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API Testing

Anudeep edited this page Sep 12, 2020 · 19 revisions

API Testing (REST)

API Testing in general can greatly improve the efficiency of our testing strategy helping us to deliver software faster than ever. It has many aspects but generally consists of making a request & validating the response.

  • It can be performed at different levels of software development life cycle.
  • It can be performed independent of the language used to develop the application. (java based applications API can be tested in other programming languages)
  • In market there are numerous tools available that allows us to test our APIs for different test types.

Instead of using different tools for each test type, pactum comes with all the popular features in a single bundle.

So the question is Why pactum? & What makes pactum fun & easy?

  • Ability to control the behavior of external services with a powerful mock server. (once you are familiar with api-testing using pactum make sure to read about component testing using pactum)
  • Extremely lightweight.
  • Quick & easy to send requests & validate responses.
  • Not tied with any of the test runners. We are allowed to choose the test runner like mocha, cucumber, jest or any other that supports promises. TODO - Examples
  • Ideal for component testing, contract testing & e2e testing.

Lets get started with API Testing.

Table of contents

Getting Started

To get started we need to have NodeJS (>=8) installed in our system.

# create a new folder (optional)
mkdir pactum-api-testing
cd pactum-api-testing

# initialize (optional)
npm init -y

# install pactum as a dev dependency
npm install --save-dev pactum

# install a test runner to run pactum tests
# mocha / jest / cucumber
npm install mocha -g

# Create a js file
touch http.test.js

Copy the below code

const pactum = require('pactum');

it('should be a teapot', async () => {
  await pactum

Running the test

# mocha is a test framework to execute test cases
mocha http.test.js


Tests in pactum are clear and comprehensive. It uses numerous descriptive methods to build your requests and expectations.

Request Making

The request method indicates the method to be performed on the resource identified by the given Request-URI.

await pactum.get('');
await pactum.put('');
await pactum.patch('');
await pactum.del('');
await pactum.head('');

To pass additional parameters to the request, we can chain or use the following methods individually to build our request.

Method Description
withQueryParam single query parameter
withQueryParams multiple query parameters
withHeader single request headers
withHeaders multiple request headers
withBody request body
withJson request json object
withGraphQLQuery graphQL query
withGraphQLVariables graphQL variables
withForm object to send as form data
withMultiPartFormData object to send as multi part form data
withRequestTimeout sets request timeout
__setLogLevel sets log level for troubleshooting

Query Params

Use withQueryParam or withQueryParams methods to pass query parameters to the request. We are allowed to call the query-param methods multiple times fo the same request.

it('get comments for post id 1', async () => {
  await pactum
    .withQueryParam('postId', 1)
it('get random male user from Australia', async () => {
  await pactum
    .withQueryParam('gender', 'male')
    .withQueryParam('country', 'AUS')
it('get random female user from India', async () => {
  await pactum
      'gender': 'female',
      'country': 'IND'


Use withHeader or withHeaders methods to pass headers to the request. We are allowed to call the header methods multiple times fo the same request.

it('get all comments', async () => {
  await pactum
    .withHeader('Authorization', 'Basic abc')
    .withHeader('Accept', '*')
      'Content-Type': 'application/json'

Body (JSON)

Use withBody or withJson methods to pass body to the request.

it('post body', async () => {
  await pactum
    .withBody('{ "title": "foo", "content": "bar"}')
it('post json object', async () => {
  await pactum
      title: 'foo',
      body: 'bar',
      userId: 1

Form Data

Use withForm or withMultiPartFormData to pass form data to the request.

  • Under the hood, pactum uses phin.form
  • content-type header will be auto updated to application/x-www-form-urlencoded
it('post with form', async () => {
  await pactum
      title: 'foo',
      body: 'bar',
      userId: 1
  • Under the hood it uses form-data
  • content-type header will be auto updated to multipart/form-data
it('post with multipart form data', async () => {
  await pactum
    .withMultiPartFormData('file', fs.readFileSync('a.txt'), { contentType: 'application/js', filename: 'a.txt' })

We can also directly use the form-data object.

const form = new pactum.request.FormData();
form.append(/* form data */);
it('post with multipart form data', async () => {
  await pactum


Use withGraphQLQuery or withGraphQLVariables to pass form graphql data to the request. Works for only POST requests.

it('post graphql query & variables', async () => {
  await pactum
        query HeroNameAndFriends($episode: Episode) {
          hero(episode: $episode) {
            friends {
      "episode": "JEDI"


By default pactum request will timeout after 3000 ms. To increase the timeout for the current request use withRequestTimeout method. Make Sure To Increase The Test Runners Timeout As Well

it('some action that will take more time to complete', async () => {
  // increase mocha timeout here
  await pactum
      title: 'foo',
      body: 'bar',
      userId: 1

Response Assertions

TODO - Request Making

TODO - Request Settings

TODO - Response Assertion

TODO - Returns

TODO - Retry

TODO - Data Management

TODO - State Handlers