diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 5fa1bfa..995b85a 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -346,29 +346,14 @@ date, time spent (hh:mm), type ('++' = project, '()' = task), task or project
> **HINT:**
> There is an option to pause the time tracker when the pomodoro stops!
-The time tracker can also be controled via the command line using dbus:
-# The id 'asdf' is created by using the 'tracker_id:string' todo.txt extension.
-# When using the stop/start by id funcs, all tasks with the given id will
-# stop/start tracking.
-# There are 3 funcs:
-# - stop_all_tracking
-# - stop_tracking_by_id
-# - start_tracking_by_id
-gdbus call --session --dest org.gnome.Shell \
- --object-path /timepp/zagortenay333/TimeTracker \
- --method timepp.zagortenay333.TimeTracker.stop_all_tracking
-gdbus call --session --dest org.gnome.Shell \
- --object-path /timepp/zagortenay333/TimeTracker \
- --method timepp.zagortenay333.TimeTracker.start_tracking_by_id 'asdf'
-gdbus call --session --dest org.gnome.Shell \
- --object-path /timepp/zagortenay333/TimeTracker \
- --method timepp.zagortenay333.TimeTracker.stop_tracking_by_id 'asdf'
+### DBus API
+This extension comes with a dbus api. Check out the [dbus](dbus) for info on
+what you can do.
+There are also some example scripts that might come in handy. :smile:
diff --git a/dbus/pomodoro_iface.xml b/dbus/pomodoro_iface.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8abcafa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dbus/pomodoro_iface.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
diff --git a/dbus/scripts/examples b/dbus/scripts/examples
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..465afc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dbus/scripts/examples
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+set -eu
+# =====================================================================
+# Templates for monitoring a signal and calling a method
+# =====================================================================
+pomodoro_monitor () {
+ local signal
+ local -a msg
+ gdbus monitor --session \
+ --dest org.gnome.Shell \
+ --object-path /timepp/zagortenay333/Pomodoro |
+ while read -r -a msg; do
+ signal=${msg[1]} signal=${signal##*.}
+ case "$signal" in
+ "POMO") echo "$signal";;
+ "STOPPED") echo "$signal";;
+ "LONG_BREAK") echo "$signal";;
+ "SHORT_BREAK") echo "$signal";;
+ esac
+ done
+timer_start () {
+ local time="$1"
+ >/dev/null gdbus call \
+ --session \
+ --dest org.gnome.Shell \
+ --object-path /timepp/zagortenay333/Timer \
+ --method timepp.zagortenay333.Timer.start "$time"
diff --git a/dbus/scripts/time_tracker_control b/dbus/scripts/time_tracker_control
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5fb6618
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dbus/scripts/time_tracker_control
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+set -eu
+# =====================================================================
+# This script is used to control the time-tracker of the Time++ gnome
+# shell extension:
+# https://github.com/zagortenay333/timepp__gnome
+# Once executed, the script will listen for when the workspace change
+# and do something.
+# The tracker is controled by supplying string arguments.
+# An arg string is of the form:
+# "["default" ]tracker_id n1[, n2, n3,...]"
+# If the string starts with the "default" keyword then:
+# - the given tracker_id is gonna be the default id
+# - no workspace numbers need to provided
+# The tracker_id is either:
+# - the string "stop"
+# - a tracker_id specified in Time++ using the the "tracker_id:string"
+# todo.txt extension. (See README of Time++.)
+# The n1, n2, ... numbers correspond to workspace numbers. They are
+# 0-indexed.
+# Examples:
+# 1) tracker_control "stop 0" "default id1 2 3" "id2 1 4"
+# Means:
+# - If on workspace number 0 , stop the tracker.
+# - If on workspace number 2 or 3, start tracking tasks with id "id1".
+# - If on workspace number 1 or 4, start tracking tasks with id "id2".
+# - If on any other workspace , start tracking tasks with id "id1".
+# 2) tracker_control "id1 2 3"
+# Means:
+# - If on workspace number 2 or 3, start tracking tasks with id "id1".
+# - If on any other workspace , stop tracking.
+# 3) tracker_control "default id1"
+# Means:
+# - Always track tasks with id "id1".
+# 4) tracker_control
+# Means:
+# - Stop tracking.
+# =====================================================================
+# =====================================================================
+# @@@ Constants
+# =====================================================================
+declare -A id_workspace_map
+# =====================================================================
+# @@@ Funcs
+# =====================================================================
+stop_tracking () {
+ >/dev/null gdbus call \
+ --session \
+ --dest org.gnome.Shell \
+ --object-path /timepp/zagortenay333/TimeTracker \
+ --method timepp.zagortenay333.TimeTracker.stop_all_tracking
+start_tracking () {
+ local id=$1
+ stop_tracking
+ >/dev/null gdbus call \
+ --session \
+ --dest org.gnome.Shell \
+ --object-path /timepp/zagortenay333/TimeTracker \
+ --method timepp.zagortenay333.TimeTracker.start_tracking_by_id "$id"
+on_workspace_changed () {
+ local found_id=$default_id
+ local it
+ local workspace
+ for it in "${!id_workspace_map[@]}"; do
+ for workspace in ${id_workspace_map[$it]}; do
+ [[ $workspace == "$current_workspace" ]] && found_id=$it && break 1
+ done
+ done
+ [[ $found_id == "$current_id" ]] && return
+ if [[ $found_id == "stop" ]]; then
+ stop_tracking
+ else
+ start_tracking "$found_id"
+ fi
+ current_id=$found_id
+check_workspace () {
+ local workspace
+ read -r -a workspace <<< "$(
+ gdbus call \
+ --session \
+ --dest org.gnome.Shell \
+ --object-path /org/gnome/Shell \
+ --method org.gnome.Shell.Eval \
+ "global.screen.get_active_workspace_index()"
+ )"
+ # gdbus will return a string of the form "('bool', 'n')".
+ # We need to extract n only.
+ workspace=${workspace[1]}
+ workspace=${workspace:1: -2}
+ if [[ $workspace != "$current_workspace" ]]; then
+ current_workspace=$workspace
+ on_workspace_changed
+ fi
+# =====================================================================
+# @@@ Parse args
+# =====================================================================
+[[ $# == 0 ]] && stop_tracking && exit
+for it in "$@"; do
+ read -r -a it <<< "$it"
+ case ${it[0]} in
+ "default")
+ default_id=${it[1]}
+ id_workspace_map[${it[1]}]="${it[*]:2}"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ id_workspace_map[${it[0]}]="${it[*]:1}"
+ esac
+# =====================================================================
+# @@@ Mainloop
+# =====================================================================
+trap "stop_tracking" INT TERM EXIT
+while true; do
+ check_workspace
+ sleep 1
diff --git a/dbus/stopwatch_iface.xml b/dbus/stopwatch_iface.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f55420a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dbus/stopwatch_iface.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
diff --git a/dbus/time_tracker_iface.xml b/dbus/time_tracker_iface.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99f8544
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dbus/time_tracker_iface.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
diff --git a/dbus/timer_iface.xml b/dbus/timer_iface.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7be1af8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dbus/timer_iface.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
diff --git a/lib/num_picker.js b/lib/num_picker.js
index 34d8e04..a4eea72 100644
--- a/lib/num_picker.js
+++ b/lib/num_picker.js
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ var NumPicker = new Lang.Class({
else return s;
- _set_counter: function (num) {
+ set_counter: function (num) {
this.counter_label.text = this._left_pad(num, 2);
this.counter = num;
diff --git a/lib/panel_item.js b/lib/panel_item.js
index 514097c..1da87a8 100644
--- a/lib/panel_item.js
+++ b/lib/panel_item.js
@@ -41,18 +41,14 @@ var PanelItem = new Lang.Class({
// listen
- this.actor.connect('button-press-event', (actor, event) => {
- let btn = event.get_button();
- switch (btn) {
+ this.actor.connect('button-press-event', (_, event) => {
+ switch (event.get_button()) {
case Clutter.BUTTON_PRIMARY:
return Clutter.EVENT_STOP;
case Clutter.BUTTON_MIDDLE:
return Clutter.EVENT_STOP;
return Clutter.EVENT_STOP;
@@ -61,9 +57,7 @@ var PanelItem = new Lang.Class({
return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE;
- this.actor.connect('key-press-event', (actor, event) => {
- let symbol = event.get_key_symbol();
+ this.actor.connect('key-press-event', (_, event) => {
if (event.get_key_symbol() === Clutter.KEY_Down) {
diff --git a/lib/signal_manager.js b/lib/signal_manager.js
index 19b721e..30bdf9e 100644
--- a/lib/signal_manager.js
+++ b/lib/signal_manager.js
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-const Lang = imports.lang;
+const Clutter = imports.gi.Clutter;
+const Lang = imports.lang;
// =====================================================================
@@ -16,6 +17,41 @@ var SignalManager = new Lang.Class({
this.signals = [];
+ clear_obj: function (obj) {
+ this.disconnect_obj(obj);
+ for (let i = 0, len = this.signals.length; i < len; i++) {
+ if (this.signals[i].obj === obj) {
+ this.signals.slice(i, 1);
+ len--; i--;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ connect_press: function (obj, callback) {
+ let on_release = true;
+ this.connect(obj, 'button-press-event', (_, event) => {
+ if (event.get_button() === Clutter.BUTTON_PRIMARY) {
+ on_release = false;
+ callback();
+ }
+ });
+ this.connect(obj, 'button-release-event', (_, event) => {
+ if (event.get_button() === Clutter.BUTTON_PRIMARY) {
+ if (on_release) callback();
+ else on_release = true;
+ }
+ });
+ this.connect(obj, 'key-release-event', (_, event) => {
+ if (event.get_key_symbol() === Clutter.Return) callback();
+ });
+ obj.connect('destroy', () => {
+ this.clear_obj(obj);
+ });
+ },
connect: function (obj, sig_name, callback) {
let id = obj.connect(sig_name, callback);
@@ -29,37 +65,38 @@ var SignalManager = new Lang.Class({
return id;
- disconnect: function (id) {
- let i = this.signals.length;
+ disconnect_obj: function (obj) {
+ for (let it of this.signals) {
+ if (it.obj === obj) {
+ it.obj.disconnect(it.id);
+ it.id = null;
+ }
+ }
+ },
- while (i--) {
- if (this.signals[i].id === id) {
- this.signals[i].obj.disconnect(id);
- this.signals[i].id = null;
+ disconnect: function (id) {
+ for (let it of this.signals) {
+ if (it.id === id) {
+ it.obj.disconnect(id);
+ it.id = null;
connect_all: function () {
- let i = this.signals.length;
- while (i--) {
- if (! this.signals[i].id) {
- this.signals[i].id =
- this.signals[i].obj.connect(this.signals[i].sig_name,
- this.signals[i].callback);
+ for (let it of this.signals) {
+ if (! it.id) {
+ it.id = it.obj.connect(it.sig_name, it.callback);
disconnect_all: function () {
- let i = this.signals.length;
- while (i--) {
- if (this.signals[i].id) {
- this.signals[i].obj.disconnect(this.signals[i].id);
- this.signals[i].id = null;
+ for (let it of this.signals) {
+ if (it.id) {
+ it.obj.disconnect(it.id);
+ it.id = null;
diff --git a/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/timepp.mo b/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/timepp.mo
index d593d8b..ba0728d 100644
Binary files a/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/timepp.mo and b/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/timepp.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/timepp.mo b/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/timepp.mo
index 4741e0e..fce71d4 100644
Binary files a/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/timepp.mo and b/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/timepp.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/po/de.po b/locale/po/de.po
index 199db47..7177a28 100644
--- a/locale/po/de.po
+++ b/locale/po/de.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: timepp@zagortenay 333\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 13:55+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-09 13:13+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-08-29 10:51+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Christian Mattes \n"
"Language-Team: German\n"
@@ -27,16 +27,16 @@ msgstr "Auf sekundären Bildschirm verschieben"
#: ../prefs.js:133 ../sections/todo/view__clear_tasks.js:93
#: ../sections/todo/view__stats.js:219
-#: ../sections/todo/view__task_editor.js:127 ../sections/timer.js:646
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:771 ../sections/alarms.js:619
+#: ../sections/todo/view__task_editor.js:127 ../sections/timer.js:661
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:805 ../sections/alarms.js:622
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Abbrechen"
#: ../prefs.js:134 ../sections/todo/view__clear_tasks.js:96
#: ../sections/todo/view__sort.js:78 ../sections/todo/view__filters.js:165
#: ../sections/todo/view__stats.js:216
-#: ../sections/todo/view__task_editor.js:130 ../sections/timer.js:647
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:770 ../sections/alarms.js:620
+#: ../sections/todo/view__task_editor.js:130 ../sections/timer.js:662
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:804 ../sections/alarms.js:623
msgid "Ok"
msgstr "Ok"
@@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ msgid "Unique name"
msgstr "Eindeutiger Name"
#: ../prefs.ui:57 ../prefs.ui:1073 ../prefs.ui:1123 ../prefs.ui:1422
-#: ../prefs.ui:1472 ../prefs.ui:1979 ../prefs.ui:2029 ../prefs.ui:2389
-#: ../prefs.ui:2854 ../prefs.ui:2904 ../prefs.ui:2942 ../prefs.ui:2992
-#: ../prefs.ui:3048
+#: ../prefs.ui:1472 ../prefs.ui:1921 ../prefs.ui:1971 ../prefs.ui:2331
+#: ../prefs.ui:2796 ../prefs.ui:2846 ../prefs.ui:2884 ../prefs.ui:2934
+#: ../prefs.ui:2990
msgid "not set"
msgstr "keine Angabe"
@@ -87,22 +87,22 @@ msgstr "Rechts"
msgid "Enabled Sections"
msgstr "Aktivierte Bereiche"
-#: ../prefs.ui:482 ../prefs.ui:1162 ../sections/timer.js:120
-#: ../sections/timer.js:333
+#: ../prefs.ui:482 ../prefs.ui:1162 ../sections/timer.js:132
+#: ../sections/timer.js:341
msgid "Timer"
msgstr "Timer"
-#: ../prefs.ui:526 ../prefs.ui:1511 ../sections/stopwatch.js:130
-#: ../sections/stopwatch.js:398
+#: ../prefs.ui:526 ../prefs.ui:1511 ../sections/stopwatch.js:142
+#: ../sections/stopwatch.js:411
msgid "Stopwatch"
msgstr "Stoppuhr"
-#: ../prefs.ui:570 ../prefs.ui:2068 ../sections/pomodoro.js:117
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:300 ../sections/pomodoro.js:406
+#: ../prefs.ui:570 ../prefs.ui:2010 ../sections/pomodoro.js:131
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:312 ../sections/pomodoro.js:406
msgid "Pomodoro"
msgstr "Pomodoro"
-#: ../prefs.ui:614 ../prefs.ui:2428
+#: ../prefs.ui:614 ../prefs.ui:2370
msgid "Alarms"
msgstr "Wecker"
@@ -114,8 +114,8 @@ msgstr "Aufgaben und Zeiterfassung"
msgid "General"
msgstr "Allgemein"
-#: ../prefs.ui:767 ../prefs.ui:1222 ../prefs.ui:1571 ../prefs.ui:2128
-#: ../prefs.ui:2488
+#: ../prefs.ui:767 ../prefs.ui:1222 ../prefs.ui:1571 ../prefs.ui:2070
+#: ../prefs.ui:2430
msgid "Show in separate menu"
msgstr "In eigenem Menü anzeigen"
@@ -123,51 +123,51 @@ msgstr "In eigenem Menü anzeigen"
msgid "Show seconds"
msgstr "Sekunden anzeigen"
-#: ../prefs.ui:855 ../prefs.ui:1316 ../prefs.ui:1659 ../prefs.ui:2532
+#: ../prefs.ui:855 ../prefs.ui:1316 ../prefs.ui:1659 ../prefs.ui:2474
msgid "Panel Item Mode"
msgstr "Darstellung"
-#: ../prefs.ui:869 ../prefs.ui:1330 ../prefs.ui:1673 ../prefs.ui:2546
+#: ../prefs.ui:869 ../prefs.ui:1330 ../prefs.ui:1673 ../prefs.ui:2488
msgid "Icon only"
msgstr "nur Symbol"
-#: ../prefs.ui:870 ../prefs.ui:1331 ../prefs.ui:1674 ../prefs.ui:2547
+#: ../prefs.ui:870 ../prefs.ui:1331 ../prefs.ui:1674 ../prefs.ui:2489
msgid "Text only"
msgstr "nur Text"
-#: ../prefs.ui:871 ../prefs.ui:1332 ../prefs.ui:1675 ../prefs.ui:2548
+#: ../prefs.ui:871 ../prefs.ui:1332 ../prefs.ui:1675 ../prefs.ui:2490
msgid "Icon and Text"
msgstr "Symbol und Text"
-#: ../prefs.ui:906 ../prefs.ui:1710 ../prefs.ui:2222
+#: ../prefs.ui:906 ../prefs.ui:1710 ../prefs.ui:2164
msgid "Notification sound"
msgstr "Benachrichtigungston"
-#: ../prefs.ui:968 ../prefs.ui:1772 ../prefs.ui:2284
+#: ../prefs.ui:968 ../prefs.ui:1772 ../prefs.ui:2226
msgid "Notification style"
msgstr "Benachrichtigungsstil"
-#: ../prefs.ui:982 ../prefs.ui:1786 ../prefs.ui:2298
+#: ../prefs.ui:982 ../prefs.ui:1786 ../prefs.ui:2240
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "Standard"
-#: ../prefs.ui:983 ../prefs.ui:1787 ../prefs.ui:2299
+#: ../prefs.ui:983 ../prefs.ui:1787 ../prefs.ui:2241
msgid "Fullscreen"
msgstr "Vollbild"
-#: ../prefs.ui:1015 ../prefs.ui:1364 ../prefs.ui:1921 ../prefs.ui:2331
-#: ../prefs.ui:2794
+#: ../prefs.ui:1015 ../prefs.ui:1364 ../prefs.ui:1863 ../prefs.ui:2273
+#: ../prefs.ui:2736
msgid "Keyboard shortcuts"
msgstr "Tastaturkürzel"
-#: ../prefs.ui:1056 ../prefs.ui:1405 ../prefs.ui:1962 ../prefs.ui:2372
-#: ../prefs.ui:2837
+#: ../prefs.ui:1056 ../prefs.ui:1405 ../prefs.ui:1904 ../prefs.ui:2314
+#: ../prefs.ui:2779
msgid "Open this section"
msgstr "Diesen Bereich öffnen"
#: ../prefs.ui:1068 ../prefs.ui:1118 ../prefs.ui:1417 ../prefs.ui:1467
-#: ../prefs.ui:1974 ../prefs.ui:2024 ../prefs.ui:2384 ../prefs.ui:2849
-#: ../prefs.ui:2899 ../prefs.ui:2937 ../prefs.ui:2987 ../prefs.ui:3043
+#: ../prefs.ui:1916 ../prefs.ui:1966 ../prefs.ui:2326 ../prefs.ui:2791
+#: ../prefs.ui:2841 ../prefs.ui:2879 ../prefs.ui:2929 ../prefs.ui:2985
msgid ""
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ msgstr ""
-#: ../prefs.ui:1106 ../prefs.ui:1455 ../prefs.ui:2012
+#: ../prefs.ui:1106 ../prefs.ui:1455 ../prefs.ui:1954
msgid "Open in fullscreen"
msgstr "Im Vollbildmodus öffnen"
@@ -204,63 +204,59 @@ msgstr "stunden:min:sek:millisek"
msgid "Stop time tracking when pomo is paused"
msgstr "Zeiterfassung anhalten, wenn Pomo pausiert wird"
-#: ../prefs.ui:1866
-msgid "Execute custom script when pomo pauses/starts"
-msgstr "Eigenes Skript ausführen, wenn Pomo startet/pausiert"
-#: ../prefs.ui:2172
+#: ../prefs.ui:2114
msgid "Snooze duration (sec)"
msgstr "Schlummerdauer (sek)"
-#: ../prefs.ui:2600
+#: ../prefs.ui:2542
msgid "Task width (px)"
msgstr "Aufgabenbreite (px)"
-#: ../prefs.ui:2630
+#: ../prefs.ui:2572
msgid "Todo files"
msgstr "Aufgaben-Dateien"
-#: ../prefs.ui:2887
+#: ../prefs.ui:2829
msgid "Open this section to add task"
msgstr "Bereich zum Anlegen einer neuen Aufgabe öffnen"
-#: ../prefs.ui:2955
+#: ../prefs.ui:2897
msgid "Open this section to search tasks"
msgstr "Bereich zum Durchsuchen der Aufgaben öffnen"
-#: ../prefs.ui:3005
+#: ../prefs.ui:2947
#, fuzzy
msgid "Open the stats view"
msgstr "Diesen Bereich öffnen"
-#: ../prefs.ui:3061
+#: ../prefs.ui:3003
msgid "Open this section to switch todo files"
msgstr "Bereich zum Wechseln der Aufgaben-Datei öffnen"
-#: ../prefs.ui:3101
+#: ../prefs.ui:3043
msgid "Todo / Time Tracker"
msgstr "Aufgaben / Zeiterfassung"
-#: ../sections/todo/MAIN.js:255 ../sections/todo/MAIN.js:852
+#: ../sections/todo/MAIN.js:256 ../sections/todo/MAIN.js:853
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Lade..."
-#: ../sections/todo/MAIN.js:265
+#: ../sections/todo/MAIN.js:266
msgid "Select todo file in settings..."
msgstr "Aufgaben-Datei in den Einstellungen auswählen..."
-#: ../sections/todo/MAIN.js:290
+#: ../sections/todo/MAIN.js:291
msgid "Add New Task..."
msgstr "Neue Aufgabe..."
-#: ../sections/todo/MAIN.js:699
+#: ../sections/todo/MAIN.js:700
#, javascript-format
msgid "%d task has recurred"
msgid_plural "%d tasks have recurred"
msgstr[0] "%d Aufgabe wurde wiederholt"
msgstr[1] "%d Aufgaben wurden wiederholt"
-#: ../sections/todo/MAIN.js:858
+#: ../sections/todo/MAIN.js:859
#, fuzzy
msgid "Nothing found."
msgstr "Nichts gefunden..."
@@ -305,7 +301,7 @@ msgid_plural "in %d days"
msgstr[0] "in %d Tag"
msgstr[1] "in %d Tagen"
-#: ../sections/todo/task_item.js:896
+#: ../sections/todo/task_item.js:877
msgid "File or dir not found."
msgstr "Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden."
@@ -383,8 +379,8 @@ msgstr[1] "%d wiederholte Aufgaben"
msgid "Invert filters"
msgstr "Filter invertieren"
-#: ../sections/todo/view__filters.js:164 ../sections/stopwatch.js:156
-#: ../sections/stopwatch.js:610
+#: ../sections/todo/view__filters.js:164 ../sections/stopwatch.js:168
+#: ../sections/stopwatch.js:633
msgid "Reset"
msgstr "Zurücksetzen"
@@ -494,7 +490,7 @@ msgstr "Gesamtzeit pro Quartal: "
msgid "Task..."
msgstr "Aufgabe..."
-#: ../sections/todo/view__task_editor.js:114 ../sections/alarms.js:611
+#: ../sections/todo/view__task_editor.js:114 ../sections/alarms.js:614
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Löschen"
@@ -502,18 +498,19 @@ msgstr "Löschen"
msgid "Archive"
msgstr "Archiv"
-#: ../sections/stopwatch.js:157 ../sections/stopwatch.js:611
+#: ../sections/stopwatch.js:169 ../sections/stopwatch.js:634
msgid "Lap"
msgstr "Zwischenzeit"
-#: ../sections/stopwatch.js:158 ../sections/stopwatch.js:613
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:162 ../sections/pomodoro.js:835
+#: ../sections/stopwatch.js:170 ../sections/stopwatch.js:636
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:176 ../sections/pomodoro.js:872
msgid "Start"
msgstr "Starten"
-#: ../sections/stopwatch.js:159 ../sections/stopwatch.js:612
-msgid "Pause"
-msgstr "Pause"
+#: ../sections/stopwatch.js:171 ../sections/stopwatch.js:635
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:177 ../sections/pomodoro.js:873
+msgid "Stop"
+msgstr "Stoppen"
#: ../sections/context_menu.js:38
msgid "Open settings"
@@ -531,77 +528,78 @@ msgstr "Fehler melden"
msgid "Help with translations"
msgstr "Beim Übersetzen helfen"
-#: ../sections/timer.js:39
+#: ../sections/timer.js:41
msgid "Timer Expired!"
msgstr "Timer abgelaufen"
-#: ../sections/timer.js:624
+#: ../sections/timer.js:639
msgid "Timer message..."
msgstr "Timernachricht..."
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:36
-msgid "Start working!"
-msgstr "Beginne mit der Arbeit!"
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:39
+msgid "Work!"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:37
-msgid "Take long break!"
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:40
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Long Break!"
msgstr "Mache eine lange Pause!"
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:38
-msgid "Take short break!"
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:41
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Short break!"
msgstr "Mache eine kurze Pause!"
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:160 ../sections/pomodoro.js:833
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:174 ../sections/pomodoro.js:870
msgid "New Pomo"
msgstr "Neuer Pomo"
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:161 ../sections/pomodoro.js:834
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:175 ../sections/pomodoro.js:871
msgid "Take Break"
msgstr "Pause machen"
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:163 ../sections/pomodoro.js:836
-msgid "Stop"
-msgstr "Stoppen"
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:694
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:715
msgid "Clear all pomodoros?"
msgstr "Alle Pomodoros löschen?"
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:710
-msgid "Pomodoro (min):"
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:731
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Pomodoro (min:sec):"
msgstr "Pomodoro (min):"
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:725
-msgid "Short break (min):"
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:750
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Short break (min:sec):"
msgstr "Kurze Pause (min):"
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:740
-msgid "Long break (min):"
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:770
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Long break (min:sec):"
msgstr "Lange Pause (min):"
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:755
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:789
msgid "Num of pomos until long break:"
msgstr "Anzahl Pomos bis zur langen Pause:"
-#: ../sections/alarms.js:148
+#: ../sections/alarms.js:151
msgid "Add New Alarm..."
msgstr "Neuer Wecker..."
#. TRANSLATORS: %s is a time string in the format HH:MM (e.g., 13:44)
-#: ../sections/alarms.js:472 ../sections/alarms.js:889
+#: ../sections/alarms.js:472 ../sections/alarms.js:892
#, javascript-format
msgid "Alarm at %s"
msgstr "Wecker für %s"
-#: ../sections/alarms.js:486 ../sections/alarms.js:854
+#: ../sections/alarms.js:486 ../sections/alarms.js:857
msgid "Snooze"
msgstr "Schlummern"
-#: ../sections/alarms.js:583
+#: ../sections/alarms.js:586
msgid "Alarm Message..."
msgstr "Weckmeldung..."
-#: ../sections/alarms.js:912
+#: ../sections/alarms.js:915
#, javascript-format
msgid "%d alarm went off!"
msgid_plural "%d alarms went off!"
diff --git a/locale/po/pl.po b/locale/po/pl.po
index d8f7ad5..3a19b7a 100644
--- a/locale/po/pl.po
+++ b/locale/po/pl.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 13:55+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-09 13:13+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-07-20 07:02+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Piotr Komur \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
@@ -29,16 +29,16 @@ msgstr "Przenieś na dodatkowy monitor"
#: ../prefs.js:133 ../sections/todo/view__clear_tasks.js:93
#: ../sections/todo/view__stats.js:219
-#: ../sections/todo/view__task_editor.js:127 ../sections/timer.js:646
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:771 ../sections/alarms.js:619
+#: ../sections/todo/view__task_editor.js:127 ../sections/timer.js:661
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:805 ../sections/alarms.js:622
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Anuluj"
#: ../prefs.js:134 ../sections/todo/view__clear_tasks.js:96
#: ../sections/todo/view__sort.js:78 ../sections/todo/view__filters.js:165
#: ../sections/todo/view__stats.js:216
-#: ../sections/todo/view__task_editor.js:130 ../sections/timer.js:647
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:770 ../sections/alarms.js:620
+#: ../sections/todo/view__task_editor.js:130 ../sections/timer.js:662
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:804 ../sections/alarms.js:623
msgid "Ok"
msgstr "OK"
@@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ msgid "Unique name"
msgstr "Unikatowa nazwa"
#: ../prefs.ui:57 ../prefs.ui:1073 ../prefs.ui:1123 ../prefs.ui:1422
-#: ../prefs.ui:1472 ../prefs.ui:1979 ../prefs.ui:2029 ../prefs.ui:2389
-#: ../prefs.ui:2854 ../prefs.ui:2904 ../prefs.ui:2942 ../prefs.ui:2992
-#: ../prefs.ui:3048
+#: ../prefs.ui:1472 ../prefs.ui:1921 ../prefs.ui:1971 ../prefs.ui:2331
+#: ../prefs.ui:2796 ../prefs.ui:2846 ../prefs.ui:2884 ../prefs.ui:2934
+#: ../prefs.ui:2990
msgid "not set"
msgstr "nie ustawiono"
@@ -89,22 +89,22 @@ msgstr "Z prawej"
msgid "Enabled Sections"
msgstr "Dostępne sekcje"
-#: ../prefs.ui:482 ../prefs.ui:1162 ../sections/timer.js:120
-#: ../sections/timer.js:333
+#: ../prefs.ui:482 ../prefs.ui:1162 ../sections/timer.js:132
+#: ../sections/timer.js:341
msgid "Timer"
msgstr "Minutnik"
-#: ../prefs.ui:526 ../prefs.ui:1511 ../sections/stopwatch.js:130
-#: ../sections/stopwatch.js:398
+#: ../prefs.ui:526 ../prefs.ui:1511 ../sections/stopwatch.js:142
+#: ../sections/stopwatch.js:411
msgid "Stopwatch"
msgstr "Stoper"
-#: ../prefs.ui:570 ../prefs.ui:2068 ../sections/pomodoro.js:117
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:300 ../sections/pomodoro.js:406
+#: ../prefs.ui:570 ../prefs.ui:2010 ../sections/pomodoro.js:131
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:312 ../sections/pomodoro.js:406
msgid "Pomodoro"
msgstr ""
-#: ../prefs.ui:614 ../prefs.ui:2428
+#: ../prefs.ui:614 ../prefs.ui:2370
msgid "Alarms"
msgstr "Alarmy"
@@ -116,8 +116,8 @@ msgstr "Zadania i śledzenie"
msgid "General"
msgstr "Ogólne"
-#: ../prefs.ui:767 ../prefs.ui:1222 ../prefs.ui:1571 ../prefs.ui:2128
-#: ../prefs.ui:2488
+#: ../prefs.ui:767 ../prefs.ui:1222 ../prefs.ui:1571 ../prefs.ui:2070
+#: ../prefs.ui:2430
msgid "Show in separate menu"
msgstr "Pokaż w oddzielnym menu"
@@ -125,51 +125,51 @@ msgstr "Pokaż w oddzielnym menu"
msgid "Show seconds"
msgstr "Pokaż sekundy"
-#: ../prefs.ui:855 ../prefs.ui:1316 ../prefs.ui:1659 ../prefs.ui:2532
+#: ../prefs.ui:855 ../prefs.ui:1316 ../prefs.ui:1659 ../prefs.ui:2474
msgid "Panel Item Mode"
msgstr "Prezentacja na panelu"
-#: ../prefs.ui:869 ../prefs.ui:1330 ../prefs.ui:1673 ../prefs.ui:2546
+#: ../prefs.ui:869 ../prefs.ui:1330 ../prefs.ui:1673 ../prefs.ui:2488
msgid "Icon only"
msgstr "Tylko ikona"
-#: ../prefs.ui:870 ../prefs.ui:1331 ../prefs.ui:1674 ../prefs.ui:2547
+#: ../prefs.ui:870 ../prefs.ui:1331 ../prefs.ui:1674 ../prefs.ui:2489
msgid "Text only"
msgstr "Tylko tekst"
-#: ../prefs.ui:871 ../prefs.ui:1332 ../prefs.ui:1675 ../prefs.ui:2548
+#: ../prefs.ui:871 ../prefs.ui:1332 ../prefs.ui:1675 ../prefs.ui:2490
msgid "Icon and Text"
msgstr "Ikona i tekst"
-#: ../prefs.ui:906 ../prefs.ui:1710 ../prefs.ui:2222
+#: ../prefs.ui:906 ../prefs.ui:1710 ../prefs.ui:2164
msgid "Notification sound"
msgstr "Dźwięk powiadomienia"
-#: ../prefs.ui:968 ../prefs.ui:1772 ../prefs.ui:2284
+#: ../prefs.ui:968 ../prefs.ui:1772 ../prefs.ui:2226
msgid "Notification style"
msgstr "Styl powiadomienia"
-#: ../prefs.ui:982 ../prefs.ui:1786 ../prefs.ui:2298
+#: ../prefs.ui:982 ../prefs.ui:1786 ../prefs.ui:2240
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "Standardowy"
-#: ../prefs.ui:983 ../prefs.ui:1787 ../prefs.ui:2299
+#: ../prefs.ui:983 ../prefs.ui:1787 ../prefs.ui:2241
msgid "Fullscreen"
msgstr "Na pełnym ekranie"
-#: ../prefs.ui:1015 ../prefs.ui:1364 ../prefs.ui:1921 ../prefs.ui:2331
-#: ../prefs.ui:2794
+#: ../prefs.ui:1015 ../prefs.ui:1364 ../prefs.ui:1863 ../prefs.ui:2273
+#: ../prefs.ui:2736
msgid "Keyboard shortcuts"
msgstr "Skróty klawiaturowe"
-#: ../prefs.ui:1056 ../prefs.ui:1405 ../prefs.ui:1962 ../prefs.ui:2372
-#: ../prefs.ui:2837
+#: ../prefs.ui:1056 ../prefs.ui:1405 ../prefs.ui:1904 ../prefs.ui:2314
+#: ../prefs.ui:2779
msgid "Open this section"
msgstr "Otwórz sekcję"
#: ../prefs.ui:1068 ../prefs.ui:1118 ../prefs.ui:1417 ../prefs.ui:1467
-#: ../prefs.ui:1974 ../prefs.ui:2024 ../prefs.ui:2384 ../prefs.ui:2849
-#: ../prefs.ui:2899 ../prefs.ui:2937 ../prefs.ui:2987 ../prefs.ui:3043
+#: ../prefs.ui:1916 ../prefs.ui:1966 ../prefs.ui:2326 ../prefs.ui:2791
+#: ../prefs.ui:2841 ../prefs.ui:2879 ../prefs.ui:2929 ../prefs.ui:2985
msgid ""
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ msgstr ""
-#: ../prefs.ui:1106 ../prefs.ui:1455 ../prefs.ui:2012
+#: ../prefs.ui:1106 ../prefs.ui:1455 ../prefs.ui:1954
msgid "Open in fullscreen"
msgstr "Otwórz na pełnym ekranie"
@@ -205,55 +205,51 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Stop time tracking when pomo is paused"
msgstr "Zatrzymaj śledzenie, gdy pomodoro jest wstrzymane"
-#: ../prefs.ui:1866
-msgid "Execute custom script when pomo pauses/starts"
-msgstr "Wykonaj własny skrypt, gdy pomodoro jest zatrzymywane/uruchamiane"
-#: ../prefs.ui:2172
+#: ../prefs.ui:2114
msgid "Snooze duration (sec)"
msgstr "Czas drzemki (sek.)"
-#: ../prefs.ui:2600
+#: ../prefs.ui:2542
msgid "Task width (px)"
msgstr "Szerokość zadania (px)"
-#: ../prefs.ui:2630
+#: ../prefs.ui:2572
msgid "Todo files"
msgstr "Pliki zadań"
-#: ../prefs.ui:2887
+#: ../prefs.ui:2829
msgid "Open this section to add task"
msgstr "Otwórz sekcję, aby dodać zadanie"
-#: ../prefs.ui:2955
+#: ../prefs.ui:2897
msgid "Open this section to search tasks"
msgstr "Otwórz sekcję, aby wyszukać zadanie"
-#: ../prefs.ui:3005
+#: ../prefs.ui:2947
msgid "Open the stats view"
msgstr ""
-#: ../prefs.ui:3061
+#: ../prefs.ui:3003
msgid "Open this section to switch todo files"
msgstr "Otwórz sekcję, aby wyszukać zadanie"
-#: ../prefs.ui:3101
+#: ../prefs.ui:3043
msgid "Todo / Time Tracker"
msgstr "Zadania / Śledzenie"
-#: ../sections/todo/MAIN.js:255 ../sections/todo/MAIN.js:852
+#: ../sections/todo/MAIN.js:256 ../sections/todo/MAIN.js:853
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Wczytuję..."
-#: ../sections/todo/MAIN.js:265
+#: ../sections/todo/MAIN.js:266
msgid "Select todo file in settings..."
msgstr "Wskaż w ustawieniach plik 'todo'..."
-#: ../sections/todo/MAIN.js:290
+#: ../sections/todo/MAIN.js:291
msgid "Add New Task..."
msgstr "Dodaj nowe zadanie..."
-#: ../sections/todo/MAIN.js:699
+#: ../sections/todo/MAIN.js:700
#, javascript-format
msgid "%d task has recurred"
msgid_plural "%d tasks have recurred"
@@ -261,7 +257,7 @@ msgstr[0] "%d powtórzyło się"
msgstr[1] "%d powtórzyły się"
msgstr[2] "%d powtórzyło się"
-#: ../sections/todo/MAIN.js:858
+#: ../sections/todo/MAIN.js:859
msgid "Nothing found."
msgstr "Nic nie znaleziono..."
@@ -308,7 +304,7 @@ msgstr[0] "w ciągu %d dnia"
msgstr[1] "w ciagu %d dni"
msgstr[2] "w ciagu %d dni"
-#: ../sections/todo/task_item.js:896
+#: ../sections/todo/task_item.js:877
msgid "File or dir not found."
msgstr ""
@@ -388,8 +384,8 @@ msgstr[2] "%d powtarzających się zadań"
msgid "Invert filters"
msgstr "Odwróć filtry"
-#: ../sections/todo/view__filters.js:164 ../sections/stopwatch.js:156
-#: ../sections/stopwatch.js:610
+#: ../sections/todo/view__filters.js:164 ../sections/stopwatch.js:168
+#: ../sections/stopwatch.js:633
msgid "Reset"
msgstr "Zeruj"
@@ -493,7 +489,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Task..."
msgstr "Zadanie..."
-#: ../sections/todo/view__task_editor.js:114 ../sections/alarms.js:611
+#: ../sections/todo/view__task_editor.js:114 ../sections/alarms.js:614
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Usuń"
@@ -501,18 +497,19 @@ msgstr "Usuń"
msgid "Archive"
msgstr "Archiwum"
-#: ../sections/stopwatch.js:157 ../sections/stopwatch.js:611
+#: ../sections/stopwatch.js:169 ../sections/stopwatch.js:634
msgid "Lap"
msgstr "Okrążenie"
-#: ../sections/stopwatch.js:158 ../sections/stopwatch.js:613
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:162 ../sections/pomodoro.js:835
+#: ../sections/stopwatch.js:170 ../sections/stopwatch.js:636
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:176 ../sections/pomodoro.js:872
msgid "Start"
msgstr ""
-#: ../sections/stopwatch.js:159 ../sections/stopwatch.js:612
-msgid "Pause"
-msgstr "Wstrzymaj"
+#: ../sections/stopwatch.js:171 ../sections/stopwatch.js:635
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:177 ../sections/pomodoro.js:873
+msgid "Stop"
+msgstr ""
#: ../sections/context_menu.js:38
msgid "Open settings"
@@ -530,77 +527,78 @@ msgstr "Zgłoś błąd"
msgid "Help with translations"
msgstr ""
-#: ../sections/timer.js:39
+#: ../sections/timer.js:41
msgid "Timer Expired!"
msgstr "Czas minął!"
-#: ../sections/timer.js:624
+#: ../sections/timer.js:639
msgid "Timer message..."
msgstr "Komunikat minutnika..."
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:36
-msgid "Start working!"
-msgstr "Rozpocznij pracę!"
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:39
+msgid "Work!"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:37
-msgid "Take long break!"
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:40
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Long Break!"
msgstr "Weź długą przerwę!"
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:38
-msgid "Take short break!"
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:41
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Short break!"
msgstr "Weź krótką przerwę!"
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:160 ../sections/pomodoro.js:833
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:174 ../sections/pomodoro.js:870
msgid "New Pomo"
msgstr "Nowe Pomodoro"
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:161 ../sections/pomodoro.js:834
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:175 ../sections/pomodoro.js:871
msgid "Take Break"
msgstr "Weź przerwę!"
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:163 ../sections/pomodoro.js:836
-msgid "Stop"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:694
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:715
msgid "Clear all pomodoros?"
msgstr "Usunąć wszystkie pomodoro?"
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:710
-msgid "Pomodoro (min):"
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:731
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Pomodoro (min:sec):"
msgstr "Pomodoro (min):"
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:725
-msgid "Short break (min):"
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:750
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Short break (min:sec):"
msgstr "Krótka przerwa (min):"
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:740
-msgid "Long break (min):"
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:770
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Long break (min:sec):"
msgstr "Długa przerwa (min):"
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:755
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:789
msgid "Num of pomos until long break:"
msgstr "Liczba pomodoro do długiej przerwy:"
-#: ../sections/alarms.js:148
+#: ../sections/alarms.js:151
msgid "Add New Alarm..."
msgstr "Dodaj nowy alarm..."
#. TRANSLATORS: %s is a time string in the format HH:MM (e.g., 13:44)
-#: ../sections/alarms.js:472 ../sections/alarms.js:889
+#: ../sections/alarms.js:472 ../sections/alarms.js:892
#, javascript-format
msgid "Alarm at %s"
msgstr "Alarm o %s"
-#: ../sections/alarms.js:486 ../sections/alarms.js:854
+#: ../sections/alarms.js:486 ../sections/alarms.js:857
msgid "Snooze"
msgstr "Drzemka"
-#: ../sections/alarms.js:583
+#: ../sections/alarms.js:586
msgid "Alarm Message..."
msgstr "Komunikat alarmu..."
-#: ../sections/alarms.js:912
+#: ../sections/alarms.js:915
#, javascript-format
msgid "%d alarm went off!"
msgid_plural "%d alarms went off!"
diff --git a/locale/po/template.pot b/locale/po/template.pot
index 0f35c47..388c182 100644
--- a/locale/po/template.pot
+++ b/locale/po/template.pot
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 20:21+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-09 13:13+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n"
@@ -28,16 +28,16 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../prefs.js:133 ../sections/todo/view__clear_tasks.js:93
#: ../sections/todo/view__stats.js:219
-#: ../sections/todo/view__task_editor.js:127 ../sections/timer.js:646
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:771 ../sections/alarms.js:619
+#: ../sections/todo/view__task_editor.js:127 ../sections/timer.js:661
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:805 ../sections/alarms.js:622
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr ""
#: ../prefs.js:134 ../sections/todo/view__clear_tasks.js:96
#: ../sections/todo/view__sort.js:78 ../sections/todo/view__filters.js:165
#: ../sections/todo/view__stats.js:216
-#: ../sections/todo/view__task_editor.js:130 ../sections/timer.js:647
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:770 ../sections/alarms.js:620
+#: ../sections/todo/view__task_editor.js:130 ../sections/timer.js:662
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:804 ../sections/alarms.js:623
msgid "Ok"
msgstr ""
@@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ msgid "Unique name"
msgstr ""
#: ../prefs.ui:57 ../prefs.ui:1073 ../prefs.ui:1123 ../prefs.ui:1422
-#: ../prefs.ui:1472 ../prefs.ui:1979 ../prefs.ui:2029 ../prefs.ui:2389
-#: ../prefs.ui:2854 ../prefs.ui:2904 ../prefs.ui:2942 ../prefs.ui:2992
-#: ../prefs.ui:3048
+#: ../prefs.ui:1472 ../prefs.ui:1921 ../prefs.ui:1971 ../prefs.ui:2331
+#: ../prefs.ui:2796 ../prefs.ui:2846 ../prefs.ui:2884 ../prefs.ui:2934
+#: ../prefs.ui:2990
msgid "not set"
msgstr ""
@@ -88,22 +88,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Enabled Sections"
msgstr ""
-#: ../prefs.ui:482 ../prefs.ui:1162 ../sections/timer.js:120
-#: ../sections/timer.js:333
+#: ../prefs.ui:482 ../prefs.ui:1162 ../sections/timer.js:132
+#: ../sections/timer.js:341
msgid "Timer"
msgstr ""
-#: ../prefs.ui:526 ../prefs.ui:1511 ../sections/stopwatch.js:130
-#: ../sections/stopwatch.js:398
+#: ../prefs.ui:526 ../prefs.ui:1511 ../sections/stopwatch.js:142
+#: ../sections/stopwatch.js:411
msgid "Stopwatch"
msgstr ""
-#: ../prefs.ui:570 ../prefs.ui:2068 ../sections/pomodoro.js:117
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:300 ../sections/pomodoro.js:406
+#: ../prefs.ui:570 ../prefs.ui:2010 ../sections/pomodoro.js:131
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:312 ../sections/pomodoro.js:406
msgid "Pomodoro"
msgstr ""
-#: ../prefs.ui:614 ../prefs.ui:2428
+#: ../prefs.ui:614 ../prefs.ui:2370
msgid "Alarms"
msgstr ""
@@ -115,8 +115,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "General"
msgstr ""
-#: ../prefs.ui:767 ../prefs.ui:1222 ../prefs.ui:1571 ../prefs.ui:2128
-#: ../prefs.ui:2488
+#: ../prefs.ui:767 ../prefs.ui:1222 ../prefs.ui:1571 ../prefs.ui:2070
+#: ../prefs.ui:2430
msgid "Show in separate menu"
msgstr ""
@@ -124,51 +124,51 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Show seconds"
msgstr ""
-#: ../prefs.ui:855 ../prefs.ui:1316 ../prefs.ui:1659 ../prefs.ui:2532
+#: ../prefs.ui:855 ../prefs.ui:1316 ../prefs.ui:1659 ../prefs.ui:2474
msgid "Panel Item Mode"
msgstr ""
-#: ../prefs.ui:869 ../prefs.ui:1330 ../prefs.ui:1673 ../prefs.ui:2546
+#: ../prefs.ui:869 ../prefs.ui:1330 ../prefs.ui:1673 ../prefs.ui:2488
msgid "Icon only"
msgstr ""
-#: ../prefs.ui:870 ../prefs.ui:1331 ../prefs.ui:1674 ../prefs.ui:2547
+#: ../prefs.ui:870 ../prefs.ui:1331 ../prefs.ui:1674 ../prefs.ui:2489
msgid "Text only"
msgstr ""
-#: ../prefs.ui:871 ../prefs.ui:1332 ../prefs.ui:1675 ../prefs.ui:2548
+#: ../prefs.ui:871 ../prefs.ui:1332 ../prefs.ui:1675 ../prefs.ui:2490
msgid "Icon and Text"
msgstr ""
-#: ../prefs.ui:906 ../prefs.ui:1710 ../prefs.ui:2222
+#: ../prefs.ui:906 ../prefs.ui:1710 ../prefs.ui:2164
msgid "Notification sound"
msgstr ""
-#: ../prefs.ui:968 ../prefs.ui:1772 ../prefs.ui:2284
+#: ../prefs.ui:968 ../prefs.ui:1772 ../prefs.ui:2226
msgid "Notification style"
msgstr ""
-#: ../prefs.ui:982 ../prefs.ui:1786 ../prefs.ui:2298
+#: ../prefs.ui:982 ../prefs.ui:1786 ../prefs.ui:2240
msgid "Standard"
msgstr ""
-#: ../prefs.ui:983 ../prefs.ui:1787 ../prefs.ui:2299
+#: ../prefs.ui:983 ../prefs.ui:1787 ../prefs.ui:2241
msgid "Fullscreen"
msgstr ""
-#: ../prefs.ui:1015 ../prefs.ui:1364 ../prefs.ui:1921 ../prefs.ui:2331
-#: ../prefs.ui:2794
+#: ../prefs.ui:1015 ../prefs.ui:1364 ../prefs.ui:1863 ../prefs.ui:2273
+#: ../prefs.ui:2736
msgid "Keyboard shortcuts"
msgstr ""
-#: ../prefs.ui:1056 ../prefs.ui:1405 ../prefs.ui:1962 ../prefs.ui:2372
-#: ../prefs.ui:2837
+#: ../prefs.ui:1056 ../prefs.ui:1405 ../prefs.ui:1904 ../prefs.ui:2314
+#: ../prefs.ui:2779
msgid "Open this section"
msgstr ""
#: ../prefs.ui:1068 ../prefs.ui:1118 ../prefs.ui:1417 ../prefs.ui:1467
-#: ../prefs.ui:1974 ../prefs.ui:2024 ../prefs.ui:2384 ../prefs.ui:2849
-#: ../prefs.ui:2899 ../prefs.ui:2937 ../prefs.ui:2987 ../prefs.ui:3043
+#: ../prefs.ui:1916 ../prefs.ui:1966 ../prefs.ui:2326 ../prefs.ui:2791
+#: ../prefs.ui:2841 ../prefs.ui:2879 ../prefs.ui:2929 ../prefs.ui:2985
msgid ""
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../prefs.ui:1106 ../prefs.ui:1455 ../prefs.ui:2012
+#: ../prefs.ui:1106 ../prefs.ui:1455 ../prefs.ui:1954
msgid "Open in fullscreen"
msgstr ""
@@ -200,62 +200,58 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Stop time tracking when pomo is paused"
msgstr ""
-#: ../prefs.ui:1866
-msgid "Execute custom script when pomo pauses/starts"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../prefs.ui:2172
+#: ../prefs.ui:2114
msgid "Snooze duration (sec)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../prefs.ui:2600
+#: ../prefs.ui:2542
msgid "Task width (px)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../prefs.ui:2630
+#: ../prefs.ui:2572
msgid "Todo files"
msgstr ""
-#: ../prefs.ui:2887
+#: ../prefs.ui:2829
msgid "Open this section to add task"
msgstr ""
-#: ../prefs.ui:2955
+#: ../prefs.ui:2897
msgid "Open this section to search tasks"
msgstr ""
-#: ../prefs.ui:3005
+#: ../prefs.ui:2947
msgid "Open the stats view"
msgstr ""
-#: ../prefs.ui:3061
+#: ../prefs.ui:3003
msgid "Open this section to switch todo files"
msgstr ""
-#: ../prefs.ui:3101
+#: ../prefs.ui:3043
msgid "Todo / Time Tracker"
msgstr ""
-#: ../sections/todo/MAIN.js:255 ../sections/todo/MAIN.js:852
+#: ../sections/todo/MAIN.js:256 ../sections/todo/MAIN.js:853
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr ""
-#: ../sections/todo/MAIN.js:265
+#: ../sections/todo/MAIN.js:266
msgid "Select todo file in settings..."
msgstr ""
-#: ../sections/todo/MAIN.js:290
+#: ../sections/todo/MAIN.js:291
msgid "Add New Task..."
msgstr ""
-#: ../sections/todo/MAIN.js:699
+#: ../sections/todo/MAIN.js:700
#, javascript-format
msgid "%d task has recurred"
msgid_plural "%d tasks have recurred"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: ../sections/todo/MAIN.js:858
+#: ../sections/todo/MAIN.js:859
msgid "Nothing found."
msgstr ""
@@ -299,7 +295,7 @@ msgid_plural "in %d days"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: ../sections/todo/task_item.js:896
+#: ../sections/todo/task_item.js:877
msgid "File or dir not found."
msgstr ""
@@ -377,8 +373,8 @@ msgstr[1] ""
msgid "Invert filters"
msgstr ""
-#: ../sections/todo/view__filters.js:164 ../sections/stopwatch.js:156
-#: ../sections/stopwatch.js:610
+#: ../sections/todo/view__filters.js:164 ../sections/stopwatch.js:168
+#: ../sections/stopwatch.js:633
msgid "Reset"
msgstr ""
@@ -481,7 +477,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Task..."
msgstr ""
-#: ../sections/todo/view__task_editor.js:114 ../sections/alarms.js:611
+#: ../sections/todo/view__task_editor.js:114 ../sections/alarms.js:614
msgid "Delete"
msgstr ""
@@ -489,17 +485,18 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Archive"
msgstr ""
-#: ../sections/stopwatch.js:157 ../sections/stopwatch.js:611
+#: ../sections/stopwatch.js:169 ../sections/stopwatch.js:634
msgid "Lap"
msgstr ""
-#: ../sections/stopwatch.js:158 ../sections/stopwatch.js:613
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:162 ../sections/pomodoro.js:835
+#: ../sections/stopwatch.js:170 ../sections/stopwatch.js:636
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:176 ../sections/pomodoro.js:872
msgid "Start"
msgstr ""
-#: ../sections/stopwatch.js:159 ../sections/stopwatch.js:612
-msgid "Pause"
+#: ../sections/stopwatch.js:171 ../sections/stopwatch.js:635
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:177 ../sections/pomodoro.js:873
+msgid "Stop"
msgstr ""
#: ../sections/context_menu.js:38
@@ -518,77 +515,73 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Help with translations"
msgstr ""
-#: ../sections/timer.js:39
+#: ../sections/timer.js:41
msgid "Timer Expired!"
msgstr ""
-#: ../sections/timer.js:624
+#: ../sections/timer.js:639
msgid "Timer message..."
msgstr ""
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:36
-msgid "Start working!"
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:39
+msgid "Work!"
msgstr ""
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:37
-msgid "Take long break!"
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:40
+msgid "Long Break!"
msgstr ""
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:38
-msgid "Take short break!"
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:41
+msgid "Short break!"
msgstr ""
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:160 ../sections/pomodoro.js:833
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:174 ../sections/pomodoro.js:870
msgid "New Pomo"
msgstr ""
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:161 ../sections/pomodoro.js:834
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:175 ../sections/pomodoro.js:871
msgid "Take Break"
msgstr ""
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:163 ../sections/pomodoro.js:836
-msgid "Stop"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:694
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:715
msgid "Clear all pomodoros?"
msgstr ""
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:710
-msgid "Pomodoro (min):"
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:731
+msgid "Pomodoro (min:sec):"
msgstr ""
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:725
-msgid "Short break (min):"
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:750
+msgid "Short break (min:sec):"
msgstr ""
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:740
-msgid "Long break (min):"
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:770
+msgid "Long break (min:sec):"
msgstr ""
-#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:755
+#: ../sections/pomodoro.js:789
msgid "Num of pomos until long break:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../sections/alarms.js:148
+#: ../sections/alarms.js:151
msgid "Add New Alarm..."
msgstr ""
#. TRANSLATORS: %s is a time string in the format HH:MM (e.g., 13:44)
-#: ../sections/alarms.js:472 ../sections/alarms.js:889
+#: ../sections/alarms.js:472 ../sections/alarms.js:892
#, javascript-format
msgid "Alarm at %s"
msgstr ""
-#: ../sections/alarms.js:486 ../sections/alarms.js:854
+#: ../sections/alarms.js:486 ../sections/alarms.js:857
msgid "Snooze"
msgstr ""
-#: ../sections/alarms.js:583
+#: ../sections/alarms.js:586
msgid "Alarm Message..."
msgstr ""
-#: ../sections/alarms.js:912
+#: ../sections/alarms.js:915
#, javascript-format
msgid "%d alarm went off!"
msgid_plural "%d alarms went off!"
diff --git a/metadata.json b/metadata.json
index 7ace08f..be5df17 100644
--- a/metadata.json
+++ b/metadata.json
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
"version" : -1,
"shell-version" : ["3.24"],
"cache-file-format-version" : {
- "timer" : 1,
- "stopwatch" : 1,
- "pomodoro" : 1,
+ "timer" : 2,
+ "stopwatch" : 2,
+ "pomodoro" : 2,
"alarms" : 1,
"todo" : 1
diff --git a/prefs.js b/prefs.js
index af7ea3b..77b13e7 100644
--- a/prefs.js
+++ b/prefs.js
@@ -525,19 +525,6 @@ const Settings = new Lang.Class({
- this.settings.bind(
- 'pomodoro-exec-script',
- this.builder.get_object('pomodoro-exec-script-switch'),
- 'active',
- Gio.SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT);
- this.builder.get_object('pomodoro-script-path-chooser')
- .set_uri(this.settings.get_string('pomodoro-script-path'));
- this.builder.get_object('pomodoro-script-path-chooser').connect('selection-changed',
- (widget) => {
- this.settings.set_string('pomodoro-script-path', widget.get_uri());
- });
diff --git a/prefs.ui b/prefs.ui
index 24cb006..2cb78e9 100644
--- a/prefs.ui
+++ b/prefs.ui
@@ -1842,64 +1842,6 @@ F3
diff --git a/schemas/gschemas.compiled b/schemas/gschemas.compiled
index ce9f624..b10847f 100644
Binary files a/schemas/gschemas.compiled and b/schemas/gschemas.compiled differ
diff --git a/schemas/org.gnome.shell.extensions.timepp.gschema.xml b/schemas/org.gnome.shell.extensions.timepp.gschema.xml
index 082de2f..b23008e 100644
--- a/schemas/org.gnome.shell.extensions.timepp.gschema.xml
+++ b/schemas/org.gnome.shell.extensions.timepp.gschema.xml
@@ -190,16 +190,6 @@
Stop time tracking when pomo is paused
- false
- Execute custom script when pomo pauses/starts
- ""
- Path to custom script
Open this section
diff --git a/sections/alarms.js b/sections/alarms.js
index 47cacfa..15a77aa 100644
--- a/sections/alarms.js
+++ b/sections/alarms.js
@@ -104,13 +104,16 @@ var Alarms = new Lang.Class({
this.ext = ext;
this.settings = settings;
this.section_enabled = this.settings.get_boolean('alarms-enabled');
this.separate_menu = this.settings.get_boolean('alarms-separate-menu');
this.cache_file = null;
this.cache = null;
- this.fullscreen = new AlarmFullscreen(
- this.ext, this, this.settings.get_int('alarms-fullscreen-monitor-pos'));
+ this.fullscreen = new AlarmFullscreen(this.ext, this,
+ this.settings.get_int('alarms-fullscreen-monitor-pos'));
this.sigm = new SIG_MANAGER.SignalManager();
this.keym = new KEY_MANAGER.KeybindingManager(this.settings);
@@ -241,7 +244,7 @@ var Alarms = new Lang.Class({
- this.sigm.disconnect_all();
+ this.sigm.clear();
if (this.fullscreen) {
@@ -301,7 +304,7 @@ var Alarms = new Lang.Class({
alarm_editor: function (alarm_item) {
let alarm_obj = alarm_item ? alarm_item.alarm : null;
- let editor = new AlarmEditor(this.ext, alarm_obj);
+ let editor = new AlarmEditor(this.ext, this, alarm_obj);
this.actor.insert_child_at_index(editor.actor, 0);
@@ -446,16 +449,13 @@ var Alarms = new Lang.Class({
_send_notif: function (alarm) {
- let sound_file = this.settings.get_string('alarms-sound-file-path')
- if (sound_file) {
- try {
- [sound_file, ] = GLib.filename_from_uri(sound_file, null);
- } catch (e) { logError(e); }
- }
+ if (this.settings.get_boolean('alarms-play-sound')) {
+ let sound_file = this.settings.get_string('alarms-sound-file-path');
- if (this.settings.get_boolean('alarms-play-sound') && sound_file) {
- global.play_sound_file(0, sound_file, 'alarms-notif', null);
+ if (sound_file) {
+ [sound_file,] = GLib.filename_from_uri(sound_file, null);
+ global.play_sound_file(0, sound_file, '', null);
+ }
if (this.settings.get_enum('alarms-notif-style') === NotifStyle.FULLSCREEN) {
@@ -510,8 +510,9 @@ Signals.addSignalMethods(Alarms.prototype);
// =====================================================================
// @@@ Alarm Editor
-// @ext : obj (main ext object)
-// @alarm : obj (alarm object)
+// @ext : obj (main ext object)
+// @delegate : obj (main section object)
+// @alarm : obj (alarm object)
// @signals: 'add-alarm', 'edited-alarm', 'delete-alarm', 'cancel'
@@ -522,13 +523,15 @@ Signals.addSignalMethods(Alarms.prototype);
const AlarmEditor = new Lang.Class({
Name: 'Timepp.AlarmEditor',
- _init: function(ext, alarm) {
+ _init: function(ext, delegate, alarm) {
+ this.ext = ext;
+ this.delegate = delegate;
+ this.alarm = alarm;
// container
- this.ext = ext;
- this.alarm = alarm;
this.actor = new St.Bin({ x_fill: true, style_class: 'view-box' });
this.content_box = new St.BoxLayout({ x_expand: true, vertical: true, style_class: 'view-box-content'});
@@ -555,8 +558,8 @@ const AlarmEditor = new Lang.Class({
if (alarm) {
let [hr_str, min_str] = alarm.time_str.split(':');
- this.hh._set_counter(parseInt(hr_str));
- this.mm._set_counter(parseInt(min_str));
+ this.hh.set_counter(parseInt(hr_str));
+ this.mm.set_counter(parseInt(min_str));
@@ -611,9 +614,9 @@ const AlarmEditor = new Lang.Class({
this.button_delete = new St.Button({ can_focus: true, label: _('Delete'), style_class: 'btn-delete button', x_expand: true });
btn_box.add(this.button_delete, {expand: true});
- this.button_delete.connect('clicked', Lang.bind(this, function () {
+ this.button_delete.connect('clicked', () => {
- }));
+ });
this.button_cancel = new St.Button({ can_focus: true, label: _('Cancel'), style_class: 'btn-cancel button', x_expand: true });
@@ -747,8 +750,8 @@ const AlarmItem = new Lang.Class({
// listen
- this.toggle_bin.connect('clicked', () => { this._on_toggle(); });
- this.edit_bin.connect('clicked', () => { this._on_edit(); });
+ this.toggle_bin.connect('clicked', () => this._on_toggle());
+ this.delegate.sigm.connect_press(this.edit_bin, () => this._on_edit());
this.actor.connect('queue-redraw', () => { resize_label(this.msg); });
this.actor.connect('enter-event', () => { this.edit_bin.show(); });
this.actor.connect('event', (actor, event) => {
@@ -804,9 +807,9 @@ Signals.addSignalMethods(AlarmItem.prototype);
// =====================================================================
// @@@ Alarm fullscreen interface
-// @ext : ext class
-// @show_secs : bool
-// @monitor : int
+// @ext : obj (main extension object)
+// @delegate : obj (main section object)
+// @monitor : int
// signals: 'monitor-changed'
// =====================================================================
diff --git a/sections/pomodoro.js b/sections/pomodoro.js
index 8f15e1b..5476bd1 100644
--- a/sections/pomodoro.js
+++ b/sections/pomodoro.js
@@ -1,21 +1,20 @@
-const St = imports.gi.St;
-const Gio = imports.gi.Gio
-const GLib = imports.gi.GLib;
-const Meta = imports.gi.Meta;
-const Shell = imports.gi.Shell;
-const Clutter = imports.gi.Clutter;
-const MessageTray = imports.ui.messageTray;
-const Main = imports.ui.main;
-const CheckBox = imports.ui.checkBox;
-const PopupMenu = imports.ui.popupMenu;
-const Util = imports.misc.util;
-const Lang = imports.lang;
-const Signals = imports.signals;
-const Mainloop = imports.mainloop;
-const ExtensionUtils = imports.misc.extensionUtils;
-const ME = ExtensionUtils.getCurrentExtension();
+const St = imports.gi.St;
+const Gio = imports.gi.Gio
+const GLib = imports.gi.GLib;
+const Meta = imports.gi.Meta;
+const Shell = imports.gi.Shell;
+const Clutter = imports.gi.Clutter;
+const MessageTray = imports.ui.messageTray;
+const Main = imports.ui.main;
+const CheckBox = imports.ui.checkBox;
+const PopupMenu = imports.ui.popupMenu;
+const Util = imports.misc.util;
+const Lang = imports.lang;
+const Signals = imports.signals;
+const Mainloop = imports.mainloop;
+const ME = imports.misc.extensionUtils.getCurrentExtension();
const Gettext = imports.gettext.domain(ME.metadata['gettext-domain']);
@@ -30,21 +29,26 @@ const PANEL_ITEM = ME.imports.lib.panel_item;
const NUM_PICKER = ME.imports.lib.num_picker;
+const IFACE = `${ME.path}/dbus/pomodoro_iface.xml`;
const CACHE_FILE = GLib.get_home_dir() +
-const START_MSG = _('Start working!');
-const LONG_BREAK_MSG = _('Take long break!')
-const SHORT_BREAK_MSG = _('Take short break!')
+const START_MSG = _('Work!');
+const LONG_BREAK_MSG = _('Long Break!')
+const SHORT_BREAK_MSG = _('Short break!')
const PomoState = {
const NotifStyle = {
@@ -64,17 +68,27 @@ var Pomodoro = new Lang.Class({
this.ext = ext;
this.settings = settings;
+ {
+ let [,xml,] = Gio.file_new_for_path(IFACE).load_contents(null);
+ xml = '' + xml;
+ this.dbus_impl = Gio.DBusExportedObject.wrapJSObject(xml, this);
+ }
this.section_enabled = this.settings.get_boolean('pomodoro-enabled');
this.separate_menu = this.settings.get_boolean('pomodoro-separate-menu');
this.pomo_state = PomoState.STOPPED;
- this.timer_duration = 0; // in microseconds
- this.end_time = 0; // used for computing elapsed time
+ this.clock = 0; // seconds
+ this.end_time = 0; // for computing elapsed time (microseconds)
this.tic_mainloop_id = null;
this.cache_file = null;
this.cache = null;
- this.fullscreen = new PomodoroFullscreen(
- this.ext, this, this.settings.get_int('pomodoro-fullscreen-monitor-pos'));
+ this.fullscreen = new PomodoroFullscreen(this.ext, this,
+ this.settings.get_int('pomodoro-fullscreen-monitor-pos'));
this.sigm = new SIG_MANAGER.SignalManager();
this.keym = new KEY_MANAGER.KeybindingManager(this.settings);
@@ -87,7 +101,7 @@ var Pomodoro = new Lang.Class({
this.keym.register('pomodoro-keybinding-open-fullscreen', () => {
- this._show_fullscreen();
+ this.show_fullscreen();
@@ -126,9 +140,9 @@ var Pomodoro = new Lang.Class({
- // counter
- this.pomo_counter_display = new St.Label({ y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER, style_class: 'pomo-counter' });
- this.header.actor.add_child(this.pomo_counter_display);
+ // clock
+ this.clock_label = new St.Label({ y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER, style_class: 'pomo-counter' });
+ this.header.actor.add_child(this.clock_label);
// icons
@@ -198,15 +212,15 @@ var Pomodoro = new Lang.Class({
- this.sigm.connect(this.panel_item, 'left-click', () => { this.ext.toggle_menu(this); });
- this.sigm.connect(this.panel_item, 'right-click', () => { this.ext.toggle_context_menu(this); });
- this.sigm.connect(this.panel_item, 'middle-click', Lang.bind(this, this.timer_toggle));
- this.sigm.connect(this.settings_btn, 'clicked', Lang.bind(this, this._show_settings));
- this.sigm.connect(this.fullscreen_btn, 'clicked', Lang.bind(this, this._show_fullscreen));
- this.sigm.connect(this.button_start, 'clicked', Lang.bind(this, this.start));
- this.sigm.connect(this.button_stop, 'clicked', Lang.bind(this, this.stop));
- this.sigm.connect(this.button_new_pomo, 'clicked', Lang.bind(this, this.start_new_pomo));
- this.sigm.connect(this.button_take_break, 'clicked', Lang.bind(this, this.take_break));
+ this.sigm.connect(this.panel_item, 'left-click', () => this.ext.toggle_menu(this));
+ this.sigm.connect(this.panel_item, 'right-click', () => this.ext.toggle_context_menu(this));
+ this.sigm.connect(this.panel_item, 'middle-click', () => this.timer_toggle());
+ this.sigm.connect_press(this.settings_btn, () => this._show_settings());
+ this.sigm.connect_press(this.fullscreen_btn, () => this.show_fullscreen());
+ this.sigm.connect_press(this.button_start, () => this.start_pomo());
+ this.sigm.connect_press(this.button_stop, () => this.stop());
+ this.sigm.connect_press(this.button_new_pomo, () => this.start_new_pomo());
+ this.sigm.connect_press(this.button_take_break, () => this.take_break());
if (this.section_enabled) this.enable_section();
@@ -240,14 +254,10 @@ var Pomodoro = new Lang.Class({
disable_section: function () {
- if (this.tic_mainloop_id) {
- Mainloop.source_remove(this.tic_mainloop_id);
- this.tic_mainloop_id = null;
- }
+ this.dbus_impl.unexport();
- this.sigm.disconnect_all();
+ this.sigm.clear();
if (this.fullscreen) {
@@ -275,9 +285,9 @@ var Pomodoro = new Lang.Class({
this.cache = {
format_version : cache_format_version,
pomo_counter : 0,
- pomo_duration : 1500000000, // microseconds
- short_break : 300000000,
- long_break : 900000000,
+ pomo_duration : 150, // seconds
+ short_break : 300, // seconds
+ long_break : 900, // seconds
long_break_rate : 4,
@@ -287,14 +297,16 @@ var Pomodoro = new Lang.Class({
- let count_str = String(this.cache.pomo_counter);
- this.pomo_counter_display.text = this.cache.pomo_counter ? count_str : '';
- this.timer_duration = this.cache.pomo_duration;
+ let count_str = String(this.cache.pomo_counter);
+ this.clock_label.text = this.cache.pomo_counter ? count_str : '';
+ this.clock = this.cache.pomo_duration;
- if (! this.fullscreen)
- this.fullscreen = new PomodoroFullscreen(
- this.ext, this, this.settings.get_int('pomodoro-fullscreen-monitor-pos'));
+ if (! this.fullscreen) {
+ this.fullscreen = new PomodoroFullscreen(this.ext, this,
+ this.settings.get_int('pomodoro-fullscreen-monitor-pos'));
+ }
+ this.dbus_impl.export(Gio.DBus.session, '/timepp/zagortenay333/Pomodoro');
this.header.label.text = _('Pomodoro');
@@ -309,24 +321,22 @@ var Pomodoro = new Lang.Class({
_show_settings: function () {
- let settings = new PomodoroSettings(this.cache);
+ let settings = new PomodoroSettings(this, this.cache);
- settings.connect('ok', (_, clear_pomo_counter) => {
- this._store_cache();
+ settings.connect('ok', (_, res) => {
+ this.set_phase_durations(
+ res.pomo, res.short_break, res.long_break, res.break_rate);
if (this.pomo_state === PomoState.STOPPED)
- this.timer_duration = this.cache.pomo_duration;
+ this.clock = this.cache.pomo_duration;
- if (clear_pomo_counter) {
- this.cache.pomo_counter = 0;
- this._store_cache();
- this.pomo_counter_display.text = '';
- }
+ if (res.clear_counter)
+ this.clear_pomo_counter();
@@ -344,76 +354,61 @@ var Pomodoro = new Lang.Class({
- _show_fullscreen: function () {
+ show_fullscreen: function () {
- if (! this.fullscreen)
- this.fullscreen = new PomodoroFullscreen(
- this.ext, this, this.settings.get_int('pomodoro-fullscreen-monitor-pos'));
+ if (! this.fullscreen) {
+ this.fullscreen = new PomodoroFullscreen(this.ext, this,
+ this.settings.get_int('pomodoro-fullscreen-monitor-pos'));
+ }
- _maybe_stop_tracking: function () {
- if (! this.settings.get_boolean('pomodoro-stop-tracking'))
- return;
+ clear_pomo_counter: function () {
+ this.cache.pomo_counter = 0;
+ this.clock_label.text = '';
- this.emit('stop-time-tracking');
+ this._store_cache();
- _maybe_exec_custom_script: function () {
- if (! this.settings.get_boolean('pomodoro-exec-script'))
- return;
+ // @pomo : int (seconds)
+ // @short_break : int (seconds)
+ // @long_break : int (seconds)
+ // @break_rate : int (num of pomos until long break)
+ set_phase_durations: function (pomo, short_break, long_break, break_rate) {
+ this.cache.pomo_duration = Math.max(1, pomo);
+ this.cache.short_break = Math.max(1, short_break);
+ this.cache.long_break = Math.max(1, long_break);
+ this.cache.long_break_rate = Math.max(1, break_rate);
- try {
- let script_path = this.settings.get_string('pomodoro-script-path');
- if (script_path) {
- [script_path, ] = GLib.filename_from_uri(script_path, null);
- Util.spawnCommandLine(script_path + " " + this.pomo_state);
- }
- }
- catch (e) { logError(e); }
+ this._store_cache();
- start: function () {
- if (this.pomo_state !== PomoState.STOPPED) return;
+ _maybe_stop_tracking: function () {
+ if (! this.settings.get_boolean('pomodoro-stop-tracking'))
+ return;
+ this.emit('stop-time-tracking');
+ },
+ stop: function () {
if (this.tic_mainloop_id) {
this.tic_mainloop_id = null;
- this.pomo_state = PomoState.POMO;
- this.end_time = GLib.get_monotonic_time() + this.timer_duration;
- if (! this.fullscreen.is_open)
- this.button_stop.grab_key_focus();
- this._update_phase_label();
- this._update_buttons();
- this._update_panel_item();
- this.fullscreen.on_start();
- this._tic();
- this._maybe_exec_custom_script();
- },
- stop: function () {
if (this.pomo_state === PomoState.STOPPED)
if (this.pomo_state !== PomoState.POMO) {
- this.timer_duration = this.cache.pomo_duration;
+ this.clock = this.cache.pomo_duration;
this.header.label.text = _('Pomodoro');
- if (this.tic_mainloop_id) {
- Mainloop.source_remove(this.tic_mainloop_id);
- this.tic_mainloop_id = null;
- }
this.pomo_state = PomoState.STOPPED;
- if (! this.fullscreen.is_open)
+ if (!this.fullscreen.is_open && this.actor.visible)
@@ -424,26 +419,40 @@ var Pomodoro = new Lang.Class({
if (this.settings.get_boolean('pomodoro-stop-tracking'))
- this._maybe_exec_custom_script();
+ this.dbus_impl.emit_signal(
+ 'pomo_state_changed', GLib.Variant.new('(s)', [this.pomo_state]));
start_new_pomo: function () {
- this.pomo_state = PomoState.POMO;
+ this.start_pomo(this.cache.pomo_duration);
+ },
+ // @time: int (seconds)
+ start_pomo: function (time = this.clock) {
if (this.tic_mainloop_id) {
this.tic_mainloop_id = null;
- this.timer_duration = this.cache.pomo_duration;
- this.end_time = GLib.get_monotonic_time() + this.timer_duration;
- this.fullscreen.on_new_pomo();
- this._update_phase_label();
- this._update_buttons();
+ this.pomo_state = PomoState.POMO;
+ this.end_time = GLib.get_monotonic_time() + (time * 1000000);
+ this.clock = time;
+ this.dbus_impl.emit_signal(
+ 'pomo_state_changed', GLib.Variant.new('(s)', [this.pomo_state]));
+ this.fullscreen.on_start();
+ this._update_time_display();
+ this._update_buttons();
+ this._update_phase_label();
+ if (!this.fullscreen.is_open && this.actor.visible)
+ this.button_stop.grab_key_focus();
- this._maybe_exec_custom_script();
take_break: function () {
@@ -455,35 +464,41 @@ var Pomodoro = new Lang.Class({
if (this.cache.pomo_counter &&
((this.cache.pomo_counter % this.cache.long_break_rate) === 0)) {
- this.pomo_state = PomoState.LONG_BREAK;
- this.timer_duration = this.cache.long_break;
+ this.pomo_state = PomoState.LONG_BREAK;
+ this.clock = this.cache.long_break;
else {
- this.pomo_state = PomoState.SHORT_BREAK;
- this.timer_duration = this.cache.short_break;
+ this.pomo_state = PomoState.SHORT_BREAK;
+ this.clock = this.cache.short_break;
+ this.end_time = GLib.get_monotonic_time() + (this.clock * 1000000);
- this.end_time = GLib.get_monotonic_time() + this.timer_duration;
- this._maybe_exec_custom_script();
- this._maybe_stop_tracking();
+ this._update_time_display();
- this._tic();
+ this._maybe_stop_tracking();
if (this.settings.get_boolean('pomodoro-stop-tracking'))
+ this.dbus_impl.emit_signal(
+ 'pomo_state_changed', GLib.Variant.new('(s)', [this.pomo_state]));
+ this._tic();
timer_toggle: function () {
if (this.pomo_state === PomoState.STOPPED)
- this.start();
+ this.start_pomo();
_update_time_display: function () {
- let time = Math.floor(this.timer_duration / 1000000);
+ let time = this.clock;
// If the seconds are not shown, we need to make the timer '1-indexed'
// with respect to minutes. I.e., 00:00:34 becomes 00:01.
@@ -495,9 +510,7 @@ var Pomodoro = new Lang.Class({
else {
- if (this.timer_duration > 0 &&
- this.timer_duration !== this.cache.pomo_duration) {
+ if (this.clock > 0 && this.clock !== this.cache.pomo_duration) {
time += 60;
@@ -544,31 +557,36 @@ var Pomodoro = new Lang.Class({
_update_buttons: function () {
switch (this.pomo_state) {
case PomoState.POMO:
- this.button_start.visible = false;
- this.button_stop.visible = true;
- this.button_take_break.visible = true;
- this.button_new_pomo.visible = true;
+ this.button_start.visible = false;
+ this.button_stop.visible = true;
+ this.button_take_break.visible = true;
+ this.button_new_pomo.visible = true;
this.fullscreen.button_start.visible = false;
this.fullscreen.button_stop.visible = true;
this.fullscreen.button_take_break.visible = true;
this.fullscreen.button_new_pomo.visible = true;
case PomoState.SHORT_BREAK:
case PomoState.LONG_BREAK:
- this.button_start.visible = false;
- this.button_stop.visible = true;
- this.button_take_break.visible = false;
- this.button_new_pomo.visible = true;
+ this.button_start.visible = false;
+ this.button_stop.visible = true;
+ this.button_take_break.visible = false;
+ this.button_new_pomo.visible = true;
this.fullscreen.button_start.visible = false;
this.fullscreen.button_stop.visible = true;
this.fullscreen.button_take_break.visible = false;
this.fullscreen.button_new_pomo.visible = true;
case PomoState.STOPPED:
- this.button_start.visible = true;
- this.button_stop.visible = false;
- this.button_take_break.visible = false;
- this.button_new_pomo.visible = false;
+ this.button_start.visible = true;
+ this.button_stop.visible = false;
+ this.button_take_break.visible = false;
+ this.button_new_pomo.visible = false;
this.fullscreen.button_start.visible = true;
this.fullscreen.button_stop.visible = false;
this.fullscreen.button_take_break.visible = false;
@@ -587,14 +605,14 @@ var Pomodoro = new Lang.Class({
this.cache.pomo_counter += 1;
- this.pomo_counter_display.text = '' + this.cache.pomo_counter;
+ this.clock_label.text = '' + this.cache.pomo_counter;
_tic: function () {
- if (this.timer_duration < 1000000) {
+ if (this.clock < 1) {
this.tic_mainloop_id = null;
@@ -602,7 +620,8 @@ var Pomodoro = new Lang.Class({
- this.timer_duration = this.end_time - GLib.get_monotonic_time();
+ this.clock =
+ Math.floor((this.end_time - GLib.get_monotonic_time()) / 1000000);
this.tic_mainloop_id = Mainloop.timeout_add_seconds(1, () => {
@@ -619,16 +638,13 @@ var Pomodoro = new Lang.Class({
default: return;
- let sound_file = this.settings.get_string('pomodoro-sound-file-path');
- if (sound_file) {
- try {
- [sound_file, ] = GLib.filename_from_uri(sound_file, null);
- } catch (e) { logError(e); }
- }
+ if (this.settings.get_boolean('pomodoro-play-sound')) {
+ let sound_file = this.settings.get_string('pomodoro-sound-file-path');
- if (this.settings.get_boolean('pomodoro-play-sound') && sound_file) {
- global.play_sound_file(0, sound_file, 'pomodoro-notif', null);
+ if (sound_file) {
+ [sound_file,] = GLib.filename_from_uri(sound_file, null);
+ global.play_sound_file(0, sound_file, '', null);
+ }
if (this.settings.get_enum('pomodoro-notif-style') === NotifStyle.FULLSCREEN) {
@@ -673,12 +689,17 @@ Signals.addSignalMethods(Pomodoro.prototype);
// =====================================================================
// @@@ Pomodoro settings
+// @delegate : obj (main section object)
+// @pomo_cache : obj (section cache object)
// @signals: 'ok', 'cancel'
// =====================================================================
const PomodoroSettings = new Lang.Class({
Name: 'Timepp.PomodoroSettings',
- _init: function(pomo_cache) {
+ _init: function(delegate, pomo_cache) {
+ this.delegate = delegate;
this.actor = new St.BoxLayout({style_class: 'view-box'});
this.content_box = new St.BoxLayout({vertical: true, style_class: 'view-box-content'});
@@ -707,13 +728,17 @@ const PomodoroSettings = new Lang.Class({
this.pomo_duration = new St.BoxLayout({style_class: 'row'});
- this.pomo_label = new St.Label({text: _('Pomodoro (min):'), y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER});
+ this.pomo_label = new St.Label({text: _('Pomodoro (min:sec):'), y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER});
this.pomo_duration.add(this.pomo_label, {expand: true});
- this.pomo_dur_mm_picker = new NUM_PICKER.NumPicker(1, null);
- this.pomo_duration.add_actor(this.pomo_dur_mm_picker.actor);
+ this.pomo_dur_min_picker = new NUM_PICKER.NumPicker(0, null);
+ this.pomo_duration.add_actor(this.pomo_dur_min_picker.actor);
+ this.pomo_dur_min_picker.set_counter(
+ Math.floor(pomo_cache.pomo_duration / 60));
- this.pomo_dur_mm_picker._set_counter(Math.floor(pomo_cache.pomo_duration / 60000000));
+ this.pomo_dur_sec_picker = new NUM_PICKER.NumPicker(1, null);
+ this.pomo_duration.add_actor(this.pomo_dur_sec_picker.actor);
+ this.pomo_dur_sec_picker.set_counter(pomo_cache.pomo_duration % 60);
@@ -722,13 +747,18 @@ const PomodoroSettings = new Lang.Class({
this.short_break = new St.BoxLayout({style_class: 'row'});
- this.short_break_label = new St.Label({text: _('Short break (min):'), y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER});
+ this.short_break_label = new St.Label({text: _('Short break (min:sec):'), y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER});
this.short_break.add(this.short_break_label, {expand: true});
- this.short_break_mm_picker = new NUM_PICKER.NumPicker(1, null);
- this.short_break.add_actor(this.short_break_mm_picker.actor);
+ this.short_break_min_picker = new NUM_PICKER.NumPicker(0, null);
+ this.short_break.add_actor(this.short_break_min_picker.actor);
+ this.short_break_min_picker.set_counter(
+ Math.floor(pomo_cache.short_break / 60));
+ this.short_break_sec_picker = new NUM_PICKER.NumPicker(1, null);
+ this.short_break.add_actor(this.short_break_sec_picker.actor);
+ this.short_break_sec_picker.set_counter(pomo_cache.short_break % 60);
- this.short_break_mm_picker._set_counter(Math.floor(pomo_cache.short_break / 60000000));
@@ -737,13 +767,17 @@ const PomodoroSettings = new Lang.Class({
this.long_break = new St.BoxLayout({style_class: 'row'});
- this.long_break_label = new St.Label({text: _('Long break (min):'), y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER});
+ this.long_break_label = new St.Label({text: _('Long break (min:sec):'), y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER});
this.long_break.add(this.long_break_label, {expand: true});
- this.long_break_mm_picker = new NUM_PICKER.NumPicker(1, null);
- this.long_break.add_actor(this.long_break_mm_picker.actor);
+ this.long_break_min_picker = new NUM_PICKER.NumPicker(0, null);
+ this.long_break.add_actor(this.long_break_min_picker.actor);
+ this.long_break_min_picker.set_counter(
+ Math.floor(pomo_cache.long_break / 60));
- this.long_break_mm_picker._set_counter(Math.floor(pomo_cache.long_break / 60000000));
+ this.long_break_sec_picker = new NUM_PICKER.NumPicker(1, null);
+ this.long_break.add_actor(this.long_break_sec_picker.actor);
+ this.long_break_sec_picker.set_counter(pomo_cache.long_break % 60);
@@ -758,7 +792,7 @@ const PomodoroSettings = new Lang.Class({
this.long_break_rate_picker = new NUM_PICKER.NumPicker(1, null);
- this.long_break_rate_picker._set_counter(pomo_cache.long_break_rate);
+ this.long_break_rate_picker.set_counter(pomo_cache.long_break_rate);
@@ -778,14 +812,17 @@ const PomodoroSettings = new Lang.Class({
// listen
this.button_ok.connect('clicked', () => {
- pomo_cache.pomo_duration = this.pomo_dur_mm_picker.counter * 60000000;
- pomo_cache.short_break = this.short_break_mm_picker.counter * 60000000;
- pomo_cache.long_break = this.long_break_mm_picker.counter * 60000000;
- pomo_cache.long_break_rate = this.long_break_rate_picker.counter;
- this.emit('ok', this.clear_item_checkbox.actor.checked);
+ this.emit('ok', {
+ clear_counter : this.clear_item_checkbox.actor.checked,
+ break_rate : this.long_break_rate_picker.counter,
+ pomo : this.pomo_dur_min_picker.counter * 60 +
+ this.pomo_dur_sec_picker.counter,
+ short_break : this.short_break_min_picker.counter * 60 +
+ this.short_break_sec_picker.counter,
+ long_break : this.long_break_min_picker.counter * 60 +
+ this.long_break_sec_picker.counter,
+ });
this.button_cancel.connect('clicked', () => {
@@ -798,9 +835,9 @@ Signals.addSignalMethods(PomodoroSettings.prototype);
// =====================================================================
// @@@ Pomodoro fullscreen
-// @ext : ext class
-// @show_secs : bool
-// @monitor : int
+// @ext : obj (main extension object)
+// @delegate : obj (main section object)
+// @monitor : int
// signals: 'monitor-changed'
// =====================================================================
diff --git a/sections/stopwatch.js b/sections/stopwatch.js
index 8dcca06..67a7063 100644
--- a/sections/stopwatch.js
+++ b/sections/stopwatch.js
@@ -27,13 +27,16 @@ const KEY_MANAGER = ME.imports.lib.keybinding_manager;
const PANEL_ITEM = ME.imports.lib.panel_item;
+const IFACE = `${ME.path}/dbus/stopwatch_iface.xml`;
const CACHE_FILE = GLib.get_home_dir() +
const StopwatchState = {
@@ -62,18 +65,27 @@ var Stopwatch = new Lang.Class({
this.ext = ext;
this.settings = settings;
+ {
+ let [,xml,] = Gio.file_new_for_path(IFACE).load_contents(null);
+ xml = '' + xml;
+ this.dbus_impl = Gio.DBusExportedObject.wrapJSObject(xml, this);
+ }
this.section_enabled = this.settings.get_boolean('stopwatch-enabled');
this.separate_menu = this.settings.get_boolean('stopwatch-separate-menu');
this.clock_format = this.settings.get_enum('stopwatch-clock-format');
- this.start_time = 0; // used for computing elapsed time
- this.lap_count = 0;
+ this.start_time = 0; // for computing elapsed time (microseconds)
this.cache_file = null;
this.cache = null;
this.tic_mainloop_id = null;
this.time_backup_mainloop_id = null;
- this.fullscreen = new StopwatchFullscreen(
- this.ext, this, this.settings.get_int('stopwatch-fullscreen-monitor-pos'));
+ this.fullscreen = new StopwatchFullscreen(this.ext, this,
+ this.settings.get_int('stopwatch-fullscreen-monitor-pos'));
this.sigm = new SIG_MANAGER.SignalManager();
this.keym = new KEY_MANAGER.KeybindingManager(this.settings);
@@ -86,7 +98,7 @@ var Stopwatch = new Lang.Class({
this.keym.register('stopwatch-keybinding-open-fullscreen', () => {
- this._show_fullscreen();
+ this.show_fullscreen();
@@ -112,8 +124,8 @@ var Stopwatch = new Lang.Class({
case ClockFormat.H_M_S_CS:
- this.panel_item.set_label('00:00:00:00');
- this.fullscreen.set_banner_text('00:00:00:00')
+ this.panel_item.set_label('00:00:00.00');
+ this.fullscreen.set_banner_text('00:00:00.00')
@@ -156,11 +168,11 @@ var Stopwatch = new Lang.Class({
this.button_reset = new St.Button({ can_focus: true, label: _('Reset'), style_class: 'btn-reset button', x_expand: true, visible: false });
this.button_lap = new St.Button({ can_focus: true, label: _('Lap'), style_class: 'btn-lap button', x_expand: true, visible: false });
this.button_start = new St.Button({ can_focus: true, label: _('Start'), style_class: 'btn-start button', x_expand: true });
- this.button_pause = new St.Button({ can_focus: true, label: _('Pause'), style_class: 'btn-stop button', x_expand: true, visible: false });
+ this.button_stop = new St.Button({ can_focus: true, label: _('Stop'), style_class: 'btn-stop button', x_expand: true, visible: false });
this.stopwatch_button_box.add(this.button_reset, {expand: true});
this.stopwatch_button_box.add(this.button_lap, {expand: true});
this.stopwatch_button_box.add(this.button_start, {expand: true});
- this.stopwatch_button_box.add(this.button_pause, {expand: true});
+ this.stopwatch_button_box.add(this.button_stop, {expand: true});
@@ -211,14 +223,14 @@ var Stopwatch = new Lang.Class({
- this.sigm.connect(this.panel_item, 'left-click', () => { this.ext.toggle_menu(this); });
- this.sigm.connect(this.panel_item, 'right-click', () => { this.ext.toggle_context_menu(this); });
- this.sigm.connect(this.panel_item, 'middle-click', Lang.bind(this, this.stopwatch_toggle));
- this.sigm.connect(this.fullscreen_bin, 'clicked', Lang.bind(this, this._show_fullscreen));
- this.sigm.connect(this.button_start, 'clicked', () => { this.start(); });
- this.sigm.connect(this.button_reset, 'clicked', () => { this.reset(); });
- this.sigm.connect(this.button_pause, 'clicked', () => { this.pause(); });
- this.sigm.connect(this.button_lap, 'clicked', () => { this.add_lap(); });
+ this.sigm.connect(this.panel_item, 'left-click', () => this.ext.toggle_menu(this));
+ this.sigm.connect(this.panel_item, 'right-click', () => this.ext.toggle_context_menu(this));
+ this.sigm.connect(this.panel_item, 'middle-click', () => this.stopwatch_toggle());
+ this.sigm.connect_press(this.fullscreen_bin, () => this.show_fullscreen());
+ this.sigm.connect_press(this.button_start, () => this.start());
+ this.sigm.connect_press(this.button_reset, () => this.reset());
+ this.sigm.connect_press(this.button_stop, () => this.stop());
+ this.sigm.connect_press(this.button_lap, () => this.lap());
this.sigm.connect(this.laps_string, 'queue-redraw', () => {
this.laps_scroll.vscrollbar_policy = Gtk.PolicyType.NEVER;
if (ext.needs_scrollbar())
@@ -262,9 +274,10 @@ var Stopwatch = new Lang.Class({
this.time_backup_mainloop_id = null;
- if (this.cache.state === StopwatchState.RUNNING) this.pause();
+ if (this.cache.state === StopwatchState.RUNNING) this.stop();
+ this.dbus_impl.unexport();
- this.sigm.disconnect_all();
+ this.sigm.clear();
if (this.fullscreen) {
@@ -292,7 +305,7 @@ var Stopwatch = new Lang.Class({
this.cache = {
format_version : cache_format_version,
state : StopwatchState.RESET,
- time : 0, // in microseconds
+ time : 0, // miliseconds
laps : [],
@@ -307,6 +320,7 @@ var Stopwatch = new Lang.Class({
this.ext, this, this.settings.get_int('stopwatch-fullscreen-monitor-pos'));
+ this.dbus_impl.export(Gio.DBus.session, '/timepp/zagortenay333/Stopwatch');
@@ -314,7 +328,6 @@ var Stopwatch = new Lang.Class({
if (this.cache.state === StopwatchState.RESET) return;
- this.lap_count = this.cache.laps.length;
@@ -322,7 +335,7 @@ var Stopwatch = new Lang.Class({
if (this.cache.state === StopwatchState.RUNNING)
- this.pause();
+ this.stop();
_store_cache: function () {
@@ -333,22 +346,23 @@ var Stopwatch = new Lang.Class({
null, false, Gio.FileCreateFlags.REPLACE_DESTINATION, null);
- start: function (actor, event) {
+ start: function () {
this.start_time = GLib.get_monotonic_time() - this.cache.time;
- if (!this.fullscreen.is_open)
- this.button_pause.grab_key_focus();
+ if (!this.fullscreen.is_open && this.actor.visible)
+ this.button_stop.grab_key_focus();
this.cache.state = StopwatchState.RUNNING;
- if (! this.tic_mainloop_id) this._tic();
if (! this.time_backup_mainloop_id) this._periodic_time_backup();
+ if (! this.tic_mainloop_id) this._tic();
- pause: function (actor, event) {
+ stop: function () {
if (this.tic_mainloop_id) {
this.tic_mainloop_id = null;
@@ -361,16 +375,16 @@ var Stopwatch = new Lang.Class({
- if (!this.fullscreen.is_open)
+ if (!this.fullscreen.is_open && this.actor.visible)
- this.cache.state = StopwatchState.PAUSED;
+ this.cache.state = StopwatchState.STOPPED;
- reset: function (actor, event) {
+ reset: function () {
if (this.tic_mainloop_id) {
this.tic_mainloop_id = null;
@@ -383,14 +397,13 @@ var Stopwatch = new Lang.Class({
- if (!this.fullscreen.is_open)
+ if (!this.fullscreen.is_open && this.actor.visible)
this.cache.state = StopwatchState.RESET;
this.cache.laps = [];
this.cache.time = 0;
- this.lap_count = 0;
@@ -400,13 +413,15 @@ var Stopwatch = new Lang.Class({
stopwatch_toggle: function () {
if (this.cache.state === StopwatchState.RUNNING)
- this.pause();
+ this.stop();
_tic: function () {
- this.cache.time = GLib.get_monotonic_time() - this.start_time;
+ this.cache.time =
+ Math.floor((GLib.get_monotonic_time() - this.start_time) / 1000);
if (this.clock_format === ClockFormat.H_M_S_CS) {
@@ -428,13 +443,14 @@ var Stopwatch = new Lang.Class({
_time_format_str: function () {
- let t = Math.floor(this.cache.time / 10000);
- let cs = t % 100;
- t = Math.floor(t / 100);
- let h = Math.floor(t / 3600);
- t = t % 3600;
- let m = Math.floor(t / 60);
- let s = t % 60;
+ let t = Math.floor(this.cache.time / 10); // centiseconds
+ let cs = t % 100;
+ t = Math.floor(t / 100);
+ let h = Math.floor(t / 3600);
+ t = t % 3600;
+ let m = Math.floor(t / 60);
+ let s = t % 60;
switch (this.clock_format) {
case ClockFormat.H_M:
@@ -442,7 +458,7 @@ var Stopwatch = new Lang.Class({
case ClockFormat.H_M_S:
return "%02d:%02d:%02d".format(h, m, s);
case ClockFormat.H_M_S_CS:
- return "%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d".format(h, m, s, cs);
+ return "%02d:%02d:%02d.%02d".format(h, m, s, cs);
@@ -453,33 +469,32 @@ var Stopwatch = new Lang.Class({
- add_lap: function () {
+ lap: function () {
if (this.cache.state !== StopwatchState.RUNNING) return;
- this.lap_count++;
_update_laps: function () {
- if (this.cache.laps.length === 0) return;
+ let n = this.cache.laps.length;
- let pad = String(this.lap_count).length + 1;
+ if (n === 0) return;
- let markup = ''+ 1 +' ' +
- Array(pad - 1).join(' ') +
- '- '+ this.cache.laps[0];
+ let pad = String(n).length + 1;
+ let markup = '';
- for (let i = 1, len = this.cache.laps.length; i < len; i++) {
- markup += '\n' + (i + 1) + ' ' +
- Array(pad - String(i + 1).length).join(' ') +
- '- ' + this.cache.laps[i];
+ while (n--) {
+ markup += `${n + 1} ` +
+ Array(pad - String(n + 1).length).join(' ') +
+ `- ${this.cache.laps[n]}\n`;
- this.laps_string.clutter_text.set_markup('' + markup + '');
- this.fullscreen.laps_string.clutter_text.set_markup('' + markup + '');
+ markup = `${markup.slice(0, -1)}`;
+ this.laps_string.clutter_text.set_markup(markup);
+ this.fullscreen.laps_string.clutter_text.set_markup(markup);
@@ -495,13 +510,13 @@ var Stopwatch = new Lang.Class({
- this.button_pause.hide();
+ this.button_stop.hide();
- this.fullscreen.button_pause.hide();
+ this.fullscreen.button_stop.hide();
@@ -509,34 +524,37 @@ var Stopwatch = new Lang.Class({
- this.button_pause.show();
+ this.button_stop.show();
- this.fullscreen.button_pause.show();
+ this.fullscreen.button_stop.show();
- case StopwatchState.PAUSED:
+ case StopwatchState.STOPPED:
- this.button_pause.hide();
+ this.button_stop.hide();
- this.fullscreen.button_pause.hide();
+ this.fullscreen.button_stop.hide();
- _show_fullscreen: function () {
+ show_fullscreen: function () {
- if (! this.fullscreen)
- this.fullscreen = new StopwatchFullscreen(
- this.ext, this, this.settings.get_int('stopwatch-fullscreen-monitor-pos'));
+ if (! this.fullscreen) {
+ this.fullscreen = new StopwatchFullscreen(this.ext, this,
+ this.settings.get_int('stopwatch-fullscreen-monitor-pos'));
+ }
@@ -557,6 +575,11 @@ var Stopwatch = new Lang.Class({
+ // returns int (miliseconds)
+ get_time: function () {
+ return this.cache.time;
+ },
@@ -565,9 +588,9 @@ Signals.addSignalMethods(Stopwatch.prototype);
// =====================================================================
// @@@ Stopwatch fullscreen interface
-// @ext : ext class
-// @show_secs : bool
-// @monitor : int
+// @ext : obj (main extension object)
+// @delegate : obj (main section object)
+// @monitor : int
// signals: 'monitor-changed'
// =====================================================================
@@ -609,12 +632,12 @@ const StopwatchFullscreen = new Lang.Class({
this.button_reset = new St.Button({ can_focus: true, label: _('Reset'), style_class: 'btn-reset button', visible: false });
this.button_lap = new St.Button({ can_focus: true, label: _('Lap'), style_class: 'btn-lap button', visible: false });
- this.button_pause = new St.Button({ can_focus: true, label: _('Pause'), style_class: 'btn-stop button', visible: false });
+ this.button_stop = new St.Button({ can_focus: true, label: _('Stop'), style_class: 'btn-stop button', visible: false });
this.button_start = new St.Button({ can_focus: true, label: _('Start'), style_class: 'btn-start button' });
- this.stopwatch_button_box.add_child(this.button_pause);
+ this.stopwatch_button_box.add_child(this.button_stop);
@@ -628,12 +651,12 @@ const StopwatchFullscreen = new Lang.Class({
return Clutter.EVENT_STOP;
- this.button_pause.connect('clicked', () => {
- this.delegate.pause();
+ this.button_stop.connect('clicked', () => {
+ this.delegate.stop();
return Clutter.EVENT_STOP;
this.button_lap.connect('clicked', () => {
- this.delegate.add_lap();
+ this.delegate.lap();
return Clutter.EVENT_STOP;
this.actor.connect('key-release-event', (_, event) => {
@@ -645,7 +668,7 @@ const StopwatchFullscreen = new Lang.Class({
case Clutter.KEY_KP_Enter:
case Clutter.KEY_ISO_Enter:
case Clutter.Return:
- this.delegate.add_lap();
+ this.delegate.lap();
return Clutter.EVENT_STOP;
case Clutter.KEY_r:
case Clutter.KEY_BackSpace:
@@ -669,7 +692,7 @@ const StopwatchFullscreen = new Lang.Class({
case ClockFormat.H_M_S_CS:
- this.set_banner_text('00:00:00:00')
+ this.set_banner_text('00:00:00.00')
diff --git a/sections/timer.js b/sections/timer.js
index 8498a59..f0b93be 100644
--- a/sections/timer.js
+++ b/sections/timer.js
@@ -32,10 +32,12 @@ const NUM_PICKER = ME.imports.lib.num_picker;
const MULTIL_ENTRY = ME.imports.lib.multiline_entry;
+const IFACE = `${ME.path}/dbus/timer_iface.xml`;
const CACHE_FILE = GLib.get_home_dir() +
-const TIMER_MAX_DURATION = 86400000000; // 24 hours in microseconds
+const TIMER_MAX_DURATION = 86400; // 24 hours in seconds
const TIMER_EXPIRED_MSG = _('Timer Expired!');
@@ -64,21 +66,31 @@ var Timer = new Lang.Class({
this.ext = ext;
this.settings = settings;
+ {
+ let [,xml,] = Gio.file_new_for_path(IFACE).load_contents(null);
+ xml = '' + xml;
+ this.dbus_impl = Gio.DBusExportedObject.wrapJSObject(xml, this);
+ }
this.section_enabled = this.settings.get_boolean('timer-enabled');
this.separate_menu = this.settings.get_boolean('timer-separate-menu');
this.timer_state = TimerState.OFF;
- this.timer_duration = 0; // in microseconds
- this.end_time = 0; // used for computing elapsed time
+ this.clock = 0; // in seconds
+ this.end_time = 0; // for computing elapsed time (microseconds)
this.tic_mainloop_id = null;
this.cache_file = null;
this.cache = null;
- this.fullscreen = new TimerFullscreen(
- this.ext, this, this.settings.get_int('timer-fullscreen-monitor-pos'));
+ this.fullscreen = new TimerFullscreen(this.ext, this,
+ this.settings.get_int('timer-fullscreen-monitor-pos'));
this.settings.get_boolean('timer-show-seconds') ? '00:00:00' : '00:00');
this.sigm = new SIG_MANAGER.SignalManager();
this.keym = new KEY_MANAGER.KeybindingManager(this.settings);
@@ -90,7 +102,7 @@ var Timer = new Lang.Class({
this.keym.register('timer-keybinding-open-fullscreen', () => {
- this._show_fullscreen();
+ this.show_fullscreen();
@@ -184,17 +196,14 @@ var Timer = new Lang.Class({
this.sigm.connect(this.panel_item, 'left-click', () => { this.ext.toggle_menu(this); });
this.sigm.connect(this.panel_item, 'right-click', () => { this.ext.toggle_context_menu(this); });
- this.sigm.connect(this.panel_item, 'middle-click', Lang.bind(this, this.toggle_timer));
- this.sigm.connect(this.toggle_bin, 'clicked', Lang.bind(this, this.toggle_timer));
- this.sigm.connect(this.fullscreen_bin, 'clicked', Lang.bind(this, this._show_fullscreen));
- this.sigm.connect(this.settings_bin, 'clicked', Lang.bind(this, this._show_settings));
- this.sigm.connect(this.slider, 'value-changed', Lang.bind(this, this.slider_changed));
- this.sigm.connect(this.slider, 'drag-end', Lang.bind(this, this.slider_released));
- this.sigm.connect(this.slider.actor, 'scroll-event', Lang.bind(this, this.slider_released));
- this.sigm.connect(this.slider_item.actor, 'button-press-event', Lang.bind(this, function(actor, event) {
- this.slider.startDragging(event);
- }));
+ this.sigm.connect(this.panel_item, 'middle-click', () => this.toggle_timer());
+ this.sigm.connect_press(this.toggle_bin, () => this.toggle_timer());
+ this.sigm.connect_press(this.fullscreen_bin, () => this.show_fullscreen());
+ this.sigm.connect_press(this.settings_bin, () => this._show_settings());
+ this.sigm.connect(this.slider, 'value-changed', (slider, value) => this.slider_changed(slider, value));
+ this.sigm.connect(this.slider, 'drag-end', () => this.slider_released());
+ this.sigm.connect(this.slider.actor, 'scroll-event', () => this.slider_released());
+ this.sigm.connect(this.slider_item.actor, 'button-press-event', (_, event) => this.slider.startDragging(event));
if (this.section_enabled) this.enable_section();
else this.sigm.disconnect_all();
@@ -227,9 +236,10 @@ var Timer = new Lang.Class({
disable_section: function () {
- this.stop_timer();
+ this.dbus_impl.unexport();
+ this.stop();
- this.sigm.disconnect_all();
+ this.sigm.clear();
if (this.fullscreen) {
@@ -257,7 +267,7 @@ var Timer = new Lang.Class({
this.cache = {
format_version : cache_format_version,
notif_msg : '',
- last_manually_set_time : 30000000,
+ last_manually_set_time : 30, // in seconds
@@ -270,6 +280,7 @@ var Timer = new Lang.Class({
this.fullscreen = new TimerFullscreen(
this.ext, this, this.settings.get_int('timer-fullscreen-monitor-pos'));
+ this.dbus_impl.export(Gio.DBus.session, '/timepp/zagortenay333/Timer');
@@ -282,35 +293,31 @@ var Timer = new Lang.Class({
toggle_timer: function () {
- if (this.timer_state === TimerState.STOPPED)
- this.start_timer();
- else if (this.timer_state === TimerState.RUNNING)
- this.stop_timer();
- else
- return;
+ if (this.timer_state === TimerState.STOPPED) this.start();
+ else if (this.timer_state === TimerState.RUNNING) this.stop();
- start_timer: function (time) {
+ // @time: int (seconds)
+ start: function (time = 0) {
if (this.tic_mainloop_id) {
this.tic_mainloop_id = null;
- this.timer_duration = time || this.timer_duration;
- this.end_time = GLib.get_monotonic_time() + this.timer_duration;
this.timer_state = TimerState.RUNNING;
+ this.clock = Math.min(time, TIMER_MAX_DURATION) || this.clock;
+ this.end_time = GLib.get_monotonic_time() + (this.clock * 1000000);
- this._tic();
+ this._tic();
- stop_timer: function () {
+ stop: function () {
if (this.tic_mainloop_id) {
this.tic_mainloop_id = null;
@@ -322,12 +329,13 @@ var Timer = new Lang.Class({
- off_timer: function () {
+ reset: function () {
if (this.tic_mainloop_id) {
this.tic_mainloop_id = null;
+ this.slider.setValue(0);
this.timer_state = TimerState.OFF;
this.header.label.text = _('Timer');
@@ -336,22 +344,24 @@ var Timer = new Lang.Class({
_on_timer_expired: function () {
- this.off_timer();
+ this.reset();
+ this.dbus_impl.emit_signal('timer_expired', null);
_tic: function () {
- if (this.timer_duration < 1000000) {
- this.timer_duration = 0;
+ if (this.clock < 1) {
+ this.clock = 0;
- this.timer_duration = this.end_time - GLib.get_monotonic_time();
+ this.clock =
+ Math.floor((this.end_time - GLib.get_monotonic_time()) / 1000000)
this.tic_mainloop_id = Mainloop.timeout_add_seconds(1, () => {
@@ -359,7 +369,7 @@ var Timer = new Lang.Class({
_update_time_display: function () {
- let time = Math.floor(this.timer_duration / 1000000);
+ let time = this.clock;
// If the seconds are not shown, we need to make the timer '1-indexed'
// in respect to minutes. I.e., 00:00:34 becomes 00:01.
@@ -384,18 +394,18 @@ var Timer = new Lang.Class({
_update_slider: function () {
- // Update slider based on the timer_duration.
- // Use this when the timer_duration changes without using the slider.
+ // Update slider based on the clock.
+ // Use this when the clock changes without using the slider.
// This function is the inverse of the function that is used to calc the
- // timer_duration based on the slider.
- let x = this.timer_duration / TIMER_MAX_DURATION;
+ // clock based on the slider.
+ let x = this.clock / TIMER_MAX_DURATION;
let y = (Math.log(x * (Math.pow(2, 10) - 1) +1)) / Math.log(2) / 10;
_update_time_display: function () {
- let time = Math.floor(this.timer_duration / 1000000);
+ let time = this.clock;
// If the seconds are not shown, we need to make the timer '1-indexed'
// in respect to minutes. I.e., 00:00:34 becomes 00:01.
@@ -420,18 +430,18 @@ var Timer = new Lang.Class({
slider_released: function () {
- if (this.timer_duration < 1000000) {
- this.off_timer();
+ if (this.clock < 1) {
+ this.reset();
else {
- this.start_timer();
- this.cache.last_manually_set_time = this.timer_duration;
+ this.start();
+ this.cache.last_manually_set_time = this.clock;
slider_changed: function (slider, value) {
- this.stop_timer();
+ this.stop();
if (value < 1) {
// Make rate of change of the timer duration an exponential curve.
@@ -455,28 +465,24 @@ var Timer = new Lang.Class({
else step = 3600;
- this.timer_duration =
- Math.floor(y * TIMER_MAX_DURATION / step) * step;
+ this.clock = Math.floor(y * TIMER_MAX_DURATION / step) * step;
else { // slider has been dragged past the limit
- this.timer_duration = TIMER_MAX_DURATION;
+ this.clock = TIMER_MAX_DURATION;
_send_notif: function () {
- let sound_file = this.settings.get_string('timer-sound-file-path');
- if (sound_file) {
- try {
- [sound_file, ] = GLib.filename_from_uri(sound_file, null);
- } catch (e) { logError(e); }
- }
+ if (this.settings.get_boolean('timer-play-sound')) {
+ let sound_file = this.settings.get_string('timer-sound-file-path');
- if (this.settings.get_boolean('timer-play-sound') && sound_file) {
- global.play_sound_file(0, sound_file, 'timer-notif', null);
+ if (sound_file) {
+ [sound_file,] = GLib.filename_from_uri(sound_file, null);
+ global.play_sound_file(0, sound_file, '', null);
+ }
if (this.settings.get_enum('timer-notif-style') === NotifStyle.FULLSCREEN) {
@@ -512,6 +518,7 @@ var Timer = new Lang.Class({
_show_settings: function () {
let settings = new TimerSettings(
+ this,
@@ -528,12 +535,11 @@ var Timer = new Lang.Class({
- this.cache.notif_msg = notif_msg;
- this._store_cache();
+ this.set_notif_msg(notif_msg);
if (time) {
- this.timer_duration = time;
- this.start_timer();
+ this.clock = time;
+ this.start();
this.cache.last_manually_set_time = time;
@@ -548,7 +554,12 @@ var Timer = new Lang.Class({
- _show_fullscreen: function () {
+ set_notif_msg: function (msg) {
+ this.cache.notif_msg = msg;
+ this._store_cache();
+ },
+ show_fullscreen: function () {
if (! this.fullscreen) {
@@ -575,7 +586,8 @@ Signals.addSignalMethods(Timer.prototype);
// =====================================================================
// @@@ Settings window
-// @ext : ext class
+// @ext : obj (main extension object)
+// @delegate : obj (main section object)
// @show_secs : bool
// @notif_msg : string
@@ -584,7 +596,10 @@ Signals.addSignalMethods(Timer.prototype);
const TimerSettings = new Lang.Class({
Name: 'Timepp.TimerSettings',
- _init: function(ext, show_secs, notif_msg) {
+ _init: function(ext, delegate, show_secs, notif_msg) {
+ this.ext = ext;
+ this.delegate = delegate;
this.actor = new St.Bin({ x_fill: true, style_class: 'view-box' });
this.content_box = new St.BoxLayout({ x_expand: true, vertical: true, style_class: 'view-box-content' });
@@ -667,11 +682,11 @@ const TimerSettings = new Lang.Class({
_get_time: function () {
- let hr = this.hr.counter * 3600;
+ let h = this.hr.counter * 3600;
let min = this.min.counter * 60;
let sec = this.sec ? this.sec.counter : 0;
- return (hr + min + sec) * 1000000;
+ return h + min + sec;
@@ -681,9 +696,9 @@ Signals.addSignalMethods(TimerSettings.prototype);
// =====================================================================
// @@@ Timer fullscreen interface
-// @ext : ext class
-// @show_secs : bool
-// @monitor : int
+// @ext : obj (main extension object)
+// @delegate : obj (main section object)
+// @monitor : int
// signals: 'monitor-changed'
// =====================================================================
@@ -742,37 +757,37 @@ const TimerFullscreen = new Lang.Class({
return Clutter.EVENT_STOP;
case Clutter.KEY_r:
case Clutter.KEY_BackSpace:
- this.delegate.start_timer(this.delegate.cache.last_manually_set_time);
+ this.delegate.start(this.delegate.cache.last_manually_set_time);
return Clutter.EVENT_STOP;
case Clutter.KEY_1:
- this.delegate.start_timer(60000000);
+ this.delegate.start(60);
return Clutter.EVENT_STOP;
case Clutter.KEY_2:
- this.delegate.start_timer(2 * 60000000);
+ this.delegate.start(2 * 60);
return Clutter.EVENT_STOP;
case Clutter.KEY_3:
- this.delegate.start_timer(3 * 60000000);
+ this.delegate.start(3 * 60);
return Clutter.EVENT_STOP;
case Clutter.KEY_4:
- this.delegate.start_timer(4 * 60000000);
+ this.delegate.start(4 * 60);
return Clutter.EVENT_STOP;
case Clutter.KEY_5:
- this.delegate.start_timer(5 * 60000000);
+ this.delegate.start(5 * 60);
return Clutter.EVENT_STOP;
case Clutter.KEY_6:
- this.delegate.start_timer(6 * 60000000);
+ this.delegate.start(6 * 60);
return Clutter.EVENT_STOP;
case Clutter.KEY_7:
- this.delegate.start_timer(7 * 60000000);
+ this.delegate.start(7 * 60);
return Clutter.EVENT_STOP;
case Clutter.KEY_8:
- this.delegate.start_timer(8 * 60000000);
+ this.delegate.start(8 * 60);
return Clutter.EVENT_STOP;
case Clutter.KEY_9:
- this.delegate.start_timer(9 * 60000000);
+ this.delegate.start(9 * 60);
return Clutter.EVENT_STOP;
case Clutter.KEY_0:
- this.delegate.start_timer(10 * 60000000);
+ this.delegate.start(10 * 60);
return Clutter.EVENT_STOP;
return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE;
diff --git a/sections/todo/MAIN.js b/sections/todo/MAIN.js
index 5ec1910..498af39 100644
--- a/sections/todo/MAIN.js
+++ b/sections/todo/MAIN.js
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ var Todo = new Lang.Class({
this.section_enabled = this.settings.get_boolean('todo-enabled');
this.separate_menu = this.settings.get_boolean('todo-separate-menu');
this.cache_file = null;
this.cache = null;
this.sigm = new SIG_MANAGER.SignalManager();
@@ -406,17 +407,17 @@ var Todo = new Lang.Class({
- this.sigm.connect(this.panel_item, 'left-click', () => { this.ext.toggle_menu(this); });
- this.sigm.connect(this.panel_item, 'right-click', () => { this.ext.toggle_context_menu(this); });
- this.sigm.connect(this.add_task_button, 'clicked', () => { this.show_view__task_editor(); });
- this.sigm.connect(this.filter_button, 'clicked', () => { this.show_view__filters(); });
- this.sigm.connect(this.sort_button, 'clicked', () => { this.show_view__sort(); });
- this.sigm.connect(this.file_switcher_button, 'clicked', () => { this.show_view__file_switcher(); });
- this.sigm.connect(this.search_button, 'clicked', () => { this.show_view__search(); });
- this.sigm.connect(this.stats_button, 'clicked', () => { this.show_view__time_tracker_stats(); });
- this.sigm.connect(this.clear_button, 'clicked', () => { this.show_view__clear_completed(); });
- this.sigm.connect(this.search_entry, 'secondary-icon-clicked', () => { this.show_view__default(); });
- this.sigm.connect(this.actor, 'style-changed', () => { this._update_markup_colors(); });
+ this.sigm.connect(this.panel_item, 'left-click', () => this.ext.toggle_menu(this));
+ this.sigm.connect(this.panel_item, 'right-click', () => this.ext.toggle_context_menu(this));
+ this.sigm.connect_press(this.add_task_button, () => this.show_view__task_editor());
+ this.sigm.connect_press(this.filter_button, () => this.show_view__filters());
+ this.sigm.connect_press(this.sort_button, () => this.show_view__sort());
+ this.sigm.connect_press(this.file_switcher_button, () => this.show_view__file_switcher());
+ this.sigm.connect_press(this.search_button, () => this.show_view__search());
+ this.sigm.connect_press(this.stats_button, () => this.show_view__time_tracker_stats());
+ this.sigm.connect_press(this.clear_button, () => this.show_view__clear_completed());
+ this.sigm.connect(this.search_entry, 'secondary-icon-clicked', () => this.show_view__default());
+ this.sigm.connect(this.actor, 'style-changed', () => this._update_markup_colors());
this.sigm.connect(this.search_entry.clutter_text, 'text-changed', () => {
Mainloop.idle_add(() => this._search());
@@ -511,7 +512,7 @@ var Todo = new Lang.Class({
disable_section: function () {
- this.sigm.disconnect_all();
+ this.sigm.clear();
this.tasks = [];
this.tasks_viewport = [];
diff --git a/sections/todo/task_item.js b/sections/todo/task_item.js
index f5f8c02..4928107 100644
--- a/sections/todo/task_item.js
+++ b/sections/todo/task_item.js
@@ -705,38 +705,19 @@ var TaskItem = new Lang.Class({
// listen
- this.stat_icon_bin.connect('button-press-event', () => {
+ this.delegate.sigm.connect_press(this.stat_icon_bin, () => {
Mainloop.idle_add(() => { this._hide_header_icons(); });
return Clutter.EVENT_STOP;
- this.stat_icon_bin.connect('key-press-event', (_, event) => {
- if (event.get_key_symbol() === Clutter.Return) {
- this.delegate.show_view__time_tracker_stats(this);
- Mainloop.idle_add(() => { this._hide_header_icons(); });
- return Clutter.EVENT_STOP;
- }
- });
- this.edit_icon_bin.connect('button-press-event', () => {
+ this.delegate.sigm.connect_press(this.edit_icon_bin, () => {
Mainloop.idle_add(() => { this._hide_header_icons(); });
- this.edit_icon_bin.connect('key-press-event', (_, event) => {
- if (event.get_key_symbol() === Clutter.Return) {
- this.delegate.show_view__task_editor(this);
- Mainloop.idle_add(() => { this._hide_header_icons(); });
- }
- });
- this.tracker_icon_bin.connect('button-press-event', () => {
+ this.delegate.sigm.connect_press(this.tracker_icon_bin, () => {
return Clutter.EVENT_STOP;
- this.tracker_icon_bin.connect('key-press-event', (_, event) => {
- if (event.get_key_symbol() === Clutter.Return) {
- this.delegate.time_tracker.toggle_tracking(this);
- return Clutter.EVENT_STOP;
- }
- });
diff --git a/sections/todo/time_tracker.js b/sections/todo/time_tracker.js
index b016dc2..fe84dc3 100644
--- a/sections/todo/time_tracker.js
+++ b/sections/todo/time_tracker.js
@@ -16,24 +16,11 @@ const _ = Gettext.gettext;
const ngettext = Gettext.ngettext;
-const G = ME.imports.sections.todo.GLOBAL;
+const IFACE = `${ME.path}/dbus/time_tracker_iface.xml`;
+const G = ME.imports.sections.todo.GLOBAL;
- ' \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- ';
// =====================================================================
@@ -49,24 +36,34 @@ var TimeTracker = new Lang.Class({
this.ext = ext;
this.delegate = delegate;
- this.dbus_impl = Gio.DBusExportedObject.wrapJSObject(TIME_TRACKER_DBUS_IFACE, this);
- this.dbus_impl.export(Gio.DBus.session, '/timepp/zagortenay333/TimeTracker');
- this.csv_dir = delegate.settings.get_value('todo-current')
- .deep_unpack().csv_dir;
+ {
+ let [,xml,] = Gio.file_new_for_path(IFACE).load_contents(null);
+ xml = '' + xml;
+ this.dbus_impl = Gio.DBusExportedObject.wrapJSObject(xml, this);
+ this.dbus_impl.export(Gio.DBus.session, '/timepp/zagortenay333/TimeTracker');
+ }
+ this.csv_dir =
+ delegate.settings.get_value('todo-current').deep_unpack().csv_dir;
if (this.csv_dir) {
[this.csv_dir, ] = GLib.filename_from_uri(this.csv_dir, null);
this.number_of_tracked_tasks = 0;
this.tracker_tic_id = null;
// GFiles
this.yearly_csv_dir = null;
this.yearly_csv_file = null;
this.daily_csv_file = null;
// GFileMonitors
this.yearly_csv_dir_monitor = null;
this.yearly_csv_file_monitor = null;
@@ -74,6 +71,7 @@ var TimeTracker = new Lang.Class({
this.daily_csv_file_monitor_handler_block = false;
// The stats data is cached with the exception of today's stats which
// get appended.
this.stats_data = new Map();