;BAUC;BClass;<BMode
For the first dataset, we obtain the following result with an AUCPR of
For the second dataset, we obtain the following result with an AUCPR of
For the third dataset, we obtain the following result with an AUCPR of
In case we don't know the number of modes per class, we can use metarun2
and we obtain the following result with an AUCPR of