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Index / Reference

Get source by clicking here, then build using make.

During the build the following will download:

Pre-reqs on Debian Linux can be installed with:

sudo apt-get install bison build-essential fossil unzip libmysqlclient-dev


Predefined configurations (from Configs/) can be built using:

make remake CONF=static

Available values for CONF are: default devel memdebug minimal musl muslssl noext release static win winssl


Jsi can be cross compiled from Linux to Windows using the Mingw32 package:

sudo apt-get install gcc-mingw-w64
make remake CONF=win

Warning: Features such as signals are disabled in the Windows build. As you would expect, there are also obvious differences in the file-system.


The musl build produces a static linux binary containing no external library references. This is useful when you need an executable with no external dependancies.

sudo apt-get install musl-tools
make remake CONF=musl


On FreeBSD you will need to use gmake instead of make:

pkg install fetch gmake bison


To build with SSL support use the provided configs muslssl / winssl, or:

make remake WITH_SSL=1

Debian Package

On Debian system, a package can be built using:

cd tools
sudo dpkg -i jsish-*


Amalgamated source with jsi.c is the easiest way to incorporate Jsi into an existing application.

+++ Example

    #include "jsi.c"
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        Jsi_Interp *interp = Jsi_InterpNew(NULL);
        Jsi_EvalString(interp, "for (var i=1; i<=3; i++)  puts('TEST:',i);", 0);
        if (argc>1)
            Jsi_EvalFile(interp, Jsi_ValueNewStringDup(interp, argv[1]), 0);

Then compile with gcc myfile.c -o myfile -lm -lz -ldl -lpthread.

More extensive examples are in c-demos.

minimal.c, used to create minimalsh that handles Jsi arguments then returns control to application.


+++ Example 2

# make -C c-demos minimalsh
# c-demos/minimalsh -v
2.8.12 2.081 6b18cee9a7a458d892df9f9b05b7558e23539948 2019-03-31 20:50:48 UTC



The following describes a few of the ways to use jsish.


Interactive mode is the easiest way to try out code snippets, eg:

+++ jsish

Jsish interactive: see 'help [cmd]'.  \ cancels > input.  ctrl-c aborts running script.
# var a = [1,2,3];
# for (var i in a) { puts(a[i]); }
# help require
require(name:string=void, version:number|string=1):number|array|object
Load/query packages.
With no arguments, returns the list of all loaded packages.
With one argument, loads the package (if necessary) and returns its version.
With two arguments, returns object containing: version, loadFile, func.
An error is thrown if requested version is greater than actual version.
# for (i=
> \
abandoned input# 
# 9+12;
# ^C



Scripts process args in the usual fashion:

cat > prog.js <<EOF
for (var i in console.args)
jsish prog.js arg1 arg2

+++ Inline eval is also supported.

Javascript is evaluated from the command-line with -e:

jsish -e 'var i = 0; while (i++<10) puts(i);'

To see the final value, add a return:

jsish -e 'var i = 0; i++; return i;'



+++ Jsi option list: jsish -h


  --E CODE  Javascript evaluated before program starts
  --I OPT=VAL   Interp option bits: equivalent to Interp.conf({OPT:VAL}); VAL defaults to true.

  -a        Archive: mount an archive (zip, sqlar or fossil repo) and run module.
  -c        CData: generate .c or JSON output from a .jsc description.
  -d        Debug: console script debugger.
  -e CODE   Evaluate javascript and exit.
  -h ?CMD?  Help: show help for jsish or its commands.
  -m        Module: utility create/manage/invoke a Module.
  -s        Safe: runs script in safe sub-interp.
  -t        testMode: test script file(s) or directories .js/.jsi files.
  -w        Wget: web client to download file from url.
  -v        Version: show version detail: add an arg to show only X.Y.Z
  -z        Zip: append/manage zip files at end of executable.
  -D        DebugUI: web-gui script debugger.
  -J        JSpp: preprocess javascript for web.
  -S        SqliteUI: web-gui for sqlite database file.
  -W        Websrv: web server to serve out content.


+++ Help on commands: jsish -help require

require(name:string=void, version:number|string=1):number|array|object
Load/query packages.
With no arguments, returns the list of all loaded packages.
With one argument, loads the package (if necessary) and returns its version.
With two arguments, returns object containing: version, loadFile, func.
An error is thrown if requested version is greater than actual version.


+++ Builtin modules: jsish -d -h

Scripts zipped to the end of the jsish executable provide builtin modules.

/zvfs/lib/Debug.jsi:34: help: ...
A command-line Debugger for Jsi scripts..  Options are:
    -echoCmd    true        // Echo user cmds.
    -safe       false       // Debug program in a safe interp (untested)

Accepted by all .jsi modules: -Debug, -Trace, -Test


+++ User modules: jsish module.jsi -h

/tmp/module.jsi:11: help: ...
Module description..  Options are:
    -rootdir    ""      // Root directory.

Accepted by all .jsi modules: -Debug, -Trace, -Test.



Jsi is distributed with several demonstration web applications:

  • DebugUI: a Debugger user interface for Jsi scripts.
  • SqliteUI: a web user interface to Sqlite.
  • LedgerJS: an accounting program.

These can all be run as standalone applications.


You can use jsish as an enhanced replacement for #!/usr/bin/env. This lets you run scripts from the command line with default arguments:

#!/usr/local/bin/jsish --I log=Debug %s -Trace true myinput1.txt
puts(console.args.join(' '));

(there must be a %s and at least one argument)

From geany you can now run the script with F9, and step through warnings and errors.

This also works for logging messages: mytest2



Geany is a convenient editor to use with Jsi. To enable Jsi file completion with Geany:

  • cp /usr/share/geany/filetypes.javascript ~/.config/geany/filedefs/.
  • Edit to add ".jsi;.jsc" to Javascript, ".md.html;.htmli;.vue;" to HTML and "*.cssi;" to CSS
  • Keep the file tools/protos.jsi open in the editor so Geany knows how to complete Jsi functions.

To update with vue support for Pdq:

  • cp /usr/share/geany/filedefs/filetypes.html ~/.config/geany/filedefs/.
  • Edit to add to the end of "html=" the following ^b- ^v-

Geany can also navigate through Jsi's gcc style scripting errors:

  • Start by editing a .jsi file.
  • From the Geany Build menu, select Set Build Commands.
  • Click on the first blank label in Javascript and enter Jsish.
  • In the command section enter the pathspec to jsish, eg. $HOME/bin/jsish %f
  • Click Ok

Now hit F8 to run the script. Upon errors, you should be able to navigate to the highlighted lines, and see warnings in the bottom pane.

Alternatively, you can just create a Makefile to run jsish.

Also, if using the logging feature in Jsi, you can also navigate through debug messages when using F9 or shell exec.

To run scripts that honor the shebang, repeat the above but set the command section to jsish -# %f.

Caveat: one limitation of Geany is that a function with a return type will likely not show up in the symbols list.


Here is how to setup/use vim with Jsi:

:set filetype javascript
:set makeprg=jsish\ %

And much of what was said about navigation in Geany also applies to Vim.

To enable syntax highlighting, run "sudo vi $(locate filetype.vim)", search for javascript, and add ,*.jsi.