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Class Policy



This is a 100% English class. English is the official language in the class, which requests all students to produce all results in English, including homework, assignment report, answer sheet of midterm/final exam. Note that non-English descriptions will be excluded in all kinds of evaluations of your submissions.

In meetings, the instructor will use English. It is highly recommended for the class participants to use English as well for discussion, yet they are allowed to use Korean in asking and answering questions; the instructor will repeat Korean sayings in English.

c.f. Is Handong Global? by Prof. Scott Lincoln

Contact with Instructor

Questions: Use Piazza. Put your question as a post with proper tags, by which the question and the answers can be shared in the class. For a private e-mail/message, the instructor and the TA will not response to a question on the learning material or the meeting.

Administrative requests: Use Piazza for a claim of missing attendance checks and for submitting the proof of an approved absence in order to make your message tracable.

Personal meeting: It is possible to have a meeting in person with the instructor to have academic advices. Send an e-mail to [email protected] first to make an appointment. Note that a personal meeting can be arranged only with a prior appointment via e-mail.

Improper solicitation: All kinds of improper soliciatations are strictly forbidden as declared in the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act (aka. Kim Young-ran Act), including the following cases: :

  1. Students cannot give a gift in any form to the instructor or the TA (even a can of coffee) while they are officially students in Handong
  2. Students can claim for correcting any error in evaluation, however they cannot ask the instructor/TA to change their gradings or any kind of evaluations
  3. Students cannot ask the instructor/TA any kind of unfair evaluations, even for exceptional cases. They must go to the Academic Affair Team to discuss their circumstances. Only upon the approvement from the Academic Affair Team, the instructor can change the rule/policy for the specific students.

Any violation of these will be reported to the Acaemic Affair Team for treatments. c.f. (1) 학교에서 알아야 할 김영란법 Q&A, (2) 학생들도 "청탁 마세요"

Teaching assistant

TA in this class is to assist the instructor to conduct the meetings, to support students for accomplishing assignments, and to process the educational materials such as grading exam, quizes, and assignments. In addition to this, TA offers Help Hour, a 1-hour weekly session for Q&A on the class material. Note that students cannot ask questions beyond the class material or ask personal help outside of the help hour.

Meeting Attendance

  • In every meeting, each student should declare his/her attendance via online system (due to the rule by the Ministry of Education of the Korea government).
    • Use Hisnet-NFC to declare your meeting attendance with your smartphone.
    • For any trouble of Hisnet-NFC, use Piazza to claim attendance by writing a private post with the request tag to Piazza
  • Approved absence (공인출석) is accepted only if (1) the instructor confirms that your case adheres to Act 8-34 of the HGU rule, and at the same time (3) you submit the proof
    • Act 8-34 of the HGU rule:

      아래에 명시된 사유로 인한 수업 불참은 공인출석으로 처리되어 결석으로 간주되지 않으나 사고발생전이나 발생즉시 또는 부득이한 경우에는 발생일로부터 15일 이내에 증빙서류을 첨부하여 담임지도교수와 학과(부)장을 경유, 담당교수에게 직접 제출하여야 하고 제5호에서 제9호까지는 교무처장의 사전승인 받은 후 담당교수에게 직접 제출하여야 한다. 다만, 계절학기의 경우 공인출석사유별 최대 허용일을 교무처장이 별도로 정한다.(개정 2017.12.15)

      1. 직계가족의 사망 및 이와 동등한 사고 [5일]
      2. 학생의 입원기간 및 통원치료로 출석이 어려운 경우(개정2016.11.21) [2주]
      3. 징병검사 등 병역의무로 인한 사유 [실제소요 기간]
      4. 군제대 복학 시 개강후 4주이내 복학자 [해당기간]
      5. 졸업여행, 교육실습, 야외실습 및 각 학과(부) 학술여행 [해당기간]
      6. 정부기관의 요청에 의한 동원 및 특별회합 [해당기간]
      7. 국제회합 및 이에 준하는 학생 활동 [실제 소요기간]
      8. 졸업예정자로서 국가 또는 기업체의 채용시험에 응시하는 사유 [실제 소요기간]
      9. 졸업예정자(8학기 이상 등록자)의 조기취업 등으로 인한 사유 [해당기간]
      10. 기타 총장이 허가하는 경우 [해당기간]
    • Proof submission: upload a scanned or photo image of your proof as a private post with the request tag

  • A student cannot pass this course (i.e., get 'F') if he/she has more than 7 meetings (>25%). This is very strict rule by the MOE of the Korea government.


Students will be rejected (i.e., get F) without any excuse if you faill into one of the following cases:

  • Academic dishonesty. Including the followings:
    • To see other's answer or unauthorized materials (including online ones) at an exam, quiz, assignment, etc.
    • To show his/her answer at an exam, quiz, assignment, etc.
    • To fake a point that matters to grading (attendance, discussion, peer evaluation)
  • Missing more than 7 meetings (see the Meeting Attendance part)
  • Not taking midterm or final exam c.f. Handong CSEE Code of Academic Ethics: