Property | Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
caret |
caret |
Set to true to draw the button with a caret for use with dropdowns, popovers, etc. | boolean |
false |
circle |
circle |
Set to true to draw a circle button. | boolean |
false |
disabled |
disabled |
If true , the user cannot interact with the button. |
boolean |
false |
expand |
expand |
Set to "block" for a full-width button or to "full" for a full-width button without left and right borders. |
"block" | "full" |
undefined |
href |
href |
Contains a URL or a URL fragment that the hyperlink points to. | string |
undefined |
loading |
loading |
Set to true to draw the button in a loading state. | boolean |
false |
pill |
pill |
Set to true to draw a pill-style button with rounded edges. | boolean |
false |
rel |
rel |
Specifies the relationship of the target object to the link object. The value is a space-separated list of link types. | string |
undefined |
size |
size |
The button's size. | "large" | "medium" | "small" |
'medium' |
target |
target |
Specifies where to display the linked URL. Special keywords: "_blank" , "_self" , "_parent" , "_top" . |
string |
undefined |
type |
type |
The type of the button. | "button" | "reset" | "submit" |
'button' |
variant |
variant |
The different variants. The options are: "default" , "primary" , "secondary" , "danger" , and "plain" . |
"danger" | "default" | "plain" | "primary" | "secondary" |
'default' |
Event | Description | Type |
gr-blur |
Emitted when the button loses focus. | CustomEvent<void> |
gr-focus |
Emitted when the button has focus. | CustomEvent<void> |
Removes focus from the button.
Type: Promise<void>
Sets focus on the button.
Type: Promise<void>
Slot | Description |
Content is placed between the named slots if provided without a slot. | |
"end" |
Content is placed to the right of the button text (will be to the left when we support right-to-left direction) |
"icon-only" |
Should be used on an icon in a button that has no text. |
"start" |
Content is placed to the left of the button text (will be to the right when we support right-to-left direction) |
Name | Description |
--background |
Background of the button |
--background-focus |
Background of the button on focus |
--background-hover |
Background of the button on hover |
--border-color |
Border color of the button |
--border-color-focus |
Border color of the button on focus |
--border-color-hover |
Border color of the button on hover |
--border-radius |
Border radius of the button |
--border-style |
Border style of the button |
--border-width |
Border width of the button |
--color |
Text color of the button |
--color-focus |
Text color of the button on focus |
--color-hover |
Text color of the button on hover |
--focus-ring |
The focus ring style to use when the button receives focus, a box-shadow property. |
--height |
Height of the button |
--padding-bottom |
Bottom padding of the button |
--padding-end |
Right padding of the button (will be left padding when we support right-to-left direction) |
--padding-start |
Left padding of the button (will be right padding when we support right-to-left direction) |
--padding-top |
Top padding of the button |
--shadow |
Shadow of the button, a box-shadow property. Please note this will be overwritted by --focus-ring on focus. |
--transition |
Transition of the button |
graph TD;
gr-button --> gr-spinner
gr-tag --> gr-button
style gr-button fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
Built with StencilJS