#33: Merged Maven to Master @hazendaz.
- Maven build merged to master removing prior ant/ivy build
#32: GitHub Site Pages @hazendaz.
- Added GitHub Site Pages
#30: Maven Shade Plugin @hazendaz.
- Corrected POM order of assembly & shade plugin as order matters to generate assembly
- Modified assembly to include source & jar in separate folders
- Added enforcer plugin to enforce use of maven 3
- Added git plugins
- Added more information to manifest
#29: Maven Shade Plugin @hazendaz.
- Switched to maven shade plugin due to null issues with jarjar
- Added all licenses to jar build
- Restored source generation
- Cleaner maven manifest build (prior way was from legacy ant build which duplicate items)
- Updated license files
#28: Maven Finalization @hazendaz.
- Added assembly to build out releases for sourceforge
#25: Maven Finalization @hazendaz.
- Replaced majority of plugins with jarjar which more quickly builds project in about 5 seconds
- Still using single jar, now includes all maven artifacts for slf4j/logback/tomcat-juli
- Dropped support of building out javadoc & sources as jarjar is working against classes only
- Additional tweaks to maven setup
- Applied #21 to maven build
#22: Changing version to fix #21 - @dgomesbr.
- Request to upgrade tomcat due to cve-2014-0050. However, this had zero impact to this project as this only deals with classloader
- of tomcat-juli.
#20: Build Updates - @hazendaz.
- Mavenized project
- License included as link in pom for site page
- Ant/Ivy settings removed
- Reworked README.md
#17: Build Updates - @hazendaz.
- Added missing condition property to skip ivy downloads
- Switched taskdef to more modern componentdef
- Updated mail, jms, and groovy to more recent copies - all minor revisions
#15: Ivy and Third Party Updates - @hazendaz.
- Updated all third party jars to latest
- Reworked ivy layout to not copy local from cache - simply use cache for all items
#14: Parametrization of ivy*.xml - (@grgrzybek](https://github.com/grgrzybek).
#7: Slf4j & Ivy Updates - @hazendaz.
- Source artifacts are no longer downloaded from explicit Maven repository. They're Ivy dependencies.
#5: Ivy Enhancement, Logback and Janino Upgrade - @hazendaz.
- Ivy is no longer a manual dependency to build
#3: refactor logback.ContextSelector to juli-logback.ContextSelector - @dretzlaff.
#2: Tomcat Update - @hazendaz.
- Added CHANGELOG.md
- Updated slf4j to 1.6.6
- Updated logback to 1.0.6
- Updated tomcat to 7.0.29
- Changed java target to 1.6 as this targets java 6 due to tomcat / logback
- Updated dependency javax.mail to 1.4.5
- Updated dependency janino to 2.5.16
- Updated dependency groovy to 2.0.0
- Modified tomcat juli inclusion changes from @arnou
#1: Include tomcat-juli.jar in external - (@grgrzybek](https://github.com/grgrzybek).