- babel7: update dependencies and migrate to babel7 (691e00ee)
- dependencies:
- deps:
- deps-dev: bump node-sass from 4.12.0 to 4.13.1 (4269b90c)
- first: first commit (110288e5)
- update: update doc, file structure (ec34ff70)
- readme:
- changelog:
- test: add mocking CSS modules JEST (b0716d69)
- example: add BEM lint, add husky to commits, change navigation menu, add main.scss (dc3c8cc5)
- lint:
- stylelint: change sass-lint by style-lint WIP (921d2a05)
- update: update to webpack 4, change mocha by jest (8f36fea4)
- js-hover: add example js hover with jquery (da975347)
- mixin: add mixins and common placeholders (ea81fc88)
- workflow: rename file to test pull request (7b591074)
- lint: fix lint issues (5439a943)
- dependencies: remove open package (fa6011b7)
- test: fix linting etc (e5eb2e2a)
- sonarcube: add sonar cube settings (7caf5ea2)
- ortografía: hagilizar??? (9171ac02)
- style-lnt: add ignore value-keyword-case to font vars (81601908)