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Access XION from TypeScript.

XION TypeScript


Add stargate to your project.

npm install @cosmjs/stargate

{% hint style="info" %} See public-endpoints-and-resources.mdfor'<rpcEndpoint>' values {% endhint %}

Initialize the signing client with a mnemonic

import { DirectSecp256k1Wallet, SigningStargateClient, coins } from '@cosmjs/stargate';

// Mnemonic for the account you want to use
const mnemonic = '<your-mnemonic>';
const rpcEndpoint = '<rpc-endpoint>';

// The main function to create and use the SigningStargateClient
async function main() {
    // Creating a wallet instance from a given mnemonic
    const wallet = await DirectSecp256k1Wallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic);

    // Fetching account from the wallet
    const [account] = await wallet.getAccounts();

    // Creating an instance of SigningStargateClient
    const client = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(rpcEndpoint, wallet);

    // Defining recipient and coins to be transferred
    const recipient = '<recipient-address>';
    const sendingAmount = coins(1000, 'uxion');

    // Broadcasting the transaction
    const result = await client.sendTokens(account.address, recipient, sendingAmount);


The `mnemonic` must be generated generated.

Initialize signing client with a private key

import { DirectSecp256k1Wallet, SigningStargateClient, Secp256k1, makeCosmoshubPath, BroadcastTxResponse, coins } from '@cosmjs/stargate';
import { fromBase64 } from '@cosmjs/encoding';

// Private key for the account you want to use
// Make sure to have it in base64 format
const privkey = '<Your private key in base64>';  
const rpcEndpoint = '<rpc-endpoint>';

async function main() {
    // Converting base64 private key into Uint8Array
    const key = fromBase64(privkey);

    // Making a wallet instance from the DirectSecp256k1Wallet
    const wallet = await DirectSecp256k1Wallet.fromKey(key);

    // Fetching account from the wallet
    const [account] = await wallet.getAccounts();

    // Creating an instance of SigningStargateClient
    const client = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(rpcEndpoint, wallet);

    // Defining recipient and coins to be transferred
    const recipient = '<recipient-address>';
    const sendingAmount = coins(1000, 'uxion');

    // Broadcasting the transaction
    const result: BroadcastTxResponse = await client.sendTokens(account.address, recipient, sendingAmount);


If you need to generate a quickly the following run the following in a terminal:

openssl rand -hex 32


Query for the balance of a contract

import { QueryClient } from '@cosmjs/stargate';
import { QueryAllBalancesResponse } from '@cosmjs/stargate/build/codec/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/query';

// Change this to your node endpoint
const rpcEndpoint = '<rpc-endpoint>';

// Address to query
const addressToQuery = '<address-to-query>';

async function main() {
  const client = QueryClient.withExtensions({rpcEndpoint});

  const balances: QueryAllBalancesResponse = await;

  console.log('Balances:', balances);

