doc panel showgrid = false, smooth = true,
doc indicateSector, add an example?
fix links like #metrics to API
update api fakemetrics since it's now inline part of gauge not a separate thing
doc contrib (should all be function that works with no args and returns a gauge)
add gauge.instance(qualifier) which returns deferred drawing function setting local qualifiers []
doc g3.grid(), panel.grid(), gauge.grid(), g3.config.test.alignment
align tutorial, e.g. g3.panel()...grid(true).append(...)
common errors - create a panel but not draw it; forget () => in contrib;
change panel.url() => panel.source() and support a function or URL
switch to a recursive setTimeout rather than setInterval
observablehq demo
add unit tests
more throw messages. e.g. for g.measure(2) should be g.measure()(2) type of 2 isn't function
fix drop-shadow for window cutout in altitudeDHC2 - apply to mask?
gaugeface window should take a ... of windows, see flight altitude
cylindrical projection axis style for a magnetic compass, where we're looking at a disc edge on. an orthographic globe projection would also work better 360 loop/roll attitude indicator
indicateOdometer - maybe indicateText option? - https://github.hubspot.com/odometer/ or a collection of cylindrical self-indicators with a form of snapscale
how can we reuse common patterns, e.g. subdial formatting in speedmaster
similar, what if I want several copies of same gauge driven by different metrics, like left & right engine
re-usability is not great, e.g. draw & modify different versions of a gauge, or reuse tick labeling components
custom tick mark shape option for VSI arrows
add more standard pointer shapes, e.g. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bc/Watch_hands_styles_fr.svg
metric update could diff w.r.t. prior metrics to avoid no-op updates
metric update could warn to console when expected metric(s) are missing in the initial update
could add animated gifs in README via:
ffmpeg -ss 0 -t 5 -i flightdemo.mov -vf "fps=10,scale=630:-1:flags=lanczos,split[s0][s1];[s0]palettegen[p];[s1][p]paletteuse" -loop 0 flightdemo.gif