#Guzzle Cache Laravel 5 Package
GuzzleCache is a simple wrapper around the GuzzleHttp library, aimed at optimizing API consuming applications by intercepting GET request and storing/retrieving responses from the Laravel's cache engine.
Grab the package with composer :
composer require remic/guzzlephp:0.1.*
Add these aliases to your config/app.php :
'Guzzle' => 'Remic\GuzzleCache\Facades\Guzzle',
'GuzzleCache' => 'Remic\GuzzleCache\Facades\GuzzleCache',
Add this line to your config/app.php providers :
Then publish the configuration file :
artisan vendor:publish
##Usage (No Caching)
From your L5 application, call:
$client = Guzzle::client(['base_url' => 'http://httpbin.org']);
This will return an instance of the GuzzleHttp\Client object wihtout caching. Then use Guzzle the usual way.
##Usage (With Caching)
From your L5 application, call:
$client = GuzzleCache::client(['base_url' => 'http://httpbin.org']);
This will return an instances of the cache-enabled GuzzleHttp\Client object. Then use Guzzle the usual way.
###Specifying a custom lifetime
You can specify an optionnal lifetime when requesting a Guzzle client, that will override the defaults set in GuzzleCache config, for all request made with the object :
// Store all the request made with $client for 15 minutes
$client = GuzzleCache::client(['base_url' => 'http://httpbin.org'], 15);