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173 lines (136 loc) · 6.86 KB

File metadata and controls

173 lines (136 loc) · 6.86 KB



To query data to a Warp 10 instance, you will need a Warp 10 READ TOKEN. Use Basic Auth directly inside the URL to pass it properly, like this :


Query using curl

Now let's retrieve the previously pushed data.

The full documentation is available at{.external}

Let's write a query.json file which contains the following code:

 "start": 1346846000000,
 "end": 1346847300005,
 "queries": [
   "metric": "sys.cpu.nice",
   "aggregator": "min",
   "downsample": "4m-avg",
   "tags": {
    "host": "*",
    "dc": "*"

This will get all the saved points and compute the query before returning the result. The curl command to execute this query is:

curl --data-binary @query.json 'http://user:[READ_TOKEN]@'

You should expects a result similar to:

[{"metric":"sys.cpu.nice","tags":{"dce":"lga", "host": "web02"},"aggregateTags":["host","de"],
"dps": {"1346846340" :9, "1346846580" :9, "1346846820" :8, "1346847060" :8.5, "1346847300" :8.5}},{"m
etric":"sys.cpu.nice","tags":{"dce":"lga","host":"web01"},"aggregateTags":["host","dc"], "dps
":{"13468463460" :18, "1346846580" :18, "1346846820" :19, "1346847060" :19.5, "1346847300" :19.5}}]

Supported queries attributes

The Metrics platform offers almost a full support for OpenTSDB 2.3 queries.

OpenTSDB requests

The OpenTSDB requests attributes supported on the metrics platform are:

Attribute Type Supported
start Integer, String yes
end Integer, String yes
queries Array yes
noAnnotations Boolean no
globalAnnotations Boolean no
msResolution Boolean yes
showTSUIDs Boolean no
showSummary (2.2) Boolean no
showStats (2.2) Boolean no
showQuery (2.2) Boolean no
delete Boolean yes
timezone (2.3) String no
useCalendar (2.3) Boolean no

We do not support annotations (as in Metrics annotations can be stored in a series). showTSUIDs isn't implemented as our series are stored using an Hash of their classnames and tags.

The allowed strings date format are defined at{.external}.

OpenTSDB sub-queries

The OpenTSDB sub-queries attributes supported on the metrics platform are:

Attribute Type Supported
aggregator String yes
metric String yes
rate Boolean yes
rateOptions Map yes
downsample String yes
tags Map yes
filters (2.2) List yes
explicitTags (2.3) Boolean yes
percentiles (2.4) Boolean no

Settings explicitTags will result only on the series that have all theirs labels key in tags map and/or in filters list.

OpenTSDB rate-options

The OpenTSDB rate-options attributes supported on the metrics platform are:

Attribute Type Supported
counter Boolean yes
counterMax Integer yes
resetValue Integer yes
dropResets Boolean yes

OpenTSDB Filters

The OpenTSDB Filters attributes supported on the metrics platform are:

Attribute Type Supported
type String yes
tagk String yes
filter String yes
groupBy Boolean yes

OpenTSDB Aggregators

The OpenTSDB aggregators supported on the metrics platform are:

Attribute Interpolation Grouping/Downsampling Supported
avg Linear Interpolation Both yes
count Not counted when missing Both yes
dev Linear Interpolation Both yes
ep50r3 Linear Interpolation None no
ep50r7 Linear Interpolation None no
ep75r3 Linear Interpolation None no
ep75r7 Linear Interpolation None no
ep90r3 Linear Interpolation None no
ep90r7 Linear Interpolation None no
ep95r3 Linear Interpolation None no
ep95r7 Linear Interpolation None no
ep99r3 Linear Interpolation None no
ep99r7 Linear Interpolation None no
ep999r3 Linear Interpolation None no
ep999r7 Linear Interpolation None no
first None Downsampling yes
last None Downsampling yes
mimmin Not compared when missing Both yes
mimmax Not compared when missing Both yes
min Linear Interpolation Both yes
max Linear Interpolation Both yes
none Not counted when missing Grouping yes
p50 Linear Interpolation Both yes
p75 Linear Interpolation Both yes
p90 Linear Interpolation Both yes
p95 Linear Interpolation Both yes
p99 Linear Interpolation Both yes
p999 Linear Interpolation Both yes
sum Linear Interpolation Both yes
zimsum Zero when missing Both yes

OpenTSDB Downsampling fill policies

The OpenTSDB downsampling fill policies supported on the metrics platform are:

Policy Supported
None yes
NaN yes
Null yes
Zero yes

Go further


Any feedback on this implementation will be greatly welcomed, you can reach us on gitter.