Used to format .txt file transcripts of edX course videos to remove excessive line breaks. (See for more details). Instructions: In the edX course, click on the .txt file link for the video. This will normally put the transcript file (e.g. VideoTranscript.txt) in your downloads folder. Run the WpfTextEditor project (in debug mode will do). Click the Run button. Use the common dialog box that appears to navigate to the .txt file that you wish to reformat the contents of more neatly (e.g.Downloads\VideoTranscript.txt). Select the desired transcript file (e.g. VideoTranscript.txt) file and click the Open button. The program should read in the contents of the text file, reformat it more neatly and put the results into the Output text box of the program's window. Click inside the output text box then (on a Windows machine) press Ctrl+A (to select all the text), then Ctrl+X (to cut all the text). You should then be able to paste (Ctrl+V) the formatted video transcript text into the relevant place (e.g. the relevant part of your OneNote page for this module).