TODOx is a todo list app built with Go, HTMX, Tailwind CSS and SQLite to store the data. The original goal of this app is to try HTMX and see how it can be used to build a simple app.
- Create, Read, Update, and Delete TODOs
- Searching TODOs
- Complete/Reopen TODOs
The stack aims to be as simple as possible. It consists of:
- Go is the main language.
- Gomponents to render our HTML on the server.
- HTMX for the interactions with the user.
- Tailwind CSS for styling (CDN).
- SQLite as the database.
The application is mostly written in Go and HTML. HTMX facilitates a lot of the interaction with the user on the frontend and the backend endpoints process requests and return HTML served by Go into the client side. The storage of the application is a shiny SQLite database.
In order to run the app in development you should run the setup cli, it will download the standalone CLI. You can do this by running the following command:
go run ./cmd/setup
To run the app in development mode (with hot recompile) you can run the following command:
kit dev
And visit http://localhost:3000 to see the app running.
The app contains a Dockerfile that can be used to build images and deploy to any container platform.
A few environment variables to consider are:
GO_ENV - The environment the app is running in (def: development)
PORT - The port the app will run on. Defaults "3000"