#This is Anonymous.
Welcome :)
OpenGL is required over version 4.0
With: GLFW(3.2.1), GLAD(build in gl 4.0), stb image loader
Please use VS2013(VC12).
#Setup the project
Clone or download the repository.
Create a VS2013 project in the directory where you put the repository.
Add the source code (.h .cpp) into your project.
Configure the library path
Configure the library that you need to use. Choose static or dynamic library:
For adopting static library:
- Using glfw3.lib, opengl32.lib
For adopting dynamic library:
- Using glfw3dll.lib, opengl32.lib
GLAD configuration: https://learnopengl-cn.github.io/01%20Getting%20started/02%20Creating%20a%20window/#glad
STB image: https://github.com/nothings/stb/blob/master/stb_image.h
How to use STB: https://learnopengl-cn.github.io/01%20Getting%20started/06%20Textures/#stb_imageh