diff --git a/calculator.py b/calculator.py
index a46affd..f84b0dd 100644
--- a/calculator.py
+++ b/calculator.py
@@ -42,16 +42,97 @@
-def add(*args):
- """ Returns a STRING with the sum of the arguments """
- # TODO: Fill sum with the correct value, based on the
- # args provided.
- sum = "0"
+def instructions():
+ body = """
Calculator Instructions
+ Enter http://localhost:8080/
+ Then the operation followed by /
+ Then the two numbers separated by /
+ - To add enter a URL like this:
+ http://localhost:8080/add/4/8
+ - To subtract enter a URL like this:
+ http://localhost:8080/subtract/10/5
+ - To multiply enter a URL like this:
+ http://localhost:8080/multiply/3/6
+ - To divide enter a URL like this:
+ http://localhost:8080/divide/20/10
+ """
+ return body
- return sum
-# TODO: Add functions for handling more arithmetic operations.
+def add(*args):
+ """ Returns a STRING with the sum of the arguments """
+ try:
+ answer = int(args[0])+int(args[1])
+ body = f"""
+ The sum of {args[0]} and {args[1]} is: {answer}
+ Return to instructions
+ """
+ except (ValueError, TypeError):
+ body = f"""
+ Unable to add {args[0]} and {args[1]}
+ Return to instructions
+ """
+ return body
+def subtract(*args):
+ """ Returns a STRING with the difference of the arguments """
+ try:
+ answer = int(args[0])-int(args[1])
+ body = f"""
+ The difference between {args[0]} and {args[1]} is: {answer}
+ Return to instructions
+ """
+ except (ValueError, TypeError):
+ body = f"""
+ Unable to subtract {args[1]} from {args[0]}
+ Return to instructions
+ """
+ return body
+def multiply(*args):
+ """ Returns a STRING with the product of the arguments """
+ try:
+ answer = int(args[0])*int(args[1])
+ body = f"""
+ The product of {args[0]} and {args[1]} is: {answer}
+ Return to instructions
+ """
+ except (ValueError, TypeError):
+ body = f"""
+ Unable to multiply {args[0]} and {args[1]}
+ Return to instructions
+ """
+ return body
+def divide(*args):
+ """ Returns a STRING with the dividend of the arguments """
+ try:
+ answer = int(args[0])/int(args[1])
+ body = f"""
+ The dividend of {args[0]} and {args[1]} is: {answer}
+ Return to instructions
+ """
+ except (ValueError, TypeError):
+ body = f"""
+ Unable to divide {args[0]} by {args[1]}
+ Return to instructions
+ """
+ except ZeroDivisionError:
+ body = f"""
+ Unable to divide by 0
+ Return to instructions
+ """
+ return body
def resolve_path(path):
@@ -59,26 +140,48 @@ def resolve_path(path):
- # TODO: Provide correct values for func and args. The
- # examples provide the correct *syntax*, but you should
- # determine the actual values of func and args using the
- # path.
- func = add
- args = ['25', '32']
+ funcs = {
+ '/': instructions,
+ '': instructions, # if nothing additional in path then show instructions
+ 'add': add,
+ 'subtract': subtract,
+ 'multiply': multiply,
+ 'divide': divide,
+ }
+ path = path.strip('/').split('/')
+ func_name = path[0]
+ args = path[1:]
+ try:
+ func = funcs[func_name]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise NameError
return func, args
def application(environ, start_response):
- # TODO: Your application code from the book database
- # work here as well! Remember that your application must
- # invoke start_response(status, headers) and also return
- # the body of the response in BYTE encoding.
- #
- # TODO (bonus): Add error handling for a user attempting
- # to divide by zero.
- pass
+ headers = [('Content-type', 'text/html')]
+ status = ""
+ body = ""
+ try:
+ path = environ.get('PATH_INFO', None)
+ if path is None:
+ raise NameError
+ func, args = resolve_path(path)
+ body = func(*args)
+ status = "200 OK"
+ except NameError:
+ status = "404 Not Found"
+ body = "Not Found
Internal Server Error"
+ finally:
+ headers.append(('Content-length', str(len(body))))
+ start_response(status, headers)
+ return [body.encode('utf8')]
if __name__ == '__main__':
- # TODO: Insert the same boilerplate wsgiref simple
- # server creation that you used in the book database.
- pass
+ from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server
+ srv = make_server('localhost', 8080, application)
+ srv.serve_forever()