Author: | Pierre Gentile [email protected] |
Date: | 2020 |
Copyright: | MPLv2.0 |
Manual section: | 3 |
ctxopt provides an advanced way to parse and evaluate complex command line parameters and arguments.
Only two files ctxopt.h and ctxopt.c are needed to use ctxopt in your projects.
The command line can be considered as a tree of contexts. This offers the possibility of having a hierarchy of option groups.
Each option has a set of parameters which must start with a single dash and may appear in the command line.
In order not to change habits, the double dash notation popularized by the GNU getopt_long function for long options is also accepted and automatically and silently converted to notation with a single dash.
These parameters are not limited to a dash followed by single letter. In what follows, I will consider for simplicity that these are the options which are visible in the command line and not one of their parameters.
Unless explicitly stated, the options are processed in the same order as they appear in the command line, from left to right.
Any option may have the ability to modify the current context. If such an option is seen in the command line, then the next option will be looked for in this new context.
Initially the default context is the first created one in the program.
Exiting a context can be explicit, see below, or implicit if the current option is not supported in this context. The previous context in the hierarchy then becomes the current context if it is not already the highest one.
An option which is unknown in the current context will be automatically reevaluated in the previous one in the hierarchy. If there is no such context, then a fatal error occurs.
A context can be explicitly delimited by a pair of symbols {
The symbol {
car appear just before or after the option responsible
of the context change.
The symbol }
forces the end of a context.
The presence of {
and }
is purely optional and rarely necessary
but can help readability.
The API consists in the following functions:
void ctxopt_init(char * prog_name, char * flags);
This function initializes the internal structures uses by ctxopt. It is mandatory and must me called first.
Its first argument (prog_name) is typically the content of
which nearly always contains the name of the program.prog_name is used by the error system.
Its second argument (flags) will be read as a set of parameters using the syntax
, each flag being separated from its neighbor by spaces.Flags may be missing in this argument, in this case the missing flags will be given their default value which is given below. An empty string is of course allowed but must be given anyway.
For now, only three flags are understood: stop_if_non_option, allow_abbreviations and display_usage_on_error.
Their value can be yes or no, 1 and 0 and also accepted.
- stop_if_non_option
Instructs ctxopt to stop processing arguments as soon as it encounters a non-option word in the command line, even if other parameters remain to be processed. The default value of this flag is 0 or no.
- allow_abbreviations
Tells ctxopt to try to guess a parameter name even if only its beginning is given. The default value of this flag is 1 or yes.
- display_usage_on_error
If the setting is set to yes (default), the usage text for the relevant contexts is displayed in case of a fatal error. This may be useful to reduce the length of the error message and allow the user to see the error more easily.
Example of content of the flags parameter:
"stop_if_non_option=1 allow_abbreviations=No"
void ctxopt_new_ctx(char * name, char * opts_specs);
The next thing to do after having called ctxopt_new_ctx is to define the contexts and its associated options.
Using this function, you can name the new context and its authorized options and determine their main characteristics with a syntax easy to understand. If they already exist in another context, then they must have the same signature (described below) as in their previous appearance.
name is the name of the new context and opts_specs must contain a description of the options allowed in this context.
opts_specs is a string containing various components separated by spaces according to the syntax below:
- opt
A mandatory option named opt without parameter usable only one type in the context
- opt1 opt2
Two mandatory option named opt1 and opt2 without argument.
- opt...
Same as above but can appear multiple time in the context.
- [opt...]
Same as above but the option is optional
- opt1 [opt2...]
One mandatory and one optional option named opt1 and opt2 without argument. opt2 can appear multiple times in the context.
- opt #
One mandatory option named opt* taking one mandatory argument.
- opt #tag
One mandatory option named opt taking one mandatory argument. tag is ignored but can be used to improve the readability.
- opt [#]
One mandatory option named opt taking one optional argument.
- opt #...
One mandatory option named opt taking one or more mandatory arguments.
- opt>ctx... [#<value>]
The mandatory multiple option named opt will switch to the context named cxt which will become the new current context.
It takes an optional argument with a tag named <value>.
- [opt... [#...]]
One optional option named opt taking multiple optional arguments.
The number of options/arguments allowed can be restricted by adding an operator and an integer just after the dots like in the following example:
- opt...<3 #...=3
Here, the mandatory option opt is restricted to only appear one or two times in the context. The number of its mandatory arguments must be exactly three.
Valid operators are <, = and >.
The multiplicity or not of the options and argument, their mandatory or optional characteristics constitutes their signatures.s
As said above, an option can appear in more than one context but must have the same signature.
ctxopt_new_ctx("context1", "[opt1>context2...] #arg1... [opt3]"); ctxopt_new_ctx("context2", "[opt2 [#arg2]] [opt3]");
In the previous example, three options opt1, opt2 and opt3 are defined.
opt1: is mandatory and can appear more than one time and take multiple mandatory arguments. opt2: is optional and take an optional argument. opt3: is optional and take no argument. Note that opt3 is legal in both contexts. opt2, if present in the command line, will be evaluated in the context context2. Note that, in this example, the context2 can only be entered if opt1 has previously been seen in the command line. Hence, opt2 is only legal if opt1 is present first.
opt3 does not have this limitation. In fact, as opt3 is optional in context2 and if its action function is not interested in the name of the current context, then it could have been omitted from the second setting thanks to the backtracking: an option which is illegal in a context is retried in the previous context in the hierarchy.
void ctxopt_ctx_disp_usage(char * ctx_name, usage_behaviour action);
This function builds and prints an usage help text for the specific context ctx_name. The symbols used in this text are the same as those used when defining options in ctxopt_new_ctx.
The parameter action can take the following values:
- continue_after
The program is not stopped when this function returns.
- exit_after
The program is stopped with a non zero return code (typically 1) when this function returns.
The usage text is followed by a legend explaining the symbols meanings. This function is useful when associated with a help or usage option.
void ctxopt_disp_usage(usage_behaviour action);
This function is similar to the preceding one but displays the usage help text for all the defined contexts. It is useful when associated with a general help or usage option.
The parameter action can take the following values:
- continue_after
The program is not stopped when this function returns.
- exit_after
The program is stopped with a non zero return code (typically 1) when this function returns.
void ctxopt_add_global_settings(settings s, ...);
This function allows to set general ctxopt settings. As for now, the only possible setting for s is error_functions.
This setting tells ctxopt_add_global_settings to use the rest of its arguments in order to replace the built-in error functions with custom ones.
When the value of the first parameter is error_functions, then the second one must be one of the following constants:
CTXOPTMISPAR: A mandatory parameter is missing. CTXOPTUNKPAR: A given parameter is unknown in the current context. CTXOPTDUPOPT: An option has been seen more than once but has not been declared as multiple in the context. CTXOPTINCOPT: An option is incompatible with an option already given in the context. CTXOPTMISARG: A mandatory argument is missing. CTXOPTCNTEOPT, CTXOPTCNTLOPT and CTXOPTCNTGOPT: The number of occurrences is not equal, lower or greater than a given value. CTXOPTCNTEARG, CTXOPTCNTLARG and CTXOPTCNTGARG: The number of arguments of an option is not equal, lower or greater than a given value. and the third parameter is a function pointer with the following prototype:
void (*) (errors err, state_t * state);
state will point to the publicly available analysis state structure. This structure contains a snapshot of variables related to the command line analysis so far. They and can be used to give the user clues about errors.
This structure available in ctxopt.h is:
typedef struct { char * prog_name; /* base name of the program name. */ char * ctx_name; /* current context name. */ char * ctx_par_name; /* parameter which led to this context. */ char * opt_name; /* current option name. */ char * opt_params; /* all parameters of the current option. */ int opts_count; /* limit of the number of occurrences of * | the current option. */ int opt_args_count; /* limit of the number of parameters of * | the current option. */ char * pre_opt_par_name; /* parameter just before the current one. */ char * cur_opt_par_name; /* current parameter. */ } state_t;
All these pointers can be equal to the NULL pointer.
ctxopt_add_global_settings(error_functions, CTXOPTMISPAR, error);
void ctxopt_add_ctx_settings(settings s, ...);
This function manages some settings for a given context. Its first parameter s determines the setting and the signification of the remaining arguments.
Its possible values are:
- incompatibilities:
This setting allows to declare a set of options incompatible with each other.
In this case the second argument must be a context name and the third argument must be a string containing option names separated by a space.
Example of incompatibilities setting:
void ctxopt_add_ctx_settings(incompatibilities, "context1", "opt1 opt2 opt3");
The three options named opt1, opt2 and opt3 will be marked as mutually incompatibles in each instance of the context context1.
- requirements:
This setting allows options in a context to require the presence of sets of other options of which at least one must be present. Using this setting, the user can impose dependencies between options.
The option that imposes the requirement must be the first in the list of options listed in the third arguments.
Example of requirements setting:
void ctxopt_add_ctx_settings(requirements; "context1", "opt1 opt2 opt3");
At least one of the two options named opt2 and opt3 must be present in the same context instance as opt1 which is context1 in this case
There may be multiple requirements via multiple calls to ctxopt_add_ctx_settings for the same first option (opt1 in the previous example) and the same context. Each of them is considered in order.
- actions:
This setting allows to associate a function to the context.
The second argument (called f below) will be called as soon as the context is entered or exited during the evaluation phase.
Note that f will NOT be called if the context is empty (does not contain any option).
The next parameters must be pointers to arbitrary data which may be used by f.
In this setting, the last parameter must be NULL.
f must have the following prototype:
int (*) (char * name1, /* Context name */ direction status, /* entering or exiting */ char * name2, /* previous or next context */ int nb_data, /* Number of data */ void ** data /* Data */);
This function f will be called when entering AND exiting the context. Its arguments will then be set to:
- name1
the name of the context.
- status
will be entering when entering the context and exiting when exiting the context.
- name2
according to the content of status, the name of the context we are coming from or the name of the context we are returning to.
name2 can be NULL if we are entering in the main context or are leaving it.
- nb_data
The number of data pointers passed to the ctxopt_add_ctx_settings function after the s parameter.
- data
The data pointers passed to the ctxopt_add_ctx_settings function after the s parameter and arranged in an array of nb_data
Example of actions setting:
void ctxopt_add_ctx_settings(actions, "context1", action, &data_1, &data_2, &data_3, NULL);
This function call registers the action function to the context named context1.
The action function will be called after entering to and before exiting from each instance of the context named context1.
The optional data_X pointers will be passed to action through its data pointer to allow it to manipulate them if needed. The count of these pointers (3 here) will also be passed to action through its nb_data parameter.
The ending NULL is mandatory.
void ctxopt_add_opt_settings(settings s, char * opt, ...);
This function manages some settings for an option whose name is given in opt.
The first parameter s determines the exact setting and the signification of the remaining arguments. Its possible values are:
- parameters
This setting allows to associate command line parameters with opt. The set of parameters must be given in the third argument as a string containing words separated by blanks.
Each appearance of one of these parameters in the command line will trigger the action associated with the named option.
Each of these words must start with one and exactly one dash.
Example of parameters setting:
ctxopt_add_opt_settings(parameters, "opt1", "-p -parm -p1");
In this example, opt1 is the name of a previously defined option and -p, -parm and -p1 will be three valid command line parameters for the option opt1.
- actions
This setting allows to associate a function to this options. As said above, this function will be called each time the option will be recognized when evaluating the command line.
The function pointer must be given as the third argument.
Following the function pointer, it is possible to add a bunch of other parameters which must be pointers to some pre-allocated arbitrary data.
These pointers will be passed to the function when called. The last parameter must be NULL to end the sequence.
The function needs to be given as the third argument and must match the following prototype:
void (*) (char * ctx_name, /* Context name */ char * opt_name, /* Option name */ char * param, /* Parameter name */ int nb_values, /* Number of arguments */ char ** values, /* Arguments */ int nb_opt_data, /* Number of option data passed */ void ** opt_data, /* Array of option data passed */ int nb_ctx_data, /* Number of context data passed */ void ** ctx_data /* Array of context data passed */)
- ctx_name
is the name of the current context.
- opt_name
is the name of the option.
- param
is the name of the parameter that triggered the option opt_name.
- nb_values
is the number of arguments immediately following this option in the command line.
- values
is an array of stings containing the arguments following this option in the command line.
- nb_opt_data
is the number of data pointers which were given after the third arguments of ctxopt_add_opt_settings.
- opt_data
The data pointers passed after the third arguments of ctxopt_add_opt_settings and reorganized as an array of nb_opt_data elements.
The aim is to be able to consult/alter options specific data.
- nb_ctx_data
Same as nb_opt_data but referencing to the number of data pointers given to ctxopt_add_ctx_settings for the current context after its third argument.
- ctx_data
are the data pointers given to ctxopt_add_ctx_settings for the current context after its third argument.
The aim is to be able to consult/alter contexts specific data.
Example of actions setting:
void action(char * ctx_name, char * opt_name, char * param, int nb_values, char ** values, int nb_opt_data, void ** opt_data, int nb_ctx_data, void ** ctx_data) { ... } ... void ctxopt_add_opt_settings(actions, "opt1", action, &data_1, &data_2, &data_3, NULL);
This example associates the function action to the option opt1.
Here, the data_* pointers will be accessible to the function action when called through its argument opt_data and their number (3 here) through its argument nb_opt_data as mentioned above.
action will also have access to the current context data in the same way through its arguments ctx_data and nb_ctx_data.
The action argument param will receive the value of the specific parameter which triggered it - one of the parameters registered with ctxopt_add_opt_settings.
- constraints
This setting registers a function whose responsibility is to validate that the arguments of the option respect some constraints.
To do that the third argument must be a function pointer and the fourth argument must be some arbitrary parameter to this function needed to validate the constraint.
The constraint function must match the following prototype:
int (*) (int nb_args, char ** args, char * value, char * parameter);
- nb_args
is the number which will be set to the number of arguments fol- lowing the command line parameter.
- args
is an array of nb_args strings containing theses arguments.
- value
is an arbitrary string containing the constraints which must be respected by args.
- parameter
is the parameter of which value is an argument.
Three constraint functions are built-in and are described below. They give examples on how to build them.
Example of constraint function using the built-it regular expression constraint checker function:
ctxopt_add_opt_settings(constraints, "opt1", ctxopt_re_constraint, "[^:]+:.+");
In this example all the arguments of the option opt1 must match the extended regular expression:
See below for details about the function ctxopt_re_constraint.
- before or after
These settings allow to tell ctxopt than some options must be evaluated before or after a given option in a context. This can be useful, for example, if an action triggered by the evaluation of a option is required to be executed before the action of another option.
Example of before setting:
ctxopt_add_opt_settings(before, "opt1", "opt2 opt3");
In this example, opt2 and opt3 will be evaluated before opt1. The relative order of opt2 and opt3 evaluations will still follow their order of appearance in the command line.
Example of after setting:
ctxopt_add_opt_settings(after, "opt2", "opt3 opt4");
In this example, opt3 and opt4 will be evaluated after opt2. This example shows than we can combine multiple settings reusing options previously mentioned.
Incompatible setting combinations are not checked and will be ignored or lead to undefined behaviors.
- visible_in_help
These settings allow you to indicate that certain options should not be visible in the help messages. A use case could be to keep certain options hidden.
A third parameter whose value (case insensitive) is yes prevents the option from being visible and a value set to no (the default) forces if to be visible in the auto-generated help messages.
int ctxopt_format_constraint(int nb_args, char ** args, char * value, char * parameter);
This pre-defined constraint function checks whether the arguments in args respect a C printf format given in value, %2d by e.g. It returns 1 if the checking is successful and 0 if not.
int ctxopt_re_constraint(int nb_args, char ** args, char * value, char * parameter);
Another pre-defined constraint function which checks if the arguments of an option respects the extended regular expression given in value.
It returns 1 if the arguments respects the constraint and 0 if this is not the case.
int ctxopt_range_constraint(int nb_args, char ** args, char * value, char * parameter);
Yet another pre-defined constraint function. This one checks if the arguments of an option are in in a specified ranges.
value must contain a string made of a maximum of 2 long integers separated by spaces.
The first or the second of these numbers can be replaced with the character '.'. In this case only the minimum or maximum is checked and the '.' equals to plus or minus infinity depending of this place in the string.
It returns 1 if the arguments respects the constraint and 0 if this is not the case.
void ctxopt_analyze(int nb_words, char ** words, int * rem_count, char *** rem_args);
This function processes the registered contexts instances tree, detects errors and possibly reorganizes the options order according to given priorities.
The first two arguments are similar to the argc and argv arguments of the main function but without counting argv[0]. Therefore, in many cases, nb_words will have the value of argc-1 and words will have the value of argv+1.
The last two will receive the number of remaining (non analyzed) command line words and the array of these remaining words. Remaining words can be words appearing after
per example.All errors are fatal and terminates the program with a return code greater then 0.
int res_argc; char ** res_argv; ... ctxopt_analyze(argc-1, argv+1, &res_argc, &res_argv);
void ctxopt_evaluate(void);
This function walks through the tree of context instances previously built by ctxopt_analyze and launches the action attached to each options, if any, one after the other.
This function frees the memory used internally by ctxopt.
ctxopt is able to switch to debug mode if the variable CTXOPT_DEBUG is set to any not-empty value.
If this is the case, informational messages about how ctxopt analyses the command line are printed on the error output.
Each of them are prefixed with "CTXOPT_DEBUG: ".