Simple CLI tool for formated STDOUT/STDERR handling.
Execute the following command to intall the latest version.
curl -L -o && \
unzip && \
sudo mv gout /usr/bin && \
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/gout && \
gout --version
Then you will see a output message like this:
Goutput version 0.3.2
You cant build from sources cloning this repository and runing the following command:
go build -o gout
Then in the same directory run your builded binary:
./gout -d -m "Some message: '{}' and '{}'" -p "1" -p "2"
Finally you will get:
[2020-10-10 22:58:40.164] - [DEBUG]: Some message: '1' and '2'
Download release versión, then unzip it. Finally move the binary to /usr/bin
To test if all works, run this:
gout -d -m "Some message: '{}' and '{}'" -p "1" -p "2"
To develop on this project you will need golang version go1.15.2
or superior.
To test your code:
go test
- First estable version
- Add continous integration
- Add release generation
- Add date support
- Add output level management based on environment variable
- Add standard input integration
- Testing for other linux distributions
- Add argument descriptión
- Create a logo 😜