WISE supports metadata defined over temporal segments of videos. In the future, the WISE team will add support to various other types of metadata. Here is an example of metadata import and search based on the Kinetics-6 dataset which is a set of 30 videos taken from the Kinetics dataset.
The Install guide describes the process of installing
WISE. We assume that the WISE software is installed in the wise
First, we download the Kinetics-6 dataset as follows.
## 1. Download the Kinetics-6 dataset
mkdir -p wise-data/Kinetics-6
curl -sLO "https://thor.robots.ox.ac.uk/wise/assets/test/Kinetics-6b.tar.gz"
tar -zxvf Kinetics-6b.tar.gz -C wise-data/Kinetics-6
Next, we extract visual and audio features and create a search index that will allow us to perform audio and visual search on the video collection.
## 2. Extract audiovisual features
mkdir -p wise-projects/
python3 extract-features.py \
wise-data/Kinetics-6/ \
--project-dir wise-projects/Kinetics-6/
The Kinetics-6 dataset comes with a sample metadata as shown below.
cat wise-data/Kinetics-6/metadata.csv
We import this metadata into WISE as follows.
python3 metadata.py import \
--from-csv wise-data/Kinetics-6/metadata.csv \
--metadata-id "Kinetics/6b/video_categories" \
--col-metadata-id metadata_id \
--col-filename "{metadata}/{filename}" \
--col-starttime starttime \
--col-stoptime stoptime \
--col-metadata metadata \
--project-dir wise-projects/Kinetics-6/
This creates a video_categories
table in a sqlite database named
. The database
and table name for storing the metadata is extracted from
flag. The video files in Kinetics-6 dataset are stored
as jogging/xyz.mp4
, singing/abc.mp4
, etc. Each row in the
file needs to be matched with existing video filenames
in the WISE project. Therefore, we use --col-filname "{metadata}/{filename}"
to generate a filename for each row in
such that it matches with the filenames stored in the
WISE project.
Next, we create an index of audiovisual features as well as text metadata.
python3 create-index.py \
--project-dir wise-projects/Kinetics-6/
Now, we are ready to search. First, let us verify that the metadata
has been imported successfuly by searching for videos tagged as singing
python search.py \
--query "singing" --in metadata \
--project-dir wise-projects/Kinetics-6/
Searching wise-projects/Kinetics-6/ for
[0] "singing" in metadata
Search results for "singing" in metadata
Rank Filename Time Score Original Ranks
0 singing/GO5DhmRmHco_000112_000122.mp4 0.0 - 10.0 -1.629 0
1 singing/I6NDj1EcP6w_000073_000083.mp4 0.0 - 10.0 -1.629 1
2 singing/WKSxT9T-P_U_000157_000167.mp4 0.0 - 10.0 -1.629 2
3 singing/arBpk6QCVFs_000064_000074.mp4 0.0 - 10.0 -1.629 3
4 singing/vdnskiY-DRc_000023_000033.mp4 0.0 - 10.0 -1.629 4
(search completed in 0.001 sec.)
This shows that all the 5 videos inside singing
folder have been
correctly tagged using the singing
text metadata. We want to find
all the videos that contains music but is not tagged with the
metadata. We can search for music
in the audio stream
(because the video stream is not ideal for identifying music) and
remove all the results that are tagged with singing
metadata as follows.
python search.py \
--query "music" --in audio \
--query "singing" --not-in metadata \
--project-dir wise-projects/Kinetics-6/
Searching wise-projects/Kinetics-6/ for
[0] "music" in audio
[1] "singing" not in metadata
Search results for "music" in audio and "singing" not in metadata
Rank Filename Time Score Original Ranks
0 frying-vegetables/hxK9mej0_zw_000086_000096.mp4 0.0 - 4.0 0.256 0
1 jogging/OmWoDAQM1kk_000000_000010.mp4 0.0 - 8.0 0.237 1,2
(search completed in 0.263 sec.)
You can download the Kinetics-6 dataset (50MB) and manually verify that these two videos files does indeed contain music.