##Regular Expressions
These are the regualr expressions used to scrape the data from the prose.
###MTA Ridership
/Total ridership on MTA subways, trains and buses in (\w*) (\d{4}) was (\d+.?\d+) million, an? (increase|decrease) of (\d+.?\d*) percent from (\1) (\d{4})/
Data placed into array positions:
//1 - month //2 - year //3 - ridership in millions (Not used in current script:) //4 - increase/decrease //5 - percent //7 - year previous
/Subway(?:\s+)ridership(?:\s+)in(?:\s+)(\w+)(?:\s+)(\d{4})(?:\s+)was(?:\s+)(\d+.\d+)(?:\s+)million,(?:\s+)an?(?:\s+)(increase|decrease)(?:\s+)of(?:\s+)(\d+.\d+)(?:\s+)percent(?:\s+)from(?:\s+)(\1)(?:\s+)(\d{4})/ //This regex gives an example of how to account for variable white space
/In (\w+) (20\d{2}), subway ridership was (\d+.?\d+) million, an? (increase|decrease) of (\d+.?\d+) percent from (\w+) (20\d{2})/
###Airport Information
/In (\w+) (\d{4}), (\d+.?\d*) million passengers flew in(?:to)? and out of the region\Ws airports, (?:a (\d+.?\d*) percent increase|a decrease of 0.2 percent) from (\1) (\d{4})( passenger levels)?/
/Passengers in NYC area airports totaled (\d+.?\d*) million in (\w*) (\d{4}), up (\d.?\d*) percent from (\2) (\d{4})/
####Domestic/Internation Breakdown /Domestic air carriers accounted for (\d+.?\d*) million passengers, a? ?(up|down)? (\d+.?\d*) percent(?:.) ((\d+.?\d)) million passengers traveled with international air carriers/
Domestic air carriers accounted for (\d+.\d+) million passengers.*(\d+.\d+) million passengers traveled with international air carriers
###Hotel Occupancy
/In (\w*) (20\d{2}), the average daily hotel room rate was $(\d+).* Hotel occupancy was (\d{2}.?\d*) percent/
###Broadway Attendance
/Broadway attendance was approximately ((\d+.?\d*) million|\d{3},\d{3}) during the ((four|five) weeks ending ((\w+) (\d+), (20\d{2})))/