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Simple AF

Jason Pell edited this page Oct 21, 2024 · 31 revisions


The Simple AF project is for anyone who wants to use a Microprobe, BLTouch, 3dtouch, Crtouch, Cartographer or BTT Eddy with their K1, K1C or K1 Max and use vanilla klipper and no Creality Gcode.

If you wish to keep using the nozzle for levelling and z-offset, this is not the guide you are looking for!

If you want to use your strain guages but not prtouch, then check this out instead:

If you wish to use the Guilouz Helper script, this guide is not the guide you are looking for! The Guilouz Helper and Creality scripts for Mainsail and Fluid are not compatible with this project.

Note: Lidar is not supported by this project, it uses proprietary code from creality.

This project supports the following probes:

  • Microprobe
  • BLTouch, 3dTouch, CrTouch
  • Cartographer - Carto Touch (aka Survey Touch) and Carto Scan (old style)
  • BTT Eddy

The installation script will perform the following steps:

  • Disable creality services
  • Install Emergency Factory Reset feature
  • Install Bash
  • Replace Creality cam_app and old mjpg_streamer with entware mjpg_streamer
  • Install Moonraker
  • Install Moonraker Timelapse - no longer enabled by default
  • Install Nginx
  • Install Fluidd and Fluidd Config
  • Install Mainsail
  • Install KAMP
  • Install Vanilla Klipper
  • Install Guppyscreen
  • Setup bltouch/crtouch/3dtouch, Microprobe, Cartographer/Cartotouch or Btt Eddy

Where can I get help?

Come on over to the pellcorp discord server, here is the invite

The #simple-af-support channel has been setup for anyone wanting support.



Find the Microprobe guide

BLTouch, 3dtouch or Crtouch

Find the Bltouch guide


This is the new version of the carotographer which supports touch and scan and allows using a carto without turning the camera on and off.

Find the Cartographer Touch and Scan guide

BTT Eddy

Find the BTT Eddy guide

Legacy Cartographer

This is for the old 4.0.0 cartographer firmware which turns the camera on and off for carto activities and is deprecated soon to be removed.

Find the Legacy Cartographer guide

Moonraker Timelapse

Moonraker timelapse is installed but not enabled by default. To enable it there are a few steps, you need to add the following include to printer.cfg:

[include timelapse.cfg]

And uncomment the [include timelapse.conf] in moonraker.conf, you will need to restart moonraker and klipper after this, you can that via the fluidd or mainsail services section.

If you see these messages:

 15:14:24  // Unknown command:"_SET_TIMELAPSE_SETUP"
15:14:24  // Unknown command:"HYPERLAPSE"

It means you have not as yet properly restarted moonraker and/or klipper. If in doubt just power cycle your machine.

KAMP Configuration

The installer enables the KAMP LINE_PURGE and SMART_PARK macros in START_PRINT, but we use Klipper adaptive mesh, since the KAMP adaptive mesh and the klipper adaptive mesh are exactly the same feature wise, and even by the same author, this project won't offer KAMP adaptive mesh as a configuration option.


Configuring Timezone

The /etc/init.d/S58factoryreset has recently been updated not to delete the /etc/localtime, so you can configure it once and it should survive any number of factory resets, following the excellent guide here:


To update your installation with the latest fixes you should run:

/usr/data/pellcorp/k1/ --update-repo
/usr/data/pellcorp/k1/ --update

This backs up your customisations, updates all git repos, downloads new versions of any files and copies applies all changes to your /usr/data/printer_data/config directory and then reapplies your customisations over the top.

Refer to Update or Reinstall - What gets overriden

In future, it will be possible to run an update from Fluidd or Mainsail as a result of clicking the Update button in the software section, but that is not currently supported.


A reinstall is only needed if you are switching probes or one or more github repos have got into an inconsistent state.

Refer to Update or Reinstall - What gets overriden

Emergency Factory Reset

If the worst happens and you somehow get locked out (for instance for whatever reason the dropbear ssh session does not start or wifi config gets all screwy, it is possible to trigger a emergency factory reset.

It is very easy, you just need to create a empty file called emergency_factory_reset on a USB key and make sure the USB key is plugged in, then power cycle the printer, this will initiate a factory reset.

IMPORTANT: This factory reset method will rename the emergency_factory_reset to emergency_factory_reset.old to avoid a boot loop, so if you need to use this method again you will need to rename the file.

IMPORTANT: This factory reset method will not remove the special service file /etc/init.d/S58factoryreset from the k1, so if you need it you can redo a factory reset even before reinstalling.

Note: This method does not reset wifi or root access

Returning to Helper Script

If you want to return to helper script, you should run a factory reset first with:

/etc/init.d/S58factoryreset reset

If you factory reset your printer after using this project, the creality stock screen will most likely show a 3002 error. This is perfectly normal, it just means that the firmware flashed to the Nozzle, Bed and MCU is too new. If you wish to return to stock and/or Guilouz helper, just physically restart the printer a second time and the error will go away. If you are going to reinstall this project, you do not need to do anything, we will be replacing the stock screen with guppyscreen soon enough.
