For the technical portion of the CHOP position interview, you will be asked to fork this repository, set up your own Unity project from scratch (gitignore and all), the open a pull request before the 3/18 meeting @ 4pm. THIS WILL TAKE A NON-TRVIAL AMOUNT OF TIME, SO DON'T TRY TO DO THIS RIGHT BEFORE THE MEETING.
References:[email protected]/manual/script-InputField.html
-I/O in C#
-Screenspace UI Components
-Building to an Executable
-Using GitIgnores
-Opening Pull Requests
Basically you're gonna implement a rough terms and condition dialogue prompt in Unity, then build it to an executable. You will demo your working application during the first part of your non-technical interview on your own machine to keep operating system conflict issues to a minimum.
Text Input Component - asks for user name; sets the player name value in DontDestroyOnLoad.
Scroll View Component - reads in the text from disclosure.txt and displays it in a scroll view
Accept Button Component - launches the AcceptanceScene
Reject Button Component - Display a textbox that says "Sorry you can't do that"
Textbox - This should read something along the lines of "[Player name], you have accepted the terms and conditions."
Player Class - has a getter and setting for a Name field
Questions should be DMed to Edward on Discord.