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Alexander Alexandrov edited this page Jan 12, 2016 · 3 revisions

The Peel website can be accessed via


We use a cutstomized Foundation download based on this Paletton palette this Paletton palette. The colors are mapped as follows:

  • Paletton primary color ↦ Foundation primary color
  • Paletton primary color ↦ Foundation success color
  • Paletton secondary color ↦ Foundation secondary color
  • Paletton complement color ↦ Foundation alert color

Development & Local Preview

See the GitHub Jekyll documentation for instructions how to run and preview the website locally.

Fun with Linux

You'll need Ruby 2.0+ (bin + dev packages) as well as the bundler package in order to run as the GitHub documentation suggests. If you (like @aalexandrov) are running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, you will find out that merely executing

sudo apt-get install ruby2.0 ruby2.0-dev bundler

doesn't really help due to a bug in the ruby2.0 packaging. To solve the problem do as suggested by agent-8131 after that.

You might also be asked to require a JavaScript runtime from this list, e.g. with

sudo apt-get install nodejs

Upon that, you should be able to install the required Ruby packages for local preview by running

sudo bundle install

You also need to install some gems:

gem install jekyll-redirect-from

from the gh-pages root folder.

Local Preview

Once you've managed to install the required Ruby bundles, you can preview the website locally with

bundle exec jekyll serve
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