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File metadata and controls

179 lines (141 loc) · 8.82 KB


SelfCare's application which allows users to see the parties to which belongs and their configured products:

  • Admin users can list, add and edit other users.
  • Admin users can list, add and edit groups of users.

This application makes use of some micro-frontends built using Webpack 5's module federation.

The micro-frontends used are:

Data and model/types shared with remotes micro-frontend

This application represents the container app for some remotes pages/components and provide to them some shared data having shared types.

Common models and types


An enum containing the possible onboarding status for the parties/users/products:

Value Description
PENDING An onboarding has been requested, but not completed
ACTIVE A complete and valid onboarding
SUSPENDED The relationship between party/product/user has been suspended


An enum containing the possible Selc roles:

Value Description
ADMIN Users having admin rights on the party/product
LIMITED Users having limited rights on the party/product (tech operators)


An enum containing the possible Party roles:

Value Description
MANAGER The manager, or the person having firm and ADMIN rights
DELEGATE A delegate of the manager having ADMIN rights
SUB_DELEGATE A delegate having ADMIN rights
OPERATOR An allowed user having LIMITED rights


It contains party's info, onboarding status and the selc role of the current user:

Field Type Mandatory Description
partyId string Y The party's id
externalId string Y The external id
originId string Y The origin id
description string Y The party's name
digitalAddress string Y The party's PEC
fiscalCode string Y The party's tax code
status UserStatus Y The current users's onboarding status inside the party
userRole UserRole Y The user Selc role inside the party
category string N The party's category
urlLogo string N The party's url logo


It contains product's info, onboarding status and the selc role of the current user:

Field Type Mandatory Description
id string Y The product's id
title string Y The product's name
description string Y The product's description
logo string N The product's logo url
urlBO string Y The product's url to its backoffice
urlPublic string N The product's url to an informative page
userRole UserRole N The user Selc role for the product. Mandatory if the product is active
authorized boolean Y If the current user is authorized to the current product


It contains data related to one of the possible product roles

Field Type Mandatory Description
productId string Y The product's id
selcRole UserRole Y The mapped selc role
partyRole PartyRole Y The mapped party role
productRole string Y The product specific product role code
title string Y The product specific product role title
description string Y The product specific product role description
multiroleAllowed boolean Y If true, this selcRole allow the association of more than one productRole


For a selected product, it will contains the list of its roles and some usefull aggregation

Field Type Mandatory Description
list Array<ProductRole> Y The product's flat list of roles
groupByPartyRole { [partyRole in PartyRole]: Array<ProductRole> } Y The product's list of roles grouped by PartyRole
groupBySelcRole { [selcRole in UserRole]: Array<ProductRole> } Y The product's list of roles grouped by UserRole
groupByProductRole { [productRole: string]: Array<ProductRole> } Y A map to transcode the productRole code to its ProductRole configuration

Common Props

Remote micro-components need the following Props:

Props to configure Micro-components

Props shared with each type of micro-components:

Prop Type Mandatory Description
history History Y The react-router history used by the container app
theme Theme Y The mui Theme used by the container app
store Store<any, any> Y The react-redux store used by the container app

Props to configure Dashboard Micro-frontends pages

The following props, together with the micro-components props are to be provided to all the dashboard pages served by remotes micro-frontends:

Prop Type Mandatory Description
party Party Y The selected Party
products Array<Product> Y The complete list of Product related to the selected party (active and pending) in case of ADMIN user, otherwise just the authorized products
activeProducts Array<Product> Y The list of active Product, also not authorized in case of ADMIN
productsMap { [productId: string]: Product } Y A map to transcode productId into a Product
decorators DashboardDecoratorsType Y A set of decorators that each configured Page could use in order to retrieve Parties and Products extra data
decorators prop

Each decorator has the purpose to retrieve some extra data and:

  • Has the type (WrappedComponent: React.ComponentType<any>) => React.ComponentType<any>
  • Represents a decorator that retrieve and provide some Props to the decorated component

A decorator usable by all the dashboard pages in order to provide the following Props:

Field Type Mandatory Description
productsRolesMap [productId: string]: ProductRolesLists Y A map containing the mapping between productId and its (ProductRolesLists)[#productroleslists]

A decorator usable by the dashboard pages having productId as path variable in the configured route in order to provide the following Props:

Field Type Mandatory Description
selectedProduct Product Y The Product selected through the productId path variable
fetchSelectedProductRoles (product: Product) => Promise<ProductRolesLists> Y A function to retrieve the (ProductRolesLists)[#productroleslists] associated to the current product

A decorator usable by the dashboard pages after the resolution of the selected product in order to fetch immediately and serve its (ProductRolesLists)[#productroleslists]:

Field Type Mandatory Description
productRolesList ProductRolesLists Y The (ProductRolesLists)[#productroleslists] associated to the current product

It can be combined with withSelectedProduct in the following way: withSelectedPartyProduct(withSelectedPartyProductAndRoles(PageToDecorate))

To configure the workspace execute the following commands

  • yarn install
  • yarn generate

To execute locally a configured workspace execute the following command

  • yarn start

The remote components should be put into execution locally or use the following environment variable to customize their URL:


To execute locally mocking REST invocation, modify the file .env.development.local setting


To build a configured workspace execute the following command

  • yarn build

Setup Playwright for Testing

Ensure you have Yarn and Node.js installed on your machine. You can check their installation by running:

  • node -v
  • yarn -v

Install Dependencies

  • cd e2e
  • yarn install

Run Playwright Tests Locally

  • yarn playwright test