Note: You will not need this guide if you simply want to add a new machine learning task to Disco. Instead, for that you can directly use task creation form, or our guide on how to add a custom task.
If you want to contribute to the development of the Disco library itself? If yes then this present guide is for you.
Disco has grown a lot since its early days, and like with any sizeable code base, getting started is both difficult and intimidating: There are a lot of files, it's not clear what's important at first, and even where to start is a bit of a puzzle.
The two main technologies behind Disco are TypeScript and distributed machine learning, I will assume that the reader is familiar with both to some extent, if not the following references might be useful.
Even if you are already familiar with TypeScript or Federated Learning it's always good to go over the relevant knowledge to discover pieces you might have missed the first time; the devil is in the details, and it is the details that maketh the expert.
If you find that certain parts of this present guide are indeed outdated, then it is your responsibility now to update this document in order to keep the fire going. Good luck, and may node be with you.
Disco is a big project so some things have been omitted, you are encouraged to add missing information!
When learning a new programming language the established first step is hello world, which in short is a sanity check to make sure things are running. In Disco this is a bit more involved since it is composed of a library (discojs), a front-end (browser), a back-end (server) and a cli (benchmark); depending on what your goal is, you might only use a subset of them, e.g. for running simulations with the cli you don't need the browser.
To quickly get up and running you can follow any of the following quick start guide; note that each folder has it's with useful information that might be useful if you can't get it to run.
The most common issues with running disco are usually due to using old node versions and setting the appropriate environment on M1 Macs, see here for more. Note that disco has been not tested on Windows (only Linux and macOS).
Running the following commands will set up a Disco server on http://localhost:8080 along a web client served on http://localhost:8081.
git clone [email protected]:epfml/disco.git
nvm use
cd discojs && npm ci
cd discojs-web && npm run build
cd ../..
cd server && npm ci && npm run dev
cd ..
cd web-client && npm ci && npm run dev
If you run the web client first, then you will get an error since the server is expected to run on http://localhost:8080
More information about the web client can be found here
Running the following commands will run a Disco server and two clients in the federated setting, all from your command line.
git clone [email protected]:epfml/disco.git
nvm use
cd discojs && npm ci
cd discojs-node && npm run build
cd ../..
cd server && npm ci
cd ..
cd cli && npm ci && npm start
More information about the cli can be found here
A bare bones example of disco can be found here with both code and documentation.
In this section we will go over how the core logic is structured.
Code overview structure shown in
The server, web client and CLI each contain all the relevant code and about their respective roles which are self-explanatory in their name.
The main core logic of disco is in discojs/discojs-core
. In turn, the main object of Disco.js is the Disco class, which groups together the different classes that enable distributed learning; these classes are the Trainer
and the Client
, the latter deals with communication and the former with training. Since different types of communication and training is available these classes are abstract and various implementations exist for the different frameworks (e.g. FederatedClient
for federated communication with a central server).
Once you understand how these two classes work (as well as it's concrete implementations) you will have a good initial grasp of Disco. The rest of the classes mostly deal with building these objects (the Task object specifies all this information), making them work together and so on.
In what follows, most code snippets will be incomplete with respect to the actual code in order to focus on the essentials.
The trainer class contains all code relevant for training, its main method is trainModel
which does as it would
suggest, train a model with a given dataset. This class is abstract, and requires the method onRoundEnd
to be implemented which is the where the distributed learning flow starts.
async trainModel (dataset:<tf.TensorContainer>): Promise<void> {
// Assign callbacks and start training
await this.model.fitDataset(dataset, {
callbacks: {
onBatchEnd: async (epoch, logs) => await this.onBatchEnd(epoch, logs) // <-- call our own onBatchEnd
protected async onBatchEnd (_: number, logs?: tf.Logs): Promise<void> {
this.roundTracker.updateBatch() // <-- update round
if (this.roundTracker.roundHasEnded()) {
await this.onRoundEnd(logs.acc) // <-- call onRoundEnd
protected abstract onRoundEnd (accuracy: number): Promise<void>
Note that onBatchEnd
will be called by the TFJS's model callback, since this method is called every time a batch ends during
training it is the perfect place for weight sharing. In order to only share weights every x number of batches (i.e. every round),
we use a roundTracker
to keep track of the of when a new round ends.
See the appendix for more on rounds.
The distributed trainer class extends the trainer onRoundEnd
as follows
async onRoundEnd (accuracy: number): Promise<void> {
// Post current weights and get back latest weights
const aggregatedWeights = await this.client.onRoundEndCommunication(
// Update latest weights
How would you implement the local trainer? You can find the code for the
to see if you are correct!
In onRoundEnd
we the client
which is the class that takes care of communication.
The client is structured similarly to the trainer, here too we have an abstract class that requires the method onRoundEndCommunication
to be implemented; the two implementations for it are the FederatedClient and the DecentralizedClient, we will explain how the
FederatedClient works as it is easier to follow.
In the Federated client we first push our weights to the server, we then query for new aggregated weights, and return them if they exist; if there are no new weights we simply return the current model.
In the actual implementation we need to keep track of both the current and previous weight as we provide Differential Privacy.
async onRoundEndCommunication (
weights: Weights,
): Promise<Weights> {
await this.postWeightsToServer(weights) // <--- 1. Post weights to server
const serverWeights = await this.pullRoundAndFetchWeights() // <--- 2. Fetch new server (aggregated) weights, is undefined if none exist
return serverWeights ?? weights
The Disco object is an amalgam of the classes that we just saw along with some other less important helper classes. Once it's built you can
start the magic by calling
So what happens when we start training? Let us suppose we want to do federated training, this means that the DistributedTrainer
and FederatedClient
will be in action. To start training the User (this could be the browser or cli for example) calls
, then in turn this will
call disco.trainer.trainModel
and this will start the trainer state which will send weights to the client at each onRoundEnd
flowchart LR
subgraph state [Trainer state]
direction BT
id1{{Training...}}-->|onRoundEnd|id2{{Push and fetch weights}}
To recap our overview of the client, once onRoundEnd happens then we have the following sequence of calls with the client pushing weights to the server.
flowchart LR
Client-.->|2. onRoundEndCommunication, post W<sub>R</sub>|S
subgraph Disco
Trainer-->|1. onRoundEnd|Client
subgraph Server
Once the weights have been pushed, the client then proceeds to fetch the latest weights; it will only fetch new weights if these correspond to a new round, something that the client also queries.
flowchart RL
Client-.->|1. request weights|S
S-.->|2. response W<sub>K</sub>|Client
subgraph Disco
Client ---> |3. onRoundEnd returns W<sub><sub>K</sub></sub>|Trainer
subgraph Server
But when are new weights available to be fetched? To understand this we will finish this section with a brief detour of the server.
Federated learning, at the time of writing works asynchronously; the server has a buffer, which is a map from userID
to weights
. The buffer has a certain
capacity, once the size of buffer exceeds this capacity, then the server aggregates all the weights in the buffer and increments the round by 1.
When a user pushes a new weight this is only included in the map if the corresponding round is new enough, and if he had already pushed a weight before, than the weight is updated.
flowchart LR
Alice-.->|send W<sub>R</sub>|S
Bob-.->|send W<sub>J</sub>|S
Stephen-.->|send W<sub>S</sub>|S
subgraph Users
subgraph Server
S[(Buffer)]---I{{if buffer.size > capacity}}-->L(aggregate buffer)
A round is measured in batches, so if we say, "share weights every round" and the roundDuration is 5, this means that every
5 batches weights are shared. The user keeps track of two types of rounds, one is local to the trainer, this is the roundTracker
and is simply used to know when to call onRoundEnd
; the other round can be found in the FederatedClient
, this round corresponds
to the server round of the model last fetched from the server.
The server keeps track of it's own round, and it is incremented every time weights are aggregated. When a client gets a model from
the server, it also keeps track of the server round (this happens in the FederatedClient
. So in some sense, this round value is a
versioning number for the server model.
To make this a bit more clear let us follow and example, say we have user A, and a Server. Let us denote inside the parenthesis the current round of the entity, e.g. A(i), Server(k), means the current round of user A is i and server is k.
When A pulls a model from Server(k), then the client will update its own round A(k). After this, A starts to train, it pushes to the server every
time a local round ends (the roundTracker
helps keeping track of when a round ends); note that this does not influence A(k).
Once a round ends A pushes his weights to the server.
There are two cases to consider
Server(k), the server model still has not been updated, this means we accept the weights of A(k) to the server buffer.
Server(j), s.t. j > k, this means that the server has aggregated a new model while A was training, in this case we reject A's model, then A will fetch the new model, and update his round to A(j) and continue training with the new model.
If you look at the DistributedTrainer
you will see a memory
object, the goal of this class is to abstract the mechanism to store
the trained model in the client. In the browser we use IndexedDB, and in the benchmark we simply have an empty function since we are only
interested in performance metrics.
The TrainingInformant
is observing the state of the trainer (e.g. accuracy, current round, ...), this is used in the browser to display
training information.
Both the server and browser use hot-reloading, this means that they are both watching the files for changes, and so whenever you change a server .ts file, then the server will reload (ditto for the browser).
However at the time of writing there is no such mechanism (this could be a fun first contribution!) for discojs.
If you noticed in the quick start before building the library we do rm -rf dist
, we remove the dist/
which is where discojs is transpiled to (this contains JS code); so if we re-build discojs this acts as cache which
may sadly on some edge cases prevent new code from being built, so to be sure, it is recommended to remove this
cache before building.
The easiest way to see what is going on is by using console.log
, often times we want to see what value is inside
a variable to make sure what is going on, e.g. console.log('uniName:', uniName)
, however there is a nice shortcut
that is good to know: console.log({uniName})
, by adding curly brackets we put uniName in an object which when printed
will give the name and contents (e.g. epfl) of the variable: {uniName: epfl}