- The Regulations of init Lab inherit and expand the laws of the country of Bulgaria.
- Every Visitor of init Lab is obligated to follow its Regulations.
- Visitors are all people that happen to be in init Lab no matter if they are Members or not.
- The Regulations are dynamic and can be changed at any time by the Council. The Regulations' current version will always be available at http://initlab.org/правилник/.
- For every case which is not mentioned in the Regulations, the Council can amend the Regulations and the amendments enter into force immediately.
- The English version of the Regulations you are now reading is to be used for convenience only. The only valid Regulations are those in Bulgarian published at http://initlab.org/правилник/.
- A Member is a visitor who paid their Membership Subscription for that month.
- The minimum Membership Subscription per month is 30 leva.
- A new Member's obligation is to bring their own cup, which represents them in their absence.
- Each member is required to pay their Membership Subscription in the last week of the month, or to warn the Council that their Membership Subscription will be withdrawn for the next month.
- Non-payment of Membership Subscription by the end of the month ends a Membership until the next payment.
- Members of init Lab who have a key are required to pay their Membership Subscription before the end of the first week of the month or to return their key in the same period. If a Member fails to do this without warning prior to their delay, they own a Membership Subscription for the month and need to return their key regardless.
- The Council may decide to prohibit access to init Lab of a problematic Visitor after voting, approved or attended by root.
- Members sign the Membership Book of init Lab, with which they declare that they aware of and agree with the Regulations.
- Members who have access to init Lab (using keys or derived technology) must register in fauna.initlab.org to reflect their presence while they are in init Lab.
- Each Member is added to the Members' mailing list and is irradiated with the important happenings in init Lab.
- Every Visitor is obliged to leave init Lab in the same or better state than the one they found it in.
- Smoking in init Lab is prohibited.
- Placing and using narcotic substances and drugs are STRICTLY prohibited.
- In the working areas of init Lab listening to music without headphones is allowed only if this is OK with everyone else.
- Noise pollution is a mortal enemy of init Lab's settlement system!
- Food without label in the refrigerator, absent from the price list of the buffet, can be consumed freely, and on Friday evening thrown away without warning.
- init Lab Resources are those items that are left for use in init Lab and have no explicit owner.
- Resources are used by all Visitors of init Lab, as Members have priority.
- Each of init Lab's financial operations is transparent to Members of init Lab and the society. All reports are published at http://initlab.org/about/reports/.
- All expenses of init Lab approved by the Council are covered by init Lab's financial funds currently available or soon to be available.
- Keys and codes for the security system are available only for Council approved members.
- The Council of init Lab consists of five people. Four members of the organisation and root.
- root is the person who takes full responsibility for init Lab to the property owner and the public.
- root is Vladimir Yordanov Vassilev.
- Members of The Council are responsible for ensuring and improving working conditions and security of the physical space, fixing damage caused to equipment and furniture.
- root is responsible for the reporting of revenue and expenditure of init Lab.
- Members of the Council are elected and excluded with a voted Council decision approved or attended by root.
- If there is conflict between Members, arbitrator is root or the Council.
- Decisions of the Council are taken into action if at least 2 Council Members voted 'FOR', and no Council Members voted 'AGAINST'.
- A valid decision taken by the Council is one where at least 50% of the Council Members have voted or root has participated in the vote.
- root can veto any decision made by the Council.
- Upon withdrawal, root solely decides who should be his successor.
- The Council must publish any decision it has made on init Lab's website.