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766 lines (504 loc) · 28.7 KB

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766 lines (504 loc) · 28.7 KB

ℹ️ For upgrade instructions, read the UPGRADE guide



  • Fix retry_failed_payment for Stripe subscriptions #1084


  • Stripe v13
  • Remove OpenStruct dependency


  • [Breaking] Remove pay_customer.payment_method_token virtual attribute. Use @pay_customer.update_payment_method(token) instead.
  • [Breaking] Rename customer to api_record
  • [Breaking] Rename update_customer! to update_api_record
  • [Breaking] Rename Pay::PaymentMethod#type to Pay::PaymentMethod#payment_method_type
  • [Breaking] Remove Stripe checkout_button partial. Use the Checkout Session url directly in a link or server-side redirect.
  • Add Lemon Squeezy support Supports one-time payments and subscriptions
  • Add Pay.sync(params) for automatically syncing Stripe Checkout Sessions and Paddle Billing transactions.
  • Lock Pay::Customer record when creating or updating Stripe customer to handle race conditions. #1027
  • LemonSqueezy & Paddle Billing will now find Customers by email since they do not allow duplicates. #1043
  • Add Pay::Stripe::Customer#customer_session for creating pricing tables, etc


  • Stripe v12
  • Accept Stripe Connect live and test webhooks in production #1001
  • Only sync Stripe Checkout Session charge if it exists


  • Use empty string to resume / unpause Stripe subscriptions. #992


  • Add devcontainer for easier development #988
  • Stripe 11.x #980
  • Update Paddle billing payment method sync #946
  • Improve compatibility for fake processor charge with other payment processors by ignoring any non-attribute params. #965


  • Update trial_ends_at when Paddle Billing & Classic subscriptions change to active or past_due #936


  • Add pay_amount_to_currency view helper


  • [Breaking] Rails secrets are no longer supported. Please use Rails credentials or environment variables.

  • [Breaking] Stripe now syncs the default_payment_method association to Pay::Subscriptions

    rails g migration AddPaymentMethodToPaySubscriptions payment_method_id
  • [Breaking] Paddle Classic is now paddle_classic and Paddle Billing is paddle_billing.

    To migrate, existing Paddle customers should be updated to paddle_classic

    Pay::Customer.where(processor: :paddle).update_all(processor: :paddle_classic)

    Rename webhooks for paddle.* to paddle_classic.*

  • [Breaking] stripe_account has been moved from the data:json column to a dedicated column

    To migrate, create a migration to add the stripe_account column.

    add_column :pay_customers, :stripe_account, :string
    add_column :pay_subscriptions, :stripe_account, :string
    add_column :pay_payment_methods, :stripe_account, :string
    add_column :pay_charges, :stripe_account, :string

    Then copy the data over to the column:

    Pay::Customer.find_each{ |c| c.update(stripe_account:"stripe_account")) }
    Pay::Subscription.find_each{ |c| c.update(stripe_account:"stripe_account")) }
    Pay::PaymentMethod.find_each{ |c| c.update(stripe_account:"stripe_account")) }
    Pay::Charge.find_each{ |c| c.update(stripe_account:"stripe_account")) }
  • [Breaking] Subscriptions with status: :canceled and ends_at: future are now considered canceled. Previously, these were considered active to accomodate canceling a Braintree subscription during trial (and allowing the user to continue using until the end of the trial).

  • [Breaking] Subscriptions with status: :past_due will be canceled immediately when cancel is called.

  • Updated Stripe Payment confirmation page to use PaymentElement instead of CardElement


  • [Stripe] Skip sync if object is not attached to a customer. Fixes #842


  • Update to Stripe 2023-08-16 API version
  • [Stripe] Add pay_customer.create_payment_intent for creating payment intents without immediate confirmation
  • [Stripe] Add pay_customer.terminal_charge for creating Stripe Terminal payments


  • Allow configurable Stripe API version
  • Only include success_url and cancel_url for checkout when not embedded mode


  • Fix payments#show redirect_to not falling back to root_path properly


  • Add currency and invoice_credit_balance to Stripe Pay::Customer #825 - @nachiket87
  • Safely handle Rails 7.2's removal of secrets. #834 @heliocola


  • Fix Paddle PayPal payment method details not recording


  • Add Pay::Stripe.to_client_reference_id(User.first) method to generate client_reference_id for use with Stripe's CheckoutSession, Pricing Tables, etc #823 Unfortunately with the client_reference_id requirements, we cannot use Signed GlobalIDs and have to implement our own IDs and validation. If Stripe relaxes their requirements in the future, we could replace this implementation with SGIDs.
  • Skip Stripe customer.deleted webhook processing if customer is not in the database. #818
  • Refactor on_grace_period? to be implemented separately by each payment processor
  • Add default value of nil to the token param of Pay::Paddle::Billable#add_payment_method
  • Fix Pay::Paddle::Billable#add_payment_method. Pass pay_customer: pay_customer as keyword arg / value to sync call inside Pay::Paddle::Billable#add_payment_method method body. #821
  • Remove Rails 6.0 from CI now that it is EOL


  • Add new configuration option named send_emails which can be used to disable the sending of all current and future emails. This option can be set to a boolean value or a proc/lambda that returns a boolean value. - @cjilbert504


  • Introduce :pay load hook - @excid3 Rails no longer allows autoloading during the initialization process. The on_load hook allows you to run code after autoloading, so we can register webhook listeners once autoloading is available.

    To use this, wrap your webhook subscribe calls in the on_load(:pay) hook:

      ActiveSupport.on_load(:pay) do
        Pay::Webhooks.delegator.subscribe "stripe.charge.succeded", ChargeSucceeded


  • Import Stimulus.js from dist folder on unpkg


  • Fix swap_and_invoice
  • Support passing options through swap on Stripe


  • [SECURITY] Fix XSS vulnerability in back parameter on Stripe payment page Previously, an attacker could inject Javascript or redirect the user to any URL by changing the back parameter in the URL. The back parameter is now sanitized and restricted to relative paths.
  • Remove unused attributes for plan and quantity in app/models/pay/customer.rb.
  • Add explicit requires for active_support and action_mailer in lib/pay.rb. This should provide better errors for anyone not requiring all of Rails.


  • Fix retry_past_due_subscriptions to now call pay_open_invoices


  • Add payment_failed email to notify customers of failed payments and update their billing information This can be disabled with Pay.emails.payment_failed = true if you already use a dunning email service
  • subscription now sorts by created_at to find the latest subscription. This adds compatibility for UUID primary keys on pay tables.
  • Add unpaid scope to Pay::Subscription
  • Add pay_open_invoices to Pay::Stripe::Subscription If you have a subscription with open invoices (like an unpaid metered billing subscription), you can use this method to pay the open invoices and allow the user to resume the subscription


  • Set created_at on Braintree charges to match transaction created_at
  • Sync Braintree payment method during subscription sync since we already have to look it up
  • Handle missing Braintree subscription when syncing charge
  • Fix Pay::Charge.payment_processor scopes to join the customers table


  • Fix Braintree PaymentMethod sync reference to gateway


  • Fix pause_active? for stripe incorrectly returning true
  • Refactor Braintree cancel / cancel_now to use sync


  • Use paid_through_date for ends_at with canceled subscriptions


  • Add Pay::Braintree::Subscription.sync
  • Add Pay::Braintree::Charge.sync
  • Switch Braintree webhooks to use sync
  • Automatically save first charge when subscribing with Braintree
  • Add email for PayPal charges and username for Venmo charges on Braintree


  • Fix refunds missing on checkout session completed event.


  • Cast Pay.support_email to Mail::Address instead of string. This allows us to easily parse out the address, name, etc for use in Receipts and other places.
  • Update Stripe checkout_session.completed webhook to sync latest_charge for compatibility with Stripe API 2022-11-15 changes


  • Swapping Braintree subscriptions previously had a bug where if a user had an existing plan and was attempting to switch to a new plan, we would cancel their current plan before subscribing them to the new plan. If subscribing to the new plan failed however, the user would then no longer have any plan at all. This has now been resolved by attempting to subscribe to the new plan first, which if fails will raise an error and preserve the users current plan.
  • Switch business_name to application_name to receipt & mailers The business name is included on receipts & refunds, but emails should show the application_name instead in case a business has multiple applications / products
  • Use instance_exec for mail_arguments and mail_to so lambda/proc has access to all mailer features
  • Add application_name to email subjects
  • Add links to root_url in emails


  • Validate PaymentIntent on swap and retry_failed_payment


  • Retrieve PaymentIntent via API to ensure it always matches the Pay Stripe API verison


  • Handle ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique error during sync and retry
  • Add retries to Stripe PaymentMethod.sync
  • Fix deprecation warning in tests #735


  • [Breaking] Require Stripe 8.x
  • [Breaking] Update Stripe API to 2022-11-15
  • [Breaking] paddle_paused_from is now pause_starts_at:datetime column
  • [Breaking] active scope no longer includes paused subscriptions
  • [Breaking] Stripe paused subscriptions have changed: pause_behavior=void subscriptions are now considered active? until the end of the current period. This is intended for not providing services for a certain period of time. pause_behavior=mark_uncollectible is considered active. This is intended for offering services for free. pause_behavior=keep_as_draft is considered active. This is intended for offering serivces for free but collecting payments later.
  • [Breaking] Stripe subscriptions now always_invoice when swapping plans. Previously, swap would use proration_behavior: "create_prorations". This caused some confusion when users upgraded plans and weren't charged until the next period. The default will now automatically invoice immediately.
  • Adds pause_behavior:string column
  • Adds pause_resumes_at:datetime column
  • Adds metered:boolean column for easier querying / indexing
  • Adds active_or_paused scope to retrieve active or paused subscriptions
  • Remove off_session: true default for Stripe subscribe. - @excid3 Removing this allows Stripe to attach the PaymentMethod to the Customer once confirmed. You can still pass this option in when subscribing if needed. New subscriptions typically are initiated by users, which shouldn't provide this parameter as true.
  • Add Pay::Stripe::PaymentMethod.sync_payment_intent to sync PaymentMethod from PaymentIntent objects
  • Add Pay::Stripe::PaymentMethod.sync_setup_intent to sync PaymentMethod from SetupIntent objects
  • Add Pay::Subscription#retry_failed_payment for retrying past_due subscriptions with failed payments
  • Fix swap from always setting status to active. Failed swaps with Stripe will be set to past_due.


  • Prepend Pay webhook listeners so they run before user-defined webhook listeners - @excid3 @cjilbert504 This is important because a user might define a webhook listener that expects a subscription to be deleted and if the Pay webhook hasn't run yet, the subscription would not be canceled when the user-defined webhook runs.

  • Fix Webhook delegator unsubscribe - @excid3 @cjilbert504

  • Fix non-deterministic subscription - @feliperaul @excid3


  • Old Pay::Subscription records may have nil or [] for subscription_items. In those cases, we will set the quantity on the Stripe Subscription directly - @excid3


  • Add metered_subscription_item to Pay::Subscriptions to easily retrieve the metered subscription item for Stripe subscriptions - @excid3
  • Add not_fake_processor scope to Pay::Customer - @excid3


  • Fix typo in Stripe API version - @excid3


  • Upgrade to Stripe API 2022-08-01 and stripe rubygem v7 - @excid3


  • Ensure Customer is created before creating a setup intent - @excid3 @cjilbert504


  • ℹ️ Add "paused" into .active scope and #active? on Pay::Subscription. Stripe marks paused subscriptions with status: :active and pause_behavior not null. Paddle marks paused subscriptions with status: :paused. This change allows Pay to treat them both the same. - @cjilbert504 @excid3
  • Add active_without_paused scope on Pay::Subsctiption. This filters out paused subscriptions from the active scope. - @cjilbert504 @GALTdea
  • Add status: :paused to update call in Pay::Paddle::Subscription#pause. - @cjilbert504 @excid3
  • Change #paused? in Pay::Paddle::Subscription to check pay_subscription.status == "paused" instead of #paddle_paused_from. - @cjilbert504 @excid3 If webhooks have not been utilized, you should run query for any Pay::Subscriptions where status: :active and paddle_paused_from is not null and update to status: "paused".


  • Expand Stripe discounts and taxes when loading a subscription - @excid3


  • Store Stripe refunds on the Charge - @excid3
  • Include line for each refund in the receipt - @excid3


  • Fix recording first charge for a subscription - @excid3


  • Fix tax amounts and skip $0 tax lines in Stripe receipts - @excid3


  • Support client_reference_id on Stripe Checkout Sessions - @excid3 @cjilbert504 This is helpful when using the Stripe Pricing Table or any Checkout Session. Requires a Signed GlobalID as the value to prevent tampering.
  mode: "payment",
  client_reference_id: current_user.to_sgid,
  • Stripe checkout.session.completed now syncs payment intents - @excid3


  • Update refund! method in stripe/charge.rb to handle multiple refunds on the same charge. - @cjilbert504 @kyleschmolze
  • Add configuration options for mailer - @excid3 @le-doude @cjilbert504
Pay.setup do |config|
  # Change parent mailer for Pay::UserMailer
  config.parent_mailer = "MyCustomMailer"

  # Change the mailer for Pay
  config.mailer = "MyCustomMailer"


  • [Breaking] Replaced subscription and charge email params to pay_subscription and pay_charge respectively. - @cjilbert504
  • [Breaking] Replaced send_emails with emails config. This allows you to customize which emails can be sent independently. - @cjilbert504
Pay.setup do |config|
  # Set value to boolean
  config.emails.receipt = true
  # Or set value to a lambda that returns a boolean
  config.emails.subscription_renewing = ->(pay_subscription, price) {
    (price&.type == "recurring") && (price.recurring&.interval == "year")
  • Numericality validation on Pay::Subscription has been updated from being greater_than_or_equal_to: 1 to greater_than_or_equal_to: 0. This is because metered billing subscriptions do not have a quantity.

  • Stripe Tax support

    Using pay_customer stripe_attributes: :method_name, you can add an Address to Stripe::Customer objects which will be used for calculating taxes. We now record total_tax_amounts to Pay::Charge records. This includes details for each tax applied to the charge.

    @user.payment_processor.subscribe(plan: "growth", automatic_tax: { enabled: true })
  • Stripe Metered Billing support Removes quantity when creating a new subscription (metered billing prices do not allow quantity) Adds create_usage_record to Pay::Subscription for reporting usage on metered billing plans Adds metered_items? helper to Pay::Subscription to easily check if a subscription has any metered billing items Adds Pay::Subscription.with_metered_items method to query for subscriptions with metered billing items

  • Raise error when dependencies are not supported versions. This makes sure you're using supported versions of libraries with Pay. Currently supported versions:

    • stripe ~> 6.0
    • braintree ~> 4.7
    • paddle_pay ~> 0.2
    • receipts ~> 2.0
  • Add credit_note! to Stripe charges - @excid3

  • refund! now issues a Stripe::CreditNote if an invoice is present - @excid3

    Refunds of charges associated with an Invoice don’t reduce your overall tax liability and don’t show up in Stripe Tax reporting. In most cases, you should use credit notes instead of refunds. Credit notes reduce your overall tax liability and show up in Stripe Tax reporting.

  • Stripe.max_network_retries is now set to 2 by default. - @excid3 This adds idempotency keys automatically to each request so that they can be safely retried.

  • Stripe Subscriptons can now be paused and resumed - @excid3

  • Separate authorize and capture is now supported on Stripe - @excid3

    pay_charge = pay_customer.authorize(75_00)
    pay_charge.capture(amount_to_capture: 50_00) # or with an amount
  • Store stripe_receipt_url on Pay::Charge - @mguidetti

  • Replace update_email! with update_customer! - @excid3

  • Add options for cancel_now! to support invoice_now and prorate flags for Stripe - @excid3

  • Adds add_payment_processor to add a payment processor without making it the default - @excid3

  • Setting pay_name in Stripe Subscription metadata will be used as the name on the Pay::Subscription - @excid3

  • pay_customer now supports a stripe_attributes: option to add attributes to Stripe::Customers - @excid3

  • pay_customer now supports a braintree_attributes: option to add attributes to Braintree::Customers - @excid3

  • pay_customer now supports a default_payment_processor option to automatically create a Pay::Customer record - @excid3

  • Added enabled_processors to Pay config. This lets you choose exactly which processors will be enabled. - @cjilbert504

  • Add sync! method to Pay::Subscription instances - @excid3

  • Ignore Stripe charges that don't have a customer ID - @excid3


  • Make payment method and charges consistent for Fake procsesor - @excid3


  • Merge Stripe Checkout session_id param into success_url automatically - @excid3


  • Update to @hotwired/stimulus for payments view - @excid3
  • Update test/dummy app to Pay 3 - @excid3


  • Add update_customer methods for SyncCustomer job - @excid3


  • Safely handle receipts for users without extra_billing_info - @excid3


  • Correctly handle cancelling a paused Paddle subscription - @excid3


  • Add generic_trial? to Pay::Subscription for checking if fake processor trial - @excid3
  • Charge succeeded should send email even when receipts gem isn't available - @excid3
  • Update mailers to use Pay::Customer#customer_name - @excid3
  • Use pay_customer instead of billable in mailers - @excid3
  • Remove payment methods when cancelling Paddle subscription - @excid3


  • Convert paddle_paused_from to Time - @excid3


  • Remove hardcoded currency in emails - @excid3


  • Accept options for Pay::Currency.format - @excid3


  • Add amount_with_currency to Pay::Payment - @excid3


  • Add Pay::Currency for formatting amounts with currency - @excid3
  • Add amount_with_currency and amount_refunded_with_currency to Pay::Charge - @excid3
  • Safer pay processor lookup when processor is blank - @excid3
  • Store stripe_account when syncing Stripe payment methods - @excid3


  • Add CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID to checkout URLs by default and document how to add them - @excid3
  • Fix invoice bill_to to use customer.owner instead of owner - @excid3


  • Fix Stripe charge.refunded webhook - @excid3


  • Fix Pay::Subscription charges association - @excid3
  • Remove Pay::Charge default sort - @excid3


  • Fix translation key - @excid3


  • Better invoice line items format - @excid3


  • Namespace locales under pay - @excid3
  • I18n receipt and invoice dates - @excid3
  • Add business_logo config - @excid3
  • Add refunded? partial_refund? and full_refund? methods to Pay::Charge - @excid3


  • Fix payment method sync on customer updated - @excid3


  • Fix Stripe customer.updated webhook - @excid3


  • Add retries for payment method sync in case of rate limiting - @excid3
  • Add on_generic_trial? to Pay::Customer for easier checking - @excid3




  • Add payment methods to Pay::Charge charged_to helper - @excid3
  • Improve swap error message - @excid3


  • Add rake pay:payment_methods:sync_default task for easily upgrading to Pay 3 - @excid3


See the UPGRADE guide for steps on upgrading from Pay 2.x.

  • Requires Rails 6+
  • Migrates processor and processor_id from models to Pay::Customer model
  • Replaces include Pay::Billable with pay_customer method
  • Replaces include Pay::Merchant with pay_merchant method
  • Changes Pay::Charge to associate with Pay::Customer instead of owner{polymorphic}
  • Changes Pay::Subscription to associate with Pay::Customer instead of owner{polymorphic}
  • Migrates card fields from models to Pay::PaymentMethod model
  • Queues webhooks in Pay::Webhook for processing with ActiveJob to handle large volumes of webhooks
  • Subscriptions are automatically canceled when a Pay::Subscription deleted - @stevepolitodesign
  • Active subscriptions are canceled when a Pay::Customer's owner is deleted - @stevepolitodesign
  • Add invoice to Pay::Charge


  • Don't validate SetupIntent for trialing subscriptions - @archonic
  • Validate uniqueness of charges and subscriptions - @excid3
  • Better handle out of order webhooks and race conditions - @excid3


  • Refactor Stripe webhooks to always retrieve latest records - @excid3
  • Associate charges with subscriptions if possible - @excid3


  • Add Pay::Merchant and Stripe Connect functionality - @excid3
  • Save currency on Pay::Charge records - @excid3


  • Add subscription method to payment processor classes for direct access to the processor subscription object. The owner is not guaranteed to be on the same payment processor, which can cause problems. - @excid3


  • Improve the Stripe Checkout URLs so your Rails app doesn't need a root_url #309 - @excid3
  • Fix currency with Stripe Checkout #308 - @excid3


  • Update Stripe & Braintree default card automatically when the customer is accessed (ie. on charge, subscribe, etc) #300 - @excid3


  • Add passthrough fallback for paddle payment succeeded webhook #302 - @nm


  • Add Stripe payment_intent.succeeded webhook listener


  • Improve error wrappers to delegate message to original cause


  • [NEW] Raise error if payment processor name is nil
  • [FIX] Pay::Error now uses the correct message in to_s
  • Create braintree customer on update_card if needed


  • [NEW] Fake payment processor for testing and giving users free access to your application
  • [FIX] Delegate trial_ends_at for subscriptions - @archonic


  • [FIX] Default to empty hash when default_url_options is nil so proper error is raised
  • [FIX] Fix inquiry when processor is nil


  • [FIX] Correctly handle updating payment method in Stripe


  • [NEW] Add Stripe Customer Billing Portal - @excid3
  • Include customer on Stripe Checkout sessions - @excid3


  • [NEW] Stripe Checkout support - @excid3


  • [BREAKING] Webhooks that can't be verified respond with 400 instead of 200 - @excid3
  • [BREAKING] Remove StripeEvent dependency - excid3
  • [BREAKING] Remove old configuration for mailer subjects in favor of locales - @excid3
  • [NEW] Add Pay::Webhook.delegator for subscribing to webhooks - @excid3


  • [Fix] Fixed missing require for version file - @excid3


  • Add Stripe app info and join the Stripe Partner program for better support for Pay! - @excid3


  • [FIX] Update migration to check for symobl keys on ActiveRecord adapter with Rails 6.1 - @excid3


  • [FIX] Move Paddle logic into paddle methods - @excid3


  • [BREAKING] Use locales for email subjects and remove configuration - @excid3


  • [FIX] Subject for payment action required emails referenced an invalid config - @excid3


  • Add data json column to Charge and Subscription models - @excid3

To add the new migrations to your app, run:

rails pay:install:migrations
  • Add Paddle initial support - @nm
  • Pay.model_parent_class defaults to ApplicationRecord - @excid3
  • Test suite now runs against sqlite, mysql, and postgresql - @excid3
  • [FIX] Lookup billable on invoice.payment_action_required events - @excid3


  • Bugfixes


  • [NEW] Allow passing ?back=/path/to/item for customizing the back link for SCA payments page


Stripe API 2020-08-27 changes:

  • Use proration_behavior instead of prorate for Stripe subscription changes
  • Switch to ::Stripe::Subscription.create instead of customer.subscriptions as Stripe no longer includes this by default for performance
  • Set Stripe API version for easier gem management


  • Add support for quantity option on subscribe for subscription quantities
  • Added Pay::BraintreeAuthorizationError to catch Braintree actions with malformed data or unauthorized API access.


  • [FIX] Remove old billable migration


  • [FIX] The charge method now raises Pay::BraintreeError when a charge fails. This makes it work consistently with the Stripe implementation which raises an error on charge failure.


  • [BREAKING] Subscription & Charge associations to owner are now polymorphic.

    Requires adding owner_type:string to both Pay::Charge and Pay::Subscription models and setting the value for all existing records to your model name.

class AddOwnerTypeToPay < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
  def change
    add_column :pay_charges, :owner_type, :string
    add_column :pay_subscriptions, :owner_type, :string

    # Backfill owner_type column to match your Billable model
    Pay::Charge.update_all owner_type: "User"
    Pay::Subscription.update_all owner_type: "User"

Pay.billable_class is now deprecated and will be removed in a future version. You should also update your existing Pay migrations to reference the :users table rather than Pay.billable_class and any other code you may have that references this method.


  • [FIX] Stripe subscription cancel shouldn't change status
  • [FIX] Stripe test payment methods should now work (ie. pm_card_visa)


  • [FIX] Styling tweaks for payment intent page


  • [FIX] Stripe Refund and Charge references weren't matching the right class


  • [NEW] Stripe SCA support
  • [BREAKING] Requires using PaymentMethods instead of Source and Tokens
  • [BREAKING] Drops Ruby 2.4 support
  • [BREAKING] automount_webhook_routes config option has been renamed to automount_routes
  • [BREAKING]webhooks_path config option has been renamed to routes_path
  • Added status column to payments to keep in sync with Stripe. We're also adding statuses to Braintree subscriptions to keep them in sync as best we can.
  • Added payments#show route to handle SCA payments that require action
  • Added webhook handler for payments that require action
  • Added trial_period_days when creating a subscription that works the same on Stripe and Braintree


  • Set default from email to Pay.support_email


  • Add on_trial_or_subscribed? convenience method


  • Removed Rails HTML Sanitizer dependency since it wasn't being used


  • Add stripe?, braintree?, and paypal? to Pay::Charge
  • Add webhook mounting and path options

1.0.0.beta4 - 2019-03-26

  • Makes stripe?, braintree?, and paypal? helper methods always available on Billable.

1.0.0.beta3 - 2019-03-12

  • Update migration to reference Billable instead of Users

1.0.0.beta2 - 2019-03-11

  • Check ENV first when looking up keys to allow for overrides