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Deep Learning with Custom GoogleNet and ResNet in Keras and Xilinx DNNDK TensorFlow 3.1


In this Deep Learning (DL) tutorial, you will quantize in fixed point some custom convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and deploy them on the Xilinx® ZCU102 board using Keras and the Xilinx DNNDK 3.1 tool chain based on TensorFlow (TF). All the CNNs are modeled and trained directly in Keras and then transformed into TF inference graphs before being deployed on the target board.

This tutorial includes the following:

  1. Highly software engineered Python code with all the global variables stored in a configuration file to decrease redundancy.
  2. Templates that can easily be re-adapted, with minimum changes, for similar use-cases.
  3. Some custom CNNs, from the simplest LeNet and miniVggNet to the intermediate miniGoogleNet and the mre complex miniResNet, as described in the file.
  4. Links to all the public domain material found on the Internet.
  5. Logfiles of any processing step captured and stored into an rpt directory.
  6. Two different datasets, Fashion-MNIST and CIFAR10, each one with 10 classes of objects.

Once the selected CNN has been correctly trained in Keras, the HDF5 file of weights is converted into a TF checkpoint and inference graph files, and then the frozen graph is quantized by the Xilinx DNNDK TF 3.1 toolchain. The elf file for the Xilinx Edge AI Platform is created and executed on the ZCU102 target board. The top-1 accuracy of the predictions computed at run time is measured and compared with the simulation results. The following flow is used to accomplish this:

  1. Organize the data into folders, such as train for training, val for validation during the training phase, test for testing during the inference/prediction phase, and cal for calibration during the quantization phase, for each dataset. See Organizing the Data for more information. From the host PC, run the following command:
source ./ # generate images of both datasets
  1. Train the CNNs in Keras and generate the HDF5 weights model. See Training the CNN for more information. From the host PC, run the following commands:
source ./  #only for Fashion-MNIST
source ./ #only for CIFAR10
  1. Convert into TF checkpoints and inference graphs. See Creating TF Inference Graphs from Keras Models for more information. From the host PC, run the following commands:
source ./
source ./
  1. Freeze the TF graphs to evaluate the CNN prediction accuracy as the reference starting point. See Freezing the TF Graphs for more information. From the host PC, run the following commands:
source ./
source ./
source ./
source ./
  1. Quantize from 32-bit floating point to 8-bit fixed point and evaluate the prediction accuracy of the quantized CNN. See Quantizing the Frozen Graphs for more information. From the host PC, run the following commands:
source ./
source ./
source ./
source ./
  1. Write the C++ application and then compile the elf file for the target board. See Compiling the Quantized Models for more information. From the host PC, run the following commands:
source ./
source ./
  1. Execute the elf file, during run-time, on the ZCU102 target board to measure the effective top-1 accuracy. See Build and Run on Target Board for more information. From the target board, run the following command:
source ./

For more information see How to Convert a Trained Keras Model to a Single TensorFlow .pb file and Make Prediction and its related GitHub code, and the Xilinx Edge AI Tutorial MNIST classification with TensorFlow and Xilinx DNNDK.

📌 NOTE All explanations in the following sections are based only on the Fashion-MNIST dataset; the commands for the CIFAR10 dataset are very similar: just replace the sub-string "fmnist" with "cifar10".


Organizing the Data

As DL deals with image data, you must organize your data in appropriate folders and apply some pre-processing to adapt the images to the hardware features of the Edge AI Platform. The script creates the sub-folders: train, val, test, and cal that are located in the dataset/fashion-mnist and dataset/cifar10 directories and fills them with 50000 images for training, 5000 images for validation, 5000 images for testing (taken from the 10000 images of the original test dataset), and 1000 images for the calibration process (copied from the training images).

All the images are 32x32x3 in dimensions so that they are compatible with the two different datasets.

Fashion MNIST

The MNIST dataset is considered the hello world of DL because it is widely used as a first test to check the deployment flow of a vendor of DL solutions. This small dataset takes relatively less time in the training of any CNN. However, due to the poor content of all its images, even the most shallow CNN can easily achieve from 98% to 99% of top-1 accuracy in Image Classification.

To solve this problem, the Fashion-MNIST dataset has been recently created. It is identical to the MNIST dataset in terms of training set size, testing set size, number of class labels, and image dimensions, but it is more challenging in terms of achieving high top-1 accuracy values.

Usually, the size of the images is 28x28x1 (gray-level), but in this case they have been converted to 32x32x3 ("false" RGB images) to be compatible with the "true" RGB format of CIFAR10.


The CIFAR10 dataset is composed of 10 classes of objects to be classified. It contains 60000 labeled RGB images that are 32x32 in size and thus, this dataset is more challenging than the MNIST and Fashion-MNIST datasets.

Training the CNN

Irrespective of the CNN type, the data is processed, using the following code, to normalize it from 0 to 1. The following Python code has to be mirrored in the C++ application that runs in the ARM® CPU of ZCU102 target board.

# scale data to the range of [0, 1]
x_train = x_train.astype("float32") / cfg.NORM_FACTOR
x_test  = x_test.astype("float32") / cfg.NORM_FACTOR

# normalize as Xilinx DNNDK TF likes to see
x_train = x_train -0.5
x_train = x_train *2
x_test  = x_test  -0.5
x_test  = x_test  *2

📌 NOTE In LeNet and miniVggNet, replace the sequence of layers "CONV-> RELU -> BN" with the sequence "CONV-> BN -> RELU" because the former does not allow you to merge all the layers when compiling with the dnnc. It might also perform poorly during the 8-bit quantization with decent.

📌 NOTE You might get slightly different absolute results of top-1 accuracies in comparison with what shown in the following of this tutorial: this is absolutely normal in DL (it depends on your GPU and on your environment, fixed all the same libraries). What really important is that your results should have relative differences between themselves which are coherent with what reported in this document.


The model scheme of LeNet has 6,409,510 parameters as shown in the following figure:


Once the training is complete, you will get an average top-1 accuracy of ~92% over 5 epochs, as reported in the 1_train_fashion_mnist_LeNet.log logfile.

For more details about this custom CNN and its training procedure, read the first book "Starter Bundle" of the Deep Learning for Computer Vision with Python series by Dr. Adrian Rosebrock.


miniVggNet is a less deep version of the original VGG16 CNN customized for the smaller Fashion-MNIST dataset instead of the larger ImageNet-based ILSVRC. For more information on this custom CNN and its training procedure, read Adrian Rosebrock's post from the PyImageSearch Keras Tutorials. miniVggNet is also explained in the second book "Practitioner Bundle" of the Deep Learning for CV with Python series.

The model scheme of miniVggNet has 2,170,986 parameters as shown in the following figure:


Once the training is complete, you will get an average top-1 accuracy of ~94% over 25 epochs, as reported in the 1_train_fashion_mnist_miniVggNet.log logfile and also illustrated by the learning curves:



miniGoogleNet is a customization of the original GoogleNet CNN. It is suitable for the smaller Fashion-MNIST dataset, instead of the larger ImageNet-based ILSVRC.

For more information on miniGoogleNet, read the second book, "Practitioner Bundle" of the Deep Learning for CV with Python series by Dr. Adrian Rosebrock.

The model scheme of miniGoogleNet has 1,656,250 parameters, as shown in the following figure:


Once the training is complete, you will get an average top-1 accuracy of ~93% over 70 epochs, as reported in the 1_train_fashion_mnist_miniGoogleNet.log logfile and also illustrated by the learning curves:



miniResNet is a customization of the original ResNet-50 CNN. It is suitable for the smaller Fashion-MNIST small dataset, instead of the larger ImageNet-based ILSVRC.

For more information on miniResNet, read the second book, "Practitioner Bundle" of the Deep Learning for CV with Python series.

The model scheme of miniResNet has 886,102 parameters, as shown in the following figure:


Once the training is complete, you will get an average top-1 accuracy of ~95% over 100 epochs, as reported in the 1_train_fashion_mnist_miniResNet.log logfile and also reported by the learning curves:


Creating TF Inference Graphs from Keras Models

The script gets the computation graph of the TF backend representing the Keras model which includes the forward pass and training related operations.

The output files of this process, infer_graph.pb and float_model.chkpt.*, will be stored in the folder tf_chkpts (actually empty to save disk space). The generated logfile in the rpt folder also contains the TF input and output names that will be needed for Freezing the TF Graphs. For example, in the case of miniVggNet, such nodes are named conv2d_1_input and activation_6/Softmax respectively, as reported in the 2_keras2TF_graph_conversion_mVggNet.log file.

Freezing the TF Graphs

The inference graph created in Creating TF Inference Graphs from Keras Models is first converted to a GraphDef protocol buffer, then cleaned so that the subgraphs that are not necessary to compute the requested outputs, such as the training operations, can be removed. This process is called "freezing the graph".

The following commands generate the frozen graph and use it to evaluate the accuracy of the CNN by making predictions on the images in the test folder:

source ./
source ./

It is important to apply the correct input node and output node names in all the shell scripts, as shown in the following example with parameters when related to the miniVggNet case study:

--input_node  conv2d_1_input --output_node activation_6/Softmax

This information can be captured by the following python code:

# Check the input and output name
print ("\n TF input node name:")
print ("\n TF output node name:")

With the Fashion-MNIST dataset, the frozen graphs evaluation generates top-1 prediction accuracy respectively of 0.9202, 0.9386, 0.9156 AND 0.9496 for LeNet, miniVggNet, miniGoogleNet, and miniResNet CNN, as reported in the files 3b_evaluate_frozen_graph_LeNet.log, 3b_evaluate_frozen_graph_miniVggNet.log, 3b_evaluate_frozen_graph_miniGoogleNet.log, and 3b_evaluate_frozen_graph_miniResNet.log.

Quantizing the Frozen Graphs

The following commands generate the quantized graph and use it to evaluate the accuracy of the CNN by making predictions on the images in the test folder:

source ./
source ./

With the Fashion-MNIST dataset, the quantized graphs evaluation generates top-1 prediction accuracy respectively of 0.9260, 0.9432, 0.9184 and 0.9490 for LeNet, miniVggNet, miniGoogleNet, and miniResNet CNN, as reported in the files 4b_evaluate_quantized_graph_LeNet.log, 4b_evaluate_quantized_graph_miniVggNet.log, 4b_evaluate_quantized_graph_miniGoogleNet.log and 4b_evaluate_quantized_graph_miniResNet.log.

Compiling the Quantized Models

The following command generates the elf file for the embedded system composed by the ARM CPU and the DPU accelerator:

source ./

This file has to be linked with the C++ application directly on the target board OS environment. For example, in case of LeNet for Fashion-MNIST, the elf file is named dpu_LeNet_0.elf. A similar nomenclature is applied for the other CNNs.

Build and Run on the Target Board

This section reports only the results related to Fashion-MNIST dataset. The results for CIFAR10 are similar.

The C++ Application

The C++ code for image classification is almost independent of the CNN type, the only differences being the names of the kernel and the output node.

For example, in the case of miniVggNet, you have the following fragment of C++ code from

#define KERNEL_CONV "miniVggNet_0"
#define CONV_INPUT_NODE "conv2d_1_convolution"
#define CONV_OUTPUT_NODE "dense_2_MatMul"

while for the miniGoogleNet, the C++ code looks like this:

#define KERNEL_CONV "miniGoogleNet_0"
#define CONV_INPUT_NODE "conv2d_1_convolution"
#define CONV_OUTPUT_NODE "dense_1_MatMul"

LeNet and miniResNet also have their respective codes.

It is very important that the C++ code to pre-process the images executes the same operations that you applied in the Python code of the training procedure. This is illustrated in the following C++ code fragments:

void normalize_image(const Mat& image, int8_t* data, float scale, float* mean)
  for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
    for(int j = 0; j < image.rows; ++j) {
      for(int k = 0; k < image.cols; ++k) { //BGR  
	       data[j*image.rows*3+k*3+i] = (float(<Vec3b>(j,k)[i])/255.0 - 0.5)*2 * scale;

inline void set_input_image(DPUTask *task, const string& input_node, const cv::Mat& image, float* mean)
  //Mat cropped_img;
  DPUTensor* dpu_in = dpuGetInputTensor(task, input_node.c_str());
  float scale = dpuGetTensorScale(dpu_in);
  int width = dpuGetTensorWidth(dpu_in);
  int height = dpuGetTensorHeight(dpu_in);
  int size = dpuGetTensorSize(dpu_in);
  int8_t* data = dpuGetTensorAddress(dpu_in);
  normalize_image(image, data, scale, mean);

📌 NOTE The DPU API apply OpenCV functions to read an image file (either png or jpg or whatever format) therefore the images are seen as BGR and not as native RGB. All the training and inference steps done in this tutorial take images as BGR, which is true also for the above C++ normalization routine. If the training was done in the effective RGB format, the C++ code should have been changed as:

 . . .
      for(int k = 0; k < image.cols; ++k) { //RGB
            data[j*image.rows*3+k*3+2-i] = (float(<Vec3b>(j,k)[i])/255.0 - 0.5)*2 * scale;
 . . .

A mismatch at this level would prevent the computation of the correct predictions at run time on the target board.

The following is the C++ code fragment to perform the images classification task:

vector<string> kinds, images;

void run_CNN(DPUTask *taskConv, Mat img)
  // Get channel count of the output Tensor
  int channel = dpuGetOutputTensorChannel(taskConv, CONV_OUTPUT_NODE);

  float *softmax = new float[channel];
  float *FCresult = new float[channel];
  float mean[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};

  // Set image into Conv Task with mean value
  set_input_image(taskConv, CONV_INPUT_NODE, img, mean);

  //cout << "\nRun MNIST CONV ..." << endl;

  // Get FC result and convert from INT8 to FP32 format
  _T(dpuGetOutputTensorInHWCFP32(taskConv, CONV_OUTPUT_NODE, FCresult, channel));

  // Calculate softmax on CPU and show TOP5 classification result
  CPUCalcSoftmax(FCresult, channel, softmax);
  TopK(softmax, channel, 5, kinds);

  delete[] softmax;
  delete[] FCresult;

void classifyEntry(DPUKernel *kernelConv)

  /*Load all image names */
  ListImages(baseImagePath, images);
  if (images.size() == 0) {
    cerr << "\nError: Not images exist in " << baseImagePath << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "total image : " << images.size() << endl;

  /*Load all kinds words.*/
  LoadWords(baseImagePath + "labels.txt", kinds);
  if (kinds.size() == 0) {
    cerr << "\nError: Not words exist in labels.txt." << endl;

  thread workers[threadnum];
  auto_start = system_clock::now();

  for (auto i = 0; i < threadnum; i++)
  workers[i] = thread([&,i]()

    /*Create DPU Tasks for CONV*/
    DPUTask *taskConv = dpuCreateTask(kernelConv, DPU_MODE_NORMAL); //profiling not enabled

    for(unsigned int ind = i  ;ind < images.size();ind+=threadnum) {
      cout << "\nLoad image : " << << endl;
      Mat img = imread(baseImagePath +; //OpenCV read image as BGR!
      run_CNN(taskConv, img);
    // Destroy DPU Tasks & free resources

  // Release thread resources.
  for (auto &w : workers) {
    if (w.joinable()) w.join();

  auto _end = system_clock::now();
  auto duration = (duration_cast<microseconds>(_end - _start)).count();
  cout << "[Time]" << duration << "us" << endl;
  cout << "[FPS]" << images.size()*1000000.0/duration  << endl;


The only difference between the two C++ files, and, is that in, the printf instructions are not commented to allow the prediction accuracies to be printed at run time and captured into a logfile, for example, logfile_top5_LeNet.txt that will later be post-processed by the python script,, to generate the final logfile, for example, top5_accuracy_fmnist_LeNet.txt with the average top-5 accuracy over the test images dataset.

On the other hand, in all the printf are commented so that the elapsed time of the Edge AI Platform can be measured accurately. The effective fps throughput depends on the amount of threads set at runtime. The script tries from one to eight threads and prints the effective fps that is stored in a logfile, for example, in fps_fmnist_LeNet.txt.

📌 NOTE This number is a worst case as the images are loaded and preprocessed by the ARM CPU, which is slower in comparison to the Edge AI Platform. In a real design, the images would be loaded by a sensor and pre-processed by a low-latency HW accelerator (for more information see the Xilinx® xfOpenCV optimized library).

Build the application

Turn on your target board and establish a serial communication with a putty terminal from Ubuntu or with a TeraTerm terminal from your Windows host PC.

Ensure that you have an Ethernet point-to-point cable connection with the correct IP addresses to enable ssh communication in order to quickly transfer files to the target board with scp from Ubuntu or pscp.exe from Windows host PC. For example, you can set the IP addresses of the target board to be while the host PC is as shown in the following figure:


Once a tar file of the target_zcu102 folder has been created, copy it from the host PC to the target board. For example, in case of an Ubuntu PC, use the following command:

scp target_zcu102.tar [email protected]:/root/

Running LeNet

From the target board terminal, run the following commands:

tar -xvf target_zcu102.tar
cd target_zcu102
source ./fmnist/LeNet/

With this command, the fmnist_test.tar.gz file with the 5000 test images will be uncompressed. The whole application is then built with the make utility and finally launched, thus generating the output file logfile_top5_LeNet.txt.

The effective top-5 classification accuracy is checked with the python script and stored into the top5_accuracy_fmnist_LeNet.txt file. The script then re-compiles the C++ code to measure the effective fps by calling, under the hood, the script.

LeNet achieves 0.93 top-1 average accuracy measured at runtime. The maximum amount of fps processed, including images file loading, is equal to 1544 with 6 threads, as shown in the fps_fmnist_LeNet.txt logfile.

Running miniVggNet

From the target board terminal, run the following commands to generate the output file logfile_top5_miniVggNet.txt.

tar -xvf target_zcu102.tar
cd target_zcu102
source ./fmnist/miniVggNet/

The effective top-5 classification accuracy is stored into the top5_accuracy_fmnist_miniVggNet.txt file. The script recompiles the C++ code to measure the effective fps by calling under the hood, the script.

miniVggNet achieves 0.95 top-1 average accuracy measured at runtime. The maximum amount of fps processed, including images file loading, is equal to 3623 with 6 threads, as shown in the fps_fmnist_miniVggNet.txt file.

Running miniGoogleNet

Run the following commands from the target board terminal to generate the output file logfile_top5_miniGoogleNet.txt.

tar -xvf target_zcu102.tar
cd target_zcu102
source ./fmnist/miniGoogleNet/ 2>&1 | tee ./fmnist/miniGoogleNet/rpt/logfile_fmnist_minigooglenet_run_target.txt

The effective top-5 classification accuracy is stored in the top5_accuracy_fmnist_miniGoogleNet.txt file. The script recompiles the C++ code to measure the effective fps by calling under the hood the script.

miniGoogleNet achieves a 0.92 top-1 average accuracy measured at runtime. The maximum amount of fps processed, including images file loading, is equal to 2512 with 6 threads, as shown in the fps_fmnist_miniGoogleNet.txt file.

Running miniResNet

Run the following commands from the target board terminal to generate the output file logfile_top5_miniResNet.txt.

tar -xvf target_zcu102.tar
cd target_zcu102
source ./fmnist/miniResNet/ 2>&1 | tee ./fmnist/miniResNet/rpt/logfile_fmnist_miniresnet_run_target.txt

The effective top-5 classification accuracy is stored into the top5_accuracy_fmnist_miniResNet.txt file. Then the script re-compile the C++ code to measure the effective fps by calling under the hood the script

miniResNet achieves a 0.95 top-1 average accuracy measured at runtime. The maximum amount of fps processed, including images file loading, is equal to 928 with 5 threads, as shown in the fps_fmnist_miniResNet.txt file.


The following Excel table summarizes the CNN features for each dataset and for each network in terms of:

  • elapsed CPU time for the training process,
  • number of CNN parameters and number of epochs for the training processed,
  • TensorFlow output node names,
  • top-1 accuracies estimated for the TF frozen graph and the quantized graph,
  • top-1 accuracies measured on ZCU102 at run time execution,
  • frames per second including reading the images with OpenCV function from ARM CPU (while in the real life case these images will be stored into DDR memory and so their access time should be negligible as seen from the DPU IP core).

Note that the top-1 accuracies of the four CNNs are quite different related to each other: in case of the CIFAR10 dataset you got 0.68, 0.84, 0.90 and 0.93, whereas in case of the Fashion-MNIST you got 0.93, 0.95, 0.92 and 0.95 respectively for LeNet, miniVggNet, miniGoogleNet and miniResNet. This is due to the fact that the CIFAR10 dataset is more sophisticated than the Fashion-MNIST in terms of content.




  • Thanks to Dr. Adrian Rosebrock, from PyImageSearch, for his permission to use his python code available in the "Starter Bundle" and "Practitioner Bundle" books of the Deep Learning for CV with Python series.

  • Thanks to the ladies Mohana Das and Erin Truax, my fantastic editors.

  • Thanks to my colleague Andy Luo, sponsor and reviewer of this project.

  • Thanks to my colleague Yue Gao for her very-detailed review of this project, which really helped me a lot.

  • Thanks to my colleagues Mark Harvey, Shuai Zhang, Xiaoming Sun, Fei Liu, Yi Shan, Fan Jiang, Xiao Sheng for their support during the development of this project.

Daniele Bagni


Profiling the DPU

There are at least three possible profiling methods to measure the throughput performance of the embedded system composed by the ARM CPU and the DPU IP core:

  1. by manually profiling only the CNN APIs called by the ARM CPU, or
  2. by automatically profiling all the CNN layers running on the DPU IP core, or
  3. by manually computing the elapsed time - with image pre-processing and data loading operation included.

In the following of this Section you will see how to profiling the miniVggNet CNN trained on the CIFAR10 dataset. The same concepts are valid also for all the other CNNs of this tutorial. You have to run the following commands from your host PC:

cd appendix/prof
source ./

Then you have to build and run the application. From the target board, run the following command:

source ./

In the first profiling method, you have to compile the elf file with the dnnc flag --mode normal in the script, and the DPU elapsed time is measured with the following fragment of C++ the application from

#define SHOWTIME

#define _T(func)                                                              \
        auto _start = system_clock::now();                                    \
        func;                                                                 \
        auto _end = system_clock::now();                                      \
        auto duration = (duration_cast<microseconds>(_end - _start)).count(); \
        string tmp = #func;                                                   \
        tmp = tmp.substr(0, tmp.find('('));                                   \
        cout << "[TimeTest]" << left << setw(30) << tmp;                      \
        cout << left << setw(10) << duration << "us" << endl;                 \
#define _T(func) func;


void run_CNN(DPUTask *taskConv, Mat img) {
  // Set image into Conv Task with mean value
  set_input_image(taskConv, CONV_INPUT_NODE, img, mean, std);

  //cout << "\nRun MNIST CONV ..." << endl;

  // Get FC result and convert from INT8 to FP32 format
  _T(dpuGetOutputTensorInHWCFP32(taskConv, CONV_OUTPUT_NODE, FCresult, channel));

  // Calculate softmax on CPU and show TOP5 classification result
  CPUCalcSoftmax(FCresult, channel, softmax);
  TopK(softmax, channel, 5, kinds);


void classifyEntry(DPUKernel *kernelConv)

#define DPU_MODE_PROF   1
#define DPU_MODE_DUMP   2

    /* Create DPU Tasks for CONV  */
    DPUTask *taskConv = dpuCreateTask(kernelConv, DPU_MODE_NORMAL); // profiling not enabled
    //DPUTask *taskConv = dpuCreateTask(kernelConv, DPU_MODE_PROF); // profiling enabled
    //enable profiling
    //int res1 = dpuEnableTaskProfile(taskConv);


At run time execution you will see something like this for each input image (see logfile_fps_prof1.txt):

[TimeTest]dpuRunTask                    419       us
[TimeTest]dpuGetOutputTensorInHWCFP32   6         us

In the second profiling method, you have to compile the elf file with the dnnc flag --mode debug in the script, and the DPU elapsed time is measured with the following fragment of C++ code from

//#define SHOWTIME

void classifyEntry(DPUKernel *kernelConv)

    //DPUTask *taskConv = dpuCreateTask(kernelConv, DPU_MODE_NORMAL); // profiling not enabled
    DPUTask *taskConv = dpuCreateTask(kernelConv, DPU_MODE_PROF); // profiling enabled
    int res1 = dpuEnableTaskProfile(taskConv);

At run time execution you will see something like this for each input image (see logfile_fps_prof2.txt):

[DNNDK] Performance profile - DPU Kernel "miniVggNet_0" DPU Task "miniVggNet_0-5"
  ID                       NodeName Workload(MOP) Mem(MB) RunTime(ms) Perf(GOPS) Utilization    MB/S
   1           conv2d_1_convolution          1.77    0.04        0.02      110.6         8.3%  2292.9
   2           conv2d_2_convolution         18.87    0.05        0.02      943.7        70.9%  2468.7
   3           conv2d_3_convolution          9.44    0.04        0.02      589.8        44.3%  2670.5
   4           conv2d_4_convolution         18.87    0.06        0.02      943.7        70.9%  2816.2
   5                 dense_1_MatMul          4.19    2.01        0.33       12.6         0.9%  6046.8
   6                 dense_2_MatMul          0.01    0.01        0.00        3.4         0.3%  1875.6

                Total Nodes In Avg:
                                All         53.16    2.31        0.41      129.3         9.7%  5623.8

In both the first and second methods the image preprocessing CPU overhead is not taken in account. In fact in the current application the ARM CPU runs it in SW, which is surely not an efficient solution being very slow. In real life scenario an HW accelerator would do that in the MPSoC fabric with much smaller latency, typically using Xilinx xfOpenCV-based accelerators.

In the third method, you have to compile the elf file with the dnnc flag --mode normal in the script; the DPU elapsed time - including image preprocessing running on ARM CPU - is measured with the following fragment of C++ code in the classifyEntry() subroutine from

#include <chrono>
auto _start = system_clock::now(); //timers
for (auto i = 0; i < threadnum; i++){
workers[i] = thread([&,i]() {

  /* Create DPU Tasks for CONV  */
  DPUTask *taskConv = dpuCreateTask(kernelConv, DPU_MODE_NORMAL); // profiling not enabled

  for(unsigned int ind = i  ;ind < images.size();ind+=threadnum)

      Mat img = imread(baseImagePath +; //OpenCV read image
      run_CNN(taskConv, img); //this contains the image pre-processing
  // Destroy DPU Tasks & free resources

// Release thread resources.
for (auto &w : workers) {
  if (w.joinable()) w.join();

auto _end = system_clock::now();
auto duration = (duration_cast<microseconds>(_end - _start)).count();
cout << "[Time]" << duration << "us" << endl;
cout << "[FPS]" << images.size()*1000000.0/duration  << endl;

At run time execution you will see something like this for each input image (see the last lines of logfile_fps_prof1.txt):


In terms of fps performance summary, here are the results related to the latency of the (CIFAR10 trained) miniVggNet CNN layers running on the DPU respectively for the three methods:

  1. 425us -> ~2353fps (DPU alone)
  2. 0.41ms -> ~2439fps (DPU alone)
  3. 9367us -> ~1067fps (CPU + DPU)

While the results measured by method 1 and 2 are quite in agreement (note that method 2 is the most precise), the results of method 3 is much worst because of the overhead of the ARM CPU (running in SW the tasks of file I/O operations and Softmax subroutine). Note also that all those results are measured with a single thread execution.

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