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File metadata and controls

324 lines (235 loc) · 20.2 KB


OkHttp was an invaluable library when developing the Android app for Khan Academy. While its default configuration offers significant utility, below are some steps we took for increasing the resourcefulness and introspective power of OkHttp:

当我为可汗学院开发Android app的时候,OkHttp是一个十分有用的第三方库。虽然它的默认设置已经提供了很大的便利,但我们还是采取了以下的步骤来提升OkHttp resourcefulness and introspective的能力:

1. Enable response caching on the filesystem

By default, OkHttp does not cache responses that permit caching by including such a HTTP Cache-Control header. Therefore your client may be wasting time and bandwidth by requesting the same resource again and again, as opposed to simply reading a cached copy after the initial response.

1. 开启响应数据缓存到文件系统功能


To enable caching of responses on the filesystem, configure a com.squareup.okhttp.Cache instance and pass it to the setCache method of your OkHttpClient instance. You must instantiate the Cache with a File representing a directory, and a maximum size in bytes. Responses that can be cached are written to the given directory. If the caching of a response causes the directory contents to exceed the given size, responses are evicted while adhering to a LRU policy.


As recommended by Jesse Wilson, we cache responses in a subdirectory of context.getCacheDir():

// Base directory recommended by
// Guard against null, which is possible according to
// and
final @Nullable File baseDir = context.getCacheDir();
if (baseDir != null) {
  final File cacheDir = new File(baseDir, "HttpResponseCache");
  okHttpClient.setCache(new Cache(cacheDir, HTTP_RESPONSE_DISK_CACHE_MAX_SIZE));

根据Jesse Wilson的推荐,我们把缓存的数据存放在context.getCacheDir()的子目录中:

// Base directory recommended by
// Guard against null, which is possible according to
// and
final @Nullable File baseDir = context.getCacheDir();
if (baseDir != null) {
  final File cacheDir = new File(baseDir, "HttpResponseCache");
  okHttpClient.setCache(new Cache(cacheDir, HTTP_RESPONSE_DISK_CACHE_MAX_SIZE));

In the Khan Academy application, we specify HTTP_RESPONSE_DISK_CACHE_MAX_SIZE as 10 * 1024 * 1024, or 10 MB.

在可汗学院App中,我们指定HTTP_RESPONSE_DISK_CACHE_MAX_SIZE的值为10 * 1024 * 1024,即10MB。

2. Integrate with Stetho

Stetho is a lovely library by Facebook that allows you to inspect your Android application using the Chrome Developer Tools feature of Chrome.

In addition to allowing you to inspect the SQLite databases and view hierarchies of your application, Stetho allows you to inspect each request and response made by OkHttp:

2. 集成Stetho

Stetho是由Facebook开发的一个实用的库,它可以让你使用Chrome提供的Chrome Developer Tools来审查你的Android应用的代码。


This introspection is very useful for ensuring that the server is returning the HTTP headers that permit caching of resources, as well as verifying that no requests are made when cached resources should exist.

To enable Stetho, simply add a StethoInterceptor instance to the list of network interceptors:

okHttpClient.networkInterceptors().add(new StethoInterceptor());

Then, after running your application, open Chrome and navigate to chrome://inspect. The device and application identifier of the application should be listed. Visit its “inspect” link to open the Developer Tools, and then open the Network tab to begin monitoring requests by OkHttp.



okHttpClient.networkInterceptors().add(new StethoInterceptor());

然后运行你的应用并且打开Chrome,导航到chrome://inspect。 这时应该就会有一个设备和应用id的列表。点击'inspect'链接来打开Developer Tools,然后打开NetWork标签就可以观察OkHttp的请求了。

3. Use your client with Picasso and Retrofit

If you are like us, you might use Picasso to load images over the network, or use Retrofit to simplify issuing requests and decoding responses. By default, these libraries will implicitly create their own OkHttpClient for internal use if you do not explicitly specify one. From the OkHttpDownloader class of version 2.5.2 of Picasso:

private static OkHttpClient defaultOkHttpClient() {
  OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
  client.setConnectTimeout(Utils.DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
  client.setReadTimeout(Utils.DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
  client.setWriteTimeout(Utils.DEFAULT_WRITE_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
  return client;

Retrofit has a similar factory method for creating its own OkHttpClient.

3. 在你的应用中使用Picasso and Retrofit


private static OkHttpClient defaultOkHttpClient() {
  OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
  client.setConnectTimeout(Utils.DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
  client.setReadTimeout(Utils.DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
  client.setWriteTimeout(Utils.DEFAULT_WRITE_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
  return client;


Images are some of the largest resources that your application will load. While Picasso maintains its own LRU cache for images, it is strictly in-memory. If the client attempts to load an image using Picasso, and Picasso does not find that image in its in-memory cache, then it will delegate loading that image to its internal OkHttpClient instance. And by default that instance will always load the image from the server, as the defaultOkHttpClient method above does not configure it with a response cache on the filesystem.


Specifying your own OkHttpClient instance allows for returning a cached response from the filesystem. No image is loaded from the server. This is especially important after the app is first launched. At this time Picasso’s in-memory cache is cold, and so it will delegate loading images to the OkHttpClient instance frequently.


To do this, simply wrap the OkHttpClient instance in an OkHttpDownloader, and pass that to the downloader method of your Picasso.Builder instance:

final Picasso picasso = new Picasso.Builder(context)
    .downloader(new OkHttpDownloader(okHttpClient))

// The client should inject this instance whenever it is needed, but replace the singleton
// instance just in case.


final Picasso picasso = new Picasso.Builder(context)
    .downloader(new OkHttpDownloader(okHttpClient))

// The client should inject this instance whenever it is needed, but replace the singleton
// instance just in case.

To use your OkHttpClient instance with a RestAdapter in Retrofit 1.9.x, wrap the OkHttpClient in an OkClient instance, and pass that to the setClient method of your RestAdapter.Builder instance:

restAdapterBuilder.setClient(new OkClient(httpClient));

In Retrofit 2.0, simply pass the OkHttpClient instance to the client method of your Retrofit.Builder instance.

为了在Retrofit 1.9.x中结合RestAdapter使用OkHttpClient,把OkHttpClient包裹在OkClient中,再把它作为RestAdapter.BuildersetClient方法的参数传进去尽可以了:

restAdapterBuilder.setClient(new OkClient(httpClient));

在Retrofit 2.0中就更简单了,直接把OkHttpClient作为Retrofit.Builderclient方法的参数传递进去就行了。

In the Khan Academy application, we leverage Dagger to ensure that we have only one OkHttpClient instance, and that it is used by both Picasso and Retrofit. We create a provider for the OkHttpClient instance with the @Singleton annotation:

public OkHttpClient okHttpClient(final Context context, ...) {
  final OkHttpClient okHttpClient = new OkHttpClient();
  configureClient(okHttpClient, ...);
  return okHttpClient;

This OkHttpClient is then injected with Dagger into the other providers that create our RestAdapter and Picasso instances.


public OkHttpClient okHttpClient(final Context context, ...) {
  final OkHttpClient okHttpClient = new OkHttpClient();
  configureClient(okHttpClient, ...);
  return okHttpClient;


4. Specify a user agent interceptor

Log files and analytics are much more informative when clients provide a detailed User-Agent header value in every request. By default, OkHttp includes a User-Agent value that specifies only the version of OkHttp. To specify your own user agent, first create an interceptor that replaces the value, following this suggestion on StackOverflow:

public final class UserAgentInterceptor implements Interceptor {
  private static final String USER_AGENT_HEADER_NAME = "User-Agent";
  private final String userAgentHeaderValue;

  public UserAgentInterceptor(String userAgentHeaderValue) {
    this.userAgentHeaderValue = Preconditions.checkNotNull(userAgentHeaderValue);

  public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {
    final Request originalRequest = chain.request();
    final Request requestWithUserAgent = originalRequest.newBuilder()
        .addHeader(USER_AGENT_HEADER_NAME, userAgentHeaderValue)
    return chain.proceed(requestWithUserAgent);

4. 指定用户代理拦截器


public final class UserAgentInterceptor implements Interceptor {
  private static final String USER_AGENT_HEADER_NAME = "User-Agent";
  private final String userAgentHeaderValue;

  public UserAgentInterceptor(String userAgentHeaderValue) {
    this.userAgentHeaderValue = Preconditions.checkNotNull(userAgentHeaderValue);

  public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {
    final Request originalRequest = chain.request();
    final Request requestWithUserAgent = originalRequest.newBuilder()
        .addHeader(USER_AGENT_HEADER_NAME, userAgentHeaderValue)
    return chain.proceed(requestWithUserAgent);

To construct the User-Agent header value that is passed into the constructor of UserAgentInterceptor, use whatever values you would find informative. We use:

  • an os value of Android to clearly communicate that this is an Android device
  • Build.MODEL, or the “end-user-visible name for the end product”
  • Build.BRAND, or the “consumer-visible brand with which the product/hardware will be associated”
  • Build.VERSION.SDK_INT, or the “user-visible SDK version of the [Android] framework”
  • BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID
  • BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME
  • BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE


  • Android系统的os值,用它来明确额标识出这是来自Android设备的请求
  • Build.MODEL, 或“终端用户可见的产品名称”
  • Build.BRAND, 或“消费者可见的产品或者硬件品牌名”
  • Build.VERSION.SDK_INT, 或“用户可见的AndroidSDK版本号”
  • BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID
  • BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME
  • BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE

The last three values are specified by the applicationId, versionCode, and versionName values in our Gradle build script. For more information, consult the documents on versioning your applications, and on configuring your applicationId with Gradle.

Note that if your application uses a WebView, you can configure it to use the same User-Agent header value that you constructed the UserAgentInterceptor with:

WebSettings settings = webView.getSettings();

最后三个参数我们通过Gradle构建脚本里的applicationId, versionCodeversionName来指定。你可以查看这里这里的文档来获取更多的信息。


WebSettings settings = webView.getSettings();

5. Specify reasonable timeouts

Before version 2.5.0, OkHttp requests defaulted to never timing out. Starting with version 2.5.0, a request times out if establishing a connection, reading the next byte from a connection, or writing the next byte to a connection takes more than 10 seconds to complete. Doing nothing more than updating to version 2.5.0 revealed bugs in our own code, simply because we began exercising certain error paths for the first time. To override these default values, invoke setConnectTimeout, setReadTimeout or setWriteTimeout respectively.

5. 配置合理的超时时间

在2.5.0之前,OkHttp的请求默认不会超时。从2.5.0开始,如果一个请求建立连接后从这个连接中读取数据或者向这个连接写入数据超过10秒钟就认为超时。更新到2.5.0之后,我们的代码中出现了一些bug,因为一开始想要确定出错的具体位置。要覆盖这些默认行为,只需要对应的去调用setConnectTimeoutsetReadTimeout 或者 setWriteTimeout方法即可。

Note that Picasso and Retrofit specify different timeout values for their default OkHttpClientinstances. By default, Picasso specifies:

  • A connect timeout of 15 seconds.
  • A read timeout of 20 seconds.
  • A write timeout of 20 seconds.

Whereas Retrofit specifies:

  • A connect timeout of 15 seconds.
  • A read timeout of 20 seconds.
  • No write timeout.

By configuring Picasso and Retrofit with your own OkHttpClient instance, you can ensure consistent timeouts by all requests.


  • 连接超时15秒
  • 读数据超时20秒
  • 写数据超时20秒


  • 连接超时15秒
  • 读数据超时20秒
  • 写数据不会超时



Again, the default configuration of OkHttp offers significant utility. By adopting the steps above, you can increase its resourcefulness and introspective power, and improve the quality of your application.


再次声明,默认的OkHttp的配置方式已经提供了很大的便利。但是通过以上步骤你可以提高它的resourcefulness and introspective能力,从而提升你的App质量。