diff --git a/jestSetup.js b/jestSetup.js
index 844325f538e..997eec3231d 100644
--- a/jestSetup.js
+++ b/jestSetup.js
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import mockRNDeviceInfo from "react-native-device-info/jest/react-native-device-
import mockZendesk from "./ts/__mocks__/io-react-native-zendesk.ts";
import "react-native-get-random-values";
jest.mock("@pagopa/io-react-native-zendesk", () => mockZendesk);
jest.mock("@react-native-async-storage/async-storage", () => mockAsyncStorage);
diff --git a/ts/features/fims/history/components/FimsHistoryNonEmptyContent.tsx b/ts/features/fims/history/components/FimsHistoryNonEmptyContent.tsx
index a64e03d8f3d..7513f4ae52d 100644
--- a/ts/features/fims/history/components/FimsHistoryNonEmptyContent.tsx
+++ b/ts/features/fims/history/components/FimsHistoryNonEmptyContent.tsx
@@ -1,29 +1,28 @@
-import { Divider, IOStyles } from "@pagopa/io-app-design-system";
+import { Divider, FooterActions, IOStyles } from "@pagopa/io-app-design-system";
import { FlashList } from "@shopify/flash-list";
import { AccessHistoryPage } from "../../../../../definitions/fims_history/AccessHistoryPage";
-import * as RemoteValue from "../../../../common/model/RemoteValue";
-import { FooterActions } from "../../../../components/ui/FooterActions";
import { useFooterActionsMeasurements } from "../../../../hooks/useFooterActionsMeasurements";
import I18n from "../../../../i18n";
import { useIOSelector } from "../../../../store/hooks";
-import { LoadingFimsHistoryItemsFooter } from "../components/FimsHistoryLoaders";
import { useFimsHistoryExport } from "../hooks/useFimsHistoryResultToasts";
import {
- fimsHistoryExportStateSelector,
+ isFimsHistoryExportingSelector,
} from "../store/selectors";
import { FimsHistoryHeaderComponent } from "./FimsHistoryHeaderComponent";
import { FimsHistoryListItemPicker } from "./FimsHistoryListItemPicker";
+import { LoadingFimsHistoryItemsFooter } from "./FimsHistoryLoaders";
+export type FimsHistoryNonEmptyContentProps = {
+ accesses?: AccessHistoryPage;
+ fetchMore: () => void;
export const FimsHistoryNonEmptyContent = ({
-}: {
- accesses?: AccessHistoryPage;
- fetchMore: () => void;
-}) => {
- const historyExportState = useIOSelector(fimsHistoryExportStateSelector);
- const isHistoryExporting = RemoteValue.isLoading(historyExportState);
+}: FimsHistoryNonEmptyContentProps) => {
+ const isHistoryExporting = useIOSelector(isFimsHistoryExportingSelector);
const isHistoryLoading = useIOSelector(isFimsHistoryLoadingSelector);
const { handleExportOnPress } = useFimsHistoryExport();
@@ -60,12 +59,14 @@ export const FimsHistoryNonEmptyContent = ({
{!shouldHideFooter && (
diff --git a/ts/features/fims/history/components/__mocks__/FimsHistoryListItemPicker.tsx b/ts/features/fims/history/components/__mocks__/FimsHistoryListItemPicker.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f04d2920989
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ts/features/fims/history/components/__mocks__/FimsHistoryListItemPicker.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+import { Text } from "react-native";
+export const FimsHistoryListItemPicker = () => (
diff --git a/ts/features/fims/history/components/__mocks__/FimsHistoryLoaders.tsx b/ts/features/fims/history/components/__mocks__/FimsHistoryLoaders.tsx
index 76c5851457f..dfb947fe0be 100644
--- a/ts/features/fims/history/components/__mocks__/FimsHistoryLoaders.tsx
+++ b/ts/features/fims/history/components/__mocks__/FimsHistoryLoaders.tsx
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
import { Text } from "react-native";
export const LoadingFimsHistoryListItem = () => LOADING_LIST_ITEM;
+export const LoadingFimsHistoryItemsFooter = () => (
diff --git a/ts/features/fims/history/components/__tests__/FimsHistoryNonEmptyContent.test.tsx b/ts/features/fims/history/components/__tests__/FimsHistoryNonEmptyContent.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..05ea2b217a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ts/features/fims/history/components/__tests__/FimsHistoryNonEmptyContent.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+import * as pot from "@pagopa/ts-commons/lib/pot";
+import { fireEvent } from "@testing-library/react-native";
+import { createStore } from "redux";
+import { AccessHistoryPage } from "../../../../../../definitions/fims_history/AccessHistoryPage";
+import {
+ remoteLoading,
+ remoteReady
+} from "../../../../../common/model/RemoteValue";
+import { applicationChangeState } from "../../../../../store/actions/application";
+import { appReducer } from "../../../../../store/reducers";
+import { GlobalState } from "../../../../../store/reducers/types";
+import { renderScreenWithNavigationStoreContext } from "../../../../../utils/testWrapper";
+import { FIMS_ROUTES } from "../../../common/navigation";
+import {
+ FimsHistoryNonEmptyContent,
+ FimsHistoryNonEmptyContentProps
+} from "../FimsHistoryNonEmptyContent";
+import * as HOOK from "../../hooks/useFimsHistoryResultToasts";
+const mockAccess = {
+ id: "TESTING",
+ redirect: { display_name: "TESTING", uri: "TESTING" },
+ service_id: "TESTING_SID",
+ timestamp: new Date(0)
+const mockAccesses: AccessHistoryPage = {
+ data: [mockAccess]
+const mockEmptyAccesses: AccessHistoryPage = {
+ data: []
+// ------------------- UTILS
+const generateMockStoreForSelectors = (
+ isHistoryLoading: boolean,
+ isHistoryExporting: boolean
+) =>
+ ({
+ features: {
+ fims: {
+ history: {
+ historyExportState: isHistoryExporting
+ ? remoteLoading
+ : remoteReady("SUCCESS"),
+ consentsList: isHistoryLoading ? pot.someLoading({}) : pot.none
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } as GlobalState);
+const renderComponent = (
+ props: FimsHistoryNonEmptyContentProps,
+ mockState: GlobalState
+) => {
+ const globalState = appReducer(mockState, applicationChangeState("active"));
+ return renderScreenWithNavigationStoreContext(
+ () => ,
+ {},
+ createStore(appReducer, globalState as any)
+ );
+// --------------- END UTILS
+// eslint-disable-next-line sonarjs/cognitive-complexity
+describe("fimsHistoryNonEmptyContent", () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ jest.clearAllMocks();
+ jest.restoreAllMocks();
+ });
+ for (const historyLoading of [true, false]) {
+ for (const historyExporting of [true, false]) {
+ for (const hasAccesses of [true, false]) {
+ const fetchMore = jest.fn();
+ const shouldShowLoadingListFooter = historyLoading;
+ const shouldRenderPageFooter = !historyLoading || hasAccesses; // component logic is !( hLoading && !accesses )
+ const store = generateMockStoreForSelectors(
+ historyLoading,
+ historyExporting
+ );
+ const testString = `${+hasAccesses} accesses, historyLoading = ${historyLoading} and historyExporting = ${historyExporting}`;
+ it(`should fetch automatically to try and fill the list, and match snapshot for ${testString} `, () => {
+ const component = renderComponent(
+ {
+ accesses: hasAccesses ? mockAccesses : mockEmptyAccesses,
+ fetchMore
+ },
+ store
+ );
+ expect(component).toBeTruthy();
+ expect(component).toMatchSnapshot();
+ expect(fetchMore).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+ });
+ it(`should ${
+ shouldShowLoadingListFooter ? "" : "not"
+ } render list loading footer in case of ${testString} `, () => {
+ const component = renderComponent(
+ {
+ accesses: hasAccesses ? mockAccesses : mockEmptyAccesses,
+ fetchMore
+ },
+ store
+ );
+ if (shouldShowLoadingListFooter) {
+ expect(component.queryByTestId("testing-footer")).toBeTruthy();
+ } else {
+ expect(component.queryByTestId("testing-footer")).toBeNull();
+ }
+ });
+ it(`should
+ ${shouldRenderPageFooter ? "" : "not"}
+ render export footer in case of ${testString} `, () => {
+ const component = renderComponent(
+ {
+ accesses: hasAccesses ? mockAccesses : mockEmptyAccesses,
+ fetchMore
+ },
+ store
+ );
+ if (shouldRenderPageFooter) {
+ expect(component.queryByTestId("export-footer")).toBeTruthy();
+ } else {
+ expect(component.queryByTestId("export-footer")).toBeNull();
+ }
+ });
+ if (shouldRenderPageFooter) {
+ const isPageFooterLoading = historyExporting;
+ it(`should ${
+ isPageFooterLoading ? "not" : ""
+ } dispatch the onPress if the user taps the primary action in case of ${testString}`, () => {
+ const mockFetchMore = jest.fn();
+ jest.spyOn(HOOK, "useFimsHistoryExport").mockReturnValue({
+ handleExportOnPress: mockFetchMore
+ });
+ const component = renderComponent(
+ {
+ accesses: hasAccesses ? mockAccesses : mockEmptyAccesses,
+ fetchMore
+ },
+ store
+ );
+ const renderedComponent = component.getByTestId("export-button");
+ expect(renderedComponent).toBeTruthy();
+ fireEvent.press(renderedComponent);
+ expect(mockFetchMore).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(
+ isPageFooterLoading ? 0 : 1
+ );
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/ts/features/fims/history/components/__tests__/__snapshots__/FimsHistoryNonEmptyContent.test.tsx.snap b/ts/features/fims/history/components/__tests__/__snapshots__/FimsHistoryNonEmptyContent.test.tsx.snap
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..caae31e820b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ts/features/fims/history/components/__tests__/__snapshots__/FimsHistoryNonEmptyContent.test.tsx.snap
@@ -0,0 +1,7016 @@
+// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
+exports[`fimsHistoryNonEmptyContent should fetch automatically to try and fill the list, and match snapshot for 0 accesses, historyLoading = false and historyExporting = false 1`] = `
+ I tuoi accessi a servizi di terze parti
+ Qui puoi consultare le cronologia dei tuoi accessi a servizi esterni tramite IO e richiederne una copia via email.
+ Richiedi una copia via email
+exports[`fimsHistoryNonEmptyContent should fetch automatically to try and fill the list, and match snapshot for 0 accesses, historyLoading = false and historyExporting = true 1`] = `
+ I tuoi accessi a servizi di terze parti
+ Qui puoi consultare le cronologia dei tuoi accessi a servizi esterni tramite IO e richiederne una copia via email.
+exports[`fimsHistoryNonEmptyContent should fetch automatically to try and fill the list, and match snapshot for 0 accesses, historyLoading = true and historyExporting = false 1`] = `
+ I tuoi accessi a servizi di terze parti
+ Qui puoi consultare le cronologia dei tuoi accessi a servizi esterni tramite IO e richiederne una copia via email.
+exports[`fimsHistoryNonEmptyContent should fetch automatically to try and fill the list, and match snapshot for 0 accesses, historyLoading = true and historyExporting = true 1`] = `
+ I tuoi accessi a servizi di terze parti
+ Qui puoi consultare le cronologia dei tuoi accessi a servizi esterni tramite IO e richiederne una copia via email.
+exports[`fimsHistoryNonEmptyContent should fetch automatically to try and fill the list, and match snapshot for 1 accesses, historyLoading = false and historyExporting = false 1`] = `
+ I tuoi accessi a servizi di terze parti
+ Qui puoi consultare le cronologia dei tuoi accessi a servizi esterni tramite IO e richiederne una copia via email.
+ Richiedi una copia via email
+exports[`fimsHistoryNonEmptyContent should fetch automatically to try and fill the list, and match snapshot for 1 accesses, historyLoading = false and historyExporting = true 1`] = `
+ I tuoi accessi a servizi di terze parti
+ Qui puoi consultare le cronologia dei tuoi accessi a servizi esterni tramite IO e richiederne una copia via email.
+exports[`fimsHistoryNonEmptyContent should fetch automatically to try and fill the list, and match snapshot for 1 accesses, historyLoading = true and historyExporting = false 1`] = `
+ I tuoi accessi a servizi di terze parti
+ Qui puoi consultare le cronologia dei tuoi accessi a servizi esterni tramite IO e richiederne una copia via email.
+ Richiedi una copia via email
+exports[`fimsHistoryNonEmptyContent should fetch automatically to try and fill the list, and match snapshot for 1 accesses, historyLoading = true and historyExporting = true 1`] = `
+ I tuoi accessi a servizi di terze parti
+ Qui puoi consultare le cronologia dei tuoi accessi a servizi esterni tramite IO e richiederne una copia via email.
diff --git a/ts/features/fims/history/hooks/__mocks__/useFimsHistoryResultToasts.tsx b/ts/features/fims/history/hooks/__mocks__/useFimsHistoryResultToasts.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9ef72dac52a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ts/features/fims/history/hooks/__mocks__/useFimsHistoryResultToasts.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+export const useFimsHistoryExport = () => ({ handleExportOnPress: () => null });
diff --git a/ts/features/fims/history/store/reducer/index.ts b/ts/features/fims/history/store/reducer/index.ts
index b7c7e940de9..1cfabfe8ef9 100644
--- a/ts/features/fims/history/store/reducer/index.ts
+++ b/ts/features/fims/history/store/reducer/index.ts
@@ -17,9 +17,10 @@ import {
} from "../actions";
export type FimsExportSuccessStates = "SUCCESS" | "ALREADY_EXPORTING";
+export type FimsHistoryExportState = RemoteValue;
export type FimsHistoryState = {
- historyExportState: RemoteValue;
+ historyExportState: FimsHistoryExportState;
consentsList: pot.Pot;