- 4cd3b26: added vocab search page
- 7d5d67c: options page dark theme improved
- 834a894: added support for prepswift verbal and writing
- bdde865: added support for marking lecture complete when video ends
- 5007515: added options page
- cc06d10: fixed double registration of vocab mountain keybinds
e1f406c: minor improvements to vocab mountain
- added extra keybindings
- minor style changes
- cc39a4b: added stats for vocab mountain
- 0cf2d69: improved keybindings
- 89609ee: fixed multiple jumps from one keypress on vocab mountain
- 4eaccd7: fixed popup link v2
- dae1071: fixed popup link
- 6a8b0cf: fixed keybinds active while typing notes
- 44ddb20: fixed incorrect keypress trigger
14b8dd8: added keybindings to gregmat vocab mountain
- added automatic move to next word on complete
- added vim keybindings
- 7f8b6ad: fixed function running on all prepswift urls
- c9dae34: updated documentation
- 6b22d95: Added banner remove persistence
- 7cb9421: improved prepswift calculation trigger
- 1ade63f: fixed prepswift script executing before content load
- ae32f4a: Improved prepswift summary
5892f99: Improved docs and changed branding
Changed popup content and logos