From 24cbec0e72fe8a02eba778866087cbb386107623 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Emanuele Dall'Ara <> Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2025 14:48:38 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] chore: [IOBP-1174] Align bottom sheet text with design requirements (#6682) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit ## Short description This pull request includes updates to the localization files for German, English, and Italian ## List of changes proposed in this pull request - Updated the `amountInfo` title and message to clarify that changes in the amount are automatically updated by the creditor institution, and to include additional details on potential reasons for the changes ## How to test - Try to pay something - In `PAYMENT_NOTICE_SUMMARY` screen tap on ℹ️ - Ensure the bottom sheet text is align with design requirements ## Preview | `De` | `En` | `It` | |--------|--------|--------| | Screenshot 2025-02-04 at 11 45 35 | Screenshot 2025-02-04 at 11 46 08 | Screenshot 2025-02-04 at 11 46 44 | --- locales/de/index.yml | 4 ++-- locales/en/index.yml | 4 ++-- locales/it/index.yml | 4 ++-- 3 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) diff --git a/locales/de/index.yml b/locales/de/index.yml index 7e499baabcd..6fac37b11c3 100644 --- a/locales/de/index.yml +++ b/locales/de/index.yml @@ -1529,8 +1529,8 @@ wallet: fee: "Transaktionsgebühr" idTransaction: "Identifikationscode der Transaktion" amountInfo: - title: "Siehst du einen anderen Betrag?" - message: "pagoPA aktualisiert den Betrag automatisch, um sicherzustellen, dass du genau den Betrag bezahlst, den du schuldest und somit weitere Strafen oder Zinsen vermeidest" + title: "Ist der Betrag anders als auf der pagoPA-Benachrichtigung?" + message: "Wenn sich der Betrag ändert, bedeutet das, dass die Gläubigerinstitution ihn automatisch aktualisiert hat. So kannst du sicher sein, immer den fälligen Betrag zu bezahlen. Falls er höher ist, könnten Zinsen, Strafen oder Benachrichtigungskosten anfallen.\n\nFür weitere Details wende dich bitte an die Gläubigerinstitution, da pagoPA die Gründe für die Aktualisierung nicht kennt." cta: "OK, habe verstanden" contextualHelpTitle: "Zusammenfassung der Transaktion" errorDetails: diff --git a/locales/en/index.yml b/locales/en/index.yml index 573ecc3d19d..aa44521c84d 100644 --- a/locales/en/index.yml +++ b/locales/en/index.yml @@ -1600,8 +1600,8 @@ wallet: idTransaction: Transaction identification code updatedAmount: Updated amount amountInfo: - title: Do you see a different amount? - message: pagoPA updates the amount in real time, so that you can pay without additional charges or interest. This may happen, for instance, when the institution applies notification fees (if it has sent you a notification with legal value) or if you are late with your payment. + title: Is the amount different from the one on the pagoPA notice? + message: "If the amount changes, it means that the Payee has automatically updated it. In this way, you can be sure that you are always paying the amount that is due. If it is higher, you may have to pay interest, penalties or notification costs.\n\nPlease contact the Payee for further details, as pagoPA does not know the reasons for the update." cta: Ok, va bene contextualHelpTitle: Transaction's summary contextualHelpContent: !include wallet/ diff --git a/locales/it/index.yml b/locales/it/index.yml index 7e2c24f382a..22b20f399cb 100644 --- a/locales/it/index.yml +++ b/locales/it/index.yml @@ -1604,8 +1604,8 @@ wallet: fee: Costi di transazione idTransaction: Codice identificativo della transazione amountInfo: - title: Vedi un importo diverso? - message: pagoPA aggiorna l'importo in tempo reale, per permetterti di pagare evitando more o interessi aggiuntivi. Può succedere, per esempio, quando l'ente applica dei costi di notifica (se ti ha inviato una comunicazione a valore legale) o se sei in ritardo con il pagamento. + title: L’importo è diverso da quello riportato sull’avviso pagoPA? + message: "Quando l'importo cambia, significa che l'ente creditore l'ha aggiornato automaticamente. In questo modo, hai sempre la certezza di pagare l’importo dovuto. Se è più alto, potrebbero esserci interessi, sanzioni o costi di notifica.\n\nPer ulteriori dettagli contatta l'ente creditore, poiché pagoPA non conosce i motivi dell'aggiornamento." cta: Ok, va bene contextualHelpTitle: Riepilogo della transazione contextualHelpContent: !include wallet/